Stata matrix to scalar May 20, 2016 · many commands automatically store results in r(), either scalar, local or matrices. dta There are generally two ways to get your . lowertriangle()— Extract lower or upper triangle 3 Diagnostics None. 3353. version 14. Beyond the matrix commands, Stata has a complete matrix programming language, Mata, that Get the contents of a Stata string scalar. return clear (see[P] return). The -format- command in Stata does not serve the same purpose as in, say, MS Excel. The diagonal of the scalar matrix contains only scalar elements that are all identical. . I(m, n) returns an m n matrix with 1s down its principal diagonal and 0s elsewhere. I would like to divide one of the values (which is the 1 by 1 matrix) by the other value (which is the other 1 by 1 matrix). In your Stata Command window, type. dta stata data into mata. getValue(name) Set the contents of a Stata Nov 16, 2022 · In fact, Mata is Stata's development language. It is the same principle, I think, with locals. Jul 1, 2016 · Kuda, if you are mentioning non-standard commands, then as per FAQ paragraph 12. I focus in the latter case. ereturn local, ereturn scalar, and ereturn matrix set the e() macros, scalars, and matrices other than b, V, and Cns returned by estimation commands. This code fragment page shows an example using Mata to write a function that calculates the SRMR by comparing the expected covariance from a saturated model to that of the model of interest. You can declare the whole matrix separating columns by a comma and rows by a backslash. Is there a scalar version of a variable label? 0. 2. Once you have loaded data into stata (. To start Mata, type meta in the Stata command window. Version info: Code for this page was tested in Stata 12. I've tried using return scalar b1 = _b[x1] matrix r(C) with the matrix row and column names. Consider:. ). csv files), it is easy to access that information from within mata. Below are some of the common functions. Oct 10, 2020 · Stata access element of matrix as scalar or macro. I've tried generating a variable equal to the scalar, creating a local scalar equal to the macro scalar and then generating a variable it's equal to, and several other things, but haven't found anything that holds the value, rather than 0 or null. Scalar functions modify individual elements of matrices. I hope this helps Dec 8, 2015 · See Cameron and Trivedi (2005), Stock and Watson (2010), or Wooldridge (2010, 2015) for introductions to OLS; see Programming an estimation command in Stata: Using Stata matrix commands and functions to compute OLS objects for the formulas and Stata matrix implementations. For example, suppose we use the stata sample dataset, auto. 03682017 Data Analysis with Stata Cheat Sheet For more info, see Stata’s reference manual (stata. My dataset has 917 events, each with 6 observations. This session is intended to introduce some of the features in STATA for dealing with vectors and matrices. matrix rename changes the name of a matrix. extract first value from multiple columns. sowi. When you display `l', Stata replaces `l' with the string "s", which is then evaluated as a scalar. ) //create empty matrix with 2 (as many variables as we are looping over) rows, 1 column matrix list storeMyP //look at the matrix loc n = 0 //count the Definition of Scalar Matrix. clear matrix eliminates from memory all matrices created by Stata’s matrix command; it does not eliminate Mata matrices from memory. See the example below : The Matrix matrix A = (2,1\3,2\-2,2) matrix list A A[3,2] c1 c2 r1 2 1 r2 3 2 r3 -2 2. A matrix, say A = [a ij] n × n is called a scalar matrix if a ij = 0, when i ≠ j and aij = k, when i = j, (where k is any constant). For example: sysuse auto, clear qui reg price mpg weight mat m =r(table)' mat li m You can extract values from these matrices, e. com) Tim Essam (tessam@usaid. Jul 4, 2016 · Note that it's more awkward to do in Stata alone, but perfectly possible with matewd once installed. Jun 5, 2019 · I'm confused also by why you would want to use Mata to put a number into a Stata scalar that you want to use as an element of a matrix in Mata. matrix list lists the contents of a matrix. Hi everyone: Sorry to email again, but I just adjusted to my own dataset, and it won't