Bfn 12 dpo frer c. Hope u get ur BFP soon. BFN is soo neg not even a squinter - Page: 2. Oh, and I used a frer on 11 dpo, but got a BFN. Then my husband bought my claer blue Just curious if anyone else has had a bfn at 13 dpo and still get their bfp? My BBT has jumped from 98. I had spotting and cramping at 11 dpo and thought for sure AF was coming early but decided to test with an IC the next morning anyways. I’m between 12-13DPO, got my positive OPK on Monday March 25, and still getting BFN on FRER and CB early digital. Can't believe I'm pregnant! Feels so surreal ️ 9dpo - FRER bfn 10dpo - ASDA bfn 11dpo - CLEARBLUE bfn then evap line 12 dpo - FRER very very very faint line after 7 minutes , thought possible evap 14dpo - FRER faint positive, 2 CB faint positive 15dpo - CB digital FMU BFN 15dpo - FRER SMU faint positive 15dpo - ASDA BFP stronger. So don't lose hope until AF shows. I kind of Please help decipher this mess! I’m 10dpo. I guess I'll test again in the morning. Getting Pregnant. I then used an IC (not sure why but did) and I could barely see a line. I’m just wondering if anyone else had experiences with the FR rapid response- and false negatives?I’m reaching, but I’m so upset. Blood test at drs 13 dpo hcg only 18! This morning on frer a very strong undeniable bfp! 18dpo. took a test got bad Evaps on FRER and went to the doctor to get blood work. Edit to add early positives were with FRER. l. Anybody used a FRER at 11 dpo - got a bfn yes me! I had a BFN all the way from 11 DPO to 15DPO, then i gave up and thought AF is definitely coming. Posted 12-18-15. I’m feeling very discouraged today. DPO 11 & 12 BFN so hoping DPO 15 will be BFP I got a bfp 12 dpo on a confirm. Then today, 13 DPO I Hi Ciene! I am now 14 dpo and still no AF and got a bfn 12 & 13dpo. Chat homepage; Netmums Drop-In clinic which can actually happen anywhere between 6 and 12 DPO. I am 12 dpo too :) I have taken 4 tests all bfn. 13dpo-a little bit of yellow cm, cervix higher and softer-closed,sense of smell Didi any of you get a BFN at 10 DPO And then got BFP? Original poster's comments (5) my apps are all over and the vvvfl on 11dpo could actually be 12 or 13 dpo :) ill attach pic of am and then pm! See all replies (1) y. ) Chemical pregnancy 3/2010. To complicate matters, my thyroid levels (I'm hypothyroid) increased dramatically on a routine blood test the other day despite me having lost 20lbs since my last test. Looking for some support! Just took this test, not FMU. I have no idea. I used the clearblue digital (smile vs empty circle). Does this mean I'm out? Had been so hopeful because of my chart and now I feel really I tested today (?CD 10) 4 days early with a First Response and BFN. I don't know what I'm really looking for 'symptom' wise as I haven't been pregnant before; but so far: sore and sensitive nipples ; very tired; emotional! AF cramps but faint; extreme waves of nausea; Has anybody ever had a BFN followed by a BFP in the same Some people may be able to test positive for pregnancy at 12 days post ovulation (DPO). Soniamillie01 Well-Known Member. And hcg then takes 48 hours to get to detectable levels after implantation, so you might only see a FRER | CD28 | 12 DPO - Update on test the urgent care doctor said was “certainly negative” 3. I had BFn on FRER on 12 DPO and on the very next day it was a BFP. But I have exactly the same symptoms as you. BFN 12 DPO, BFP 16DPO, FRER Hi all. That's so annoying! That is exactly what my frer looked like yesterday morning. So I waited until this mornings FMU and tested again with both a frer and a Wondfo. Would you say I'm out ?? Planning to test tomorrow . I will put yesterday's faint line down to being just one of those weird things that happen during TTC! I've had awful lines on frer this past week, currently 12 dpo, tested at 10dpo and definitely a line (and slightly pink), but bfn yesterday and today. Laura28104. If so, I got a BFN 11 dpo and again on a digital (my last one! I was I tested 10, 12 and 13 DPO on FRER but all BFN so far and I’m losing hope ☹️ this is our 2nd cycle TTC#1. I hope your temp stays nice and high, and that you get a different result in a couple days! 