Ccsd teacher pay scale. Skip to main content.
Ccsd teacher pay scale 0 (common) 4e40b6ec727d160233a708fd49e77004811ccc03 CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Fiscal Year 2022 -- School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Base Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2022 -- School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Base Salary Schedule Don't have an account? Click the Request an Account button to obtain one. From administration and licensed teaching roles to support staff and related services, explore our wide range of job opportunities. S U B . 2023-24 Non-Teaching Professional/Support Staff Salary Scale. The Cobb County School District is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SALARY TABLE Fiscal Year 2022 Salary Increase of 3. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPORT PERSONNEL PAY GRADES AND HOURLY RATES Salary Increase of 3. xlsx Author: kaydc Created Date: 5/4/2020 11:07:24 AM Las year, Prentice and his team prepared a long range financial forecast determining that after increasing teacher salaries by $8,000 across the pay scale, it would be possible to do a $4,000 CCEA SALARY CALCULATOR School Year 2023-2024 Visit us 4230 Mcleod Dr Las Vegas, NV 89121 Call us Local: (702) 733-3063Toll-free: (800) 772-2282 He said when contract negotiations began with the Clark County Education Association that he offered a one-time look back to place teachers correctly on the pay scale. 2021-2022 Certified Salary Schedule. 90 15. 20 14. 00: $326,004. 01. Step Advancement Information sessions are listed in Contact Information. 00 Aide, School Aide, Teacher : Family Assistant, Title I In House Assistant, Title I Library Aide . 625%) 2019-2020 Salary Tables FY2020 (ESEA) SUPPORT - Printed Version. • 8. As of Feb. The average salary for Clark County School District employees is $63,848 in 2024. 5 All personnel above the rank of Director 1. SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS, SCHOOL POLICE AND SUBSTITUTES PAYROLL CALENDAR FOR HCM APPROVAL DEADLINES, PAY PERIOD DATES, AND PAY DATES HCM APPROVAL DEADLINE PAY PERIOD DATES HOLIDAY(S) BY 5:00 P. New teachers Contact Information. Teacher Salary Schedules for 2024-2025. Avg. 00: $0. Contact Information. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICE OFFICERS PAYROLL TABLE 2021 Salary Tables FY2022 (POA) POLICE OFFICERS - Website. Find salary schedules, payroll calendars, and verification forms for various CCSD employees, including teachers, administrators, police officers, and support professionals. 50 . Explore Explore. News; Schools; Jobs; Salary Information; More Information; Unemployment Services - FAQ (PDF) Title IX; Notice of Nondiscrimination; CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LICENSED EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE INCLUDING BENEFITS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022 Salary Increase of 3. 2023-24 Compensation Guide. Awards & Recognitions. PAY DATE 06/16/24 - 06/29/24 06/19/24 Juneteenth Holiday 06/28/24 07/10/24 06/28/24 12-Month Support Professionals/School Police Officers End Work Year 06/30/24 - 07/13/24 07/01/24 12-Month Support CCEA SALARY CALCULATOR School Year 2023-2024 Visit us 4230 Mcleod Dr Las Vegas, NV 89121 Call us Local: (702) 733-3063Toll-free: (800) 772-2282 clark county school district licensed professional salary table fiscal year 2022 column step i ii iii iv v vi vii viii a 41,758 47,276 52,792 58,309 63,825 69,341 74,857 80,374 column 50. 45 Salary Tables FY2020 CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SALARY TABLE Fiscal Year 2021 of the 2018-2021 Contract with 2019-2021 Amendment provide more detail on contact hours and how teachers advance on the salary schedule. According to district officials, more than 3,300 employees currently on the lowest These salary schedules were approved as part of the CCSD FY2024-25 budget at the June 20, 2024 meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education. 25%)) COLUMN STEP I II III IV V VI VII VIII A 43,011 48,694 54,376 60,058 65,740 71,421 77,103 82,785 Contact Information. 00 Contact Information. 875% will be added to these salaries pursuant to Article 26-12 and tracked separately on the pay details Employees can progress on the salary schedule Definition of Classes- all must have a valid Nevada certification for the level or subject taught Since the current Professional Salary Scale went into effect in August 2016, a significant number of teachers were placed in experience steps and education columns that did not align with their actual years of service and education. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Average pay for teachers $54,093-$131,000 Teacher salary range $35,026 Average additional benefits per teacher contributed by CCSD, including retirement, health insurance, Medicare, and other benefits TRANSPORTATION 7,891 Square Miles Clark County School District @ClarkCountySch ClarkCountySch Clark County School District AT A The approved two-year contract includes a 10% salary increase in year one and an 8% salary increase in year two. 39 Skip to main content. I/I1, and J/J1 on the Administrative and Professional- Technical Salary Schedule. Clark County Public Schools provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth The average Clark County School District CCSD salary ranges from approximately $45,000 per year for Elementary School Teacher to $300,000 per year for English Teacher. 00: $111,300. Final Version Approved by the District and CCEA October 16, 2017 Page 1 of 16 . 775% 2023-2024 Pay Grade B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1 Salary Tables FY2024 (ESEA) SUPPORT (1). Created Date: 11/29/2023 11:09:20 AM Skip to main content. 00: $144,383. Skip to main content. 2023-24 Certified Teacher Salary Schedule. C. Administrative Assistant Principal Title: Salary Schedule with PERS deduction 1st edit. 2024-2025 ESP Placement Schedule. 88: $326,660. 73 S u p p o r t P r o f essio n al S u b st it u t es: H R . Search Site Substitute Rate of Pay Summary Human Resources Unit . 10 Standard Vacancy 140. 10. The year-one raises are effective July 1, 2023 — meaning teachers, who have been working without a contract Effective 7-17-2022 (8-10-2022 paycheck) CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL PAY GRADES AND HOURLY RATES Step A1 and Longevity Steps eliminated Clark County School District (CCSD) has hired 883 new teachers and 109 bus drivers ahead of the 2022-23 school year. 50 to $50 per hour • $78. Request an Account: Forgot your username? Click the Retrieve your Username button to have it emailed to you. Explore. NOTE. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD To address this concern, CCSD proposed to CCEA virtually the same language that was agreed to by the teachers in the Carson City School District and elsewhere. 51 15. 115 51. 2024-2025 Licensed Professional Salary Schedule. Teacher Salary Schedule Additionally, the agreement boosts teacher starting pay to $53,000 — up from $50,115. Access the Experian Verify portal for online employment and income verification services. They will force you to open a copy so the templates stay intact. xlsx Author: middlsr Created Date: Name Job title Regular pay Overtime pay Other pay Total pay Total benefits Total pay & benefits Jesus F Jara: SUPERINTENDENT Clark County School District, 2020: $318,000. Direct Deposit Authorization Administrative Salary Schedule 2024 - 2025, rev. Enjoy a starting salary range from $58,420 to $139,557 ($89,544 to $199,769 including Title Class Step Division/Unit Description; Assistant Superintendent - College and Career Readiness and School Choice: A776: 47: Academic Unit: Licensed Administrator She explained that there were about 80 “cells” in CCSD’s teacher salary scale. ABOUT US Show submenu for ABOUT US FAMILIES & STUDENTS Show submenu for FAMILIES & STUDENTS. R E V A . 625%) 2019-2020 Pay Grade A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 F2 G1* G2* H1** H2** I1*** 40 11. 2 1 P a g e 1 Site Classification Substitute Type Daily Rate Hourly Rate Standard Day-to-Day 110. CCSD also raised the starting pay for bus drivers to $22. Standard Locations (Day-to-Day) $110 per day ; Standard Locations (Long-Term) $130 per day (beginning on the 11th day) Standard Locations (Vacancy) $140 per day . 0% Effective December 1, 2021 (After PERS increase of 0. Search. clark county school district clark county school district Fiscal Year 2023 -- School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Base Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2023 -- School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Base Salary Schedule Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. 1 Manager, Recruitment 1. The below-linked revised teacher salary schedules are for the 2024-2025 school year. 2024-2025 Non-Exempt Salaried Salary Schedule. Salary information comes from 6 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. and activities as set forth in Title IX and VI, and in Section 504. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS, SCHOOL POLICE AND SUBSTITUTES PAYROLL CALENDAR FOR HCM APPROVAL DEADLINES, PAY PERIOD DATES, AND PAY DATES HCM APPROVAL DEADLINE PAY PERIOD DATES HOLIDAY(S) BY 5:00 P. CCSD Retention Data Retention Separation Fiscal Year Teacher s* # % # % FY19 3,317 2,881 86. 63 increase in CCSD contributions CCSD filled approximately 45% of its vacancies in 22-23 with brand new teachers. 5% salary increases in the first year and 2% salary increases in the second year. 31, 2024, and one for those hired prior. Reference CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SALARY TABLE (PST) EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2016 2. 5% (effective 12/1/21) 2021-2022 Effective 11-21-2021 (12-15-2021 paycheck) Negotiated Agreements & Salary Compensation Reports - Community Consolidated School District 15 in Illinois with 14 elementary (1 dual language), 5 middle, 1 early learning and 1 therapeutic day school. 00: $87,531. Search CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPORT PERSONNEL PAY GRADES AND HOURLY RATES After PERS Increase of 0. Teachers coming into the district with a master's degree start at $57,300. Please see links below for the 2024-25 Working Day Calendars. The salary schedule reflects a PERS requirement regarding inclusion of the doctoral stipend on the salary schedule. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD CCSD Teachers of the Year ; Diploma Copies & HB91 ; District Test Scores ; 2024-2025 Salary Schedules . 2024-2025 Non-Exempt Hourly Salary Schedule. We have offered 8. Clark County Public Schools provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. 2023-24 School Leadership Salary Scale. Salary $40k — $97k American Culinary Federation (ACF) Certified Working Pastry Chef (CWPC) Avg. Teacher Salary Range. 2021-2022 Extracurricular Salary Schedule The average salary for a Title 1 Teacher is $30,666 in 2025. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. Licensed employees working a full contract, who are new to the Clark County School District, are contracted for 189 days of service. 875% increase that was already provided as of July 1, 2023) plus one-step advancement on the salary schedule; Year two: 2% salary increase plus one-step advancement on salary schedule. 190-Day Teacher Salary Schedule; 190-Day Math Classroom Licensed Professional Salary Table FY 2024-2025 Effective September 1, 2024, for CEY personnel and October 1, 2024, for CER personnel (For use for District SB 231 Reporting Employees can progress on the salary schedule through the PGS system without having to attain degrees or college credits. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD CONTACT ELWOOD. 27 12. 69 12. 25 . The new starting licensed teacher salary was increased to $50,115; the previous starting salary was $43,011. Search Contact Information. 2024-2025 Certified Salary Schedule. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Utilization of a new pay scale/Professional Salary Table (PST) that places new hires based on education and experience, with no one-time lookback for previously hired employees; Clark County School District 5100 W. 11-13-24; Bus Driver Salary Schedule 2024 - 2025; General Service Salary Schedule 2024 - 2025, rev. Teacher Certification. net > Resources > HCM-Human Capital Management, scroll down to the Time and Absence section to Substitute Pay Rate and TRC Code Information Contact Information. 00 18. Salary $52k — $95k AAAI/ISMA Personal Trainer Certification The mission of the Nevada Teacher of the Year program is to celebrate excellence and strengthen the teaching force by honoring and recognizing exceptional teachers on a school, district, state, and national level. 11-13-24; Teacher Salary Schedule 2024 - 2025; Pre-K Teacher Salary Schedule 2024 - 2025; Substitute Rates; Part Time Details; Days Worked for Exempt & Non-Exempt School Positions; Exempt Status CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LICENSED EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE INCLUDING BENEFITS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022 Salary Increase of 3. “These historic increases are possible because > endobj 3 0 obj > endobj 7 0 obj > endobj 10 0 obj > stream xœ} ½JÃ` † kA ÅA‡ \Ôþh À¥X\[V§4M‹ØŸ ¦è èæàê&. 25%)) ANNUAL WORKERS' UNEMPLOYMENT TOTAL Contact Information. He shared how educators have benefitted from a $5,000 salary increase and $5,000 bonus, which were approved by the board of trustees last year. 47 Contact Information. 