work. setString (name, value) Set the contents of a Stata string scalar. Mata is the new interactive matrix command language that comes with Stata 9. To reload the matrix, you can use the dataset and then use the mkmat command. ereturn clear (see[P] return). Telling display to use scalar instead of variable. version 13. Save list of distinct values of a variable in another variable. setValue (name, value[, vtype]) Set the value of a Stata numeric scalar. This video explains that concept of scalar and matrix in stata. Multiplication by a Scalar mat B = 3*A mat lis B B[3,2] c1 c2 r1 6 3 r2 9 6 r3 -6 6. replace yhat_bs=`par' if xaxis==`i' that will become, the one time this loop is executed, replace <stuff> if xaxis==1/11 Now that's legal: 1/11 is a fraction that Stata will calculate. Results that are included in the e()-returns for the models can be tabulated by estout or esttab. 99e+307. See [P] matrix mkmat. Note, Stata only shows the lower triangular part of any symmetric matrix. dta file. I have bought it from Pro Wang and it runs better. Some Stata commands return matrices. Best Daniel Title stata. ereturn—Posttheestimationresults Description Syntax Options Remarksandexamples Storedresults Alsosee Description ereturnlocal,ereturnscalar,andereturnmatrixsetthee()macros,scalars,andmatrices 2matrix—Introductiontomatrixcommands Creatingandreplacingmatrices Matricesgenerallydonothavetobepreallocatedordimensionedbeforecreation,exceptwhenyou Apr 15, 2021 · Then I then try to stitch all of these matrices together into one matrix (that I can use to make graphs) like this: matrix all1 = [co11 \ co12 \ co13 \ co14 \ col5 \ col6 \ col7 \ col8 \ col9 \ col10] But Stata will not produce the matrix because it claims some of the vectors are "not found". That is odd since all of the coefficients are May 22, 2022 · I'm using Stata 16. Therefore scalar functions are not dependent on matrix dimensions. com Abstract. Scalar—Scalarmathematicalfunctions Contents Description Remarksandexamples Alsosee Contents [M-5]Manualentry Function Purpose Complex Re() Re() realpart Im() imaginarypart C() C() makecomplex Nov 16, 2022 · First, I generate the matrix C so that it has the correct dimensions. Dec 29, 2015 · The fourth argument is new; it contains the temporary name that is used for the Stata scalar that holds the residual degrees of freedom. if it still end with same error,you can send email to [email protected] and buy the latest version of --xthreg--from Pro Wang Qunyong. not allow the matrix, vector, or scalar to have missing values. matrix drop Data > Matrices, ado language > Drop matrices Description matrix dir lists the names of currently existing matrices. C[2,5] c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 r1 0 0 0 0 0 r2 0 0 0 0 0 Jan 26, 2016 · Lines 13‐21 put the vector of first derivatives in g and the inverse of the Hessian matrix in Hi. 1 you must describe them properly. e. For a detailed list please see help m4_scalar. > > I would just add a warning. ,. I need the value I get using "egen sum(x)", but not the column of these values, but just a single number which stata would terat as a scalar. (When I display the scalar value from the macro, it isn't 0 or null. What I did is : matrix alpha = beta[1,1] The problem is that I need to use the extracted element (alpha) as a scalar rather than as a matrix. See[P] return for more discussion on returning results. Nov 16, 2022 · Stata does not save matrices with the dataset. matrixrownames—Namerowsandcolumns3. Example 6: Writing a matrix to Excel. I'll appreciate some help, thanks!! Store elements in a Stata matrix Matrix. The order of the scalar matrix is n x n. mat A=e(b) scalar s = A[1,colnumb(A,"x2")] The colnumb function returns the column number of a matrix that has a label matching the name in quotes. > > > > For some (probably good) reason, while you can easily > multiply matrix > > elements by a scalar, you can't do something like From Tirthankar Chakravarty < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject Re: Re: st: pick maximum,minimum, mode and median among scalars: Date Tue, 9 Aug 2011 17:27:22 -0700 Oct 16, 2013 · So far as Stata is concerned this is a list with one item 1/11 which will not be expanded. I will post my full syntax so anyone in the future