🤞 Hey nat I'm in the same boat, 12 dpo today and period due in 3 days. Also, not everyone doubles hcg in 48 hours (36-72 hours is considered normal I 11 DPO - BFN with FRER. Open comment sort options. X 12 dpo bfn with FRER. Quote BFN at on a FRER 9dpo (I think!) Hi hun, yea i had a bfn on thursday and friday which was 12 and 13 dpo for me im due af today. My account. Yes it causes so many women to think they have a bfp but it ends up as a chemical that occurs on the day you expect your period😕 my LP is 12 days long so I wait until 12/13dpo to test. I think it’s positive! But today is 11dpo. pink_fairy_13. The BFN at 12 DPO wasn't a false BFN. Top. ( 3 weeks early weighing 8 lbs 12. I had first faint positives at 12 and 13 dpiui (and negatives the day before) but both ended in miscarriage. Absolutely zilch. It’s also possible to experience early symptoms, such as breast tenderness. I tested in 8dpo and it was super faint line. I had my last period on the 15/12/20. Been TTC for a year 10 dpo is still early since the average day for implantation is 9 dpo and then your body needs time to produce enough hcg to show up positive. Af due Friday . Like. All signs pointed to ovulation day being accurate. (Blighted ovum) Third pregnancy: 10 DPO. BFN 12 DPO, BFP 16DPO, FRER BFN on 10 DPO with FRER, and on 12 DPO today with a cheapie (not FRER), and feeling bummed. You are definitely pregnant! Since 10 DPO I've been getting good lines on OneStep IC thin and wide strips, and now even the 25 hcg cassette. @ElleBelleLou I had BFN on frer at 9dpo in the evening. 8 oz. Chelsie Well I’m in the same situation. So today I’m 12dpo with a bfn! I’ve had cramps since ov which is unusual for me! They eased off now! But I’ve had so many inhale symptoms. Hi everyone, I had my last period on the 15/12/20. Came back negative then my period came that night ): it may not be the same for you but try not to stress and if it Tested FRER 10dpo and got what I thought was a v v faint positive. Just curious what others experience has been. I was positive I was out , did not have usual symptoms 13 dpo Bfp wondfo bfn frer? Possible Squinter Top two are from 8 this morning (line visible immediately on wondfo) bottom two are from 12n 😟 Share Add a Comment. Show 12 Previous Comments. I am only 15dpo though so about 2 days late but all BFN (on a FRER). Yes I got my BFP on day 12 after BFN on day 10 and 11 Good luck. Share Sort by: Best. I tested at 9, 11, then 14 DPO. I continued to use FRER and IC every other day to see the line get darker and it did on the FRER but IC looked the same every time. I thought I was 19 DPO but had a bfn on a cheapie on Sunday. I tested from 8 dpo to 12 dpo with FRER and all turned negative I took a break today(13 dpo) and did not test. pretty much just wondering the odds of a BFP after 12 dpo. :( trying to stay positive though because I've been reading and alot of girls don't get bfps till 13 dpo or more. Symptoms are nausea, urinating more, extreme With my last pregnancy (ended oN 1/7) I didn't get a bfp until 14 dpo on a frer. m. All women have a different level of base beta hcg in their system (between 1 and 5 but can be less than 1) and implantation occurs any time between 6dpo and 12dpo. BBTs OK, and making me hold on to some hope though?. Didn't think I'd be so disappointed, as I know 9DPO is still early! That I got 3 false positives in a row tonight? I am 12 dpo and I have been testing since 8dpo, all bfns. Most people told me i was seeing things. Best. I had a dip at 9dpo implantation?I had a BFN at 10 dpo then 11 dpo BFP with frer and digital!FX for you! loveinbinary Proud First Time Mommy! Joined Apr 10, 2010 Messages 1,593 Reaction score 0. December 2009. Go. I would like to hear from ladies who got a BFN at 13dpo or later followed by a BFP please. I took a FRER at lunchtime (6 hour hold) today at it was basically negative. so I took a FRER at 14 dpo and got my BFP. This cycle I've had symptoms I've never had before and was convinced it was my month 12 DPO BFN FRER. January 12, 2025 | by avinlander21. Second photo, I took the two cheapies and again saw a hint of a line on 14dpo so went to get a frer and got a faint bfp in that pic. This will be my first pregnancy. Normally when you lose weight, you reduce your dosage. mle24. That was my pregnancy that ended with my son who is cuddling with me right now. Same with this morning CD 28 red spotting when using the loo. As they say your not out till AF arrives. on right side; increase libido; BFN 12 dpo - very sore breasts, larger nipples; creamy CM; crampy; increase libido; BFN Tested 15 dpo with a FRER - only one line. Both what seemed like faint lines but I’m aware of my line eyes. I was so sure I was pregnant because of all the troll pg symptoms-My chart was even looking triphasic! Ugh! At 12 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. It can take up to 12 days to even implant So no you’re not out yet, most people wouldn’t get a positive yet. Had slight spotting on 10 & 11 DPO. I'm going to ask for betas this week to get more info but I'm really not feeling positive. 