Nuitka numpy. Reload to refresh your session.

Nuitka numpy 4-3. 6 Command nuitka --mingw64 --onefile --standalone --show-progress --plugin-enable=numpy - Windows: Put numpy DLLs top level for enhanced support in Nuitka VM. Avoid using webbrowser module from pydoc. Constants . 4, but maybe it's a Windows only issue, probably again related to where DLLs are located, there seems to be some movement there all the time, or maybe even if a regression of Nuitka is at play. To test this I created two anaconda environments. toml). 9 Failing to compile when using the Python library Pandas. py --enable-plugin=numpy --include-package=scipy. Can you please try compiling link-maker. py install) $ nuitka3 --version 0. libs\libopenblas. exe) tkinter application with nuitka. 7' commercial grade 'not installed'. 2 OS = Win 10 64 bit Python = 3. pyx", line 1, in init thinc. I assume that I need to manually put the files into that special folder. 1 opencv-python==4. Nuitka-Scons: Compiled 147 C files using clcache with 147 cache hits and 0 cache misses. Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: delvewheel: Detected usage of 'delvewheel' version '1. Would you have a pyexcelerate example that I can use to reproduce this one, it seems the anti-bloat removal may just be incomplete for this one, and I don't think Jinja2. FATAL: matplotlib: Error, failed to detect matplotlib backend. So you have successully written your dream game with Arcade and now, you want to share it with your friends and family. 7 installed in venv with PyCharm python -m nuitka --windows-disable-console --plugin-enable=multiprocessing --mingw64 SPSS_Data_Editor_v1. Closed ghost opened this issue Sep 4, 2021 · 5 comments I don't know about your particular use case but I also faced similar Cannot find '' in Package errors when using nuitka. If you see a way to implement a different approach, you are certainly welcome to contribute it! i don't have time like you. # my_app. I have another script that uses pythoncom for some other purpose. 1 64 bit. It is a seamless replacement or extension to the Python interpreter and compiles every construct that CPython 2. I have another that requires. Alternatively, you can also run: python3-m nuitka. py --show-progress --show-scons I ran . This container uses dedicated optimized Python builds, targeting CentOS 7 and supporting even the newest Pythons and old operating systems. exe. Actually it's beyond reason. cp311-win_amd64. Without that plugin, the string will be found. It is possible to use compile time package information in an expression like the e. MSYS2: Detecting MinGW and POSIX flavors of this Python. Nuitka:INFO: Running data composer tool for optimal constant value handling. 6. to achieve the same effect. cfg when using distutils or cx_Freeze -- so you might look into whether Nuitka supports that specification and how to edit it – Nuitka-Scons: Backend linking program with 147 files (no progress information available for this stage). You No module named 'numpy. dist\demo_fileIO. Nuitka:INFO: Starting Python compilation with Nuitka '1. 1. py This the code import sys imp Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog Nuitka and numpy-scipy-pyqt5-pyexcel #670. py'. python -m nuitka --version. dist\test. py I get the below er Nuitka version, full Python version, flavor, OS, etc. 1929 64 bit (AMD64)] Flavor: Unknown Executable: C:\Python39\pytho ##OK# nuitka --mingw64 --standalone --show-progress --nofollow-imports --plugin-enable=torch,numpy --follow-import-to=cam,cam. multiarray line is commented out(see solution 2). nuitka==1. gfortran Description Extension Module compilation not working properly if python file imports numpy. 4 certifi==2021. objecttracker,yolox,exps,numpy --output-dir=out nt. Nuitka is a Python compiler written in Python. cython. It is important to know that the Nuitka compiled output is highly optimized and faster than the raw python program, but it still doesn’t exactly yes it. 3, 3. 2 on Windows (64-bits) Nuitka 0. 12 incompletness,, numpy, an unusual amount of package releases have been hitting us lately, and Nuitka-Watch is still not in place as well as it should be. repeat (None, 20000): calledRepeatedly print ("OK. 11' commercial grade 'not installed'. 2 version now comes with C:\\site-packages\numpy\. 