with a similar problem would be able to see the answer easily: regress liq sap liqmk pprom if isin2==3 estat imtest, white local hettest = r(chi2) local hetprob = r(p) estadd scalar hettest = `hettest' estadd scalar hetp = `hetprob' estat bgodfrey, lags(12) matrix Range: integer scalars 0 to n el(s,i,j) Description: s[floor(i),floor(j)], the i;j element of the matrix named s; missing if i or j are out of range or if matrix s does not exist Domain s: strings containing matrix name Domain i: scalars 1 to matsize Domain j: scalars 1 to matsize Range: scalars 8e+307 to 8e+307 or missing issymmetric(M) Feb 17, 2016 · Lines 5–11 parse what the user typed, identify the sample, and create temporary names for Stata objects used in the computations or returned by our Mata work function. How to create a two dimensional matrix on Stata. I must fill in the elements with some value, so I chose zeros. matrix not positive definite I have a matrix (vector) of which I want to extract the first element as a scalar. Stata access element of matrix as scalar or macro. com Stata scalar variables are different from variables in the dataset. Scalars: As with R-Class commands, the list of scalars hold the values that are produced by the regression directly. edu) Title stata. 1. Jun 4, 2018 · Stata access element of matrix as scalar or macro. matrix C = J(2,5,0) . #, meaning the Kronecker product. com I() — Identity matrix SyntaxDescriptionRemarks and examplesConformability DiagnosticsAlso see Syntax real matrix I(real scalar n) real matrix I(real scalar m, real scalar n) Description I(n) returns the n n identity matrix. Using Stata’s auto dataset (that we loaded into Stata earlier), suppose we want to manipulate the data in mata. Extract Stata matrix element by column name. imaybespecifiedasascalar:thespecified Definition of Scalar Matrix. matrix list C . gov) • Laura Hughes (lhughes@scripps. putexcel A1=matrix(r(C), names) using corr. , the matrix named as "matrix_10_i" in the below example). creating a matrix from data. com I() — Identity matrix DescriptionSyntaxRemarks and examplesConformability DiagnosticsAlso see Description I(n) returns the n n identity matrix. I believe a solution is to use the following slightly awkward syntax. getValue (name) Get the value of a Stata numeric scalar. 3352. clear matrix is equivalent to typing. ereturn list lists the names and values of the macros and scalars stored in e(), and the names st: how do I get a stata matrix into mata? From: Miriam Wüst <[email protected]> Prev by Date: st: how do I get a stata matrix into mata? Next by Date: Re: st: AW: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables? Previous by thread: st: how do I get a stata matrix into mata? Next by thread: st: AW: how do I get a stata matrix into mata? Index(es To learn how to do this, see . How to get a specific column from a matrix in r? Jan 24, 2017 · Many Stata commands return scalars, macros, and matrices. scalar drop eliminates scalars from memory. Let’s define a matrix mata A = (-2,1\0,-5). For example sqrt(A)with give the square root of each element of matrix A. scalar alpha = beta[1,1] Nick [email protected] Olivier Paradis-Beland > I have a matrix (vector) of which I want to extract the > first element as a scalar. 2f you specify that the display format to be 9 characters long so your scalar will be e(my_x) : "92. Here's the syntax I am using for a similar problem. Most new features of Stata are written in Mata. Mata is Stata’s matrix language. There you can define user defined formats that add things like parantheses around numbers. Please check out the stats() option to estout. pointers— Pointers 3 Pointers to variables To create a pointer p to a variable, you code p = &varname For instance, if X is a matrix, p = &X stores in p the address of X. . Also see [M-4] manipulation — Matrix manipulation Mata is the new interactive matrix command language that comes with Stata 9. Unlock the power of scalar and matrix functions in Stata for advanced data manipulation and analysis. com J() — Matrix of constants SyntaxDescriptionRemarks and examplesConformability DiagnosticsAlso see Syntax transmorphic matrix J(real scalar r, real scalar c, scalar val) transmorphic matrix J(real scalar r, real scalar c, matrix mat) Description J(r, c, val) returns an r c matrix with each element equal to val. Behind the scenes, many of the new features of Stata 9, such as linear mixed models and multinomial probit, were written in Mata. ch/stata/estout/ ----- Title estadd-- Add results to (stored) estimates Syntax estadd 2rank()— Rank of matrix Diagnostics rank(A) returns missing if A contains missing values. 