12 DPO. 1 of 2 Go to page. Just want AF to come now so that I can begin again with next month. So disheartened, after a chemical last month I was really When I found out I was pregnant with DD I used a FRER on 12 dpo and it was BFP right away. I got a BFN at 10 DPO and then went on to get a BFP at 13 DPO (I didn't test on 11 or 12 DPO). Like Yes every single one was a FRER! It still baffles me how they didn’t show up. Babymorag. Reply reply Me again- woke up to a temp drop and bfn on an frer. I have felt very sad today Posted 12-17-15. Late implantation generally does not lead to sticking (peer review says implantation after day 10-12 tends to be detrimental for the embryo), First I got a bfn at 8dpo and got this today. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. Argh I'm driving myself crazy . I’m According to FF, I am 10 dpo with the Advanced setting. I got bleeding for 2 days in 11-12 dpo. So my presumed 11 DPO might only be 10 DPO. I am 12 dpo and it has been a roller coaster. I started spotting a very light pink mucus on 9dpo plus have just had generally increased mucus discharge. ☺ 12 dpo. Report 0 Reply. I took this test today and BFN. July 2010. I was testing negative at what I assumed was 11,12, AND 13 dpo. It took me forever to turn one of those +. Tested FRER 10dpo and got what I thought was a v v faint positive. HI! Has not happened to me as I am TTC baby #1 but I am in the same boat! 9 DPO and BFN this morning as well. MissSazra Well-Known Member. Joined May 12, 2011 Messages 7,750 Reaction score 78. Say you implanted on 8dpo (most common days are 8,9 and 10) and have a base beta hcg of 1 that doubles every 48 hours. Took a test this morning and I can see a shadow of a line that appeared on pregmate within the window (photos taken while test is wet). At 9 & 10 dpo it's possible (actually likely according to the science) you might still be implantating so the tests will be negative on those days but you could still then get your bfp. Anyone had a bfn at 12 dpo with a FRER and still get a positive later?? I pretty much had my cry this morning, figuring I was out. M. Apr 14, 2013 I got a BFN today too, think I am 15 DPO but not 100% as I left my thermometer 12 DPO -FRER VFL or BFN?? Question Archived post. Last time I only got a BFP at 15dpo xx. I got symptoms like cramps, sore breasts, constipations, lower back pain, mood swings, bloating from 3 dpo. Has anyone reading this had a bfn on an FRER at 12dpo but then go on to get a bfp? x . I was positive I was out , did not have usual symptoms I'm 12DPO- AF is supposed to arrive Saturday 12/23. I got a bfn at 9dpo and a I had my BFN at 14dpo, and then my BFP using FRER at 17dpo, and again on the digital at 18dpo (the day AF was due). and I am also not having any cramping like I usually do with AF. There’s still hope ladies! Like. Update - 12 DPO today and have just got brown discharge after I wiped. If At 14 dpo I got negative test result on FRER (I mean STARK white test). Old. I was pregnant, had sore boobs, tiredness, moody, etc. doulagirl78. Am I out for this month or is it still possible to have bfp (AF due I was 12 dpo when I got the faintest positive on an IC and FRER. My AF should be tommorow. I think from how i'm feeling now, and from reading other negative posts on here about testing early-In the future I wont be So it's entirely normal to be pregnant with a bfn at 12dpo. Negative on 9 DPO. @sweetpea0711, Here is my update: the frer tonight could not be more negative. Imagine my surprise when i convinced myself that i was seeing a faint line. Just looking to see if there's anyone else almost at the end (or beginning) with me!This our 10th cycle TTC and I have sore boobs, creamy CM, and I had cramps for 3 days in a row a few days ago. Very very nauseous tonight. There is still hope, i think I ovulated Anyone get a bfn 12 dpo and end up getting a bfp that cycle?Been trying to conceive for a year and a half. On 13 and 14 DPO test lines have gotten lighter. Let me know how u get on. 3 mIU/ml and above, and in practice many of the cheapie strips aren't too far behind. New comments Hi, I am 14DPO today. 02 today. I m so upset Community; Getting Pregnant I have heard of a lot of women getting + on FRER and - on digi because of testing too early. 12-15 dpo FRER. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I don't know if it's too Tbh my body seemed all over the place this month! I reckon I must've been 12 dpo approx when got my bfn so 16 for bfp. The first one developed normally and was on track until past 8 weeks, but the second was way too slow to darken (my husband couldn't even detect positive until 17 dpiui) and that one was behind earlier. I tested again in the evening and frer was BFN but the Wondfo was a BFP/vfl! So confusing. Controversial So this pregnancy when I got a BFN at 10 dpo, I was sure I wasn't pregnant. I was hopeful it was implantion bleeding, but looks like I'm just having new body changes and hormones at 32. I'm 12dpo today and was using those early pregnancy test. New. Third picture is four tests (top tests of each brand being the 13dpo and bottom of each brand being like 11dpo clearly BFN). Her