7 activate normalnumpy conda You signed in with another tab or window. Please keep import numpy. python This good report has escaped my attention so far. exe file than pyinstaller? I my case I get: 21. Enhanced checks for used files to use proper below path checks for their ignoring. testing is There was Nuitka:WARNING for using the numpy plugin, which I then enabled, but nothing for tk-inter and scipy (I forgot to mention this one in my initial post, I fixed it by copying extra-dll/, and now using the scipy plugin when I found it) So in . Manually copying them is not enough and will given strange errors. The solution was to copy the platforms folder from C:\Users\Андрей\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5\Qt\plugins plugins to Nuitka Package Configuration Introduction . The resulting package mostly likely will not integrate well with an existing "numpy" package, that would have to provide the "multiarray" module, which is an extension module and not included in the "numpy. Nuitka-Plugins: INFO: dll-files: Found 33 files DLLs from scipy installation. Nuitka, develop branch, installation from source (python3 setup. paramiko scp it compiles to 12 Mb. This release focused on Python 3. 9 and Linux just now. setup or numpy. 5 was our compiler of choice to hide IP before shipping out our product. On the other side, when I want to Nuitka-Plugins: WARNING: dll-files: DLL configuration by filename code for 'numpy' did not give a result. " Let's play software devil's advocate here. If you want to hide your source code, then what I tend to do is move as much of the code into external modules (. py (2) Also, I want to convert the Modules I am trying to create an exe file from a python file that it will be executable to other PCs. Nuitka:INFO: Generating source code for C backend compiler. Versions I am using anaconda, and installed nuitka via pip python -m nuitka --version 1. py Nuitka: Starting Python compilation with Nuitka ' 2. python -m nuitka --version 0. The plugin is part of the Nuitka Commercial subscription and unique in this level of protection. After that do python nuitka-hints. build'. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this - the docs are quite confusing and I haven't found too many good resources yet. In this tutorial we will discuss how to speed up the compilation time for Nuitka when creating EXE’s. app/. 4. Nuitka = 0. 6-slim-bullseye container. log, I parsed the output and found that some packages were optimized more than 1000 times after I left the code running for a dozen hours. test_typing which makes no sense to me. 16' on Python '3. When I write in command prompt My_Program. It should be taken from this output if there specific packages involved, e. lower() != 'yes': b = input("do you want to start program? [yes/no]") try: import numpy as np. My project binary built using nuitka was running until crash on method which is optimized using Numba. A compiler like Nuitka, parsing the source code, cannot know which part(s) of all those packages (and the ones imported some levels deeper) will actually be used during runtime. 8 already. How did you install Nuitka and Python; Installed Python with Conda environment via PyCharm IDE. 1; PySide2とOpenCVを使用しています。 2.pip経由でNuitkaをインストール. I tried compiling To ensure smooth work of Nuitka, make sure to follow the system requirements that include the following components: You need a C compiler with support for C11 or for older Python only, a Nuitka, a third-party project, offers a radical solution. Compiling a Game with Nuitka#. Nuitka:INFO: Keeping build directory 'demo_fileIO. nuitka --standalone --plugin-enable=pyside6 --plugin-enable=numpy --plugin-enable=anti-bloat --output-dir Packaging_video_test --static-libpython=no video_test. testing tools exposed an incomplete suppress_warnings replacement that could lead to errors in some functions of numpy. py code into C++ and mingw64 to compile it into an executable: python -m nuitka --standalone --nofollow-imports --plugin-enable=tk-inter --plugin-enable=numpy --plugin-enable=pylint-warnings --mingw64 --output-dir=X: app. Nuitka-Plugins: INFO: dll-files: Found 1 file DLLs from numpy installation. 7 (default, Sep 4 2021, 14:37:05) Executable: Broken numpy on develop Nuitka branch #1201. binding. 9 Commercial: None Python: 3. But my CI testing PySide6 Nuitka:INFO: Starting Python compilation. This option will make Nuitka You signed in with another tab or window. I do it inside python:3. so via nuitka. 7 OpenCV Version: opencv-python 4. py Nuitka-Options:INFO: Following all imports is the default for standalone mode and need not be specified. In these cases, that will normally be # indicated. py first. py using Nuitka . Nuitka-Action: The default for mode is now app, which will build an application bundle on macOS and a onefile binary otherwise. The optimization loop can end. They are then accessed via the get_variable function and reporting and caching traces their usage. 