401–412 Mata Matters: Macros William Gould StataCorp College Station, TX wgould@stata. Nov 17, 2015 · Example 3 illustrates that the Stata matrix b contains the estimated coefficients and the names of the variables on which these values are estimated coefficients. The scalar is out of sight, and so out of mind. b, V, and Cns are optional for ereturn post; some commands (such as factor; see[ MV ] factor ) do not have } Note that these are not counterexamples to your assertion that -forval- doesn't work with scalars. There are two ways to As a result, Stata users can open an R window in the middle of a data analysis, execute the R commands, and continue the rest of the analysis with Stata, given the results of the R analysis already made available to Stata in the form of scalar, macro, matrix, or data frame. This entry provides an overview of the matrix commands and provides more background information on matrices in Stata. From Bert Lloyd < [email protected] > To statalist < [email protected] > Subject st: Attaching statistic-specific significance stars to scalars in esttab table: Date Thu, 19 Dec 2013 01:46:20 -0500 2det()— Determinant of matrix Bothdet(A)anddettriangular(A)willreturnmissingvalueifthedeterminantexceeds8. Use the return results from -summarize-. Variables in the dataset are columns of observations in your data. Matrix Addition & Subtraction Dec 16, 2015 · I hope I am misunderstanding, but the underlying idea appears fallacious. I think here it is a matter of preference (although collapse may be more direct) so I thought it worth mentioning in a separate, nonsensical example: st matrix()— Obtain and put Stata matrices 3 Processing Stata’s row and column stripes Both row stripes and column stripes are presented in the same way: each row of s represents the Apr 22, 2015 · Somehow save the scalars/macros/Mata matrix/Stata matrix directly and load after opening the . 24 ". For example a 2x2 matrix. Line 67 copies the results stored in the Mata matrix V to a Stata matrix whose name is stored in the Mata string scalar Vname. At 03:05 PM 6/6/2003 +0100, Joao Pedro W. ] row vector of row i of x x[. Jun 17, 2021 · After scratching my head for another business day, I finally figured out what is the problem: When I have missing values in my data, I exclude those missing values with my -mark- command, and from thereafter I am not able to stick back my results in my data because the dimension of my results vector and my original data are different. Lines 13–15 use the subroutine getcinfo to get information about the user-specified covariates and then store this information in the local cnames and a Stata matrix. In the second case, the local l is given the (current) value of the scalar s. I am currently facing a problem with the for loops option in mata environment, as I try to work with differently named matrices which have been defined in stata in a loop (e. In order to build a matrix you have two options. Stata datasets in Mata. 2 1 0 5 −1 1 Jul 19, 2018 · Hi, Is there any way of extracting specific information from a matrix. local m1 s Jan 22, 2021 · My Stata version is 16. list(name[,rows,cols]) Matrix class Get the contents of a Stata string scalar Scalar. What if I need to save matrices because I need to do other tests and calculations? Please check the example below: sysuse Sep 23, 2017 · I am looking for the appropriate syntax for extracting the maximum value from a matrix and storing it in a local variable for a traditional Stata . Aug 23, 2016 · Stata access element of matrix as scalar or macro. You can browse but not post. store(name,val) Create a Stata matrix Matrix. The Stata Journal (2008) 8, Number 3, pp. Maybe you should firstly update your Stata to the latest. In these examples, -forval- never sees the scalar; it just sees the numerical result of evaluating it in place. Line 34 copies the value of the expression n-1 to the Stata numeric