Mighty bow jewel silver melding ticket Reply favdulce Maybe not 20:1 ratio but lots more handicraft jewels than mighty Those new gold silver and gold melding tickets seem to have extremely good odds to get you some rare decos. If so, there's a festival going on and the Steamworks give you a ton of Silver Melding Tickets. New On the other hand, from the Hard Satiated Jewel 4: Hard Sniper Jewel 4: Hard Steadfast Jewel 4: Hard Stream Jewel+ 4: Hard Thunder Res Jewel 4: Hard Venom Jewel 4: Hard Wall Run Jewel 4: Hard The best event to farm for this jewel is the tempered lavasioth quest. Next hunt. It seems from your image of 430k fuel for 1411 tickets, it's about 300 I burned a good 80K fuel and probably rolled about 400~ tickets. Just don't expect it from silver melding Silver and Gold Melding Tickets, used for Guild Alchemy, can be melded from Master Rank Festival tickets, such as Joyful Ticket and VIP Joyful Ticket. Venture96 • For me it was Great If your have the expansion there's spamming steamworks for silver tickets, otherwise sacrifice more goats to RNGesus Shield, Mind's Eye and Mighty Bow don't drop I melded both of mine and I'm at 850 hours, lol. You cannot get Mighty Bow jewel . Guard up, mighty bow, minds eye, sharp jewel, dragonseal all do not drop. Blessed It's not the only reason why they would have got those jewels. I've gotten Mighty Bow and Sharp from Silver Tickets, but have yet to see the I don't know if you can get it from silver melding tickets, but if so, that's probably a good way. The. Should be pretty easy with the festival going on, and if you have a lot of fuel. Noctis2343 4 years ago #2. Mighty Bow Jewel - It has been confirmed that you can receive steel, silver, and gold melding tickets from steamworks. Someone pointed this out in the frontpage post yesterday. You're the Mighty Bow+ Jewel is mandatory for all bow builds, damage output literally triples with it (or something crazy, idk exact math) Another good method is silver melding tickets, which you Meanwhile, I have 3 Shield (Guard Up) and 4 Mighty Bow jewels. After spending hours at steam works with no luck using the silver melding tickets I finally just did the normal melding and got one :). Didn't get a single Mighty Bow, Guard Up, Protective Polish or anything of that sort. Just guild alchemy. Go to the elder Mighty bow jewel should drop from silver melding tickets along with most rarity 7 to 9 if I'm not mistaken. We used to farm it non-stop under 10 minutes each time and get 30 jewels in 1 hunt. I got mine at my 11th try of melding, coral concoction. I'm not entirely sure what the odds are, but I think the silver melder is the equivalent of Do Iceborne deco quests, unless you are also specifically looking for decos that don't drop in Iceborne (Mighty Bow, Guard Up, Mind's Eye). Yesterday I got both Protective polish AND Deco RNG in base game is/was horrendous. Also have Spread and Normal Shots so I should definitely build one. Would recommend doing tempered hunts over elder melder Reply reply Silver melding tickets on the other hand is a godsend if you still need some base world It is automatic I think, so after right after the update! It costs 4000 points though, so I hope you have 200 dispensable decos, but if like me you collected way too much steel and silver tickets, The silver melding tickets are amazing and you get 60-80 per hour. MR I feel like the rarer single point skills may not show up from Silver melding at all. How to farm decorations for mighty bow jewel ? Question So since the update we are able to finally craft those rare jewels. You can NOT get them via Iceborne feystone neither. 9k silver tickets. Burnt Meat If you have iceborne just do Farewell to Zinogre and farm fuel for steamworks x10I got tons of both from the silver tickets + like 200 gourmet vouchers. You should be drowning in Silver Tickets and those will yield Critical Boost decos. If I've heard you can't get mighty bow from silver tickets, and didn't get one myself after a bunch of melding. Good luck. These useful parts are gathered and collected by Hunters in order to improve their The Silver Melding tickets seem to use MR feystone drop tables, with rerolling to prevent higher tier decos from showing up, but a bunch on important set bonus decos are not part of the MR Yes, possible from Silver Melding tickets. Roughly 10% damage boost, also bumps the KO value up a tier (7->15 Can farm it for silver alchemy tickets that you turn into the melder that can drop the handicraft deco. Sort by: Best. If you happen to not get the desired level just by redeeming the tickets, you Mighty Bow Jewel . You can get them by playing the steamworks during any event. much much easier and sane. Prior to IB I had none, now I Afaik golden ticket suck they only give tier 4 decos and they aren't the highest rarity, plus the changes is that the rarer decos you can't get via silver tickets (shield, mind eye, mighty bow) yeah you cant rush the quest. Mind's Eye, Sharp, Got 3 shield durring it. Problem is they seem to only drop from feystones we don't really get anymore in Iceborne. 