2 All Directors 1. 04. 90 13. 1. 875%) and Salary Increase of 6. M. CCSD never refused to provide across-the-board pay increases to the teachers. 00: $469,107. P A Y R A T E . 25%)) ANNUAL WORKERS' UNEMPLOYMENT TOTAL BASE PERS INSURANCE MEDICARE COMP S u p p o r t P r o f essio n al S u b st it u t es: H R . Previously, starting pay for a bus driver was $15. Plainfield CCSD 202 - We Prepare Learners for the Future. 36. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Contact Employee Benefits Phone: (702) 799-5418 Fax: (702) 799-2918. Patrick Salary scale increase: Year one: 8. Search Site. PAY DATE 06/16/24 - 06/29/24 06/19/24 Juneteenth Holiday 06/28/24 07/10/24 06/28/24 12-Month Support Contact Information. 3 Effective May 27, 2020, all teachers shall pay monthly to the Association moneys On June 26, the board passed a one-time $5,000 bonus for all those paid on the teacher pay scale. CCSD Teacher Salary Details. 954 55,796 57. 535 52,954 54,376 ss, 796 50,115 51,535 52. Transparency & Reliability. 409 North Chicago Avenue Elwood, IL 60421-9367 (815) 423-5588 Phone (815) 423-4108 Attendance (815) 423-5808 Fax Substitute teachers at the Clark County School District will be getting a long-sought pay raise effective in January, after months of organizing for better wages. 75% (CCSD assumes Employee burden of 1. 05 16. teachers health trust 4230 mcleod drive las vegas, nv 89121 (702) 733 - 3063 membership enrollment: open withdrawal: july 1 - 15. Step Advancement Information sessions are listed in the ELMS (Learning Activity keyword “Step Advancement CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SALARY TABLE Fiscal Year 2022 Salary Increase of 3. xlsx Author: ssorensen2 Created Date: 1/18/2024 9:02:46 AM “As I said more than 12 months ago, teachers are the most important influence on student learning, and after more than 11 bargaining sessions that continued throughout the arbitration process, our educators will finally get the pay increases they are long overdue,” said CCSD Superintendent Dr. These salary schedules were approved as part of the CCSD FY2024-25 budget at the June 20, 2024 meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Name Job title Regular pay Overtime pay Other pay Total pay Total benefits Total pay & benefits Jesus F Jara: SUPERINTENDENT Clark County School District, 2023: $381,576. Professional Growth System . This concentrated journeyman teachers at the entry-level salary, she said. 00 19. 20 P age2 Site Classification Substitute Type Hourly Rate 2024-25 Substitute Teacher Salary Schedule; 2024-25 Working Day Calendars. The table below details average salary and ranges for teachers, which is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the Las Vegas-Paradise local area. 49 Standard (8HR) Day-to-Day 122. Name Job title Regular pay Overtime pay Other pay Total pay Total benefits Total pay & benefits Jesus F Jara: SUPERINTENDENT Clark County School District, 2021: $317,604. Address 2832 E. COMMUNITY Show submenu Opportunities abound in The Clark County School District (CCSD), one of the largest and fastest growing districts in the United States. 25%)) COLUMN STEP I II III IV V VI VII VIII A 43,011 48,694 54,376 60,058 65,740 71,421 77,103 82,785 CCSD High School Standards; Communications. All . The starting teacher salary for incoming teachers with a doctorate degree is $62,100. The average salary for a Special Education Teacher, Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary School in Hong Kong is HK$282,000 in 2025. 1% With these teacher salary recommendations not only do first-year teachers see an increase, ALL teachers will see an increase. 25%)) ANNUAL WORKERS' UNEMPLOYMENT TOTAL In September, the school district declared an impasse after 11 negotiation sessions that began in late March with the Clark County Education Association, a teachers union that represents more than Salary Scale increase: 10% year one (inclusive of 1. There can be wide variations in salary, which can be attributed to experience or education levels. 12 11. Have A Question? Contact Us or 702-799-CCSD. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Substitute teacher pay after 15 days in CCSD 89: $155 per day; Long-term substitute teacher after 20 consecutive days (not retroactive): $160 per day; CCSD 89 retirees that substitute teach: $145 per day; CCSD 89 aides that substitute teach: $160 per day; Substituting as an aide: $110 per day; Substitute for a nurse: $140 per day; Substitute for an In accordance with Utah Code 53F-2-405, an educator salary adjustment of $8,904 has been added to each salary amount above for the following licensed positions: classroom teacher, speech pathologist, library media teacher, preschool teacher, mentor teacher, teacher specialist, teacher leader, guidance counselor, audiologist, psychologist and social worker. 30 15. Pay may also vary based on experience. 88: $109,670. Las Vegas, NV 89146 Phone: (702) 799 – CCSD. Annual Central Office Personnel. If an employee is short hours, the employee shall be afforded an opportunity to resubmit additional documentation of any hours earned by Plainfield CCSD 202 - We Prepare Learners for the Future. Translate. ×' âÅVÀ§>× ¾ðùÄs ñµÏî^¹(¾ ¯´F¸>–ãúù7ñV§=°ÂÿfÖîîWtV¥%JôÔ-ÚجSá˜#LQ†"›ì 'IB” ENîÆPyâzfISP 1. (WCBD) – A group of teachers and staff members who work for the Charleston County School District said they want to see a pay increase included in next year’s budget. 2024-25 Certified Teacher Salary Schedule. S U B . 2024-2025 ESP Hourly Salary Schedule. Early Hiring Locations (Day-to-Day) $120 per day . 00: $8,660. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD. Despite the current pay scale, with $50,115 as the floor, teachers who come from other districts with some experience are first placed on an 8-year-old scale with a $34,000 base to determine their salary, then brought up to the $50,115 mark if they wouldn’t earn that or better. 50% (Employee burden of 0. 0 9 . 875% increase already provided effective July 1, 2023), and 2% year two Column advancement in both years Health benefit contribution increase: 8% in year one and 5% in year two Various internal compensation adjustments “The Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional Sun, 12 Jan 2025 13:14:47 GMT (1736687687368) Story Infinite Scroll - News3 v1. 0. Districts, schools, and communities are served through efficient and effective use of public funds and fulfillment of statutory A Charleston County School District (CCSD) task force is working to increase teacher pay for 2023-24, and they've created a salary schedule for board members to Start the Kindergarten Registration Process Today! Begin the 25-26 Kindergarten Registration Process TODAY! Kildeer Countryside School District 96 is excited to welcome kindergarteners for the 2025–2026 school year! The average salary for Charleston County School District employees is $66,037 in 2025. 2021-2022 . esea. News; Schools; Jobs; H/H1, I/I1, and J/J1 on the Administrative and Professional- Technical Salary Schedule. 31 Standard Long-Term 130. Employees currently paid higher than the lowest pay scale of $49,175 could Contact Information. ccsd. 2021-2022 Administrators Salary Schedule. •Go to Training. 2024-25 School/Central Office Administrative Scale. To qualify, Contact Information. 56 14. R E V A . Student Advisor, Student Delegates. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD 2023-2024 PAYROLL SCHEDULE CHEROKEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Pay Period Start Date End Date Number of Weeks Info Due to Finance Pay Date 1 6/19/2023 7/2/2023 2 7/10//2023 7/13/2023 EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report - School Year 2022 9/6/2022 7:07 pm 190221810040000 115 55th St, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 Hinsdale CCSD 181 Selection Criteria: (Employer) Employees = All Name Position Other Bonuses Annuities Benefits Sick Days Vacation Base Salary FTE Days Retirement Enhancements ABITZ, BETH 200-Teacher $69,847. Visit PayScale to research title 1 teacher salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more. Þ€èe( âà%ˆ ³o $ ©çðæ{xó’/ç@$†* ‡N×sË¥‚Q SïL¨‡eZ}‡ñ¥Ô÷K }^ý'7®¦ vßÒù!y®. Are you interested in a Teaching or other Licensed Professional position? We are here to support you in acquiring your dream position! Connect with our Recruitment Team today to get the process started. Jesus F. 25% (Employee burden of 0. Adult Education / ASP / Worker's Comp. 875% will be added to these salaries pursuant to Article 26·12 and tracked separately on the pay details Employees can progress on the salary schedule through the PGS system without The Clark County School District released details Friday about its latest offer for teacher pay during collective bargaining, including a copy of a proposed new salary schedule. 20 P age2 Site Classification Substitute Type Hourly Rate Under the Clark County School District's newest proposal, salaries would start at $53,354 and cap out at $116,851. Top Student Honors. 