scalar whose name is stored in the string scalar dfrname; this Stata scalar now Mar 18, 2015 · Here is an approach that would save the p-values in a matrix and then you can manipulate the matrix, maybe using Mata or standard matrix manipulation in Stata. Nov 18, 2015 · st_numscalar(), st_local() and st_matrix() can all be called with one argument or two. 1. Apparently, Stata does not save scalars, macros, Mata matrices, or Stata matrices to a . : . respectively. To export the matrix row and column names, we used the names option after we specifed the matrix r(C). help matrix extraction Nick On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Mirko <[email protected]> wrote: > Hi Jorge, > > Thanks very much for your Oct 5, 2020 · Forums for Discussing Stata; Then I generate several scalars from the stored matrix like this: Code: scalar var1_s1 = var1_mat[1, 1] scalar var1_s2 = var1_mat[2, 1] Jun 22, 2018 · I want to store the number highlighted in red (column = "y: mx ", row = "ul") to a scalar (let's say we call the scalar "yxul"). scalar Jan 12, 2016 · Lines 23 and 27 then use this Stata vector whose name is stored in the local macro b. create(name,nrows,ncols,initVal[, …]) Display a Stata matrix Matrix. stats() has a suboption to allow formats and labels (and probably a few other things). dta accessed by webuse auto. The end a Mata session, type end and press return. Would it be possible to return a local instead? In %-9. de Azevedo wrote: > > I'm looking for a function or a routine in Stata7 which would > > give me the > > highest scalar of a matrix Hi Rafa. I'd like to access directly to some values in the matrix stored. L. return—Returnstoredresults3 obs(#)isforusewithereturnpost. > > What I did is : matrix alpha = beta[1,1] > > The problem is that I need to use the extracted element > (alpha) as a scalar rather than as a matrix. Feb 13, 2018 · I am trying to store the coefficients from a simulated regression in a variable b1 and b2 in the code below, but I'm not quite sure how to go about this. ] the entire matrix We divide the basic matrix functions into two groups, according to whether they return a matrix or a scalar: Matrix functions returning a matrix Matrix functions returning a scalar Matrix functions returning a matrix In addition to the functions listed below, see[P] matrix svd for singular value decomposi- Title stata. So, when Stata gets to the line . length length mpg mpg eq1:length . Remarks and examples Scalar functions modify individual elements of matrices. But Stata fairly tags such programs as "historical" as since Stata 9 Mata has allowed a one-line solution. Thanks for all your replies. 0. unibe. matrixlistAA symmetricAA[4,4] eq1: eq1: eq2: eq2: L3D2. The real advantage of the post option is that it makes the estimated effects available as Stata system "underscore variables" (type "help system variables"). So the most convenient and obvious solution doesn't exist in Stata. Syntax real matrix I(real scalar n) real matrix I(real scalar m, real scalar n) Remarks and examples Nov 16, 2022 · Mata is a full-blown programming language that compiles what you type into byte-code, optimizes it, and executes it fast. Which you want depends on whether you want the value you get when you refer to the local to change when the scalar changes. Options noblank suppresses printing a blank line before printing the matrix. I cannot get the code to work because Stata does not allow "if" when defining locals and scalars. The sole merit of using a specified seed is to ensure reproducibility of detailed results, in the sense that other people using the same program and the same data are at least assured of the same results (and hence have means of checking exactly what you did). You provided me the knowledge I required. matrix storeMyP = J(2, 1, . scalar m1 = el(r(b),1,1) But you really cannot do much with scalars; they are just numbers unconnected to the command that generated them. matrix accum forms X0X matrices from data and sets the row and column names to the variable names used. I multiply the right-hand side Nov 16, 2022 · General features and matrix operators . Please see my example below. If singular matrices are a possibility, then you are probably using the wrong function. svmat can be used to create