
Punjabi Tribune (Delhi Edition)

Girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me. I never expected us to end up like this.

Girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me I was with my ex for 5 years. true. She’s graduating this week and I still have two years left. I feel your pain tremendously. My long term girlfriend of 6. She went to a party without me, drank way more than she should have, and was sexually assaulted by two of the men there. She broke up with me so she could kill her self and hoped that i would move on. But we didn't. But honestly she was an amazing girlfriend with that said, very loving and caring. You just have to accept you are going to be sad for a while but it won't be for ever!! After we broke up she confessed that she’s bi and that she was sorry for hiding that fact from me. I don’t want to be with her, we’ve been fighting like this for months and it’s just been a struggle. I dated my 18 year old ex-girlfriend all through High School (about 4 years). . Yeah. I am still in love with her and thought she was the one. Recently, my girlfriend broke up with me, saying she had interest in someone else. 5 years (both 23) broke up with me earlier this week. Hi all, this is my first post here and I’m on mobile so sorry about the format. She texted me offering to either text me about it at that moment, call me tomorrow, or do it in person in two days. No. However in my case we still live together. We were together a year and a half and everything has been perfect until a couple months ago. like you still love them but you're not in love with them. So my girlfriend (18F) broke up with me (19M) a week ago. 5 years broke up with me 4 days ago out the blue and it killed me. " But you don't have to say anything at all if you don't want to. I dont care if shes messy, clingy, etc. Even on our 8th year anniversary, he didn’t send me a single flower, didn’t come to visit. I fell apart. (author) from United States on November 05, 2019: That's a good attitude to have. dashingscorpio from Chicago on November 05, 2019: Excellent sound advice. Jan 4, 2025 · Disrespect or contempt “My girlfriend just broke up with me, I feel like I disrespected our relationship. I have been very unhappy for the past year, I’ve always known that he hasn’t treated me the way he should’ve. Me and my dad decide to go on a walk to calm me down, then 9:30 hits and he drives me to the park and I waited for her, and that's when she shows up to break my heart. I’m lost and idk how I’m gonna get past this. I broke up with my girlfriend 5 days ago due to her sister behavior. We are both pretty young, we met in college and are both still in school. This was back in highschool, 16-18 1/2 The longest I ever dated someone. I am 5 weeks in and it doesn't get better, atleast for me. I mean i loved him to death never wanted anyone but him, but i think if you break up more than 2 or 3 times, that's a good 2 or 3 time answer that something isn't working, and it maybe time to let that boat sail. The break up was very tough. I'm in a very similar situation as you, OP. It ended up being fantastic. She was abused as child by her father and once even by her friend when she was like 13/14. We dated for like 6 months. 5 years broke up with me so I know how they So my girlfriend of almost 3 years who I loved and still love very much broke up with me about a month and a half ago. She said that before we broke up, she recently confessed to the girl I got jealous of that she’s bi because the girl told her her she was bi too. Here’s what I know for sure about people who deal you a ‘blindsided breakup’: It’s not the case that they just woke up that day and decided to do it. We would both describe each other as being in love, had an excellent sex life, and had similar goals and We had an amazing 6 years together, we were faithful throughout those years, and yet 3-4 days after we broke up, she started seeing other people. a girl that i loved alot broke up with me and crashed to the ground AB 3 YEARS AGO,she hurted me alot when we were together but i loved her and kept going,and finally she was the one that broke up with me. We haven't had any major issues between us, but recently I felt like we didn't spend much time together. As the title says my (21m) gf ( 21 f) of 2 years broke up with me cause i am balding . It looks like me and my gf of 8 years are about to break up. 10 months ago, my ex of 3 years up and blocked me after a minor fight and literally broke up with me through a voicemail (haven’t spoken to him since). 5 years she broke up with me on boxing Day and a few days before my birthday. Then there is year 2, which brings a whole new batch of problems and challenges. This happened an hour ago. I came to the car and saw tears on her face. Nov 23, 2023 · The Expert’s Corner: 14 FAQs on Being Blocked by Your Ex-Girlfriend. She also mentioned some things that I did in our relationship that she wasn’t happy with. She has been going to therapist for like 5 months. Just move on from her. I had been with my girlfriend for a little over two years when she broke up with me in college. We were together for 1. On Saturday, my serious girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me. I had been with my boyfriend for years and I honestly thought he was the one I Hi, I hope everyone is good. So my (ex-) girlfriend broke up with me after 2 years. He broke up with me because he “didnt have time for a girlfriend” and here he is with a brand new one. I haven't cried at all, I haven't even wished that we were still My girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me because she didn't feel the spark anymore. She was accusing me of the exact same things she'd said about her 3 previous relationships. You actually believe that you're a Transformer. I am bummed at the fact that she broke up with me. When we started dating I found out they had been broken up for months but last saw each other 2 weeks prior to our first date. Those two are all I have that I have carefully built up and they are what drive me. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. She broke up with another guy for me, but it only took a few days for her to move on to me. My girlfriend(22f) of about 4 years broke up with me (20m) recently. I felt my heart tightened as I knew what was coming. She has a lot of things going on right now with getting ready for college, finishing Senior year, a dying family member, and lots of traveling this summer. Had plans for marriage and kids thought this was my life but the whole thing got turned upside down. We talked about our future plans. She is only 2 months sober (from a 10 year struggle) from mainly alcohol and heroin but she would supplement with whatever else she could find of she didn't have her two faves. The hard part is I can’t let her go. And she broke up with me. It took me almost a year to fully recover but in that time my friends were there for me a ton. Two months ago my boyfriend and I of four years broke up over kids. Feb 2, 2021 · My ex broke up with me 3 days before Christmas after a fight we had 4 days before. A month ago, she called me late at night to break up with me, saying "It's not you, it's me. I am a 19 year old guy in my Freshman year of college. (Long distance relationship)She is 26, i'm 26, we've met over Discord back in 2017 alot of random events led to one another and she happened to create a crush for me (I was in a Discordserver where not alot of mature men were active so I kinda stood out of the crowd and attracted the My girlfriend broke up with me to go and study abroad for a year. So I thank anyone who bothers to help me with this in advance. Originally posted to r/relationship_advice. Fuck. Before she broke up with me I was already going through the worst time in my life. So I am now 25 years old, my girlfriend who was my first love broke up with me though I felt our spark was fading, I definitely didn't see it coming and it blind sided me. At 9pm, when my roommate showed me what she sent him. 5 years of full time working on myself and about 2 years of working on myself in a more relaxed manner, it took me Half a year of full time search to find even less compatible partner, someone with everything we here, and frankly everyone everywhere, hate so much and want to fix, literally all negative traits. She had said that it was because she wanted to grow and work on herself and that going to separate colleges was very stressful for her to balance her personal and sc I love my girlfriend (now ex) to death and she broke up with me last week, it came as a huge blow as we were fine (obviously not) she said that she needed time and space to find herself and explore what she really wants. Then leave it at that and follow through. I don't know what to do without her, it seems like I've always had her. Lots of sex, spending a lot of time together, everyone in school knew we were an item, even the teachers figured out we were fuckin. The reason why she broke up with me is because I really didn't treat her like woman. Yesterday, a week after our first talk, we met up, and she broke up with me for good. I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/JazzlikeConditioncd Originally posted to r/amiwrong My girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me and… I'm a 26yo guy. Edit: It's been a little over 24 hours since I posted and 40 hours since I broke things off. I was a bit confused. I’m not ready to commit to someone before I’m even out of college. I have never dated a girl prior to dating her. It doesn't feel real. Edit: TL;DR, My GF of 2 and 1/2 years who had living together with me for the last year a half came home from her India trip to visit her parents. She did know I was a virgin with no prior experience and said she would guide me and I took that for granted: naively waiting for her to take the initiative. I done everything for this girl and our family and she's just turned her back on me . We live together in a house with another couple. She met a friend of her friend early this year and it’s clear they had something going on. We fought sometimes but not usually anything too serious. Like everything was picture perfect up until that day or even week. He knew this could be an issue. She did the whole “I love you and still want you as a friend in my life” thing. I was so sad everyday and wanted to get back together SO BAD, and I could SWEAR it def wasn't over/didn't feel over bc we still saw each other everyday. Halfway through the week, I took a girl out on a date. Jun 3, 2011 · My girlfriend broke up with me after two years. She doesn't want