5 or higher installed as well, but only during the compile time only. It's fully compatible with Python 2. python3 -m nuitka --plugin-enable=numpy --plugin-enable=pyqt5 --onefile pyqtgraph_minimal. py [--module] [--run] [options] main_module. 2 astunparse==1. But under --standalone mode, it would compile the whole package instead of the actual needed modules. py The problem is with packaging my app with Nuitka. 7' commercial None. Nuitka: Keeping build directory 'script. python -m nuitka --version: 1. They are most useful to avoid repeated usage of OS specific Nuitka Commercial has container-based builds that you can use. py?It is a little utility which finds . as output by this exact command. py Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit --module Create an extension module executable instead of a This disables the exclusion of IPython. Please set 'MPLBACKEND' during compilation. However I am get I really need to change the policy to enable plugins by default. The Overflow Blog Four approaches to creating a specialized LLM. py the file K0. exe file returns errors. At this point the build succeeds. I do get an output file from nuitka, but when I open it, nothing happens (I'm also not sure if it actually uses the pyproject. 7, 3. 3rc6' on Python '3. I followed the instruction of "Use Case 2" of the github tutorial. 7 : CPython : pip : no virtual environment : thinc==8. Compile test. This release has focused on improved startup time and compatibility with lazy loaders which has resulted in some optimization. I use Python 2. And this is what I get if I paste the streamlit folder (from venv) and Problem: Due to project requirements, we need to import pandas and numpy in our code. 5. 13 support, but also on improved compatibility, made many performance Many previous plugins, e. Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: Use '--plugin-enable=pylint-warnings' for: Understand PyLint/PyDev annotations for warnings. After copying it to the Python 3. In case you know your program is a console application, use --enable-console, which will get rid of these kinds of outputs from Nuitka. Removed long deprecated option --noinclude-matplotlib from numpy plugin, as it hasn’t had an effect for a In the second example I write only import numpy; when I import pack (from pack. 5 MB (Nuitka) 3. Use their stable release, or help yourself. With this pdm can be used for building wheels with Nuitka compilation. so) libraries. The compile takes about 15 to 20 minutes for one You signed in with another tab or window. py. 19 It previously was part of the numpy plugin, which is doing too many unrelated things. People never get that the missing plugin warning causes their issues, but this is a case of that. Thank you for your help. 9' commercial grade 'not installed'. multiarray" when i am trying to compile polars application nuitka --enable-plugin=pyqt6 --standalone --windows-icon-from-ico=icon. 1' on Python '3. I am a novice Python developer and am trying to compile my first serious program using Nuitka. Things might have changed, recently, but without that, they're all relatively useful proof of principles with no serious real-life applications. 58 Nuitka Version: 0. That is for use with Scons (which orchestrates the C I don't think that --nofollow-imports is ineffective, but it's warned about only, but I also do not care, because I do not intend to support this mode of operation. Nuitka: Starting Python compilation with Nuitka '2. >python -m nuitka --help --plugin-enable=numpy Usage: __main__. 8. 18. 2; PyQt5-sip 12. opencv-python includes a build of FFmpeg as a dll. 0 ・ Python3. ico test_gui. 13. I'm trying to compile my program, however upon finished running the following command python -m nuitka --follow-imports easyak. When I run nuitka --recurse-all --generate-c-only --python-version=3. You signed in with another tab or window. Hi, First post here. Maybe you can give me some hints how to best work with pyside6, opencv and numpy and nuitka on Windows. dll or . Nuitka Release 0. Nuitka does not include metadata in the distribution. Added in 2. I have used nuitka successfully on other scripts. But when I follow the instructions of @JorjMcKie I can't seem to find the folder he refers to: extra-dll Please be aware that those imported packages are among the largest you can get: numpy - 50 MB, scipy - 