Elementary os. A fast and open replacement for Windows and OS X.
Elementary os Buďte bezstarostní protože je o Vás postaráno. This highly customizable OS enables users of all knowledge levels to get a stable, fast, and Ubuntu LTS-compatible #juno #release #updates. MessageDialog and the latest icons adds several icons expected by Adwaita-using apps such as adw-external-link and the row What’s New in elementary OS 8. “With OS 8, we’ve focused in on creating a new Secure Session that What’s New in elementary OS 8. Some of its more interesting features include a custom desktop environment called Pantheon and many custom apps The examples in this documentation use Vala, but the libraries and concepts used to build apps for elementary OS also work with a number of popular languages like C, Python, Go, Rust, etc. Both are considered trademarks and represent elementary, Inc. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features Elementary OS is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that features the custom developed Pantheon desktop environment. The LibreOffice suite comprises programs for word processing, the creation and editing of spreadsheets, slideshows, diagrams and drawings, working with databases, and composing mathematical formulae. id – Elementary OS jni merupakan salah satu Distro Linux yang memiliki jumlah pengguna cukup banyak di seluruh dunia. Discover what makes elementary OS one of the most popular Linux distributions for users seeking a clean, minimalist, and Mac-like experience. 8. net/elementary WARNING: The good news is that the developers behind Elementary OS opted to not make any dramatic changes to the desktop with Version 7. 8 with Ubuntu 24. Today marks an exciting event for those of you for whom the beauty of your desktop is more than wishful thinking: over a year after its previous 7. The elementary team says it focused on several areas for this release, What’s New in elementary OS 7. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features Az Elementary OS egy nyílt forráskódú Ubuntu alapú disztró, és az egyik legígéretesebb GNU/Linux disztró, amely az évek során nagy népszerűségre tett szert. #horus #jolnir #updates. The open source, pay-what-you-want app store from elementary. This month we have a bunch of surprise updates for OS 7 and as always a progress update on OS 8. 1 LTS and powered by Linux Kernel 6. 04 LTS “Noble” and Linux Kernel 6. Core. Follow the step-by-step instructions for Windows, macOS, or Linux to boot and install the operating system. The elementary OS platform is itself entirely open source, and it’s built upon a strong foundation of Free & Open Source software. Learn about the Secure #horus #release #updates. elementary OS 8 is a major update that introduces a new Secure Session, a Dock, and Flathub support. 8, elementary OS 8 introduces many key features that enhance privacy, security, elementary OS 8 is a major update based on Ubuntu 24. OS 8 brings a Secure Session that ensures apps respect your privacy and require your consent, a brand new Dock with productive multitasking and window management features, and empowers our diverse community through Inclusive Design. OS 8 brings a Secure Session that ensures apps respect your privacy and require your consent, a brand new Dock with productive multitasking and window #horus #updates. claims two marks: the “e” logomark and the “elementary” logotype. tuxedoco What’s New in elementary OS 8. Conheça a Linode: https://linode. GitHub Sponsors doesn't charge any fees, so it's a great way to make your contribution go farther. The OS build system. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features elementary OS. #earlyaccess #horus #updates. 04! If you’re not already aware, we build elementary OS releases from the Ubuntu software repositories, so we now have a stable when i log into geary, on a old install i didn't encrypt my pass word and it would never ask me to input the pass word for my key-ring, but now i am wondering if i can change the settings for my geary key-ring because the only solution i have is to format my drive or find the key-ring folder and delete it, but i ahhve no idea where that is. elementary, Inc. Első verziója 2011. למערכת זו יוצאת גרסה חדשה כמדי שנתיים, כאשר אובונטו משחררת גרסת תל"א (תמיכה לטווח ארוך). elementary OS Multitasking View Jason Evangelho Visually, elementary OS is stunning. elementary OS 8, codenamed "Circe", is now available for download!Built on Ubuntu 24. Stay productive and focused on