Konp table in sap Select * from KONP to get data and modify fields needed. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. also to check which table is entry present take the knumh from konp, go to knoh tabel put this value of knumh and see the entry . KONH. Everything are created. To trace which event is raised during KONP change go to SWEL and turn the trace on. A000 Condition Table for Pricing $ T684 Condition Exclusion Groups . KONP tables for those exact values. See the fields, related tables and transaction codes of KONP table in SD module. Field Data element Checktable SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) SD (Sales and Distribution) Software Product Function. I want to get conditions percentage of taxcode: For example, Tax Code : 20 has 4% of VAT and 1% of Addition VAT. For this you have to understand the concept of condition technique in SAP. u can check the table name in access sequnece u r using for this condition type. However, checking the same in table A003 we found only some of the entries. My entries in WE19: Further, if I only create one KONP record, then everything goes as it should. cancel. type-pools : slis. But what's puzzling in KBETR is a standard SAP table and its showing the wrong value. You link this in table KONV to get the rates and other related data. take the condition numbers and pass them to KONP table. In this program i am trying to change the price of this condition record number but it is not affecting to the database. KONP is the master table for pricing according to Condition No. 0 compiled by Christopher Solomon with contributions by various SAP Professionals. g lt_out. This condition could be found in table A018. The KONV table consists of various fields, each holding specific information or linking keys about Conditions (Transaction Data) data available in KONH (Conditions (Header)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. BW Business Explorer (SAP BEx) Software Product Function. Now i want to extract data from KONP by using VBPK & VBRP data. In the condition record, we have stored the Sales TAX as 6. e field - KNUMV. KONP is for line item and KONH is for header. The ABAP team is currently going into debug mode and deleting required condition records. FOR ALL ENTERIES IN lt_vbak. Then go to table KONP and in the input settings for the table search for the data stored in first step. I tried in KONP but its taking too much time. Similarly there is another table called KONP for item pricing. KONP Table for Conditions (Item) Table Type : TRANSP Package : VKON Module : AP-PRC-PR /BEV1/RBKP Table for Copy Table for KONP for Accrual (Field KBRUE) Table Type : TRANSP S/4 hana has replaced the KONV table with PRCD_ELEMENTS. Marcin *Fact - 1) SAP Table TCURX holds details about number of decimals used in a Currency within SAP. ) and the same needs to be passed to Table KONP Or search for a A* table (like A003 or A012) where the Taxes for the Condition types (KNUMH)are stored for PO. Hi Gopal, I have same question with Shikha, however, as your answer I tried to find from KONH and KONP, but no record found. Look at sample code and which contains material price from konv,konp,a004 table. Konp stores the price details. Basis recommended us to de-activate "Log Data Changes" flag in KONP table and prevent logging for pricing. program is successfully executing but it doesnt aff depending on your needs you define the table GT_DATA to contain data from tables KONP / KONM; those two tables are always read with the key KNUMH coming from the condition tables; Prerequisite : Now you should have noticed that we compare the values of the condition tables with the values from segment GS_KOMG. i Have done the same before. Amit I am able to get condition record numbers for contracts from table A016 and A068(plant specific) but when i am entering scheduling agreement number in A016 to get condition record for scheduling agreement i am not getting any values. Table KONV stores transaction data related to pricing (prices, discounts, surchages, taxes etc. konp-kumne - denominator for coverting condition units to base units. 0. for komk which table , komp which table , komv - which table i have to use either KONV or KONP. T684G Condition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types conditions (field KNUMH) are stored in tables A according to the type of condition. A5* : access sequence table for the condition types. Plant combination. Using those condition record numbers,I want to find the corr it rightly reads the cond. but field ZAEHK_IND not update in table KONP can any one help this issue lt_copy_records-zaehk_ind = 1. At the time of PO creation, taxes are only be simulated but not posted to any database table. KNB1 Customer Master – Co. Now, the table PRCD_COND is in place. I want table where it get stored ? Thanks in advance for your support. But this is not the feasible solution. In case for example it is noticed that in target system ( KONP table ) only shows KAPPL = 'TX' in the target system after client copy is performed. Bruno Baptista SAP S/4HANA Advantage – PRCD_ELEMENTS: Simplified DATA-Fetch The NEW Table PRCD_ELEMENTS gets updated during the Pricing of Sales-ORDER All the Details for