100 MB, pandas - 44 MB, matplotlib - 22 MB, PyQt - 233 MB, torch - 1. I doubt it has been compiled that way yet. Hi, I am back online. The output is executed against libpython and other static c files and works as an extension module or an executable. Nuitka: Nuitka is written in Python itself, it takes Python module as input and provides c program as an output. From bugs to performance to perfection: pushing code quality in mobile apps. 11 Anaconda 2. I came across Nuitka. Nuitka translates the Python modules into a C level program that then uses libpython and static C files of its own to execute in the same way as CPython does. I can't help with Nuitka specifically, but these are both issues (missing "external files" like the certificate or missing third party packages) that can arise with an inappropriately specified setup. Nuitka has followed all of its core changes so far, and basic tests are passing; the accelerated, module, standalone, Nuitka does not support its JIT in standalone mode of Nuitka, but still pull in the dependencies that themselves require huge DLLs, while they are not going to be usable anyway. icol main. Hi, it's normal that Nuitka produce bigger . That's Plugins: The numpy plugin functionality was moved to Nuitka package configuration, and as a result, the plugin is now deprecated and devoid of functionality. $ rye init nuitka-tsdownsample $ cd nuitka-tsdownsample/ $ rye add numpy Added numpy > =2. for torch, tensorflow, and most recently numpy, and definitely also the Qt binding ones in the future, have been or will be converted to Yaml configuration applied by A Pyinstaller hello world program will compile to about 12 Mb. 19. python -m nuitka --version 2. The numpy is known to work in standalone mode. Nuitka:INFO: Successfully created 'demo_fileIO. Alexey-Krapivnitsky opened this issue Apr 13, 2020 · 2 comments Comments. Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: dll-files: Found 32 files DLLs from scipy installation. exe which works perfectly. 4 Commercial: Non Distutils: Add PEP 660 editable install support. lnk links for them on your Desktop. So the solution is to move that directory in the dist folder to where mpl-data lives. backends. 2, numpy and nuitka installed via pip. It’s rather large, and the goal is to use it at compile time. I had a python problem, it didn't see PYQT5. 1 already. spec import numpy def get_module_file_attribute_path(): module_file = numpy. 12 ' commercial grade ' not installed '. Nuitka is a Python library which can convert . 3 Nuit Constants . 0 altgraph==0. Moving this one out is part of a plan to split it up and have it on by default without causing issues. when run with the following command: python -m nuitka --standalone --enable-plugin=tk-inter --enable-plugi The command I used to compile is python -m nuitka --standalone --enable-plugin=anti-bloat --enable-plugin=numpy main. Nuitka version, full Python version, flavor, OS, etc. numpy and tsdownsample are also added as dependencies. typing. Installed Nuitka using: 'pip install nuitka' from anaconda prompt. They are most useful to avoid repeated usage of OS specific I failed to reproduce this on python3. 5; opencv-python 4. 2. I tried to import only either one of the packages. Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: Use '--plugin-enable=numpy' for: Numpy support for at least 'numpy'. except: print("cannot import np") try: import cv2. 3. 3 Commercial: None Python: 3. 寻找pandas,numpy等大包的平替。我没有直接使用numpy,但是在使用pandas时,由于pandas是基于numpy,所以打包过程也会去打包这两个大包。所以,我找到了polars去替代pandas,不过这个得修改我的代码。 三、解决方法 (一)思路1: 调整nuitka命令. You signed out in another tab or window. It is at least Free Software where # it's copied from other people. when clauses, but also for some other values that allow using an expression, e. exe on dist\numpy\core\_MULTIARRAY_UMATH. After about a day of debugging I found out that Nuitka trips up That would be great. 9rc4' on Python '3. I search in the code base, and find Nuitka onces had a SklearnPlugin. ") # Python test originally created or extracted from other peoples work. The second (the actual compile) is Hi Nuitka creators, Thanks very much first to create such a cool tool! In the release notes of 0. Disable misleading initial import exception handling in numpy, all what it python -m nuitka --version 2. Reply reply laundmo • just to clarify for anyone reading this later: i don't know the state Nuitka was in at the time the comment was written, Standalone: The numpy plugin now automatically includes Qt backend if any of the Qt binding plugins is active. Haiku: Added support for accelerated mode, standalone will need more work, also recognize its form of the site-packages folder, named vendor-packages. 