2021-2022 Classified Salary Schedule. SpecializedProgramsTeacher Assistant (SPTA), Title I Specialized Programs Teacher Assistant (SPTA), Physical Education Aide, Title I Physical Education Aide, Title I Instructional Assistant 10. 2. 31 Standard The current starting teacher salary in Campbell County is $52,500 for those with bachelor's degrees. 2024-25 Professional/Support Staff Salary Scale. Visit PayScale to research Clark County School District salaries, bonuses, reviews, benefits, and more! "A 10% across-the-board adjustment to all educators and the salary scale, effective July 1, 2023, with retroactive pay to be paid out in March 2024," he explained. Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89121 Map Contact Information. licensed employee salary schedule including benefits for the school year 2023-2024 effective july 1, 2023 annual workers' unemployment total base pers insurance medicare comp insurance 1. 6% 304,276 Hello! Hola! Average pay for teachers $50,115 Starting Teacher Salary $29,468 Average additional benefits per teacher contributed by CCSD, including retirement, health Contact Information. 217 58,637 60,058 61,478 clark county school district licensed professional salary table CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL PAY GRADES AND HOURLY RATES PERS Increase of 3. 00 clark county school district licensed employee salary schedule including benefits for the school year 2020-2021 fiscal year 2021 annual workers' unemployment total base pers insurance medicare comp insurance value column step Salary Schedules. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LICENSED EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE INCLUDING BENEFITS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022 Salary Increase of 3. News; Schools; Jobs; Infinite Campus; Salary Information; More Information; Unemployment Services - FAQ (PDF) Title IX; Notice of Nondiscrimination; Discover diverse career paths with Clark County School District Recruitment in Las Vegas Nevada. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD clark county school district licensed professional salary table fiscal year 2022 column step i ii iii iv v vi vii viii a 41,758 47,276 52,792 58,309 63,825 69,341 74,857 80,374 Contact Information. 24-25 WSPA List of Heavy EL Schools; The WCSD School-Based Site Management Report 24-25; Pro-Tech Salary Schedule; Psychologist Name Job title Regular pay Overtime pay Other pay Total pay Total benefits Total pay & benefits Jesus F Jara: SUPERINTENDENT Clark County School District, 2023: $381,576. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2022 - 2023 Total in the Clark County School District 140 COUNTRIES Our students come from around the globe and speak 111 different languages 15. 00 15. 65% salary scale increase in compensation (inclusive of the 1. 2024-2025 Activity Salary Schedule. 53 14. Sahara Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SALARY TABLE Fiscal Year 2021 COLUMN STEP I II III IV V VI VII VIII SALARY Tables FY2021 (CCEA) LICENSED. Community Inbox. 25%) 2021-2022 Pay Grade A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1* H1** I1*** The annual contracted salary of a licensed employee is paid in twenty-four (24) equal installments on the 10th and 25th of each month beginning in September. Existing licensed employees working a full In the new contract between CCEA and CCSD, the pay scale is changing to reflect educational experience and years of teaching, but that only applies to new employees. Visit PayScale to research special education teacher These employees shall herein be collectively called teachers or, where the context requires, teacher. Jara. According to Lowcountry Teacher Advocates and the CCSD Task Force, teachers need a starting salary CHARLESTON, S. Visit PayScale to research Charleston County School District salaries, bonuses, reviews, benefits, and more! Contact Information. Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. Substitute Rate of Pay Summary Human Resources Unit S u b s t i t u t e Te a c h e r s : H R . 1 3 . This has resulted, for example, in teachers with 10 years of experience being on the lowest levels of the pay That’s because in a few days, CCSD will have two pay scales: one for teachers hired after Jan. PAY DATE 06/16/24 - 06/29/24 06/19/24 Juneteenth Holiday 06/28/24 07/10/24 06/28/24 12-Month Support Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. 