cycle varies from 28-33 day No period yet and she’s still having some symptoms like breast tenderness and fatigue. pipsbabybean Well-Known Member. Ughh I am losing my mind!!! I am officially 20 dpo. I tested yesterday (12 dpo) with a frer and got a BFN (not even a squinter). On 14dpo, i gave up. Tested this morning at 12DPO and got BFN on a FRER! I'm starting to get pessimistic for this cycle, but maybe because I really wish to I’m at 12dpo and got a stark white bfn on a frer. Quote @Mistressiggi Thankyou 🙈 did you test at 10/11 DPO & get a BFN then go on to test & get a BFP? Bought a frer and got a great line. Negative on 9 DPO (currently 18 weeks) Check out the website countdown to pregnancy where they go over positive tests by the day At 12 DPO, some women start to notice more pronounced early pregnancy symptoms, while others may still feel no different. Embee12. And I really mean a BFN, stark white, fresh snow white, not even the faintest of faintest line to obsess over. I was so sure I Hello everyone! I’m 12 dpo and got a bfn today, I didn’t use fmu nor did I do a hold, I used FRER and it was a bfn! I am having tons of symptoms and am a couple of days late for AF, losing hope now but am wondering has anyone tested negative this late and then gotten a positive, if so how many dpo ? FRER | CD28 | 12 DPO - Update on test the urgent care doctor said was “certainly negative” 3. But I got a negative FRER at 13dpo. Learn more about what to expect at 12 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. Home; Family Breaks; Test & Review; Chat. 8 today. 🤞 Did a further CB test about 3 days after my FRER and got 2nd pregnancy: Negative on FRER at 12 DPO, Positive on FRER at 17 DPO 1st pregnancy: Positive on FRER at 14 DPO (didn't test before that) I got BFN's on 10, 11, 12, and 13 DPO on dollar tree tests. All hope has gone, I bet AF shows up I’m 12 dpo today and got a BFN on the same test though I really thought I was pregnant. Hi ladies, I took a FRER this afternoon it was BFN @ 9DPO only 1. Joined Mar 7, 2013 Messages 124 My very faint line at 12 DPO initially only appeared after the 5 minute window was up so I suspected evap but the line started appearing quicker and quicker and got This was my first month using OPKs. How many days of EWCM do you get before ovulation? Need some support and success stories re: bleeding in Anybody had a bfn on a frer at 10 dpo and go on to have a bfp at a later stage? Thanks ladies x. Sign Out. I also had a bfp at 15dpo that ended in miscarriage at 10 weeks (I think the last bfn I had with that one was 12dpo and then assumed I wasn't but af still didn't come and then the pharmacy was closed until 14dpo and I waited until the next morning to test So last night (12dpo), I got what I think is a pretty clear BFP on a first response, but this afternoon I took a clear blue digital and it said “not pregnant”. @sweetpea0711, I didn't get a BFP til 14 dpo. BFN 12 DPO, BFP 16DPO, FRER Posted 12-31-12. I have been getting some faint positives on Wondfo brand for the past two days. Thyite Well-Known Member. Every body's cycle is different so it's just too difficult to tell. It's black, brown and dark red. Also, not everyone doubles hcg in 48 hours (36-72 hours is considered normal I I'm 12 dpo today (o confirmed with CB advanced opk but no temping) and just got a stark white bfn on frer :( I'm so gutted :( Is there really hope for me still? I had a chemical last cycle and swore not to test early this Me again- woke up to a temp drop and bfn on an frer. I feel like I can't believe the digital Looking for some support! Just took this test, not FMU. I am 14dpo. Please help decipher this mess! I’m 10dpo. ☺ Anybody had a bfn on a frer at 10 dpo and go on to have a bfp at a later stage? Thanks ladies x. It just made me realise that waiting until AF is due is probably the best thing, and prevents getting upset by a BFN. So I finally tested on a FRER and it's an ice white BFN!! Has this happened to anyone else? First pregnancy: positive on 8-9 DPO but it was so early some of the tests I took were negative (2 year old son) Second pregnancy: 10 DPO. Iv sore boobs and the odd niggles but not too many symptoms. First photo, waited two more days and got a darker frer bfp (pictured with the Hi ladies. Definite bfp at 13dpo and then bled 3 days later 😕 HungryHorace · 11/04/2017 12:26 9 DPO is thereabouts the first day you'd be likely to get a BFP, so most people who were going to get a BFP would get a BFN at 9 DPO. Im counting myself out now. Good luck! Xx :) Firstbabyhopes2014 Original Poster. I took the newest FRER today, the one where it tests 6 days before your missed period and it was a Hello ☺️ looking for some insight from anyone who may have had/ has a similar situation. I'm just hoping it's too early to get a positive so holding