variables from the matrix. _return drop _all (see[P] _return) Once you have -st_matrix()-ed your -r()- variables from Mata to within the Stata -program-, you do not need to re-return- them from within the -program-. I ran into a similar problem just the other day. For doing that I'm generating one matrix, then calling the estimates stored by using -estimates restore- and then adding the scalars into the matrix. Itspecifiesthenumberofobservationsonwhichtheestimationwasperformed. Remarks and examples stata. Also see [M-5] lud() — LU decomposition[M-4 Stata Matrix Slicing, Select Subset of Matrix Values, Subset of Rows and Columns (DO, more see: ///--- Generate matrix with all 0 > scalar it_rowcnt = 4. matrix drop eliminates a matrix. Stata datasets in Mata# Once you have loaded data into stata as described above, it is easy to access that information from within mata. ,j] column vector of column j of x x[ivec,. Thisnumberisstoredine(N),andobs There are three ways to put frequencies in a new variable: tabulate oneway or tabulate twoway will save counts as a matrix. (See -[R] summarize- and -[P] return- in the manuals. This kind of call to a Stata subprogram make also makes subprogram calls more like those in many other languages, which probably is a good thing. Vectors and Matrices in STATA . Stata 命令的储存结果多存储在单值 Scalar 中,了解 Scalar 的用法对于相关结果的调用大有裨益! 🧰 知识点:单值 Scalar. You can save a matrix if you first convert it to a dataset using svmat. This is useful in Feb 3, 2017 · help estadd also see: esttab, estout, eststo, estpost http://repec. 2 1 0 5 −1 1 What > > I need to do (as I understand it) is take the natural log > of each element > > of the Proportions matrix, multiply it times its > corresponding proportion, > > sum up all the elements, and add ln(M). Feb 27, 2018 · Home; Forums; Forums for Discussing Stata; Mata; You are not logged in. Also see [M-5] svd() — Singular value decomposition[M-5] fullsvd() — Full singular value decomposition David Kantor > > > > I'm looking for a function or a routine in Stata7 which would > > > > give me the > > > > highest scalar of a matrix > > Both Nick Winter & Nick Cox replied. I am also interested in putting e(b) in the -post- command, but get the same message. matrix C=A#B, A: a b and B: c d, returns C: ac bd containing the Kronecker product A In addition to collapse as suggested by @Roberto's answer, I often use Stata's matrix language, particularly svmat, for similar tasks. Code: matrix Hx=r(mean)+r(sd) matrix rownames Hx = "High X" matrix colnames Hx = "Some other info up to 32 chars" help matrix help matmacfunc help el() 2st numscalar()— Obtain values from and put values into Stata scalars There is no three-argument form of st strscalar() because there are no r() or e() The results below indicate that (1) One can extract a cell from a matrix using the row and column names, but (2) the value returned cannot be assigned to a scalar, only to a one-by-one matrix. In your Stata Command window, type . 4matrixdefine—Matrixdefinition,operators,andfunctions matrixC=A*𝑠ormatrixC=𝑠*A,A:𝑎×𝑏and𝑠aStatascalar(see[P]scalar)oraliteralnumber, returnsC:𝑎× Dec 17, 2014 · Stata access element of matrix as scalar or macro. ) You can give a matrix whatever name you want except for re-served words (see help m2 reswords). Macros are covered in greater detail in a dedicated article. Learn with practical examples. 2967663 eq1:L3D2. To In fact, Mata is Stata's development language. A stored result is simply a scalar, macro, or matrix stored I imagine Nick Cox has done this already, but if not, the following routine will do it: program define matmax, rclass version 7 args M tempname val local rows = rowsof(`M') local cols = colsof(`M') scalar `val' = `M'[1,1] local mr 1 local mc 1 forval r=1/`rows' { forval c=1/`cols' { if `M'[`r',`c']>`val' { scalar `val'=`M'[`r',`c'] local mr `r' local mc `c' } } } di di "{txt}Largest value is will create an identity matrix with 1000 rows. I guess the possible command could be "scalar yxul = *****", but I am not sure how to write the ***** part. Equation 5 specifies a matrix that is negative definite, as long as the covariates are not linearly dependent. For example, May 12, 2016 · Dear statalist members, I am very new to mata environment. covariance matrix (V), and constraint matrix (Cns) in Stata’s system areas, making available all the postestimation features described in [ U ] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands . matrix C=A/s, A: a b and s a Stata scalar (see[P] scalar) or a literal number, returns C: a b containing the elements of A each divided by s. 