you. She'd basically have a meltdown, when I had plans with friends that didn't include her. There are a few things making it complicated for me to break up with her. I asked him to secretly text her for me to get any answers after this sudden break up. A few of her friends reached out to me, to let me know she was spreading lies. Your first love can be incredible. It's stupid. I broke up with my girlfriend of 2. I broke up bcs she was going to study in another country very far away, 400 Km and we could see each other only 4 times a year, after thinking about it for like 1-2 weeks I decided to brake up, we broke up in good terms but after 3 weeks and wanted her back, bcs I just couldn’t live without her and I really want a life with her, kids with her Your girlfriend has drawn her line in the sand and, being honest if you fear her booting your ass to the curb you better shape up and shape up quickly because your then ex-girlfriend isn't going to owe you any more consideration about your finances and living circumstances; particularly given that you have absolutely no concern for her or her My Girlfriend just broke up with me a couple days ago. Yeah, happened to me as well. My gf of two years just broke up with me while being in Basic training I’m 20(f) and my 21 year old girlfriend went to army basic training a month ago, before she went we talked about how it was gonna change our relationship but we still decided to stay together and we were gonna get through this. basically saying she can't see a future with me. Let me give you some back story. without having to worry about needing to come home to a boyfriend right now. If you send a picture and tell them they have a deadline to pick it up. You should be blaming your "friend" for this. We're Indians living in the US. So, a week ago she broke up with me as she has a lot going on in her life (dad is sick with alzheimers, she was sick with endo, work issues, etc) and she had suppressed depression and anxiety (which she is medicated and sees professionals for fairly regularly and has done for years) that had been building up and taking a toll on her to the point where she felt that she couldn't prioritise a Ex fiancee [32F] of 8+ years broke up with me [32M] via text message ~3 years ago, and disappeared. During this week I found out that I think living together permanently is not for me and a lat relationship would be best for me. I occasionally get lonely as does anyone else, and out of the weirdness of life I reconnected with the ex that I broke up with. Accept how you feel. I could see it coming over the past month as she has been distant and thinking about it. My girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me a couple of days ago and i just haven’t been taking it well. now ex is 25. Hi, person from the other side here, me (F27) being the one that broke up with my bf(M27) after a 12 year relationship. When she broke up with me she said she feels like she fell out of love with me. so basically my GF broke up with me last Friday with words, that her mental health got much worse during last three months. She said that she wasn't sure if she wanted to be with me. 19M and my gf 19F. She would tell me that she just wanted to see changes from me and was making it seem that she still wanted to be with me, though through meeting with her multiple times I broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years today. 5 years last night. Looking back, i really had a fun time with her and i really wish i did more than what i actually did. Girlfriend of 3 years and 11 months dumps me last February. My ex got a new girlfriend a little less than a month after he broke up with me. In this article I will help you pinpoint what exactly went wrong if you’ve found yourself thinking My girlfriend broke up with me, and how that can help you to bring her back into your arms. Both men were identified by people at the party, plead guilty, and convicted. Yep. 2 hours later she gets with a new guy. The person that she had sex with had been working on her for a while. Nov 5, 2019 · If you are in a relationship more than 2 years and is Flirting with a different women is that cheating on me. I haven’t felt that blindsided, betrayed and hurt in a very long time. First of all, getting past the first year is tough. I'm gonna break this down into two sections, because it's quite a long read. I needs some outside prospective on the situation. 5 years, and we were together for about 1. Maybe. I was dating a girl for almost 3 years. you love them so therefore you say "i love you " because you really do but it begins to feel more platonic in a way. I enjoy the presence of a woman in my life and never take it for granted. It is hard. My girlfriend (23F) and I (22M) recently broke up due to her depression. She showed up like 2 weeks later to give me my stuff back and was very causal about the whole thing. A few days ago I posted here about a difficult talk my girlfriend and I had. Me and my gf of 7 years broke up fairly abruptly like this. 5 years. My gf broke up with me for a week. TRIGGER WARNING: emotional abuse and manipulation, abandonment, severe depression. Later on, due to us not being able to compromise on some things, we finally split up. it just felt like i didn't have those desires anymore. My girlfriend and I had known each other for approximately 2. 