on to hope. Newsletter. Q&A 10 dpo, 12 dpo, 14 dpo - easy at home brand does the line progression look okay? On another app someone immediately said “chemical pregnancy Trying to conceive (TTC) can be an exciting time, but for some it may prove more difficult than expected. I will test on tuesday if AF doesn't 11 dpo - went up a cup size over night, very sore breasts; creamy CM; crampy esp. I want to repeat the test this afternoon but I am stuck at work until 7 and I already consumed 3 frer packs😂😂 With BFP #2, I had a BFN at 12 DPO, had IB at 14 DPO (latest end of the range for implantation btw) then I got a BFP at 18 DPO. Am I out, or any realistic hope? Thanks in advance! Archived post. See all replies (1) BFN at 10dpo and BFP at 13dpo both with frer tests!! :) The TWW is awful, but early testing isn't usually the answer! I got a BFN yesterday at 12 dpo (and the days beforehand) 10th, and 90th percentile hCG levels of pregnant women at each DPO. coross. Tonight I dipped a test like Today I'm at 14 DPO and I've considered myself out since my BBT drop and negative FRER on 12 DPO. Sorry I can't be more helpful. I took a FRER and I think I might see a very faint faint line that doesn't show up in a pic so I'm thinking it may be an evap line. A real squinter!! I then took another frer in the evening and although faint, it wasn't a squinter. Bought a frer Alright so I believe I’m about ~13 DPO but I could be off some. I didn’t get my bfps until 11, 11, and 12 dpo with my three babies I’m 9dpo today and tested with a frer and bfn. BFN 12 DPO, BFP 16DPO, FRER Hi everyone, I m 12 DPO today and just tried a clear blue digi and got not pregnant . Today I woke up with a spiked BBT and AF hasn't started yet with 15 DPO approaching. The line on my FRER this time round was pretty faint at 12/13 dpo but it @Rightnow1245 11dpo is super early and you might just not have enough hcg in your system yet. Posted 06-04-12. I’ve had all the symptoms. On DPO 14 I ran out of those, so I took a CBE Digital, and it came up Pregnant pretty quickly! I had a BFN on an FRER at 12dpo and a faint line showed up at 13dpo. I test again 12 days later and got a BFP. had this super weird burning cramp yesterday which I thought could maybe be implantation or maybe start of AF. When 10 dpo and 11 dpo passed this time, I thought I was for sure out! I used my last FRER at 12 dpo with FMU and Looking for some support! Just took this test, not FMU. So disheartened, after a chemical last month I was really First pregnancy: positive on 8-9 DPO but it was so early some of the tests I took were negative (2 year old son) Second pregnancy: 10 DPO. I got a BFN on CD36 when I thought I was a week late, but then I still didn't get a period, so I finally gave in and put my info into FF and they said I didn't AF was due 5/1 and I tested then, got a BFN ( so 14 dpo?). com dip strips with nothing, so I thought I should try a frer because I figured by now I would have a squinter too. Having creamy cm and my cervix feels high today. OP posts: See next 13dpo was the soonest I ever got a bfp with frer. I’ve got 2 more in the pack and I’m 12DPO today. But I’m nervous maybe the frer is a false positive? How could I be getting I’m a little worried about this. Could this have been implementation? I’m 12dpo today feels a little late for that, and would I have a negative this morning if it I'm 13 dpo today and BFN. So now when I’m seeing a BFN at 9 dpo, 10 dpo, 11 dpo and 12 dpo I’m thinking I’m out, AF coming. comments. Good luck. Then I missed my next period, was adamant I was pregnant as I had sore Woke up CD 27 with some red spotting when using the loo. Controversial. I think my only symptoms so far are tender breast and bloating (though I read that it can be PMS too). @walkerm98 Inthink you may need to google normal DPO testing times as 11dpo is still early!! My drs say to not test till you are a week On 12 DPO today and checked this morning and BFN But then when I tested this morning- PDG is still up at 12 and e3g spiked as well AF is due for 6/5 I have my annual bloodwork tomorrow- I will ask to test my PDG and beta HCG Anything else I should ask for ? Bfn on frer at 12dpo. Days later, still no period. L. Af is due in two days and my bbt usually plummets by now but instead it’s still the highest it’s ever been! I’m certain of my O date so I’m not off but I’m totally clueless. BFn for me at 9&10 dpo with a frer but positive on 9&10 dpo with a $1 testand at 12dpo I got a digi that was positive. You’ve probably heard of the term ‘dpo’, or ‘days past ovulation’, but for the uninitiated it’s pretty much what you’d expect – how many days have passed since you last ovulated. Last pregnancy I got a strong bfp 11dpo so reckon u would have gotten one sooner. I also had a mc in November. Flu, cold, migraine from 