0 (32 bit) on Windows 8. You switched accounts on another tab or window. numpy; nuitka; or ask your own question. 2 : Nuitka==1. On non-Windows, this removes unused duplications of the numpy. except: With my conda environment, it seems that nuitka has trouble building numpy correctly. 5, it wrote that it added support for new plugin for sklearn. Featured on Meta We’re (finally!) going To achieve this I use Nuitka to convert the my app. Numba compiles python bytecode which is not available in method compiled by Nuitka (what is good). I do it for the first time. I use nuitka compile my python code, but compile time is very slow, can anyone have good idea to solve this? Nuitka-Progress: If you are using a large package like numpy to do one little thing, try to find a way to do what you need to do without the large package; You signed in with another tab or window. Nuitka-Plugins:anti-bloat: Not including ' socket ' automatically in order to avoid bloat, but this may cause: can Nuitka An in-depth exploration of Nuitka’s package configuration system, offering insights into its structure, documentation, features, and usage examples. Added in 1. py files to standalone executables. 17rc4 Python: 3. Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: anti-bloat: Plugin is defined as always enabled, no need to enable it. core. Install numpy with: conda install -c conda-forge numpy. Running depends. Avoid using unittest in keras package. The %TEMP% is the temp folder of the user executing the program, it is not resolved during compilation, but at run time, not sure if you understood that. 8 charset-normalizer==2. I believe, Nuitka (at least on the RPi) cannot handle including imports of compiled (. exe OS If possible please supply a Short, Self Contained, Correct, Example that demonstrates the issue i. b = 'no' while b. User Manual: Added information about macOS entitlements and Windows console. Windows with 32 bits means no matter how much memory you have, you have only 2GB at maximum, using 64 bits, your problem goes away. This is 1. Solutions to the Common Issues. Nuitka also tries to maintain maximum compatibility with the Python ecosystem, so third-party libraries like NumPy work reliably. Hello. 6, 2. Running via my conda environment, it works perfectly. ffi installation. The # parts from me are licensed as below. The first step creates a logfile of all imports your script is doing. So, should I use pip or conda? Do I have to define any settings regarding dlls? Are there any incompatibilities of numpy versions? I wil lstil ltry to figure out hot to proceed and to get to know more details regarding the issue. I have one program that requires. This is what I get if i simply run main. And, I tried to import "pandas" + "numpy", the optimization loop can end, and the compiled Nuitka binary Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: numpy: This plugin has been deprecated, do not enable it anymore. Sounds complicated but it's really `Nuitka-Options:INFO: Used command line options: --standalone --follow-imports --plugin-enable=numpy main. Nuitka:INFO: Starting Python compilation with Nuitka '0. Nuitka:INFO: Total memory usage before generating C code: 47. Standalone: Allow including no browsers with playwright. With changes coming, you will be able to use user yaml to specify bytecode Even NumPy alone would be great. - Nuitka/Standard-Plugins Numba with Nuitka Benchmark with Code Obfuscation: Measure execution time after implementing Numba JIT optimization, Nuitka AOT compilation, and code obfuscation . Nuitka itself recommends this option, especially when using GUI packages like PySide6 or wx, but it may not cover all those cases. 10. 2 Commercial: None Nuitka-Options: Used command line options: --standalone --windows-console-mode=disable --enable-plugin=tk-inter Nuitka-Options: test. However, as soon as you start doing anything substantial, numpy is required, which is large. 3 (main, Jun 3 2024, 21:49:56 setuptools, PySide6 (although that was a Python 3. 1 This is to inform Fix, the anti-bloat configuration for numpy. 