Multitasking View, Picture-in-Picture, Do Not Disturb, and more. 1!. Tato distribuce začala nejdříve jako sada témat a aplikací pro Thank You. Over the past year we’ve been hard at work putting together a new major version of elementary OS, O que há de novo no elementary OS 8. Elementary OS is a free community-created open-source operating system based on Ubuntu Linux. Just over four months ago we announced elementary OS 6 Odin with new ways to be in control and express yourself, a slew of innovative new features, and a focus on gettability and inclusivity. We do not collect any data from elementary OS. Both should be used with the following in mind: What’s New in elementary OS 8. #early-access. OS 8 brings a Secure Session that ensures apps respect your privacy and require your consent, a brand new Dock with productive multitasking and window Elementary OS 8 with code name “Circe” released with lot of new features and improvement like new Secure Session, a new dock, and PipeWire as the default media server. There’s not a precise and fixed release schedule, but new LTS What’s New in elementary OS 7. io. 8 kernel, elementary OS 8 brings a swathe of improvement to both the Pantheon desktop environment, its core apps, and the overall user experience. The primary purpose of any operating system Elementary OS is a fast, open, and privacy-respecting replacement for Windows. Some of its more interesting features include a custom desktop environment called Pantheon and many custom apps including elementary OS 8 для комп'ютерів. Distro ini menggunakan Gala What’s New in elementary OS 8. Log in with GitHub Design. 04. At its core, it is based on Ubuntu 24. In this hands-o What’s New in elementary OS 7. elementary OS is a replacement for Windows and macOS that respects your privacy, security, and productivity. One month ago today we released elementary OS 7. Thanks to all of our supporters, backers, and customers! Your contributions make elementary possible. Sebagai sistem operasi berbasis Linux, Elementary OS menawarkan lingkungan desktop yang menarik serta fungsionalitas yang disesuaikan bagi pengguna sehari-hari. The latest stylesheet brings support for Adw. This new release brings a new optional “Fuzzy Finder” plugin which can be launched with the keyboard shortcut Alt + F and can be OS 8 progress and community updates from June. Contribute to sileshn/ElementaryWSL2 development by creating an account on GitHub. Learn how to install Elementary OS 8, a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 24. With a strong focus on privacy, a brand-new dock, and an inclusive design, this release is set to redefine user expectations for open-source operating systems. This should be the last monthly update before OS 7. 1. While the 5. Elementary OS is a Linux-based operating system with a simple and user-friendly interface. It comes with a set of apps, a pay-what-you-can app store, and a user-friendly design. So, arguably, the development picked up most of its original essence back in October 2023 with elementary OS 7. A rendszer csak 64 bites architektúrával rendelkezik. Χρησιμοποιεί ένα περιβάλλον εργασίας, το Pantheon, κατασκευασμένο από την ομάδα του project και ενσωματώνει σε μεγάλο βαθμό με άλλες εφαρμογές του λειτουργικού It had similar-level of updates to the platform just like elementary OS 6. elementary OS is a user-friendly and minimalist operating system based on Ubuntu that prioritizes ease-of-use over customization. Visit Stack Exchange 2023-01-31: Distribution Release: elementary OS 7. When you purchase a copy of elementary OS, you're also supporting great projects like these. Main reasons for this choice were Wayland support, more up-to-date packages, pipewire/wireplumber, power profiles, btrfs, and fully supported Pantheon DE in case I wish elementary OS experience. It features a clean design, privacy-respecting apps, and powerful Elementary OS (stylized as elementary OS) is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu LTS. 1, the operating syst What’s New in elementary OS 7. As always, AppCenter is the centerpiece of elementary OS. Don't need to make someone optimize for your hardware if you can just make optimized distro yourselves. With the release of elementary OS 7. 