8 dpo. I got a negative at 12 DPO and got my BFP yesterday at 15 DPO, so there definitely still hope! Aimee. My pee smells different and very strong but im very hydrated. Family. Guides. I believe I got a BFN this time at 12 dpo, the day my period was supposed to start and a BPF the next day Remember that technically you can still implant at 12 dpo. The hasnt shown up(she was due today). Keep in mind a sensitive test like FRER picks up 6. Whiter than snow. 4 days later she still hadn't arrived so i tested again at 19DPO and got my BFP! Funny thing is when i checked the FRER i had taken on 15DPO there was a line - 4 days later!! that definitely was not there at the time i tested. tested negative at 11 and 12 dpo and didn't test again until 15 and finally got my bfp. I got all the symptoms from 3 dpo. And with IVF you can be much more certain of your ovulation date. I tested again this morning (12 dpo) So I am 11DPO today, and got a BFN using FMU 😢. 3 to 98. Reply reply My wife is 14 DPO from IUI and got a BFN using first response. Saturday i got 2 bfps and another 2 on sunday so dont count your self out yet im due af today and my bfp lines are very faint so not alot of hcg detected could be you havent got enough to detect GL and ill keep my fingers crossed for you x I used FRER. With my first pregnancy, I got negatives on first responses until I was 2 days late. I also did a clear blue digital which said “not pregnant” but I opened it up and saw two faint lines in the areas where the test would come up. 12 DPO, E@H test, CD 53. I didn't get a BFP until weeks after ovulation! I feel like I just saw a post from someone on GP that got BFNs on day 10 and 12 and then a BFP on 16DPO. OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report fizzyblush · 02/07/2020 06:20 Bump. BFN frer @ 12 dpo. I’ve seen many women not get a positive until 14-15 dpo. 6. comment. Negative on 9 DPO (currently 18 weeks) Check out the website countdown to pregnancy where they go over positive tests by the day I got a stark white negative on a FRER with FMU this morning. Hi everyone, I m 12 DPO today and just tried a clear blue digi and got not pregnant . It would be 14/15dpo before a sensitive Clear blue etc most start detecting at a hormone level of around 10. First Year. 15 dpo, i took my last FR test just to throw it away pretty much. Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. 9 dpo is a squinter, then 10 dpo it's a bfp I didn’t test until 12 DPO my last cycle but when I did it was blazingly positive! I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant. 12, 2016 We all have different levels of base hcg (between 1-5 for most but can be under 1) and implantation can happen between 6-12 dpo. Just frustrating when you see all 12 DPO Reply reply ShanLanHen • Trying to hold onto a teeny tiny bit of hope now even after getting a BFN at 10DPO with a FRER. No matter where you are in your journey, this community aims to provide support and science-backed guidance for all actively trying to conceive. 7 answers / Last post: 01/03/2021 at 2:00 pm. Posted 09-12-11. Pregnancy. Breast changes: Increased tenderness, swelling, or tingling in the breasts or nipples. nowIdriveAminivan. 8 DPO Apr. I tested on 12 DPO and 15 DPO and got BFNs. only lasted a few minutes then went away and no AF yet. 11 DPO BFN Is there still any hope? Pregnancy tests. I’ve been getting stark white bfn on the easy@home tests but I just knew based on my symptoms and no af that something was up. :-(. I was positive I was out , did not have usual symptoms Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. Positive story’s of bfp after bfn with frer. My AF will be due in 3-4 days. 3 days after missed period. Posted 01-03-19. Stellrose. My period was due today, I’m 12 dpo. 3 days later at 12dpo in morning I got a very faint pink but very clear BFP 👏 AF is due Saturday. My cheapies were showing lines at 11dpo in the evening, though! Brutal honesty please. A definite BFN today at 7DPO. FRER | CD28 | 12 DPO - Update on test the urgent care doctor said was “certainly negative” 3. I tested BFN at 15 DPO then got my BFP at 21 DPO back in 2012. I've been patiently waiting to test on a FRER to get a good line on the first try. E. I can't answer your question but we are cycle twins and your story sounds so much like mine! 12 dpo and bfn. Usually 8 dpo is the bfn. Fertilityfriend. I got a BFP/ vvvvvfl on a frer yesterday FMU and a BFN on a cheapie Wondfo. LNB1106. No af or any signs of af even coming. Sort by: Best. one miscarriage and one cp. Toddler. com has a breakdown of % for FRER on their site. I’m anywhere from 13-19 DPO. Baby Names. It is absolutely not conclusive. The NHS advises that ovulation usually For anyone that's tested with FRER how many DPO did you get a positive, even just a faint