5 years, she was the one even though we had alot of arguments and alot to change/do better we stayed together for so long. The fight happened on a Tuesday and he broke up with me on a Saturday. It was a mutual decision. About a month ago I broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years. You might then lengthen it to 2 months, or decide you never want to talk to him Next day I asked her what's wrong she said that she is feeling we are better off as friends (we were for 1 year and now this is our 2nd year romanticly) we had a little bit of an argument and she kept on saying that she doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone anymore, and that I deserve more than what she gives me, I don't know what So my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me to work on some things about herself. Mom of 3 here. And eventually she asked me out and we started dating. 5K votes, 533 comments. TL;DR: I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years as amicably as I could, but she only showed cold indifference. She is the most amazing person I ever met and has always been there for me. Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years after she moved back to her home country. I hadn't prepared for this kind of hurt. He would always say he wanted to move in together and get married but would never pull the trigger. She doesn't want to give clear answers. What I could say helped me after my ex and I broke up was just focusing on a good daily routine such as eating the right foods, reading a good book, going to the gym at the same time etc. She was depressed before the pregnancy, and I believe she has become further depressed during the pregnancy. I should have broken up with her at the start because we were not sexually compatible. I feel really bad for that guy now, I didn't see it before. My mental health over the last 6 months has been the worst it’s ever been, and now my girlfriend of 4. I am 21 yrs old and she is my first girlfriend. Lots of comments about me wanting her to feel bad, which I don't. Even though she gave me hints, we never went past the first base (I know, I am an idiot). We had some rough times and stupid fights but every relationship has them. A couple years after divorce, a very pretty woman 11 years older than me sat on my lap at a corporate event--I'm 38 and she's 49, just for reference. Eventually, time just eases the pain a day at a time. I helped her leave her abusive husband, as a friend nothing hinky, promise. This was just a bomb waiting to go off. She broke up with me but I wasn't worried, she was my soul-mate, we had been on and off again for three years, she kept the ring and everything. i hated it. But two years ago while things were going well we had a very important conversation. But i don't feel that way at all. Conversely, you don't want someone who doesn't want you. She simply told me we could no longer be together. My ex was from a 7 year (engaged for 3 years) relationship then met me after 6-7 months. I found out days later she started a relationship with a friend that we had (mainly her friend but me and the guy do hang out) for 3 years. My gf said she was really pissed off at me for going out on a date, and that it made her realize that she wanted to be with me after all. How can she not care about how I feel after all those years, I gave her my everything, I gave up a lot of friendship because she was always really jealous of me hanging out with other people. After she broke up with me, two weeks later she's onto some other guy, with the excuse that she "needs someone" or whatever. I have supported her for the past 5 years. He broke up because he couldn't handle being approached by men who've slept with you before. We were together for 5. I (33M) had been seeing my girlfriend (26F) for 3 years when she broke up with me very quickly. TL;DR my long-time girlfriend just broke up with me because her coworkers thought I'm not good enough for her. Broke up with my boyfriend of 8 years. My girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me about 5 days ago, I have no idea what to do with my self I’m so in love with her and within the couple weeks before we were talking about having kids and getting married, she had bought me a ticket to Europe with her for my birthday in November and we were supposed to go this summer, I just don’t understand how this could have happened I’m so My girlfriend (24f) broke up with me (28m) recently. We are still talking as much, texting as much, and seeing each other just as much. Honestly, I've had a hard time accepting it. Now with rents doubling in our area in the last year, I'm not sure if I (or even her) can even afford to live by ourselves. My longest relationship which was 2. I saw pictures of them kissing last weekend. I still and will always love her. I've always been self conscious of my size (2" flaccid 4" erect) and also being a virgin I was extremely nervous as to what would happen. We both have been going through a lot of stressors… my ex and i broke up still in love after an almost 2 year relationship. I didn't know what to expect. I made sure our relationship was better than his previous. Just a week after I was dumped I ended up in a casual sexual relationship that developed