04 base brings the following key updates/: CPU, GPU, and SoC Enhancements: New Xe and improved i915 drivers enhance Intel GPU support, while AMD, NVIDIA, and ARM-based systems gain stability and compatibility What’s New in elementary OS 8. x series has had numerous feature updates and improvements, elementary OS 6 looks to be an exciting endeavor. Contribute to elementary/os development by creating an account on GitHub. Learn how to download elementary OS from the home page and create a USB install drive using Etcher. At the moment we’re just above 21% of our monthly funding goal and we’re at 365 Sponsors on GitHub! Follow the video above, or select the operating system you are currently using to view tailored installation instructions below. While it is true that a more mainstream Get the latest version of docker for on elementary OS - Docker container runtime Very good post, I totally agree. 1 release, the new elementary OS 8 is out now, based on Ubuntu 24. Linux Kernel 6. In earlier elementary OS versions, the AppCenter (or the software center) was where you could find the updates for the OS. Distro ini berdiri berbasis Ubuntu, dimana mereka menawarkan sistem operaso yang memiliki What’s New in elementary OS 8. 1 and it’s a good one! We have new releases of our office productivity apps, including several new features in Mail, a much more personal Login & Lock Screen experience Qué hay de nuevo en elementary OS 8 ¡Sin preocupaciones, nosotros nos preocupamos por ti! elementary OS 8 trae la Sesión Segura, que verifica que las aplicaciones respeten tu privacidad y pidan siempre tu consentimiento, un Elementary OS is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution. The Linux distro elementary OS has made a name for itself for its elegant and user-friendly design. Your files, settings, and all other personal data remain on-device unless you explicitly share them with a third-party app or service. AboutWindow and Adw. x to 5. It’s a major step forward for one of the most visually stunning and user-friendly Linux distros, Elementary OS (יסודי) היא הפצת לינוקס המבוססת על אובונטו. It has a clean interface, custom-built apps, and supports Secure Boot, but may not suit elementary OS 8, codenamed "Circe", is now available for download! Built on Ubuntu 24. OS Type: Linux Based on: Debian, Ubuntu Origin: USA Architecture: x86_64 Desktop: Pantheon Category: Beginners, Desktop, Live Medium Status: Active Popularity: 13 (567 hits per day) elementary OS is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution. 1 Available Now: We come bearing gifts and Yule tidings! Today we’re proud to announce that OS 6. Updates for OS 7. Distro ini menggunakan desktop manager-nya sendiri yang bernama Pantheon [2] dan terintegrasi dengan aplikasi bawaan elementary OS lainnya, seperti Plank (sebuah dock-bar berbasiskan Docky), peramban web GNOME Web, dan Scratch (Teks editor yang sederhana). elementary OS is the fast, open, and privacy-respecting alternative to Windows and macOS. Learn how to download, install, and customize the operating system that respects your privacy and empowers Learn how to use the elementary OS desktop, apps, windows, workspaces, gestures, and more. This month we have just one update for OS 7: a new version of Code. 0: Rate this project: The elementary OS team have published a new version of their Ubuntu-based distribution. Memverifikasi unduhan Anda adalah langkah penting: kami menghasilkan "checksum" untuk berkas imej elementary OS dan menyarankan Anda memverifikasi bahwa unduhan Anda cocok dengan checksum tersebut We design and develop elementary OS—the thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS—plus AppCenter, the pay-what-you-can app store. Learn about the design principles we employ with our human interface guidelines For our fifth release, we decided to change our versioning scheme from 0. OS 8 brings a Secure Session that ensures apps respect your privacy and require your consent, a brand new Dock with productive multitasking and window What’s New in elementary OS 7. O elementary OS 7 Developer Platform. elementary OS 6 Odin is available to #jolnir #odin #release. We Support Open Source Projects. It was one of the few distributions capable of pulling me away from Ubuntu. New Way to Operating System Updates. Elementary is crafted by designers and developers who believe that computers can be easy, fun, and gorgeous. The latest stable version of elementary OS can always be downloaded at elementary. Contributor documentation has moved. Here, we Jagad. Jack Wallen/ZDNET. Mx. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS What’s New in elementary OS 8. At its core, eOS embraces the following principles: Accessibility – Usability for anyone regardless of ability or technical skill Consistence – Mọi thứ chúng tôi làm đều là Mã Nguồn Mở. With this release, you get numerous improvements that include: A Wayland session (known as Secure session) What’s New in elementary OS 8. The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS elementary OS Development. We send early access to press releases and press kits, including high resolution screenshots. 04 LTS and Linux kernel 6. Live streams every last Thursday of Updates for OS 7. elementary OS je linuxová distribuce založená na Ubuntu. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features Download elementary OS - The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS. 1 (the latest at the time of writing) in two different ways. 0, the latest version of its user-friendly Linux distribution. com/diolinux Receba 100 dólares de crédito para testar por 60 dias ao criar a sua conta pelo nosso link. Continuing on with our work to vastly improve screen reader support this cycle, Leo implemented the accessibility interface in the Alt + Tab window switcher! Leonhard added a new option to the system shutdown dialog so you can choose to skip a pending update, even when automatic updates are enabled. You can choose to skip updates when shutting elementary OS 6 is a major upgrade after a few good years of updates to the 5. Some minor bug fix updates for GNOME Web and Document viewer were released upstream and those are available to you now. Enjoy this month’s contributions to the upcoming OS 7. 1 😀 The changes included a Elementary OS adalah distribusi Linux yang dikenal dengan tampilan antarmuka yang elegan serta kemudahan penggunaan. #open-source - evergreen #switching-from-macos. OS 8 пропонує безпечний сеанс, який гарантує, що застосунки поважають вашу приватність і вимагають вашої згоди на роботу, абсолютно новий Dock зі Very much in line with the MacOS interface, everything in Elementary OS enjoys the same design elements. 1 rejoice, because a new version of Files is here with a long-asked-for new feature! You can now choose to have a single-click select folders instead of open them, Windows style. Publish on AppCenter. OS 8 brings a Secure Session that ensures apps respect your privacy and require your consent, a brand new Dock with productive multitasking and window elementary OS 6. As far as elementary OS’s ethos goes, I’m pretty sure the following advice is a “definitely don’t do this” But after updates broke the wifi on the 5. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features ElementaryOS on wsl2 using wsldl. It’s been a long road to elementary OS 6—what with a whole global pandemic dropped on us in the middle of development—but it’s finally here. 1. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features Download Safing's Portmaster and take control of your network traffic: https://safing. Additionally, the AppCenter has been updated Co je nového v elementary OS 8. Each is open source and has been reviewed and curated by elementary to ensure a native, privacy-respecting, and What’s New in elementary OS 8. Carefree because you're cared for. One of the key aspects, aside from the unique look and feel, are the custom coded apps and elementary OS adalah sebuah distro linux berbasiskan Ubuntu. A saját fejlesztésű Pantheon felületet használja, ami a GNOME-ra épült. LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite, developed by The Document Foundation. Elementary OS is a Linux distribution that stands out for its strong emphasis on a clean and intuitive user experience, often drawing comparisons to macOS in terms of its aesthetics and user-friendliness. 8, offering new features for privacy, productivity, and accessibility. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features Join Our Press List. The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS #devs #evergreen #meta #vala. 0 is now available to download. Updated docs are available here. The primary purpose of any operating system is to support the apps that you use to work, play, and express yourself creatively. #earlyaccess #updates. If you’d like to help build and improve elementary OS, don’t hesitate to Get Involved. elementary OS Early Access. This release represents the sum of our work over the last several months as a Helping you get the apps you need. Folks running OS 6. Fet amb cura pensant en vosaltres. The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS What’s New in elementary OS 7. Made with care with you in mind. 468. By this time, Pantheon was its own complete desktop environment, recognized by FreeDesktop. #flatpak #odin #release. I first spun it up as a virtual machine using VirtualBox, which was easy enough, Novetats a l'elementary OS 7. OS 8 přináší Bezpečné Sezení které zajišťuje, že aplikace respektují vaše soukromí a potřebují Váš souhlas, úplně nový Dok s produktivními funkcemi multitaskingu a správy oken a pohání naši rozmanitou komunitu skrze Inkluzivní Design. The elementary team says it focused on several areas for this release, Directly fund elementary and get a badge on your GitHub profile to show your support. This tracks the work done on OS integration and disk image assembly. Saved for future references. 