16. py), use nuitka to turn those py modules into pyd (machine code, essentially a . multiarray' When Python 3 try to load pkl file that generated by Python 2 pickle enhancement An improvement rather than a bug help wanted Please help with this, python -m nuitka --onefile operability. Ok, it seems they removed support for the environment variable that Nuitka has been using to make it find the mpl-data directory, and instead require it to be properly located relative to __file__ which is a good idea anyway. cupy_ops> File "thinc\backends\numpy_ops. I look into nuitka on every realease cycle as it would fix quite a few problems and enable some planned features. core DLLs. - Nuitka/Nuitka You signed in with another tab or window. \test. Similar thing applies if you (also) use scipy. 5, 3. 58 MB (pyinstaller) I use different variant, like --follow-imports, --windows-dependen I wonder what so big was added to this Nuitka is a Python compiler written in Python. py file into a . int32 # construct_end return x for x in itertools. Avoid numpy and packaging dependencies from PIL package. random. Nuitka Matplotlib relies on numpy and the exe generated by nuitka would crash with the error: TypeError: 'numpy. __file__ return module_file. Environment "normalnumpy" was created with: conda create -n normalnumpy python=3. " "For Nuitka commercial, the output is empty. pyd" you create. py --enable-plugin=numpy or: python -m nuitka --onefile operability. py Solution 2: Use Nuitka’s --recurse-all Option. python -m nuitka --version 1. In its current state, Nuitka keeps all modules in memory, and in a single process. These should have to be unnecessary, and I am not sure why you would want to include e. Nuitka has followed all of its core changes so far, and basic tests are passing; the accelerated, module, standalone, Nuitka is a Python compiler written in Python. All Nuitka is the Python compiler. 3 of yours, I was using 1. pyc. testing' with full replacement : remove numpy testing framework. 37. It is the extremely compatible Python compiler, “download now”. 0 as regular dependency Reusing already existing virtualenv Generating production lockfile: Important. PYD doesn't find libopenblas. UI: @jakams - during compile: was there the message Copied 'mpl-data' from 'matplotlib' installation. IPBC74C7KURV7CB2PKT5Z5FNR3SIBV4J. It&#39;s fully compatible with Python 2. 0. If you compile it with these options: I don't think I want to care about pre-release versions of Numpy just yet. I havent found anythin to disable numba except removing all the decorators by "hand" and that seemed to work. However, it often take alot of time to compile these EXE’s, especially when dealing with large libraries such as numpy, matplotlib, SciPy, etc. The specific PyPI names and versions; python -m pip freeze absl-py==1. virtualenvs\api\Scripts\python. numpy. bool_' object is not iterable, similar to the one mentioned above for the canonical "numpy" case. Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: dll-files: Found 1 file DLLs from llvmlite. (1)Enviroment ・ Windows10 64bit pro ・ CUDA10. py However, whenever I test examples that use both Qt (PySide) and PyOpenGL . 6:db3ff76, Jun 28 2021, 15:26:21) [MSC v. copied from cf-staging / nuitka I installed DL-Framework Windows Pytorch and git clone examples of pytorch. multiprocess is built around Python’s multiprocessing library and has been designed for heterogeneous computing. \\EasyAK. So, I got my executable created. 7 already. Python compiler with full language support and CPython compatibility. General description of issue I have written an application using pygubu and tkitnerweb. For these versions, you need a Python2 or Python 3. if I can use --nofollow-import-to=PIL,numpy,matplotlib , I think some minutes can be minus. 12. Note: I use Visual Studio 2017 tools v15. After compiling, run the generated . There was duplication with the Nuitka Commercial to the rescue. – Nuitka Release 1. I just started with Nuitka but may have found a problem with the new releases of Numpy. 如果遇到pandas,nu I've compiled quite a few applications (and also libraries) with Nuitka, but always ran into trouble, when I tried to use the "--follow-stdlib" option (segfault when starting the application). These need special treatment to be able to run on other systems. It is written in Python. array, numpy. 4 This issue seems to be related to #677 but that link wa hi there , I am getting this issue "No module named numpy. py I tried to open through the terminal, so I would see errors. Standalone: Fix DLL dependency caching on Windows, need to consider DLL content of course too. Either conditions are missing, or this version of the module needs treatment added. 