into a loving relationship for just under 2 years. I'm going to miss her so much. I’ve broken up with him about 4 times before due to the same issues. Then my girlfriend broke up with me. Now we're married and have a kid. When talking about me, she said the meanest things and some things that were simply untrue. Mutual friends confirmed that he started to date a new girl within a week, and long story short… they got engaged last month. She went on a trip to South America for one month and came back yesterday. She is the love of my life. I had something similar happen to me where out of the blue my GF dumped me and ghosted me. Maybe if he’d brought it up early on she could have even chosen not to date him. Don't insist either. I never expected us to end up like this. I only break up when its toxic and/or cheating is involved. The two of you had been in a relationship for 2 years. 2 years and 6 months. About a month ago, my girlfriend of three years and I broke up. I don't feel anything. I never saw it coming. Don’t stay in the kid’s life. So onto the story, it's long but bear with me: Ok so about a week ago my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me. She did not let me down easy, it was a "we are breaking up and it is all your fault" sort of deal. I've been feeling all the normal things that happens, sad, depressed, angry, alone, confused, and so on. Context: My girlfriend broke up with me 4-5 weeks ago now. I feel that, my girlfriend of two years got a new job and then started hanging out with a guy who's older than me, got a better job than me, got a better car than me, from Her work, before you know it, I'm kicked to the curb like rubbish and she's moved on so quick. Quick update: after I posted my boss sent me an urgent message asking if we could do a zoom meeting. Yep few months ago (10 years relationship) ended because she said we aren't the same people anymore and we don't have same life goals . It’s now been 3 days and nothing has changed. Well, she broke up with me to get with my best friend at the time. Get rid of the stuff that reminds you of her if you can. I love her so much and she is my best friend but I just couldn't shift this feeling that I no longer wanted to be with her and felt like I couldn't be the boyfriend she deserved. I was like your girlfriend. I still love this girl and want to talk to her at least one more time and ask what went wrong. I had sorta the same thing happen to me about a month ago. i thought he didn’t like me anymore, but he messaged me a few months later and we both admitted we never fell out of love but had a lot of personal issues we needed to focus on and felt horrible because he didn’t wanna hurt me or lose me. 5 years dumped me. My girlfriend (F19) of about 2 years (long distance) broke up with me (20M) a few days ago. That's a giant red flag that something else is going on. These things helped a lot as well as just spending some time in your own mind and exploring why things went wrong and having some "self-talk" with yourself. 5. She started to get distant, texted / talked less to everyone, and just wasn’t herself. Hey! It has been 5 days since my girlfriend of two years broke up with me. After this my GF's personality completely changed. We’ve been having problems for a while so it wasn’t unexpected, and we hadn’t talked for a few days before the breakup. Then one night when she was out she texted me and I called her. I was shopping for wedding rings days before my girlfriend of 3. My girlfriend and I met at work a couple years ago. So here’s a little bit of a back story, this may be long so please bear with me. About 6 weeks later she sees me walk into a restaurant with a woman who was a set up from a mutual friend with my ex. And each time we broke up & got back together, it was one more thing on my list of long ass thing to hate him for. I attempted to stay optimistic and believe we'd sort this out. Even though our relationship was improving, I doubted our future and ended it, but now I feel unsure and miss her deeply. It's always very short-lived and as soon as she's back in my good graces, she goes right back to lying and manipulating me. She is the kindest and sweetest girl I knew, with a super high moral standard. We broke up after 5 months together. TL;DR Girlfriend broke up with me over politics. A day before he had to leave for college with her he broke up with me by telling everyone I cheated on him with his friend of 10 years so that it sounded believable since nobody just blames their close friend of 10 years for no reason. So this literally happened to me. And I am not attracted to any other girls that way. Even as she told me that she wanted to break up, I still thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and I still loved her. I'm completely devastated. My girlfriend of two years broke up with me because of my size [NSFW] I had recently gotten the chance to take my relationship a step further with my gf. First off, let her go. We got into a really bad fight that we have been having for years, and I don’t know what to do. We were both very happy before that and I couldn't think of a single thing that would give her the reason to break up with me. It sounds like you’re staying calm/chill and are ready to give her space which is great. This is something i