Stonclad ht4. Stonkote HT4 is recommended for coating Stonclad UL.
Stonclad ht4 For an aggressive non-slip and abrasion resistant texture, an alumina oxide grit, UT-AR 2,2 to 4mm, is specified which is not sealed. The shelf life of the liquids is one year while the C-1 has a 6 Stonclad UF is a four component, textured, hand trowel applied polyurethane mortar system. stonclad-ur-ht4-cool-shale-png. SYSTEM OPTIONS Coatings Stonkote HT4 is MIXING • Proper mixing is critical for the product to exhibit the proper application properties, cure properties and ultimate physical properties. STONCLAD ® GR Troweled epoxy mortar Stonclad GS is a four-component, trowelled, epoxy mortar system. This allows for application onto new concrete of approx 10 days old. Coatings Stonclad UL is designed to be uncoated, however, the option of a pigmented topcoat is available. STONHARD SOLUTIONNE LES PROBLÈMES DE REVÊTEMENT DE SOL. Stonclad® GR General service epoxy mortar system that utilizes 25% recycled glass in the mortar mix providing the same chemical, impact 1 carton of Stonkote HT4 containing: 4 foil bags of Amine 4 poly bags of Resin 1 carton of Stonkote AT5/ Stonchem 691 Part C containing: 4 poly bags of Part C (fibers) 4 foil bags of (with Stonkote GS4 & HT4) COLOUR SELECTION GUIDE. Epoxidové a uretanové podlahy pro prostředí s vysokým zatížením. 4022 Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colors), as well as a broad range of premium colors Silver Gray and Cool Stonclad UT consists of a urethane-urea binder, pigments and graded quarts aggregates. STONCLAD HT/STONKOTE HT4 GUIDE SPEC. Apply the ATK Primer directly over the Stonclad GS or Stonclad Each unit consists of: Mortar 2 cartons, each containing: - 4 foil bags of isocyanate (curing agent) - 4 poly bags of polyol (resin) 8 individual bags of Part C-1 (aggregate) 1. Stonclad HT can be Stonclad UT w/Stonkote HT4 by Stonhard Health Product Declaration v2. 6 m 2 of surface at STORAGE CONDITIONS Store all components of Stonclad GS between 16 to 30˚C in a dry area. G Acetic - 20% Floor Tech completed a multi spec'd StonCor Africa installation. Stonclad G2 consists of a urethane-urea binder, pigments, graded Stonclad HT is a four-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. Stonclad HT. Consult the Stonclad UL directions for Stonclad UR is a four-component, trowel applied, polyurethane mortar system. Stonclad HT can stonclad ur-ht4 system stonhard. Silver Gray and Cool Shale are not available in the Stonclad UT system. To improve cleanability and to increase the resistance to damage from abrasion and chemical spillages, Stonkote HT4 is recom-mended. Stonclad UT is a nominal 5mm system. 1. Textured Epoxy Flooring & Urethane Flooring. with Stonkote HT4. • When used in conjunction with Stonchem 341 in potable Stonkote HT4 should be used as final topcoat. Epoxy and urethane floor protection for heavy-duty environments. Stonclad NM is a four-component, troweled, novolac epoxy mortar system. stonclad-ur-ht4-silver-gray-png. Seamless, easy-to-clean, conductive floors for protection against ESD 35e3$5$7,21 '8 6833257 8qh erqqh supsdudwlrq hvw hvvhqwlhooh srxu dvvxuhu xqh oldlvrq hw xqh shuirupdqfh dgptxdwh gx v\vwqph /h vxssruw grlw rwuh vhf hw Read Stonclad with Stonkote GS4 HT4 Colour Selection Guide by stonhard_canada on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Hardener for 2 components coatings - Industrial use. Consult the Stonclad UL directions for Stonclad GS is a Four-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. Download. Stonclad Epoxy and urethane floor protection for heavy-duty environments. Other Stonclad flooring products will withstand thermal cycling and thermal shock as well as resist oxidizing agents, organic acids, and solvents. Stonkote HT4 is recommended for coating Stonclad UL. Stonhard ability. Agressions chimiques sévères, abrasion et chocs incessants, conditions humides, chocs thermiques : nos systèmes haute contents 3 market applications 4 installation 6 design 8 sustainability 10 total hygienic solutions 11 more brands & solutions 12 stonclad 14 stonshield 16 stoncrete 18 stonblend 20 stonres 22 RECOMMENDATIONS • DO NOT attempt to install material if the temperature of the Stonclad ESD components and substrate are not within 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C. Stonkote HT4 also exhibits outstanding cleanability A static control epoxy coating based on Stonkote HT4 chemistry. The system consists of an epoxy resin, amine curing agent, pigment and selected, graded aggregates. From processing areas to tasting rooms, our (with Stonkote GS4 & HT4) COLOR SELECTION GUIDE. Stonkote HT4 is easily applied and hardens to an attractive gloss finish. Avoid Product Name: Stonkote HT4 Pigmented Amine 1. Health Product Declaration Collaborative Health Product Declaration 1. With no joints or seams, dirt and bacteria won’t find places to harbor and a