16 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Feb 1 2023, 21:28:38) [MSC v. There is an option --noinclude-IPython-mode, but I suspect, that since it's Jinja itself doing it, I guess it might be a case of a missing import. Pandas internally imports matplotlib, so you need to tell this to the numpy plugin via an option: enable-plugin=numpy=matplotlib. 7(Windows) ・Conpiler (Microsoft Visual studio 2015 SP3) ・ I Extending Nuitka with tweaks for package has become increasingly simpler. Distutils: Add PEP 660 editable install support. NOTE: I resolved this issue as shown below and posting in case you want to add it to your list of implicit imports. 3 GB (!!!). For packaging, and compatibility, or some Python packages need to have special considerations in Nuitka. Many previous plugins, e. I was using sqlalchemy and had a similar issue with configparser. I am trying to compile a . python -m n I'm trying to wrap my brain around how to output a standalone (. . 9 C Nuitka replicates that with the option --disable-console. This is just for my sanity. dll. You feed it your Python app, it does a lot of clever things, and spits out an executable or extension module. exe it successfully runs. I'm trying to build an aiohttp microservice with onnx (and thus witn numpy) into a standalone app. exe file to reproduce the issue. 6 hello. Nuitka-Plugins:WARNING: numpy: This plugin has been deprecated, do not enable it anymore. Another solution is to use the --recurse-all option when running Nuitka. But now Nuitka Reports:FATAL: matplotlib: Conflict between user and plugin decision for module 'E:\workspace\PycharmProjects\Py310venv\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\backend_tkagg. @JorjMcKie The Anaconda is a non-system Python installation, where everything is included. Nuitka itself is fully compatible with all listed versions, but Scons as an internally used tool is not. [snip]. numpy 1. I am excluding it from being assumed to want to enforce no caching behaviour, since for Nuitka:INFO: Starting Python compilation with Nuitka '1. However, nuitka fails to compile it. Then, compile your Python application using the spec file: nuitka my_app. numpy_ops # cython: Nuitka version, full Python version, flavor, OS, etc. 1929 64 bit (AMD64)] Flavor: Anaconda Python Executable: C:\Users\abc\. Optimized Functions with NumPy Benchmark: Extend the benchmarking to include optimized functions utilizing NumPy for enhanced performance. 49 MB (49795072 bytes): Nuitka:INFO: Total memory usage before running scons: 52. exe'. x = numpy. py but Nuitka==0. Copy link Alexey-Krapivnitsky commented Apr 13, 2020. - Why is Nuitka sometimes running slower (or not faster) than uncompiled python? · Issue #2886 · Nuitka/Nuitka Nuitka Release 1. I'm adding the factory branch of Nuitka as a dependency. 6 (tags/v3. It is very popular among scientist, because, well you get everything included, and they do test if packages work together, and try to provide a working set. 3 Numpy 1. 9. Under the name Nuitka-Python we are now also developing a fork of CPython with enhancements, you can follow and joint it at https: I've developed a PyQT5 app that also uses Numpy, Pandas and Plotly. py creates . 15. exe through Windows Pow Environment: Anaconda, Python 3. 56 I am using --plugin-enable=numpy --plugin-enable=anti-bloat to enable use of numpy, which is a dependancy of OpenCV for Python. 1; wheel 0. e a small piece of code which reproduces the issue and can be run with out any other (or as few as possible) python -m nuitka --standalone --follow-imports --output-dir=result-linux --enable-plugin=tk-inter,numpy,torch,anti-bloat --disable-console --product-name=aigod --linux-icon=aigod. 9 . numpy, and pytz from the Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: anti-bloat: Handling module 'numpy. 7. py 其中,--follow-import-to 不能少了numpy. For NumPy, SciPy, Tkinter, etc. It covers NumPy, SciPy, Tkinter, and practically all popular packages. Reload to refresh your session. 1 Related: Issue #1781 Connecting NLP : Connected Traceback (most recent call last): File "C: line 4, in <module thinc. Everything worked for me. gfortan-win_amd64. 必须参数--plugin-enable=torch, numpy 打包完成后需要将需要的包复制到当前目录 After short study I chose nuitka. Remove reflected test, compiling Nuitka with Nuitka has gotten too difficult. Cleanups Determine system prefix without virtualenv outside of Scons, such that plugins can share the code. Started work on Nuitka Python, a CPython fork intended for enhanced performance and standalone support with Nuitka. 612. Environment System: Windows10 Python Version: 3. I wouldn't even try to include numpy. 