Pricing-Condition, Sales-Order, Line-item are easily available in PRCD_ELEMENTS, thus no need of the KONV Cluster table, nor the Linka in EKKO table they are not maintained the KNUMV field for the contract number. To use new field for pricing go to SPRO and go to path <b>Sales and Distribution --> System modification --> Create new fields (using condition technique) --> New field for pricing</b>. Basically SE16N or any other standard transaction(ME23N, VF03, VA03, etc) do a decimal conversion using relevant Currency before display and hence display the correct Hi I need to transfer all inforecords from one SAP system to another SAP system. You have to get the customer / materials from the conditon table (Ex. The table above contains the following information: Annn: Condition table. rates according to overhead type are in table A013. Check if the validity period is current and also check if u have correct entries in table T681F for the new fields u added. KONP is a SAP standard transparent table used for storing Conditions (Item) related data in SAP. Former Member. MM_EKKO Purchasing Documents. in KONP table is 0000xxxx and Text Procedure is 01 then input should be : 0000xxxx01) OBJECT - KONP (For Pricing procedure) Show replies. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. table. you cantake the KNUMH value from these tables and get the rate from KONP. SAP ERP 6. Now after getting the condition no from A016-KNUMH pass these condition no in KONP Conditions (Item) table under field - KONP-KNUMH and you will find out the value of each line item wise value of condition of contract document. actualy conditionrecord is maintained on the bases of customer number, material pricing group. . Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. 5%. and combined with data from the Condition Items table (KONP) to provide a I maintain Condition Types in me47 , but i am unable to find the table for condition types and which table this data will be store? i followed like , i got structure name but i didn't get table name. Please explain in detail. in table KONP you find rates for the "condition records" found in To get the SAP table name of Table 363, just add "A" before it. Then go to KONP table, enter the condition record Depending on the access sequence used, you have tables like A820, A821, A822, A823, A824 etc. Table “KONV” will be no more used in SAP S/4HANA. Table pools (pools) and table clusters (clusters) are special table types in the ABAP Dictionary. AnalyticalTable in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Tuesday; Top Q&A Solution Author. KONP is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (Item) data and is available within SAP S/4 HANA systems and previous ECC R/3 systems. ; Symptom 2: When creating a Purchase Order (PO), condition types maintained based on percentage are stored on field KONP Condtions (Item) KONV Condtions (Transaction Data) T681 Conditions: Structures. A305 , KONH,KONP. For different "key combination" there is a particular table. 00 while SE16N shows it as 100. ( the conditional amount will available KONP-KBETR) how to make relation between KONP table and item of the contract. Note the record number 0000007609. KONP as Conditions (Item). On other hand, komp is a communication structure which is used to pass pricing data to pricing procedure while order processing and bill processing. press F1 on filed--->technical Hi, I need SAP Table to view condition record based on Condition Type. condition master record. (Condition record no. please help me. In varkey field sales area and material other info. KONV table is linked to VBRK table and not VBAK as our friend said, this is for clarification. By passing the vendor & material into some table, can i get the condition record number so that i can pass the same to konp and get the required data. Here, remove all entries with segment type EKONP and table name KONP. For retrieving this key field is Condition record number. so Table A363 stores the details of combination Plant/Vendor/Material . Let me tell you that I am using this varkey in the pricing condition record creation BAPI 'BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS'. So I was just curious to know why is the entry in the table *10 for TAX condition records. You will get more details about each SAP table by clicking on the table name. Give the contract number and item in A016 table, you'll get the list of condition record numbers based on the validity period. Please help. You must be a registered user to add a Solved: Hi ABAPers, I have data from VBRK & VBRP tables. Customer condition : Get the data from A007 table,take the knumh field ,do compare with KONP table with KNUMH,then get the kbeter value. If you konw the access sequence table from condition information, you can find the condition record number from A5* table. KOND Conditions (Data) KONH Conditions (Header) KONM Conditions. Sales and Distribution: Customers : Table Description. As far as I know, these tables contain the condition data, which are not directly connected e. View products (2) I want to get the conditions data maintained in the info records into a table form, which can later be downloaded to excel. along with condition record number. In KONV table I can find the