14% (Critical). The secret Does anyone knows if it's possible to get the Mind's Eye deco from the Silver Melding Ticket? It's the only deco from World that's left for me and i really need it right now as I did the quest about 20 times before I got the shield deco and on the way got a mighty bow jewel. I've never had a Mind's Eye or Guard Up decoration, Do the melding tickets that drop from steamworks have a chance at giving the mighty bow jewel? Question Share Add a Comment. Best. Skip to main content Data mining has shown that Silver melding tickets exclusively draw from "Bucket 5" which is basically size 1-3 decorations that can drop from Carved Feystones. it's soo fuu low Well, buddy, let me tell you something about the Silver Melding Tickets from the steamworks. However, I only got one fungiform and recently got the other two Don't think about R11 - R12 jewels before endgame. T2 MR are actually best, because they don’t pollute the drop table with now useless Streamstones, but still drop Warped You are ★ Monster Hunter Rise and its expansion MHRise: Sunbreak is out now for the Nintendo Switch & PC, then for PlayStation, XBox, & Game Pass on January 20, 2023! Hey, I manage to farm all my rarity 8 jewels from the tempered zinogre quest after it came out. Normal Shots can drop from if yah have silver melding tickets then try melding those since i got a 2nd shield jewel from that. #2. 1 Builds with Bow Charge Plus Master Rank Builds. Gold Melding Ticket in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne is a Master Rank Material. I got my pierce, spread, and forceshot jewels from melding silver and gold tickets. Man 250 ish silver tickets down and still no mighty bow jewel. My question is, are those only available in the Mighty Bow is actually one of the very few that doesn't seem to drop from the silver melding ticket table. Stock up on fuel and when the next festival hits burn through it using the new 10x setting. I have like 40 of them at least, 3 being Warming deco does drop. ) 2) Silver Melding Have been farming guiding lands for ore over the last few days to complete the steam works and turned in over 300 silver tickets yet still haven't seen a single sharp gem. It'll require you to get to the Guiding Lands at end game first and access to a Socket 1 Borany jewel and you'll complete it even faster (gather extra herb). Should be easy to get from there because you can trade melding tickets to elder melder or just get the deco outright The issue with all the i'm pretty sure i'm just having really really terrible rng, but is the mighty bow jewel 2 not available from guild melding? i've probably melded over 500 silver melding tickets since the event I’ve got tons of Guard Up and no Mighty Bow jewels. By the way, does this also make them available from silver/gold melding tickets are only from Mighty Bow Jewel 4: Armor High Rank. 68% (Artillery, Mighty Bow, Spread). Iceborne is so much better in that regard. give it a shot if you have the materials. I'm a bow main who just I havent got mighty bow jewel in 370+ hours, is this even possible? im sad < > Showing 31 got like 3 of them from silver melding tickets during the event #35. I thought the same thing as you until I actually checked my numbers for those specific So I just wanted to double check before I burn through all of them hoping to finally get a mighty bow jewel. 0 coins. 27% or 0. I I care more about the Shield Jewels than the Mighty Bowl Jewels. unsure about the others tough. You cant get Shield Jewel or Mighty Bow from the silver tickets. For me, roughly per run it drops 3 to 8 jewels and this quest does drop level 4 jewels too. I've gotten pretty much every rare gem (sans Mind's Eye and mighty bow funny enough) from just a few hours of farming GL for fuel. and thats exactly what you want to do when farming materials. I’m a bow main, the desire sensor is real. Which is Business, Economics, and Finance. The guy who melded 4000 elsewhere in this thread gained **68** release jewels and **0** Try silver melding #17. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 19 comments Dragonseal Jewel 3 – Elderseal Boost; Mighty Bow Jewel 2 – Bow Charge Plus; Mind’s Eye Jewel 2 – Mind’s Eye/Ballistics; Diversion Jewel 2 SILVER MELDING TICKET: Attack Jewel 1, You can't get set bonus decos from any of the melding tickets. Most bow builds will demand you use it. But oh my Lord is this aggravating. He owned all of those 8 Mighty Bow jewels here. Pierce HBG can kill a lavasioth relatively fast, 2-4 mins on average. the lavasioth quest is also faster in my experience, with high level mr gear i get runs at ~3mins Steel Melding Tickets give you junk jewels and Silver Melding Tickets give you desirable ones, I have all the Attack Boost jewels I'll ever need thanks to it. 8 elemental modifier. Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb! then you been unlucky i guess since Because I am absolutely 100% positive you cannot meld any of the set bonus decos with Gold/Silver/Iron tickets mighty bow from tickets aswell. Fill out You currently can't get these decos from the melding ritual: Elementless Jewel 2, Shield Jewel 2, Sharp Jewel 2, Dragonseal Jewel 3, Mighty Bow Jewel 2, and Mind's Eye Jewel 2 That's why people were still farming old content and So far all my steel and silver tickets haven't given me any. This information has been datamined by Kiranico and Mathalos Discord. Still looking for my second Crit Boost. I've never tried bow. Head to elder melder and trade in your old augment materials like warrior and hero streamstones and you should be able to get the mighty bow decoration from there. Do you have any melding tickets left over from a festival? thats probably the best way to get a tenderizer. Before Iceborne, it was the Iron wall In the Festival put steamwork on X10 get silver tickets and get the gems easyCorrect me if I'm wrong but I don't believe most of the set bonus decos can drop from silver melding tickets. Reee. I got a few from those. . You get around 40 silver melding tickets for each full go through. Don't farm steamworks for gold tickets. These useful parts are gathered and collected by Hunters in order to improve their I’m 90% sure the game literally give you decos for weapons you don’t play. I prefer it because the farming is easy and then the steamworks themselves let you Then you said total fuel burned was probably 500-600k to finish the steel and silver tickets but that additional 70k-170k fuel wouldn't nearly get you to 3. Open comment sort options. Very. Plus you know. The investigation part is RNG only, but the silver melding tickets appear to have a way better chance at providing handicraft jewels (at least in my experience). Greatest Jagras drops a lot of Mysterious and Glowing Feystones but Might Bow only drops from Worn and Warped Hard Sniper Jewel 4: Hard Steadfast Jewel 4: Hard Stream Jewel+ 4: Hard Thunder Res Jewel 4: Hard Venom Jewel 4: Hard Wall Run Jewel 4: Hard Water Res Jewel 4: So i've been looking for a bloody bow charge gem. The best way right now would be to farm mining nodes in hoarfrost reach to get fuel for the I assume they mentioned the two quests because Mighty Bow is not in the drop pool of Master Rank Feystones so the two High Rank decoration farm events are still the best quests to farm Notes on mighty bow: Mighty bow increases max level rapid shot from 10->11 mv and 0. I'll add it to my collection. I've had like 14 Magazine Jewels from Silver Melding tickets. I burned a good 80K fuel and probably rolled about 400~ tickets. Give them to the Elder Melder and soon you'll be swimming in rare decos. If there is jewel that you really need from When it comes to silver melding tickets then yes, those are awesome, I've gotten like 20+ capacity boost, 40+ focus and dozens of tenderizers and critical and expert jewels. The Silver Melding tickets seem to use MR feystone drop tables, with rerolling to You cannot choose which tickets you get from steamworks. I think it's interesting that I've gotten over 25 Attack Jewels from this and not a single Warming jewel Mighty Bow is only from base World feystones, so the best quest is The Name's Lavasioth. Or Silver melding tickets gave me 50+ slot 3 release jewels in 2 days, Tempered 3 investigations drops release jewel +4 decos like candies. Y'know, the event quests. 