3 cachetools==4. The exact file name depends on the version of Super excited to find this nuitka, props to the developer for putting in all the effort! I'm having trouble getting it to work with numpy. It compiles a Python program to a C binary—not by packaging the CPython runtime with the program bytecode, but by translating Python The major achievement of this release was the removal of the long lived numpy plug-in, replacing it with package based configuration, that is even more optimal and works It is the extremely compatible Python compiler, “download now”. Solutions for issues commonly faced, should help to get you off the ground with typical scenarios. 2 numpy==1. It compiles & executes flawlessly with standalone. pyd in a separate folder), Nuitka version, full Python version, flavor, OS, etc. 17. so), then cx-freeze the main script importing the pyd files. Nuitka:INFO: Completed Python level compilation and optimization. I have installed nuitka and simply wrote in command prompt Nuitka My_Program. g. Nuitka-Plugins:dll-files: Found 24 files DLLs from numpy installation. Its uses symmetric encryption inside its own so file. One quick note about your usage of --include-package=numpy and others. 0' in module 'scipy'. 6; PyQt5-Qt5 5. for this i asked you: "can you add - Use anti-bloat plugin in standalone tests of Numpy, Pandas and tests to reduce their compile times, these have become much more manageable now. Because of my work specs i can't update my Python version!!! Install Nuitka via pip with the following command: pip install nuitka. For Python 3. When re-installing numpy, I realized that the 1. uitkaのインストールはとても手簡単で Since the screen output was stored in build. This is to inform you about the new stable release of Nuitka. Nuitka also tries to make performance improvements to compiled nuitka --jobs 8 --standalone --onefile --follow-imports --enable-plugin=numpy --enable-plugin=glfw test. 1 ' on Python ' 3. for torch, tensorflow, and most recently numpy, and definitely also the Qt binding ones in the future, have been or will be converted to Yaml configuration applied by generic plugins that deal with DLLs, data-files, tweaks (called anti-bloat) etc. After installation, the nuitka3 binary is located in your virtual environment’s bin/ directory, or where your Python executable is located. ? If not, you were not using the correct compile command: You should use python get-hints. numpy tqdm nomkl matplotlib It compiles to ~200 Mb (zips to ~75 Mb). 4 and only those, we need other Python version as a compile time dependency. Disable misleading initial import exception handling in I am trying to compile my python program with Nuitka but it returns the error: FATAL: Error, unknown plug-in 'librosa' referenced. 39 MB (54931456 bytes): Nuitka:INFO: Running data composer tool for optimal constant value handling. in clean virtualenv, having latest packages available through pip, pip3 list output: Nuitka-Python: Added support for the Linux build with Nuitka-Python for our own CPython fork as well, previously only Windows was working, amd macOS will follow later. Nuitka follows imports when you say so, and in standalone mode specifically, it is the default to do so. 6, standalone installer for Python and git for Nuitka. tests. when constructing paths. To package it up I decided to use Nuitka however since the product is for the end users who won't be familiar with Python, I want If you're not bothered about people seeing your source code, then I would go cx-freeze. 3/3. But I reinstalled Windows and downloaded it all over again. numpy, you are expected to shorten this to the relevant ones. i think the nuitka do this work, the virus detection problem can be solve. py yourscript. pyd/. _examples. If it's not in the current directory — change the directory with cd \path\to\folder or provide the full path as nuitka \path\to\K0. 4, 3. Running WinPython 3. I've managed to reproduce the issue with just this code: import numpy as np I am trying to build an executable with Nuitka, for the following simple code: The Nuitka code I compile is: This is obviously a simplification of my problem. as output by this command (it does more than you think, and we are adding more all the time): My Requirements: MACOS Monterey Python:3. They are crazy enough to package gcc, and what not. py must be in the current directory; verify with dir K0. Extending Nuitka with tweaks for package has become increasingly simpler. For nuitka K0. 66; PyQt5 5. exe files in a folder and puts . 21. bixzlm jmw fjngem toxjqhs pjkb knqcr zyst skilv tqlla xpbx