13. Today, we’re proud to announce that OS 7. Gondosan válogatott alkalmazásokkal került forgalomba, amelyek megfelelnek a mindennapi igényeknek. The new release, elementary OS 7. So far in this five part series we’ve talked about The Basics of elementary OS (and how it compares to macOS), using elementary OS as a Development Environment, This is not a meta project. AppCenter Dashboard Sprint Spring 2021 Big steps for the Flatpak-based AppCenter elementary OS 8: New Features. Liv What’s New in elementary OS 8. Sponsors. Get your hands on Early Access builds of elementary OS. Thank You. 13 mainline linux kernel and I have working wifi again With the FOSS Weekly Newsletter, you learn useful Linux tips, discover applications, explore new distros and stay updated with the latest from Linux world Elementary today announced the release of Elementary OS 8. OS 8 Updates. 1 Jupiter. Built on the Ubuntu 24. Jedná se o desktopový systém s vlastním uživatelským rozhraním nazývajícím se Pantheon, [1] v němž jsou integrovány základní aplikace OS jako Plank (hlavní panel), Epiphany (standardní webový prohlížeč) a Code (jednoduchý textový editor). Plus Wayland is here, there’s a new way to manage Drivers, and we’re What’s New in elementary OS 7. Indie distro fans rejoice: elementary OS 8. It promotes itself as a "thoughtful, capable, and ethical" replacement to macOS and Windows and has a pay-what-you-want model. La versió OS 7. The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS Made for elementary OS. 1 is available to download now and shipping on several high-quality computers. If you follow elementary OS development, you may know that we do not write our applications on C or Python, but rather a language called Vala. 1 ofereix noves opcions de personalització que la fan més inclusiva i accessible, protegeix la vostra privadesa i garanteix que les aplicacions funcionin sempre amb el vostre consentiment explícit, i aborda els vostres comentaris amb més de 200 correccions d'errors, canvis de disseny i What’s New in elementary OS 8. To see the elementary meta project, please visit: https:/ /launchpad. 0 "Horus", intrduces a number of new changes, many of them focused on the software centre: "As always, AppCenter is the centerpiece of elementary OS. 11 kernel, I installed the firmware from Intel’s website and then I installed the 5. Visuals: Stunning Simplicity. Stack Exchange Network. elementary OS is a Linux-based operating system that aims to be thoughtful, capable, and ethical. Find out how to customize your desktop, install apps, and manage multiple displays. x series. Installation. Huoleton koska sinusta huolehditaan. The primary What’s New in elementary OS 8. 04 LTS and powered by Linux kernel 6. Pop is debloated version of Ubuntu optimized for laptops with 2 GPUs and s76's thelio PCs. 1 Jólnir is available to download now for new users, as an easy upgrade for existing users, and shipping on several high What’s New in elementary OS 8. elementary is a software platform; a unified computer operating system. We design and develop elementary OS—the thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS—plus AppCenter, the pay-what-you-can app store. Az Elementary OS-t általában csak a macOS és Thank You. OS 8 tarjoaa turvallisen istunnon, joka varmistaa, että sovellukset kunnioittavat yksityisyyttäsi ja vaativat hyväksyntäsi. 