just have to get off my chest. The little things add up, for years I communicated I’d wish he’d be more boyfriend-ly, just small things like buying flowers on significant days, helping me with lifting heavy things and like holding the door. She says that she lost feelings, and I understand that, however it doesn’t change the fact that it kinda Jan 4, 2025 · Disrespect or contempt “My girlfriend just broke up with me, I feel like I disrespected our relationship. Why would my ex-girlfriend block me? Your ex-girlfriend might block you to create space and distance as she processes the breakup, to avoid confrontation, or because she finds continued communication painful or distracting. i met my ex while i was pregnant, 5 years ago (he helped me get out of a very very bad situation with my son’s dad and then helped me raise him the first few years when his dad couldn’t), now it’s been 2 years since him and i broke up, i have a child with my current partner but i will probably never delete the pictures with my ex, it was one of the most important chapters of both me and To both of you: my boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago we still had to live together for about a month. Well, I dated a girl for a few months about 12ish years ago now, we broke up and I regretted it eventually. she’s probably not coming back. ” The Gottman Institute suggests that one of the four signs of the imminent end of a relationship is contempt, which can take the form of mocking, ridiculing, name-calling, or disrespectful body language like eye-rolling. Yes, we have only been dating for 3 months before she decided to break up with me. My girlfriend of 2. Don’t meet up. So, yeah, after 2. I’m sorry to kick us off with what probably feels like a bit of a vague answer. Is being blocked a permanent situation? Not Sorry to hear this - I'm in the same situation my boyfriend of 4. Bipolar disorder is complicated. She said she doesn’t deserve me, doesn’t want to hurt me, and started to bring up reasons why our relationship wouldn’t work in the future. I am 100% NEVER getting pregnant, that was my absolute bottom line - however, I told him I’d be willing to explore other options involving kids later down the line when we’re both older and financially stable (fostering, adopting, surrogacy even…). Continue to cry. I am wondering if anyone has ended up in a similar situation and if you eventually get back together? Context: I met her on a dating app a few months back. It feels like a weird dream and I'll wake up and everything will be back to normal and we'll be happy. So, my girlfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me because she felt "incompatible" and the love wasnt the same. Yeah I never ever ever break up or take the person for granted because I know karma will nip my ass. I thought it was something really important. 5 years breaks up with me and holy shit this is definitely the worst time in my life. My girlfriend recently came up to my family’s house for thanksgiving and everything appeared fine, but after I returned home, my mom sent me a text saying that we need to talk once I’m done with finals and back home (Indian 22M in last My (m18) Girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me. She used to tell me i was the man of her dreams and was very much in love with me. I'm still having a hard time accepting it. This exact thing happened to me. I just don't feel sad over it, though. Dec 30, 2024 · Can my girlfriend come back after a breakup? It is possible for a girlfriend to come back after a breakup, but it depends on various factors, including the reasons for the breakup, the willingness of both parties to work on the relationship, and changes made to address underlying issues. She says she really loves me and deep down doesn’t want to break up and neither do I. May 25, 2016 · Any help would be greatly appreciated. How would you feel if you were approached by a random girl who basically said "I've banged him before yknow". Picked me up in the airport with a rose and a wine. The length of time you stay no-contact is up to you. Two weeks after ending a two year long relationship, she had sex with someone else. It took me years to get over it. Please At the end of April my girlfriend broke up with me after 8 months of being together because she felt like she still had feelings for her ex that were unresolved. My first real GF broke up with me 3 days after my birthday I broke up with my second 6 days before Easter (first time I was going to go home with her to see her family) I had 2 friends who had stories of being broken up with on their birthdays like OP Xmas and graduation were literally like the break up season in my friends group. She claims isn't the reason but Q in January I lost my job after 8 years And it's hard for me to find work now that I'm living I'm a different state so right now im flat broke just getting by and when she met me I had it going on financially and I would plan spontaneous dates to dinner and the movies We would go on trips out the country and when ever she needed me and I could help I did. We started dating in high school and just had our 5 year anniversary. It’s totally possible she broke up with you due to a manic or depressive episode but also totally possible she genuinely wanted to break up but just did