7->0. Ended up with most decos I was missing. Burnt Meat mighty bow melding Informative So after hearing different thoughts on hunting for or melding the mighty bow jewel, some saying you can't meld it. These do NOT include mighty bow jewel or shield jewel (or mind's eye I And don't try silver melding ticket since it doesn't drop from there as someone informed me about that. And secondly it does not drop from silver melding tickets. This shit is not hard to find at all. Don't lose hope, before Iceborne To give you an idea of how rare this jewel was for me, I've already had Mighty Bow, Minds Eye and Sharp Jewel (2) for ages, since before Iceborne. I went After over 1,500 silver melding tickets I gave up on that route (I genuinely believe now that you can't get it there). The best way to farm for them right now is doing the Silver Melding Tickets are a current-event-only method that is debatably comparable to Ol' Lavashit. You can find data on these probabiliites on various websites: Then why do i do 1. Got a couple of Heat Guard and Capacity The Name's Lavasioth is way better for Mighty Bow Jewel. MR 24+: Check if the jewels you want are meldable now, most notably Shaver, Mighty Bow, Sharp, Mind's Eye and Shield jewels. Capacity boost decos can be obtained through this but might bow, sharp, and shield seems to not I was told the four god dekos (mighty bow, minds eye, Guard Up and Protective polish) cant drop from silver Tickets. Armor Base Defense Skills; Mighty Bow Feather: 56: Bow Charge Plus Lv. So you won't get I did an entire day of lavasioth quest and got mighty bow jewel, I pleaded with lavasioth for a guard up but he ignore me. And steel/silver melding tickets don't have them in As of the Fatalis update, the Mighty Bow Jewel can now be crafted at the elder melder. Only reason I think you're doing the wrong content then. Cuz here I am almost 500 hours in and just got my first magazine jewel and charger jewel from the silver tickets. you can farm a shitload of fuel in Farewell to You probably have the highest chance by using the steam works and getting silver melding tickets. From my understanding, silver melding tickets cannot get you the highest tier of base world jewels (mind’s eye, shield, mighty bow). And 0. Also rolled 2 more attack decos. I'm desperately looking for my first Fungiform. Went form HR 50 > HR 55 and still no jewel. Netsa Feb 25, 2020 @ 5:04am I was doing silver melding for a bit and just received 3 spread 3 jewels and 1 pierce from doing silver melding granted I did use 80 silver melding tickets but I already had 2 of each but if I Deluxe First Wyverian Print: 100 Melding Points: Max Potion. "-Phemeto Posted by u/coco185 - 2 votes and 13 comments There have been posts flying around claiming that some decos, like mighty bow, aren’t in the silver ticket drop list. You can also get atk jewels too. Crypto Silver melding tickets will give you the better rarity 10 and 11 decos at best, I have never gotten a rarity 12 deco from either gold or silver melding tickets. Happy hunting! Reply reply Ginkobe • I dont think mighty bow drops from melding if you have iceborne expansion wait for the event in the steamworks and get as many silver melding ticket atk , spread , mbow , pierce and other rare vanilla jewels are pretty you're better off with MR tempered investigations or Zinogre event quest if you're looking for atk jewel. Magazine Jewel is both more common from Mighty bow jewel and tenderizer . Otherwise, just go capture a bunch of lavasioths or jagras. es. If that is the chance that you melded 1000 ^^ This. Does anyone know if it's possible to get the mighty bow jewel through strange stream melding ? Yes I'm talking about the base game melding, I know silver tickets can't get After several different people reporting the same thing, it looks like really rare ones like Mighty Bow, Mind's Eye, and Shield are not obtainable through silver melding tickets. I then did about 50 Laviosoth event quests over a 2 week period (4 minutes each run), and finally got a might bow jewel that Hi guys, just a little question. So save your fuel for steamworks during festivals. Reply spinks77 Heavy Bowgun • Found 10 mighty bow jewels before I got Silver melding tickets can be traded in at the elder melder for a random high level MHW base game decoration. Tier 2's have a higher chance to drop Warped, but if 20 votes, 33 comments. I know that right now the best method to get it is with silver melding tickets. Just on my own anecdotal experience, I’ve gotten like 5 release jewels and 0 mighty bows from silver, when Standard HR Just a quick analysis of the newly (to be) added meldable decorations, why they picked the ones they did, and which (if any) are still missing, with some vid List of notable jewels that cannot drop from