positive. Don't give uplots and lots of women get the faintest of lines at 12 dporemember implantation takes anywhere from 6-12 days after ovulation (then it takes your body 1-2 days I had nothing on frer 9 and 10 dpo (not even an indent). FRER starts at 6. I tested at 10 and 11 dpo (I know, definitely early) and got a bfn. If you got your bfp at 11 dpo or later let’s hear about it! I’d also love to know any symptoms you did or didn’t have. If your LP is 14 days then you need to wait until 14/15 dpo. I have had creamy CM, craving fish (which I hate), been exhausted and my bbs have been sore the past couple days way worse than normally Did you get your BFP after 11DPO and a BFN? 8DPO - obvious faint line on CB (classed as neg) did a frer was BFN 10DPO - continued with my one step. didn’t test for a couple days and got a positive on 13 dpo. Tested again tonight at 11DPO using an ultra early Clearblue, another BFN. Good luck! Report 0 Reply. I took a First Response Rapid Result this morning and got a BFN(Stark white). Tested again today at 12 dpo and it didn’t look any darker. Wondfo I can kinda see an extremely faint line but I think I’m just going delulu (attached With BFP #2, I got a BFN at 12 DPO, had IB at 14 DPO and got a BFP at 18 DPO. Warning I got bfn on frer and clearblue at 12dpo! Got a faint bfp on day af was due and a strong bfp the next morning xxxx . Sign Up. Does this mean I m out? AF due Tuesday/Wednesday. I’d been testing up until that point on various different tests and all stark white. Report as Inappropriate. Joined Sep 17, 2010 Messages 890 10 dpo BFN on FRER anyone turn BFP after this? Thread starter Colleen12589; Start date May 25, 2011; Forums New posts 1; 2; Next. Posted 08-04-14. . Got BFN 8 dpo and another BFN today Has anyone gotten a BFN around 15 dpo and then gone on to get a BFP after that? Log in. So according to the OPKs I ovulated on the 1st (CD13 of a 28 day cycle). some eggs don't even start implanting until up to 12 dpo and it can take 1-4 days to implant! Then the kidneys have to process the hormone meaning 9DPO and BFN on FRER. nina&matt member. I know it’s early but I had a bfp with my son at 8dpo so I feel like I’m out now. Original poster's comments (2) 1. I am 12 dpo and haven't tested today . Hubby couldn’t see. Sydney Adriana born sleeping on 9/30/11 weighing 10lbs 3 oz at 38wks 4 days. Then it tapered off. Here are some common 12 DPO symptoms: Cramping: 12 DPO cramping can occur due to early pregnancy or premenstrual changes. FRER appears to be negative which to me is surprising because lines typically show up way sooner on FRER than pregmate. caved and tested with afternoon urine held for 3 hours and got a bfn on an FRER. My friend was exactly the same. Sometimes implantation doesn't happen until 12 DPO and then it takes a couple days before it can be high enough to show on a pregnancy test. I usually have 14 day luteal phase so I’m not sure if I should be discouraged quite yet or if I could still get my bfp. Advertisement | page continues below. With my first, I got a vvfl at 9 DPO and a BFP at 10 DPO. MrsOliveira23. Log out. olivejuice127. I didn't bother doing a digital until 14 dpo because with how faint the other tests were I didn't think I'd have a hope of seeing pregnant on it. Report as Inappropriate We all have different levels of base hcg (between 1-5 for most but can be under 1) and implantation can happen between 6-12 dpo. If implantation occurred as late as 6 or 7 DPO, is it possible my BFP could still come in the next few days? Hi! I’m also 8dpo today and got a BFN this morning on a 6 day early FRER. How long after implementation cramping do you get a BFP? I had pretty strong cramps in my pelvic area last night around 10pm they lasted about an hour or so, felt like pulling. Been testing from 10 dpo. Annabelle H(34) 27/02/2021 at 8:55 am. Last edited 12-28-17. Babymaker02. On 9-12 DPO, had very faint lines on FRER, pregmate and Blue test. Has anyone gotten a positive after 12 dpo BFN? Share Add a Comment. Just 9dpo - FRER bfn 10dpo - ASDA bfn 11dpo - CLEARBLUE bfn then evap line 12 dpo - FRER very very very faint line after 7 minutes , thought possible evap 14dpo - FRER faint positive, 2 CB faint positive 15dpo - CB digital FMU BFN 15dpo - FRER SMU faint positive 15dpo - ASDA BFP stronger. @sec777, i my BFP last night and another this morning with a FRER!! Like. That said, there are several factors that change the timing prospects, namely ovulating later than you thought and a later implantation. Although I ended up with an early miscarriage. I’m preparing I think at 12 DPO there's still a 10% chance it could be a false negative on a FRER. Sandra_Kay @SophiesMom82, jjparker55 @SophiesMom82, I got a bfn on a frer at 12dpo also and now I am 16dpo and haven't testedI did get a blood test this morning so waiting on the resultsWould love to get the results you did for 9dpo BFN on frer, should I give up hope The very earliest you can get a BFP is 9 DPO. Hope this is our month and we implanted late. The FRER was what told Thanks ladies, I know I'm not out until witch arrives but realistically I felt after 12 dpo of bfn then that's probably accurate x ? Advertisement | page continues below. Hey all! I am due for AF tomorrow and got a BFN this morning on a clearblue digital ept. 5 I believe. 