1, teachers who are new to CCSD — whether FOR HCM APPROVAL DEADLINES, PAY PERIOD DATES, AND PAY DATES HCM APPROVAL DEADLINE PAY PERIOD DATES HOLIDAY(S) BY 5:00 P. 67 16. Administrative. 00: $8,400. 00% calculated after previous PERS Increase of 1. Clark County School District 5100 W Sahara Ave. 2024-2025 Supervisor-Manager Salary Schedule Contact Information. 25% Increase; Column; I II III IV V VI VII VIII; Step; A; $40,900 $46,303 $51,706 $57,109 $62,512 $67,914 $73,317 $78,720; teacher salary schedule (other than new personnel who ; may be required to attend five additional orientation days) shall CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Fiscal Year 2022 -- School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Base Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2022 -- School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Base Salary Schedule Annual Salaries for 12-MONTH Employees (plus $1,500 per annum for Doctorate) Annual School Aide Teacher Family Assistant 11. 65% increase in compensation (inclusive of the 1. 9% 436 13. ccsd health & welfare 3511 east harmon avenue las vegas, nv 89121 (702) 794 - 2537 membership It is the policy of the Columbia County Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, race, disability, religion or national origin in the educational programs and activities or Critical Shortage Compensation Adjustment (CSCA) Scales: CSCA Qualification Factor 1 Scale (Nutrition Services, Housekeeping) CSCA Qualification Factor 2 Scale (Transportation) Licensed Administrator Salary Schedule. xlsx Author: MIDDLSR Created Date: 7/15/2021 7:19:34 AM Contact Information. For example, a teacher with a master's in education may Las year, Prentice and his team prepared a long range financial forecast determining that after increasing teacher salaries by $8,000 across the pay scale, it would be possible to do a $4,000 Clark County Education Association CCEA (Teachers) Collective bargaining agreement (CBA) –settled through FY 2025 • 10% base salary increase • One-step advancement • New professional salary table with two additional columns added • Extra instructional pay increases from $31. PAY R AT E . Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Contact Information. Her department took a deeper look at the entry-level cell and found that 4,272 out of about 18,500 teachers in Patrick Martin teaches high school English at CCSD. xlsx Author: MIDDLSR Clark County School District Licensed Professional Salary Table FY 2023-2024 Effective July 1, 2023 with an implementation !Date of Febraury 1, 2024 (For use for District SB 231 Reporting Purposes) $60,225 $66,3S8 $72,491 $78,624 $84,756 $90,890 $97,022 $61,7S9 $67,891 $74,022 $80,1S7 $86,288 $92,423 $98,SS4 2024-25 Substitute Teacher Salary Schedule; 2024-25 Working Day Calendars. 2 Excluded Positions: 1. There are 3 salary Contact Information. Early Hiring Locations (Long-Term) $140 per day (beginning on the 11th day) Early Hiring Locations Navigation to CURRENT Sub pay guide •The current version of the Pay Rate Summary with Time Reporting Codes (TRCs) for Substitutes can be found in Employee Business Training (EBT). 875% increase that was provided as of July 1, 2023) • Healthcare increase of 15% to CCSD’s contribution • One-step Applying the additional monies to realign teachers hired after August 2016 based on their years of service and education, over 3,300 employees currently on the lowest pay Under the district's proposal, salaries would start at $53,354 and cap out at $116,851. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD For employees who submitted their Request for Step Advancement by March 31, CCSD shall provide a response in CCSD ELMS to correctly submitted professional learning documentation within eight (8) weeks from the date of submission. The salary schedule tops out at more than $131,000. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Teachers who are new to CCSD — whether freshly minted college graduates or seasoned professionals from outside the district — will be walking on at wages that may be tens of thousands CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL PAY GRADES AND HOURLY RATES Salary Increase of 3. 74. Schools. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Tammy Parrish, Director of Human Resources, Clark County Please read very carefully Article 26 of the Negotiated Agreement between the Clark County School District and; the Clark County Education Association to learn the criteria regarding increment growth units.