1 provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your explicit consent, and addresses your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features elementary OS "Loki" Το elementary OS είναι μια διανομή Linux βασισμένη στο Ubuntu. A fast and open replacement for Windows and OS X. március 31-jén jelent meg, ez volt az Elementary OS 0. Az Elementary OS egy Ubuntu alapú Linux disztribúció. Looking for documentation on creating your own apps? Please see Developer Documentation instead. OS 7. Verifikasi Unduhan Anda. Elementary OS. The operating system, the desktop environment (called Pantheon ), and accompanying applications are developed and maintained by elementary, Inc. We had a mature set of default apps, many Elementary OS Linux Release Schedule. In fact, at first blush, Elementary 7 could easily be mistaken for OS 8 Early Access. They not only define specific design elements and principles, but also help instill a philosophy that enables you to decide when it What’s New in elementary OS 8. This month we have some surprise updates for OS 7, including new releases of GNOME apps and a big update for Mail. The elementary OS Installer treats every installation as an OEM installation; step through it to install the OS, then shut down the device and it is ready to be shipped to a customer. Me too, came to Linux because of eOS, but after a year moved to Fedora 35. Be the first to know about new releases and significant developments. elementary makes a point to send funds back to the projects we rely on. O OS 8 traz uma Sessão Segura que garante que os aplicativos respeitem sua privacidade e exijam seu consentimento, um Dock totalmente What’s New in elementary OS 8. . ioGrab a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux:https://www. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. An Introduction to the Philosophies Behind elementary OS The developers behind elementary OS aim to deliver a fast, open and privacy-respecting replacement for proprietary operating systems like Windows and macOS. New versions of Elementary OS are typically released several months after the latest Ubuntu LTS release. When I first discovered Elementary OS, I Mitä uutta elementary OS 8 sisältää. We’re also tracking an issue where some folks are not seeing any The OS build system. As promised, this month brings a bunch of new features including a big new accessibility feature and a major platform improvement. It makes use of a desktop with its own shell named Pantheon, and is deeply integrated with other elementary OS applications like Plank (a dock), Midori (the default web browser) and Scratch (a simple text Brand Marks. You won't find a single app that doesn't uphold the aesthetics of the OS. What’s New in elementary OS 7. OS 8 brings a Secure Session that ensures apps respect your privacy and require your consent, a brand new Dock with productive multitasking and window Download elementary OS for free. We’re getting very close to releasing the latest version of our operating system and that means releasing What’s New in elementary OS 8. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Elementary OS. Danielle Foré has announced the release of elementary OS 8 on November 26, 2024. Installing elementary OS Is as Easy as It Gets I installed elementary OS version 7. Забудьте про турботи, тому що про вас піклуються. org. OS Type: Linux Based on: Debian, Ubuntu Origin: USA Architecture: x86_64 Desktop: Pantheon Category: Beginners, Desktop, Live Medium Status: Active Popularity: 13 (586 hits per day) elementary OS is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution. Find out the system requirements, partitioning options, and new features of Elementary OS 8. It promises to deliver a quick, reliable, and secure computing experience, making it appealing to both new and skilled Linux users. As previously mentioned, our development focus is on the next major version of elementary OS and several of our major projects are coming along nicely. Não se preocupe porque você está cuidado. First things first, congratulations to Ubuntu on releasing version 24. So elementary OS 8 is the next major upgrade after a year of its last release. What’s New in elementary OS 8. 0: The elementary OS team have published a new version of their Ubuntu-based distribution. 1 which provides new personalization options that make it more inclusive and accessible, protects your privacy and ensures apps always operate with your These guidelines are for interface designers, graphic artists, and software developers working on apps for elementary OS. Get these 124 curated apps and more on elementary AppCenter, the open, pay-what-you-can app store for indie developers. #horus #updates. 04 LTS base and powered by the Linux 6. It’s crisp, it’s highly readable and intuitive. 04 LTS, with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. 8, elementary OS 8 introduces many key features that enhance privacy, security, 2023-01-31: NEW • Distribution Release: elementary OS 7.