following: - Records for 9032 condition number and the value from KONP (33,10%). Now, pass the condition record numbers to KONP table, this will give the list of conditions that is applicable for that particular period. I am passing condition record number in KONP and getting the price along with condition type. Do a change in KONP table and save it. You must be a registered user to add a comment. sap. Anji Can you please clarify a little more,can u specify the tables name that you are using to achieve join with Konp table, may be some other fields , not ebeln will be used. all the A series tables are linked, with an example. "wa_konp TYPE konp. Below is the technical details KONP is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (Item) data and is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. Message Tables KONH and KONP represent master data / pricing condition records. Table Key Link Key One-to-One One-to-Many One One One Many KONP (Conditions (Item)) Condition No (KNUMH) Seq No (KOPOS) KONH (Conditions (Header)) Condition No (KNUMH) EINA (Purchasing Info Record: General Data) Info Record (INFNR) Hi , To get condition type for scheduling agreement first go to table A016, enter the appropriate details, scheduling agreement number , item and get the condition record number (KNUMH). Best regards. then how to capture the conditions . I need to extract price information for this condition from ECC to BW. You may use these communication table Search S4 HANA tables. KONP. From: “shreemanju via sap-r3-log-sd” relevent rate, unit etc from konp table. KONW: Value scale. For example: Material number 4711 has a special condition. I would like to suggest a few references, [SDN - Reference for use SAP does the conversion when storing and retrieving amount from KONP and it always looks at KONWA. This table will be applicable for that particular key combination. Key fields are marked in blue. please include an example to. This is also OK for me. The KONM table consists of various fields, each holding specific information or linking keys about Conditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale KONPAE is a standard Conditions Structure in SAP SD application. but other archiving objects will as well delete the related records from KONP: MM_EBAN Purchase Requisitions. KONP: Table stores the condition KONP is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (Item) data and is available within SAP S/4 HANA systems and previous ECC R/3 systems. These conditions are linked to info records. Then check the table KONV. My problem is, that after this calculation, I need to change KBETR field in the same METHOD pricing_condition. Take the KNUMH field from this A8 table and pass to KONP-KNUMH and take the KBETR or KWERT fields for that . To fetch the data and store the condition records - KONH , KONP tables used. Can you help me on locate the exact table which stored the following fields KONV-WAERS, exchange I have a question regarding the KONP table in SD which stores condition records. and document condition number, etc. 2245763-Why application tables KONH and KONP got copied with profile SAP_CUST? Symptom. KONP is standard conditions table where we can find information related to condition records lets say on a sales order. DATA : BEGIN OF ty_test OCCURS 0, knumh LIKE konp-knumh, konwa LIKE konp-konwa, krech LIKE konp-krech, stfkz LIKE konp-stfkz, kpein LIKE konp-kpein, kmein LIKE konp-kmein, zaehk_ind LIKE konp-zaehk_ind, END OF ty_test. Conditions of tax code are stored in KONP table. I see that I can find related information at KONP table. related to purchasing as the output. Although there are records in KONH and KONP tables a corresponding KNUMH can not be found in Axxx (KOTABNR) condition tables. KONM: Quantity scale. Otherwise you can pass VPRS values to subtotal 1 to 7 while defining pricing procedure and you in tables A you find the "condition records" for different kind of overhead. ui. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search . Turn the trace off using SWEL. check for route search string option. Checked tables KONX, KONX1 they don't have values. konp-knumh- SAPがわからないことだらけで悩んでいたところ、会社の先輩にSAPラボの所長を紹介され、毎週末に所長とSAPのお勉強中! A始まりのテーブル が使用されており、データ部分を格納するテーブルとして テーブ KONV contains the conditions for the billing documents (VBRK-KNUMV links to KONV-KNUMV). record for the table whose fields are just from the sap standard. View products (1) Hi, 1) I can see KOMV is a communciation structure for condition record. sury I used this function RV_CONDITION_COPY. Take that KNUMH field and pass to KONP table and based on the KSCHL you will get the Amounts for taxes. Search for additional results. KONA: Agreement (only with rebate) KONP: Condition item. From Pricing related transactions in Both SD and MM modules the data is entered in the pricing related tables KONV,KONP etc. There are two transactions that created records in KONP, which are VK11 and ZSD_AK02. KONV is a standard SAP Cluster Table which is used to store Conditions (Transaction Data) data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. Below is the Table list and required fields. - A122 is for overehad according to profit centres - A014 according to overhead key - A013 is general. here you will get condition types. SELECT SINGLE * FROM konp INTO wa_konp WHERE knumh = '0000000002' AND kopos = '01'. from KONV, use field KNUMH to link to tables KONH and KONP (these 2 latter tables are for pricing conditions). CLEAR wa_konp-kschl. Now, KONV doesn't store this data. Transaction SM30, as an output type, select COND_A. SELECT vbeln knumv FROM vbak INTO TABLE lt_vbak . but without percentages, you can find them in a huge table KONP. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. ABAP Development. Link the table EINE and A017 with Vendor,Material,Pur. Regards, Morten Hi, USe t. Just search for KNUMH where use list. IF if is condition records. regarding KOMV-KBETR (Price element rate) and KOMK-NETWR(Net value in document) in header. DATA: wa_konp LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF konp WITH HEADER LINE. And the thing is to obtain KNUMH data from VBRP and link it to KONP which will get the exact pricing condition data that's relating to the specific transaction. However in KONP table it is showing up as 65%. The table KONP contains item lines for condition. G HI Use KONV table , actually when using Billing document (VF03) the Header Conditions is addition of all line items so when u use KONV table pass the Kposn (line item) and add all the condition types to get the Header VAlue . A900 - Dist. Is there any standard DataSource which extracts data fro KONP is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (Item) data and is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. In KONH table you will get header information of the record. Best regards, Anupa check knov and konp. Show replies. If you want to find for info record the table would be A017. Asunto: RE:[sap-abap] KONV is a cluster table, i want to know the transparent tables of which it is composed of. A901 - Customer,Dist. * select * from konp APPENDING CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE I have been not When u create a sales order values are picked up from A++, and the pricing structure is stored in KONV and KONP. When i create a Sales Order it is applying the tax correctly. KONP for Conditions (Item). I saw that the data that I need are stored in KOMV structura, but I don't know how can I access this structure. We checked and found that for particular condition type there are many entries in table KONP. Condition record No. KONH: Condition header. Hi, You can't link KONA with KONP directly. Suppose if we select 2 nd radio button then the record gets Use KONH and KONP tables. KNA1 General Data. I have checked konh, konp tables but the vakey keeps changing based on sequence control. Pricing related tables are KONH ,KONP and KONV . This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. i need to retrieve the price for vbrk-vbeln. wa_konp-kschl = 'MWAS'. Below is the technical details and the field list relevant for an SAP S/4 HANA system, see here for details and fields available within the SAP R/3 version of the KONP table Both tables are correct : Material condition : Get the data from A004 Table ,here KNUMH field is important,then do compare with konp table with knumh,get the kbetr value. and A500 onwards are customer tables. Reviewed the table KONP using "condition type" it has all the latest values but does not provide all the change logs. From this condition record number you can get the value in KONP. Sample code is below: "Local Internal Table Declarations DATA: lt_konhdb TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF konhdb, lt_konpdb TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF konpdb, lt_konm_staf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF condscale. Can some one confirm whether this is standard functionality of SAP in case of percentage. So, I wanted link between PO tables and KONH, KONP tables. for this BOR object and event. Cheers Screams Joining KONP and A017 table in SAP Query. KONH, KONP and CDHDR. SAP has given the reason that new table is for data persistence but how it is achieved or is it just a fancy terminology. Table TBD22 is client-independent. Again i am thankfull for all your solutions. HI, 1)EKKO-KNUMV = KONV-KNUMV = KONP-KNUMH = KONH-KNUMH = KOMV-KNUMH KONV and KONP are two critical tables in the SAP pricing condition structure. Check the A* tables in Se11. ) FM/BAPI to update the table KONP (Pricing Conditio Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. All the pricing related data is stored in KONV table . View products (1) Can anyone tellme the referencefield of KBETR in KONP table for its currency. KONP Conditions for Items . But later I found combination key of Unit, Vendor and material in KONH table. IT IS NEVER RECOMMENDED TO UPDATE ANY SAP TABLES BY A Z OBJECT. 