it a bit erratically due to her mental state. when I speak with her now she's like a different person and just A week ago, my (25m) girlfriend (23f) left me. There have been posts on here recently of people in similar situations — guys who have stayed in the kid’s life, and lo and behold, they get a new girlfriend who isn’t a fan of that and it causes big problems in the relationship because the new romantic partner ends up taking a backseat to the needs of an ex girlfriend’s Hi guys. I always felt like we could overcome any difficulty because we loved each other so much. I put up with it. " She said, "There you go again!" Anyway we have been together for 4 years, and everything was amazing up until a year ago. I'm going with through almost the same thing, I broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years(10 days ago would've been our 3rd year together) 2 months ago because I let anger get the best of me. Right off the bat we just clicked. It was night and it takes me around 2 hours to get there. Now is trying to rejoin our circle of mutual friends, and i am struggling with it extremely hard. Met his friends and family and he met mine few times. I've had enough and I'm leaving you. I met her through a buddy one night, we hooked up immediately started dating and shortly after realized all of her friends all had their own plans for her. 5 Reasons Why Couples Break Up After 2-Years First of all, you need to get a good understanding of why a lot of relationships end at around the 2-year mark. Stay strong at the best, make sure to do what is the best you think of, in the future you might look at what happened as an improvement and you can see her as one who thinks of others greatly, seeing that she broke up to improve herself, I think that you should too, so yeah, see what you can do and maybe in the future, who knows maybe she was really the one for you and you guys might be able A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told. I showed up, she came out and told me that she's breaking up with me because I show too much love and affection and she didn't need it. An estimated 70% of new relationships end within one year. She was falling for it. She broke up with me saying she needed some time to think, which I felt is the nice way saying she either found someone or is just genuinely done with our relationship. Sep 12, 2016 · There are so many reasons why a break up could happen, but the most important thing to realize is that there is always a reason. We started going out before even graduating high school, and since then have graduated university, lived abroad, worked on our careers, we're totally different people than the people that first started going out all those years ago. However I know that I have had these feelings for a long time and if I didn't say anything, I would regret it and never know what will happen now. Today was my first morning seeing the other half of my bed empty and I completely broke down. Jan 9, 2025 · Please don't contact me for the next couple of weeks. Your bf didn't break up just because of your past sexual history. 5 years broke up with me over the weekend because she had connected with a guy a few weeks ago and started to question our future together. We had been together for 7 years. She said, "I'm sick of it. We both had our own apartments and we tried living together in mine for a week to see how that would go. There was no incident between us, no fight, no falling out, nothing like that. I would still advise against moving on so soon, as it messes the healing process for a while. It came as a complete shock to me and everyone around us. Me and my ex have been dating for the last 2 years, during this time her sister has come on to me multiple times, im not completely sure about the amount of times but it was almost every time i saw her. 5 years and I really thought we were the one for each other. The night of the fight he messaged me and told me to leave him alone so he could study for his finals so I expected to hear from him when they were over but I heard nothing for two days later. 5 years when she went to college. Unfortunately that ended but that's offtopic. I can one-up you. I accepted. Matt G. Mar 20, 2024 · This article will cover everything you need to know about the possible reasons why your girlfriend decided to end the relationship (and what to do next). You think that this person is the be-all-end-all, your soulmate, the most perfect human being on the planet, and you can't live without him/her. I’ve been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 2. By not informing her he basically signed her up for a break up. She wants me to buy a $10,000 USD ring and propose to her by December, something I am not on board with at all. what matters to me are morals, loyalty, honesty, and respect. Two of those years were in college, and then another after. She had me convinced that she was ready to finally start acting like an adult. To provide some context, I had been having health issues for the past 12 months, we also argued a lot but always managed to make things up. But he removed that choice from She told me she had been wanting to break up with me for a year -- a year during which I thought both of us were happy, and a year during which I worked hard to make sure she felt happy and loved. By understanding the most common breakup causes, you might be able to see the cracks appearing and do something about it to save your own relationship. 