steamworks: Mighty Bow Jewel 2, Mind's Eye Jewel 2, Shield Jewel 2, Sharp Jewel 2. Learn the effects of Mighty Jewel 2, materials used to craft it, and armor pieces that have the same skills as Mighty Jewel 2. Top. The one I got a mighty bow deco from a silver ticket, so it’s definitely possible. Got several mighty bows like that but Just from personal experience I've gotten 10+ release jewels from silver tickets and 0 mighty bow. __hiei__ 4 years ago #8 no, silver melding tickets can never produce guard up, mighty bow, I got 3 from the lavasioth farm after giving up on steamworks. There are multiple others, which are not notable, such as Mighty Bow and Mind's Eye will cost 4000 melding points did some research online and "My name is Lavasioth" is somewhat the best way to farm the "Mighty bow Jewel". I am pretty sure that silver melding ticktes are worn feystones. Reply reply FrigidVeil • You cant get guard up, minds eye, or mighty bow from I can confirm that I got a mind's eye jewel from silver tickets before but that was way back from March, dunno if they stealth patched it out tho, but I already had almost all rare jewels from 0. You get mostly steel and silver tickets. I happened to get 2 mighty bow decs from random things the next day, still looking for sharp. The best way to farm for them right now is doing the Silver and Gold Melding Tickets, used for Guild Alchemy, can be melded from Master Rank Festival tickets, such as Joyful Ticket and VIP Joyful Ticket. Its a simpler process overall than farming a monster. Of course considering the tickets give a different item, they may very well have a completely different Sharp Jewel, Shield Jewel, Mighty Bow, and Mind's Eye. (got 3 so far from about 100 tickets) Just get coal from the guiding lands (can get Yes, yes, yes, it gives “Bow charge plus” which is a core skill for any bow build Having that extra charge level does wonders for your damage, so if you’re a fellow bow main, always have this on! I main Bow, and have never once received a Mighty Bow deco from melding Silver Tickets. 5k silver melding tickets and get none of the big 4? Deluxe First Wyverian Print: 100 Melding Points: Max Potion. The silver tickets are the only way i've gotten one so far. Discussion So trying to farm this jewel so i can properly build my elemental bows. Share Add a Comment. Try that instead. The Greatest Jagras is also okay if you get sick of lavafish hunting. I got like 80 of the two slot ones. Some of the decos seem very rare when it comes from silver tickets, i find lavasioth to be better for the rarer ones like mighty The silver melding tickets make it really easy to get these. If so, there's a festival going on and the Had 50k fuel and just rubber banded r2 while working and got something like 200 or so silver tickets. Also 7 Sharp Jewel. (7 attack jewels, mind's eye, 3 mighty bow's, magazine, etc) so now that it's over I got This is Cons_OA drop table for all decos droprates He's previously released a video showing the result of 10k silver melding tickets and absolutely 0 were mighty bow, guard up, sharp, or Doing stramwork during any gathering hub event will give you steel/silver melding ticket which can be meld for most important non-4slot decoration. Kiranico / MHWorld: Iceborne. Kuradoberry 2020 @ 1:19am "The mighty bow jewel is pretty much mandatory for bow builds. Also got a coalescence, handicraft, spread, focus, critical draw, marathon runner & release, so there are definitely You can NOT get Mighty Bow, Shield or Mind's Eye decorations with ticket melding. Question U should try silver melding cuz I saw alot of capacity jewels 450 hours in, probably about 150 hours just doing greatest jagras, the names lavasioth and the There are 4 big ones that are ridulously rare and from set bonuses: Shield, Sharp, Mighty Bow, and Mind's Eye. Try looking into the Steel/Silver/Gold Melding tickets from the Steamworks if you haven't already. Then I went to do some random fight. also silver melding tickets, so get that steamwork pumping. If you're not looking for rare 12 decos, the you can always get silver and gold melding The chance of getting rare level 2/3 decorations is way higher compared to farm the jewels in hunting quests. The fuel farm is also an insane From my understanding, silver melding tickets cannot get you the highest tier of base world jewels (mind’s eye, shield, mighty bow). FFXIV Character: Noctis Caelum, is it real or just a myth, ive burn around 300 silver, tons of r8, r9, even r10 jewel from silver ticket but no single shield jewel. Now that minds eye jewel is a bitch lol. I have 7 of this jewel. Does anyone know if it's possible to get the mighty bow jewel through strange stream melding ? Yes I'm talking about the base game melding, I know silver Got a mighty bow jewel in my first and only strange stream for bow. Farm the correct quests and So I've used around 3000 silver melding tickets at the melder and this is what I found. 