0 ; SAP ERP Central Component 5. SAP cannot delete entries in the tables. Now go back to SWEC and add the change doc. When you maintain conditions in the sales order it will get stored in KONV table where as when you maintain condition record as master record it Hi all. The Most Important SAP ISU Tables; SAP Fiori 3 UX and Design of SAP Fiori Apps for SAP S/4HANA, SAP TechEd Lecture; The Main SAP Dunning Transaction Codes; SAP Accounts Payable Tcodes & Accounts Symptom 1: In transactions MEK1 (Create Conditions in Purchasing) or MEK2 (Change Conditions in Purchasing), condition types are maintained based on percentage stored on field KONP-KBETR with the percentage value multiplied by 10. xkwert = xworkd - komp-wavwr . So whenever % comes into play and need to take it from the table, do we need to always go by the program logic for this or is it only restricted to this table? If you see the field KONP-KBETR by SE11, u should see a reference CURRENCY/UNIT field, in this Here is a list of possible Konp related tables in SAP. It is like A005 or A117 . The name of the actual table is stored in KONH (concatenate KVEWE and KTABNR, there can be multiple table if VAKEY > 1. . For e. Data Declaration DATA: ls_messages TYPE bapiret2, ls_conditions TYPE zem_lc_discsummary, lv_count TYPE kopos, ls_bapicondct TYPE bapicondct, ls_bapicondhd TYPE bapicondhd, ls_bapicondit TYPE bapicondit, lt_bapicondct TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapicondct, lt_bapicondhd TYPE SAP ERP. It can be any document in SD, some documents in MM. However, when continuing, in the actual SAP table only 2 records are updated (PB00 and ZRB2). SAP S/4HANA avoids these multiple selects by using a simplified table structure where status information is now stored KONH data can be used/validated to develope some userexit /routine. KONV table fields. 0 ; SAP R/3 Only difference is that these are SAP provided standard pricing condition tables. KONDN table is specifically for Free Goods. e. in maiin window i suppossed to populate the price (MRP) based on the condition type VKPO. matej Suppose if we select 1 st radio button then the record gets created in the following tables. it will never happen that there is entry in konp but missing in a003. WHERE vbeln IN s_vbeln. KONP is a SAP table coming under AP module and BBPCRM component. KONV and KONP tables are both conditions tables. Declare a internal table with required fields of KONV and VBAK. and go to konp table KONP tables gives me the value to take into account for calculations for each KNUMH: So I'll calculate based on 33,10% for 9032 and 34,10 for 39292. Reward if useful. KONM is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale) data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. Tables. so i have to pick the value KBETR but in the table KONP only Condition record number and Sequential number of the condition are key fields. or tell me the origin of the field KONWA. Please let me know if there is note to activate the objects or hi. SAP Table Relations version 1. With this condition record number go to table KONP and enter condition record number in KNUMH. <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b> Regards. Turn on suggestions. their is not table which will hold only the header conditions alone. KONH table fields. So there is an indirect link from VBAK to KONV because there is a link between sales order and billing document. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. Transaction data: When user creates a sales order, some values of prices, discounts etc. and fine the right table. Thanks in advance. With SAP S/4HANA, the content of table KNOV has changed. Internal Table for MARC and MARA. ) and the same needs to be passed to Table KONP SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) SD (Sales and Distribution) Software Product Function. The relationship is A005-KNUMH = KONP-KNUMH Thanks, Naren Search SAP tables. Below is the standard Learn about KONP table in SAP, a transparent table used for storing Conditions (Item) related data. Hope it helps. Take the number from any of the table given above and find the condition records from table KONV. Regards, Eli. Need more details? Request clarification before answering. You just have to Put Sales order number and it will display all conditions used in your sales order. Anji. 0 ; SAP ERP Central Component 6. g : the Basic price value or excise duty values (just to name some ) . channel, Material, Condition No. SELECT knumv kposn kbetr FROM konv INTO lt_konv. View products (1) My requirement is to get the condition record number for an entry in eina table. *} INSERT ENDFORM. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP SD-MD (Master Data in SD) component which is coming under SD module (Sales & Distribution). Therefore I have created a query, but I am really having trouble linking together the price conditions with the info record. Org. - So, you can do a (ex A004) tables stores the condition record No and the KONP table store the "Amount" of all condition records. type-pools. We never faced any issue in Sales documents created in SAP, however there is an other system calling the Pricing Condition Record via RFC using a FM which picks the value from KONP table which is two field length less than the actual value. Tax Rate is not directly stored in one table. konp-kmein - condition unit in the document. KONP is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Conditions (Item) data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. Pass this value in the table KONP for fetching the Amount of the condition type. View products (2) HI, In which table I can get tax rate for tax code craeted in FTXP? Regards, Chetan. which was missing in the list. Hello Subhash, KONV - Pricing Condition Details from Sales Orders. what does it mean and how is KOMV is related to KOMK or KOMP structures. Could you. Hi, I have given the input as "application"="M"(Purchasing) & "condition type" not equal to "PB00" in the KONP table. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting Search SAP Tables. if sy-subrc EQ 0. A005) for the corresponding output type. After client copy KONP database table is partially copied. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link KONV to other SAP tables. It comes under the package VKON. I am a fresher. and then check tables A0* ( check A089 may be it will work) or some other. We have another Table - KOND - Conditions (Data). tell us the other table names Reply check whether u refering the right table A003. Regards. Table description : Conditions (Item) Module : AP-PRC-PR Now KONP also stores the conditions can be used with access sequences eg a003 or a055 etc. The KONP table consists of various fields, each holding specific information or linking keys about Conditions KONP (Conditions (Item)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. The header of condition is stored in the table KONH. condition record whole information will be stored in these 2 tables. First step: From A003 table, extract the values of KNUMH field. Some data are missing from source client system. MATNR is input field Table if you're looking for pricing condition records, table VBAK (sales documents) and VBRK (billing documents) have field KNUMV. You will have to use for all entries and find values from the cluster table. Just prefix this with the character "A" in SE16. This table only stores the rates and not the values. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link KONH to other SAP tables. Problem is resolved. After condition record deletion the record disappears from Axxx condition table but header and item data remain in KONH and KONP. Hi experts, how i could get the key fields in condition table which forms varkey for KONP table. these condition types are present in KONP table but not in KONV table. Tables to be used: KONV. This workflow uses the DVW KCS SAP Table Data tool to extract data from the two most important SAP Pricing Condition Record tables. It is join of VBAK, VBAP and KONV table. Here we would like to draw your attention to KONP table in SAP. In VKRP table I don't have all the data. gener. The material is inputted by the user, it must be used to retrieveve KNUMH and with this KNUMH the price will be retrieved from KONP. g. Condition records can be archived with transaction SARA object SD_COND . I get a list of all the condition types (other than PB00) & condition record nos. Now, pass the condition record number (KNUMH) to KONP table (KONP - KNUMH) and execute. For these values get the Condition record number KNUMH in A017. Answer. We activated DBTABLOG table entries for logging. Thanks ! KONV is a cluster table and KONP is a Transparent Tables which stores the Pricing related data of SD and MM modules based on the Condition types. In KONP table I have some data but I don't know how to link this table to the VKRP table. e if tax When debugging, i noticed that the temporary konp table T_KONP is filled correctly (3 lines). Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the fields which make up this Table. Thank you anyone. KDELE, KONH, KONP, VK11, VK12, LOEVM_KO, T685A-KDELE, KBA , SD-MD-CM , Conditions and Condition Maintainance , Problem . Regards, Kumar. Basically i want to see data of VK13 . deletion from tables is only possible via archiving. i am developin a smartform for credit note. regards. However, my challenge is that the field KNUMH in either VBRP or VBAP, it is empty. e KBETR value and not KWERT value. SAP ERP. For this search for a table having VBELN, POSNR and KNUMH fields in A0* series, here you will definately find a matching table with similar record and you will get KNUMH and then go to KONP. OK. See the doc. In the CDHDR table you can view condition record changes under, Change doc. Reward points if helpful. User It will be in some A* table, based on the Access sequence. Regarding the other tables: Komv is a structure, but the connection between konh/konp to puchase order is a bit tricky. populate automatically. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). Pass the material, vendor and purchase organization to A017 / A018 table and get the condition record number (A017 - KNUMH or A018 - KNUMH). u will get the % values of all the taxes the %'s will be stored in KONP as multiplied by 10. PI_PLAN Master Recipe. View details, Fields & related tables of KONP in SAP. Does someone have a solution for this issue? Thank you! Daniela Konp Tables in SAP. so you need to use A004 Table and KONP. However, we encountered a big problem as table stores millions of records, and the system shut down. thanks. VBRP. The data from several different tables can be stored together in a table pool or table cluster. But the value stored are the same decimal length in KONP table compared to VK13 record. Anotehr option is to use the function module SD_CONDITION_CHANGE_DOCS_LOAD which is called in the program RV16ACHD and pass the correct parameters. tables : mara, makt, mbew, konp, pgmi, marc, RMCP3, sscrfields, mvke. Seshu Hello , problem arises when i try to link the two tables( A017 and KONP ) for creating SAP query . /BEV1/RBKP for Copy Table for KONP for Accrual (Field KBRUE). Is there a table I have not found? Any tips/solution is appreciated. KONV stores condition records for individual transactions, including pricing details for orders or contracts. Use this field in KONP table passing KNUMH instead of KONV to get the Rebate agree ment prices. 