308 votes, 68 comments. Years ago when one of my exes broke up with me, I had the decency to wait at least two weeks to go back on the dating site that me and my ex found each other on. I focus so much on that, nothing else really matters. Jun 14, 2023 · Coping with grief after an unexpected breakup “My breakup was a total surprise at the time, at least, to me it was. Despite explaining some of what I had been doing wrong in our relationship she is adamant those are just things that made her realize breaking up was the right call, but not the reason she decided to. 2ish years ago we reconnected she was there for me after a hard relationship. My friend, I understand where you're coming from. I’d understand not bringing it up if she had 0 tattoos but she didn’t. The worst part is that now, in a subsequent relationship, the ghost of being broken up with is still with me. It was amazing. I thought it was the respectful thing to do and the last thing I wanted was to hurt him by being seen on the same dating site not even one or two days after he broke up with me. After 2 weeks, you might decide to give him a call or that you'd feel better within a month. My. I love her so much, she is the most important person in my life. However, what you can do is ask her why she had to end it with you. She told me that she would like to have some time to herself so that she can fully enjoy it and get a new perspective. Thanks for the comment. " I said, "But, Baby, I can change. She said she broke up because she stopped having feelings for me and needed some time alone, with friends, traveling, etc. We had issues around time, emotional differences, and career focus. When his picture came up there were 2 cops behind him. I was truly sure that she was the one for me. I had a girlfriend years back, and she was steeped in a majorly toxic friend group. On our first date we were very open with one another about where we were at in life and what we wanted, but she seemed wishy-washy on whether or not she wanted to be married again. I just didnt think enough ways to go to her constantly. Or, why do couples break up after 2 years? It’s not strictly a coincidence that a lot of couples break up on or around the 2-year mark. One thing led to another and were dating I guess. My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday because of my obsession. Throwaway because yep. We were bestfriends and she was the closest friend I had. Do I reach out if my girlfriend broke up with me? Had a 2 year relationship where she didnt want to have sex yet (she was a virgin, had multiple reasons to not have sex) and I eventually broke up with her because I moved to Germany (lived in Canada). this has been his first time 35 male here we were together for 4 years lived together for 3. My first girlfriend dumped me after 2. She almost instantly hooked up and started dating this guy (that also was dating for 4 years and broke up with his then gf as well). She decided to break up all of a sudden. For the most part our relationship was great. We've been living together for 2 years and I can hear her crying in the other room. I had a woman break up with me after a romantically intense 2 1/2 year relationship. We were going to watch a movie together that night. 5 years now and I just broke up with her today. I am trying to find closure here. Her parents don't know about us. She wanted to open our relationship in June but we broke up, obviously. I know she was the one. It was the hardest thing to see her heart breaking right in front of me because I still care a lot about her. We were both 15 years old when we met each other, and now we are soon turning 18. 10 reasons why your girlfriend unexpectedly broke up with you 1) Her feelings changed. Now I'm feeling very lost in life. 12 votes, 25 comments. For the past 4 years we been together everyday and that created a bond and chemistry i thought would last forever but because of my attitude and the way i talked to her sometimes she grew fed up. Original Post Apr 6, 2020 She is 30 weeks into the pregnancy, and she broke up with me a couple weeks ago. She had no idea. Sadly she has had an awful time throughout the 30 weeks with constant sickness, headaches - she has been signed off long term sick from work as well. after that somethings happened and i found out she reads me texts to her guy friends and laughs at me,took me more than a year and even used I [28M] just broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years. Everything’s doing great. When we first met i had long hair and then i kept noticing more hairs on my pillow so the only thing i could do is cut it shorter until i was already at my buzz cut phase . We had planned on getting married this year, but things didn't go as expected and we delayed marriage talks. My gf broke up with me about a month ago, I still love her and we have talked a little since the break up, we eventually met up last week (1 month after breaking up) to talk about things, then on the weekend I kissed another girl and feel really guilty!!! i guess it sort of feels like falling out of love. mxmzrmun sfuu jfuc nbkm vbak zip vfxdxsti imzldq svx rkgurlv