5hrs after drinking 2 glasses of squash! It was a bad move, I feel I'm definitely out this cycle now I have lost all PMA Hi there, I'm 12 dpo today and reading way into my symptoms. FRER brand Question Period was supposed to start today and it hasn’t. Anybody had a bfn on a frer at 10 dpo and go on to have a bfp at a later stage? Thanks ladies x. My attitude is you're not out until AF arrives. I tested at 15 dpo (and 3 times before at 11dpo, 12 dpo and 13dpo) and got a bfn, i didnt test again until 18dpo when i started to get pregnancy symptoms and i got a very clear bfp Good luck and baby dust! Good luck in you next cycle clo_mid *hugs* Lol. My last cycle was a lp of 12 and a cycle length of 27 days. Given that. This time it So, I took an hpt on 12 dpo - BFNand today 13 dpo - BFNand my temps are still up but came down just . I got a BFN at 9 or 10dpo last cycle and then a faint positive that turned a little more positive and a digital Had been so hopeful because of my chart and now I feel really disheartened. Today I'm 9dpo, tested with FRER 6 day sooner and got a BFN. I temp and OPK and I still feel like my O date could be a day off. BFN 11DPO - one step and frer. I am now 20dpo and cd 34. I THINK I ovulated on CD 8, on Dec 26. Then I missed my next period, was adamant I was pregnant as I had sore boobs and naturally got a test only to receive a BFN. While the whole range of implantation is 6-12 DPO, the most common seems to not be until 8 12 dpo BFN but cramping. BFN. BFN this am on a FRER. I'm trying so hard not to be devastated, but this month felt different because I spotted for the first time ever 6 DPO and evening of 10 DPO and now im 12 DPO with a negative FRER. I know, early. Honestly, I would of put money I was testing since 8 dpo and all negatives then felt off 9dpo like i was getting my period so stopped testing after 13dpo as all were negative. I am holding out hope that this is a viable pregnancy. I meant to buy a FRER. 6 good positive!! Its actually really early to get a positive at 10dpo, some eggs don't even start implanting until up to 12 dpo and it can take 1-4 days AF was due 5/1 and I tested then, got a BFN ( so 14 dpo?). Is this my BFP? I got a BFN yesterday (14 DPO) and got a very faint BFP today with a FRER (15 DPO, AF was due to day). S. All hope has gone, 11 DPO - BFN with FRER. Popular Chat. I don’t feel like it is either. Really hoping you get a BFP and everyone else too. My body so tricked me this month! Breasts are still super sore and swollen Hey ladies, We have been ttc #1 for 5 cycles now! I ovulated really late this month (cd27) but my cycles have been 34-40 days since implanon removal! Currently cd 39 and tested :bfn: this afternoon with a FRER :growlmad: Had been really hopeful this month as ++cramps around 8dpo and really I am also 11 dpo today and tested bfn with FMU. I confirmed it with a digital! Good luck--it's possible! 12 DPO Reply reply ShanLanHen • Trying to hold onto a teeny tiny bit of hope now even after getting a BFN at 10DPO with a FRER. I don't trust those ICs. Next Last. The first cycle I had BFP at 10 DPO but ended up as a chemical pregnancy last month. I tested at 10dpo and got a bfn then tested again 12dpo and got my BFP! b. At 10 So I tested yesterday morning at 10DPO on a FRER using FMU. BFN this morning. See all replies (1) BFN at 10dpo and BFP at 13dpo both with frer tests!! :) I’ve had a definite bfn on a frer this morning at 8dpo. If bleeding doesn’t get stronger I’m going to test in a couple days assuming this is implantation bleeding. 16 dpo - menstruation. I tested 10 and 11 dpo and got bfn using frer . I am 12 dpo, negative test at 10dpo. The lines have been getting darker every day. I think 12 DPO is a pretty good date to consider yourself “out” at. AF should be here in a couple days, so I’m trying to tell myself to just wait it out instead of wasting until necessary. Hey ladies, We have been ttc #1 for 5 cycles now! I ovulated really late this month (cd27) but my cycles have been 34-40 days since implanon removal! Currently cd 39 and tested :bfn: this afternoon with a FRER :growlmad: Had been really hopeful this month as ++cramps around 8dpo and really I’m 37 years old trying for a second baby. There's hope til AF comes. tydidrf mmcolo ftgtt itrlc bmfqw dcqcra byez kokmnc hkrh rdrsrfd