20 kills will net you like 600 melding tickets Actually, it you're hunting Rare8 Decorations, Tier 3 monsters are still better. 45% or 1. If you don't have it, WeLl ThEn Go GeT iT. i got To give some brief tips: You need the Mighty Bow Jewel. Got another mighty bow jewel On. New. Silver Unless the Rajang patch has secretly altered the drop rates, everything points to it not being possible. Can this jewel even be obtained through melding? First of all its not rarity 7. Database; Monsters; Quest; Items; Weapons; Armor; Skills; Decorations; Palico Equipment This is a guide to crafting the Mighty Jewel 2 decoration in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). The Name's Lavasioth is still the best place to farm for High Rank decorations until you get to If this is the case there’s no way to get mighty bow from silver tickets. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. It's a huge DPS increase. Event Fireworks and Silver Melding Ticket in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne is a Master Rank Material. I am not sure if thats true. Already have a few of those. Mighty bow jewel . I okay so i spend alot of time in mhw, and i learned that there are decos that are just amazing, like crit boost, mighty bow, weakness exploitetc but when i started paying attention I got a protective polish and mighty bow jewel and there is no feystone rarity where you can get those and not the shield jewel. I'm finding the Silver Melding tickets to be a goldmine of rare, baseline MHW decos. It's just sadly one of those Incorrect, just got my 2nd Mighty Bow off a T3 last night. lexilogo I have 6 mighty bow jewels on console and until Not grinding silver melding tickets. I ran a test earlier and found myself with 4 Mighty Bow Jewels with 40 Silver tickets. . The tempered lavasioth event quest is the "best" way, but it all comes down to chance. In the post you can see someone collected a spreadsheet of all jewels that were opened from tickets. Good luck! Reply reply [deleted] • Just like to point out that I have gotten both worn and (I got 2 Mighty Bow Jewels and my one and only Shield Jewel from MR investigations, and I still get stuff like Spread Shot, Heat Guard or Attack Boost every now and then. I wanted to hit something, but settled for a maniac laugh like all those I just want this fucking mighty bow charge jewel. Didn't get a single Mighty Bow, Guard Up, The goddess velkhana blessed me with a cute little sharpness jewel after 700+ hours of trying to conceive as a dual blade main by profession. So I've just completed slaying Velkhana and a lot of the reddit posts have me confused on when I unlock the ability to meld the mighty bow jewel. Advertisement Coins. I've also tried I've gotten most of my attack decorations, a few mighty bows, and 1 sharp from silver melding tickets. while I'm currently sitting on 3 or 4 mighty bow Use the coal to get silver melding tickets. However they require 4000-5000 points to meld. I'm locked out of playing a whole weapon because I don't have this god damn jewel Reply reply After 500 hrs and 300 silver melding tickets, main bow still waiting for his mighty bow jewel Guiding lands, that's one of the best place to get rare decors rn, i got shield jewel from there as well at my 800H playing back then. Just a quick one but I just had to say, fuck this decoration and fuck Capcoms decision to lock an entire weapon (pretty much) I did a High Rank Great Girros Investigation the other day and I got a Mighty Bow Jewel from it, lol. Not even trying to be elitist about it. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming Artillery Jewel 1: Charger Jewel 2: Critical Jewel 2: Draw Jewel 2: Fungiform Jewel 1: Handicraft Jewel 3: Mighty Bow Jewel 2: Mind's Eye Jewel 2: Pierce Jewel 3: Release Jewel After looking at his data I tended to agree with him and gave up with the melding tickets. I don’t think they’re 100% confirmed, but what is confirmed is that Warped EDIT : might try the MR Tempered Zinogre quest (since the reward's been tweaked by capcom for preparing Alatreon update) or using the silver melding ticket.
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