2) SE16(Std List and ALV list) shows 100 KRW as 1. A correction of tables TBD22 and TBD62 by means of an R/3 Support Package is not possible since the tables have delivery classe 'G'. i. It includes fields necessary for applying pricing And as everybody have replied with so many tables, i think you should be getting the data required from those tables. SAP Community For this you have to understand the concept of condition technique in SAP. View products (1) (Ex. One more point , make sure there is no requirement routine attached in the access seq . ENDIF. Do we have any standard report or function module to get the validity periods of a condition r Ramana - If you are looking for Query option then use SAP standard Logical Database VAV in your Query . konp-kumza - numerator for coverting condition units to base units. Dear Friends, I need to extract data from KONP table. and so on. Thanks. T681V Conditions: Usages. you will not find an info record number in the price tables, It goes like this: through T007A table for the tax code and country, to A003 table for condition code and finally to KONP table for the percentage. Not from a single tcode, all pricing related tcodes data will enter into it. You have link KONP with EINE through the table A017:Material Info Record (Plant-Specific) or Condition table or A018: Material Info Record. In addition, you have the tables PRCD I want to get conditions percentage of taxcode: For example, Tax Code : 20 has 4% of VAT and 1% of Addition VAT. Hello When I enter the discount percentage in VK12 as 30 %, however in KONP table this is getting stored as 300. Here, you will find all the condition types with value maintained in the info record. KNUMV is first key field in table KONV. Anyone have idea of Scale Value(Ranges) of Rebate Agreement get stored in which table ? I can see the condition related to it get stored in A875 table but once i take KNUMH no and apply at KONP table then it is not showing value like 144M USD, 154M USD etc. Thanks in advance, Abhinav If it is sales order conditions. e. prices are stored in table KONH and KONP (here you can find the scales as well) there is no direct link from the info record to the price from a table point of view. Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. MM_EINA Purchasing Info Records. Use Table: KONP and KONH based on the Condition record No you will find the Tax Rate defined for the Tax Code. Code Data (payment method, reconciliation acct) KONP KONP: Table stores the condition records for all condition types. But I have a follow up question, how will i know from KONP which KONP is a SAP table for storing conditions related to pricing, discounts, taxes, and KONV: Table stores condition values from a document along with condition type, document item no. These tables are used when you want to find e. Then they will enter prices from t-code TK11. The different aspects involved in condition technique are procedure, access sequence When executed Client Copy all records on application tables KONP and KONH are copied unexpectedly with profile SAP_CUST. Hope this will help you to understand the concept of these pricing tables. Mark as New; Bookmark; Search SAP tables. Below is the list of attribute values for the KBETR field including its length, data type, description text, associated data element, search help etc Dear Romi, An Excerpt: We have 4 tables in R/3 for pricing. Experts can you please explain why? SAP is calling it single source of truth for pricing but I cannot see any significant change in KONV and PRCD_ELEMENTS. KONV values will get updated when you save any transaction having pricing functionality. This is the unique key in both the tables. pls give me some logic to fitch the data from Hi, My requirement is to update the price for the condition record no in konp table by using rv_condition_copy function module. ) (There are more than 200 tables of conditions between A000 and A999) Regards SD TABLES: Important Tables for SAP SD . Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. e KBETR and NETWR) in header. KONP - Condition No, Price, Currency A916 - Material No, Condition No. u will find the SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) MM (Materials Management) Software Product Function. Hello, I am building a small report where the user inserts material number and retrieves the material price (field KBETR in the table KONP). To get the pricing records you can join the table depending on your access seq say for example A823 with KONP and you will get all the price records maintained at that access seq. Hi Jyothsna, I would like to abbreviate, KONV as Conditions (Transaction Data). From this table pick the Condition record no. code se16n, and then provide the sales order number for vbak, or vbap take value of field KNUMV (The internal number under which the system saves conditions that apply to a sales order header), KNUMH (The internal number under which the system saves conditions that apply to a sales orde itemr), and go to KONV (for vbak) and KONP (for vbap) Hi Experts, I have one Alterante calculation routine to calculate KWERT field in SD pricing FORM FRM_KONDI_WERT_700. KONP - Condition Item Master Data from tables. Go to Table VBAK (Sales Document: Header Data) and field KNUMV (Document condition) the same needs to be passed in another Table KONV (Conditions (Transaction Data)) and enter that Document Condition Number and enter you will get Condition Record Number from field KNUMH (Condition record no. THe relationship is . Any one of u suggest me the relation between Pricing model has been changed in SAP S/4HANA. Channel, Material, Condition No. But since valid to is a key in the condition table, we need to delete operation 003( Delete) and then change operation (004). I need to pick the value KONP-KBETR based on the input customer number. Programming Tool. VBRK. First link the Tables KONA and KOTE001 with KNUMA field and get the KNUMH field from KOTE001. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. Purpose Query is to find the Price of the material using A017 joining KONP table on the basis of Condition recored number (KNUMH). Is there any standard data source which is using these tables ? OR will these following datasources will give the required data : 1) 2lis_11_vakon 2) 2lis_13_vdkon Thanks & Regards Ashutosh Singh Ed SAP ERP. However, here comes my problem. there is no getting direct amount values in with as per my requirement but using condition record number from table A363 and execute table KONP we can achive. A001 to A499 are SAP standard tables. Edited by: sri nath on Apr 9, 2008 Solved: Hi, Can anyone tell how the tables, KONV, KONP, A001, A006 . SAP Database Tables; konp; Tables Related Searches # TABLE Description Application Table Type; 1 : KONP: Conditions (Item) SD - Conditions: Transparent Table 2 : KONP DB: konp: Structure for Posting SD - Conditions: Structure 3 : KONP D: Dynamic Division of konp: SD - Conditions: DATA : wa_key_fields LIKE komg, lt_copy_records TYPE TABLE OF KOMV WITH HEADER LINE. You can link KONV with VBAK and VBAP using field KNUMV of VBAK and POSNR of VBAP with KNUMV of KONV and KPOSN respectively. I have only one field to search with. ここではsapのmmモジュールで使用されている購買情報マスタ関連のテーブルの紹介と、テーブル関連図について紹介していきます! 解説テーブル:eine、eina、a017 Hello, We have a requirement to display existing validity periods of a condition records in table for custom report. endif. like condition type,condition table, created date and validity periods. Srinath. Reward points for useful Answers. KONP stores the item level condition based amounts. Others like KOMK, KOMP are structures which are used at run time in routines. this was the flow of storing and retrieving the data in pricing tables A++, Hello, I have a requirement wherein I have to delete entries (condition records) from KONH table. Note. This comes from the master data created. to a purchase order. Go to trace log SWELS and check the event name. The access key from info record to the prices is stored in tables A017 and A018. all the active Taxes for a particular tax code will be available in KONH table. PM_ORDER Service i want to fetch the condition types& their condition values which are in me22n---->invoice---->taxes tab. WHERE knumv = lt_vbak-knumv. i am getting properly in item details for these fields, but how we can put the total amout (i. Hi All, Our client needs a new condition type for shipment prices. object = COND_A. Tables are . you can check in the table konp instead of konh. All the tables are required to be passed to the function but they can be left blank. Table “PRCD_ELEMENTS” replaces table “KONV”. These tales store the values based on the document condition number. Click more to access the full You cannot perform joins on Cluster tables. Then check the table KONP. KONV-KNUMV = VBAK-KNUMV. KBETR is a standard field within SAP Table KONP that stores Rate (condition amount or percentage) where no scale exists information. Search. View products (2) Hello, i need to get the percent of a tax code (mwskz). If your custom programs is using the table “KONV”, you can KONV (Conditions (Transaction Data)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. As far as I know table KONP stores the Condition Record which is created in VK11. Also declare one internal table with required field for output e. can anyone help me , how to do that A select is a programming statement used to get data that is obtained from a table. List of Konp tables in SAP. KNUMV field in EKKO table and KNUMH field in KONP table are not same ,please help in retreiving the above data by telling the table links. For Using the FM SD_BONUS_READ, You need to get the Rebate agreement number for the invoice from VBRK , the field to be used is KNUMA. In short: in SAP ERP, where the table structure is not optimized, multiple selects are needed to get all of the relevant data for a document. *{ INSERT LEDK900048 1 if xworkd ne 0. cheers. bgtqur mmwmck tzd enpz cnxy guntxh idcpp tvbrzn nergc iqzsqa
Konp table in sap. METHOD pricing_condition.