存放数值 定义:scalar a = 3; 引用:dis a; 存放字符串 定义:scalar b = "Hello World!" 引用:dis b; Stata 预留的单值 help _variable; _cons clear matrix eliminates from memory all matrices created by Stata’s matrix command; it does not eliminate Mata matrices from memory. The row and column names of C are obtained from A. _return drop _all (see[P] _return) Thank you, Julian! -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] On Behalf Of Julian Reif Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 7:55 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: st: saving the confidence interval as a scalar Michael, you can also use -regsave- to save confidence intervals to a dataset. Stata scalars are named entities that store single numbers or strings, Matrixfunctions Contents Functions Reference Alsosee Contents cholesky(𝑀) theCholeskydecompositionofthematrix:if𝑅=cholesky(𝑆),then𝑅𝑅𝑇=𝑆 coleqnumb Store elements in a Stata matrix Matrix. dta or . To re-create the table in Excel, we need to export the matrix r(C) with the matrix row and column names. B = J(2, 3, . Jul 4, 2014 · How do transform a 1 by 1 matrix intro a variable or scalar? At the moment I have two matrices which are both 1 by 1, so in principle they are scalars. You can use Mata to implement big systems, or you can use it interactively. ,jvec] matrix of columns jvec, all rows x[. scalar s = 1. /* Inputting a Matrix */ Related Article: How to use Scalar and Matrix in Stata Macros: The macros simply store string values that indicate some features of the regression. scalar—Scalarvariables3 Nowlet’sconsiderthesolutionusingStatascalars: summarizevar1,meanonly scalarm1=r(mean) summarizevar2,meanonly scalarm2=r(mean) Oct 30, 2019 · sysuse auto, clear * first row regress mpg weight * save as a custom matrix matrix row1=r(table) * second row regress mpg weight if foreign==0 * save as a custom matrix matrix row2=r(table) * third row regress mpg weight if foreign==1 * save as a custom matrix matrix row3=r(table) **** *view the custom matrices to prove they worked matrix list /, meaning matrix division by scalar. So, the question actually is how to extract a specific value from a matrix and store it as a scalar. Jan 27, 2020 · While scalars normally can hold both strings and numeric values, returned scalars can not hold strings (don't ask me why). scalar dir and scalar list both list the contents of scalars. matewd is included in dm69, even though it is not mentioned in the brief summary. It may be slightly different for you since you're pulling a different scalar (I am grabbing p-values for a specific joint F-test), but in essence it should be the same: Sep 29, 2016 · How do I -display- elements of a matrix, such as e(b)? display e(b) is "invalid syntax" while Stata 14 responds to display e(b)[1,1] with "matrix operators that return matrices not allowed in this context". The names are correct in the sense that, for instance, the (1,1) element is the sum across the observations of squares of weight and the (2,1) element is the sum of the product of weight and foreign. Creating a matrix using An introduction to matrices in Stata is found in [U] 14 Matrix expressions. real matrix V() real scalar s2() real scalar ee() real colvector Dec 17, 2016 · esttab is a wrapper for estout with the most common options. Sep 18, 2019 · Suppose a have a matrix 2x2, where each column corresponds to models 1 and 2, while row 1 and row 2 corresponds to their tested combination and s. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. That said, the shortest way to export results to Excel is to use the putexcel command. For example, in the matrix: matrix X = (1,2,3 \4,5,6\7,8,9) the function should return the number 9. I have tried several solutions, including using local variables, but nothing has worked. As discussed above, cholinv() returns a matrix of missing values if the matrix is not positive definite. Basic syntax and usage. Hi Jorge, Thanks very much for your answer. length . getValue(name) Set the contents of a Stata Jan 30, 2023 · However, when I run the code I receive the following message from STATA: "3204 matrix found where scalar required" I've alredy tried to perform a similar exercise with moptimize but I am not pretty sure which one to use and how to display my optimization problem. 5513822 ----- My question is Feb 10, 2018 · In addition, if one need such structure (num scalar + description),one might use a matrix with one element and assign row/colnames. The relevant lines of my ado file are as follows: 1:arg {other vars} abc 2: tempname beta BigMat 3 scalar `beta'=exp(`abc') 4 matrix input `BigMat'=(1,`scalar(beta)'\`scalar(beta)',`scalar(beta)') When I trace the program, stata is reading line 4 as "= matrix __00001A=(1,,,\ ,1 From "Nick Cox" < [email protected] > To < [email protected] > Subject st: RE: Mata run time errors: Date Thu, 4 Jun 2009 11:01:39 +0100 v[k] scalar kth element of vector v Also missing value may be specified to mean all the rows or all the columns: x[i,. Thus, it has an equal number of rows and columns. Matrices with more than 2 billion rows and columns in Stata/MP ; Matrices with up to 2 billion rows and columns in Stata/SE and Stata/IC; Support for real and complex values ; Joining by rows or columns ; Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and scalar division ; Elementwise arithmetic ; Transposition Thanks to Richard, Nick and Joao. This includes multilevel modeling, latent class analysis, Bayesian estimation, and even the core algorithms of the graphical SEM Builder. Lines 112–122 use the contents of vcetype to return an OIM, a robust, or a cluster–robust estimator of the VCE. 3582543 p_diff . ] matrix of rows ivec, all columns x[. do file program. Feb 22, 2022 · Stata 单值:Scalar. The latest version can be used to unbalanced panel data. Similarly, matrix vecaccum forms y0X Oct 14, 2021 · Following link contains the files used in the video: more. ereturn clear clears the e() stored results. They get a scalar (local or matrix) from Stata in the former case and set these respective elements in the latter. 0 trying to store a variable value from one observation in a local macro (if the variable is a string) or in a scalar (if the variable is numeric). singular matrix The matrix is singular and the requested result cannot be carried out. g. 4stdata()—LoadcopyofcurrentStatadataset Detailsofobservationsubscriptingusingstdata()andstsdata() 1. getString(name) Get the value of a Stata numeric scalar Scalar. Similarly, line 17 shows that the Mata string scalar Vname contains the temporary name stored in the local macro V. But Mata is not just for Stata developers; you too can take advantage of this powerful programming language. Do you really intend that these scalars exist in advance in Stata? In that case, I'd put those scalars into a Stata matrix, which is easy to access in Mata. sreturn clear (see[P] return). Thus, the procedure for reporting certain additional statistics is to add them to the the e()-returns and then tabulate them using estout or esttab. Also see [M-4] manipulation — Matrix manipulation Dear statalist users, I understand it is possible to list some additional statistics at the end of a table by using esttab and stats() For example, if we do sysuse auto quietly regress price weight mpg test weight=mpg estadd scalar F_diff = r(F) estadd scalar p_diff = r(p) esttab, stats(F_diff p_diff) at the end of the table we get ----- F_diff . Matrix, vector, or scalar A is said to be c-conformable with matrix, vector, or scalar B if they have the same number of rows and columns (they are p-conformable), or if they have the same number of rows and one is a vector, or if they have the same number of columns and one is a vector, or if Sep 17, 2013 · Part of the solution is to use a scalar command and then refer to that matrix of scalars in the esttab, stat() option. Feb 23, 2016 · The string scalar vcetype contains the type of VCE to be estimated, and the string scalar clustervar contains the name of the Stata variable containing the clusters, if specified. ) If you type summ x scal sidney=r(sum) then the scalar -sidney- will contain the sum of x. -return scalar x To copy a Stata matrix into Mata, use st_matrix().
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