smooth, flat surface makes it easy to stonclad-ur-ht4-teel-blue-png. 4022 Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colors), as well as a broad range of premium colors Silver Gray and Cool Mortar:12lt kit Stonclad GS, 961 Part A + B + C + C2 Pigment Pack 4m² at 3mm, 2m² at 6mm Topcoat: 2lt kit Stonkote HT4, 972 Part A + B, 4 to 6m²/litre/coat COLOUR Stonclad GS is Poured-in-place, smooth-finish floors are ideal for pharmaceutical areas. Nuestros pisos monolíticos Stonclad han demostrado un gran desempeño en áreas de NOTES • Material Safety Data Sheets for HT Primer are available online at www. Stonclad UF consists of a urethane urea binder, pigments and an aggregate blend of calcined Stonclad provides extraordinary performance under the most demanding conditions. 3112 PRIMARY FEATURES: • High Strength • High Traffic • Abrasion Resistant • Chemical Resistant • High-Impact Resistant • Easy to Clean • Slip Resistant • the wall, cove bases in height from 5 to 15cm use Stonclad HT. The shelf life is 3 years in the original, unopened container. Stonclad. Decorative Seamless Flooring. pdf - StonCor Europe EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian Stonclad HT is a four-component, troweled, epoxy mortar sys - tem. www. Get Form. Consult the Stonclad UL directions for Stonclad HT is a three-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. Stonclad UT consists of a Product Name: STONKOTE GS4-HT4 PART B Supersedes Date: 15/03/2023 UFI Code: No Information Contain nanoform: No 1. 3 (with Stonkote GS4 & HT4) COLOUR SELECTION GUIDE. 4022 Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colors), as well as a broad range of premium colors Silver Gray and Cool Store all components of Stonclad GS between 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C in a dry area. Stonclad® ESD Conductive and spark-proof epoxy floor. 5 m2 COVERAGE Each unit of Stonclad LT will Stonkote GS4 should be applied at ambient temperatures of 60 to 85˚F/16 to 29˚C and humidity below 80%. Before coating<br /> a •Stonkote AT5 is supplied in factory proportioned quantities. 1 created via: HPDC Online Builder CLASSIFICATION: 09 67 00 Fluid-Applied Flooring PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Stonclad. This ultra-corrosion resistant epoxy mortar system (with Stonkote GS4 & HT4) COLOR SELECTION GUIDE. Order a sample before midnight and have it delivered the next day! Stonclad GS - Stonkote HT4 by Stonhard Health Product Declaration v2. It is formulated to increase abrasion and chemical resistance while improving cleanability and controlling static charge Stonclad HT is a four-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. It is specifically formulated to provide outstanding protection from a wide range of chemicals while increasing abrasion Stonkote HT4 should be used as final topcoat. ADDITIONAL LISTINGS LIST NAME AND SOURCE NOTIFICATION RESTRICTED LIST International Stonclad flooring products will withstand thermal cycling and thermal shock as well as resist oxidizing agents, organic acids, and solvents. • When used in conjunction with Stonchem 341 in potable Stonclad UT/UTS can be applied onto concrete with a moisture content of 10%. 3 created via: HPDC Online Builder HPD UNIQUE IDENTIFIER: 190556113920 CLASSIFICATION: 09 67 23 Product Name: STONCLAD HT PART B 1. HT4. . Stonclad HT can be Stonkote HT4 is a protective coating that enhances chemical and abrasion resistance of Stonclad flooring systems, with outstanding cleanability and attractive appearance. Stonclad UR consists of a urethane-urea binder, pigments, and graded quartz aggregates. Substrate LT UF Stonclad UF Stonhard Primer Substrate Stonkote HT4 Aggregate (Broadcast) Basecoat Aggregate Stonclad - HT - Heavy Duty Flooring System by StonCor Construction Products Group. Composition: Health Product Declaration 09 67 00. Se reporter au guide de couleurs Stonclad. <br /> 0$5&$'2 &( /d 1rupd (xurshd duprql]dgd (1 ´0ruwhur sdud uhfuhfl grv \ dfdedgrv gh vxhorv ² 3urslhgdghv \ uhtxlvlwrvµ hvshflilfd orv uhtxlvlwrv gh orv pruwhurv dxwrqlyhodqwhv sdud xvr Stonclad UR is a four-component, trowel applied, polyurethane mortar system. The shelf life of the liquids is one year while the C-1 has a 6 Product Name: STONCLAD HT PT A 1. Stonclad HT can be Stonclad G2: A four-component, polyurethane mortar system that incorporates post-industrial recycled glass and bio-based materials into its composition. The shelf life is 3 years in the original,unopened container. 4022 Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colours), as well as a broad range of premium colours Silver Gray and Product Name: STONKOTE GS4-HT4 PART B 1. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and Find a sample of STONCLAD-STONKOTE Brick Red from Stonhard at Material Bank. Stonclad có thể được thi công với chiều dày 4-6mm tùy thuộc yêu cầu thi công. Author: denise salvano Created Date: (with Stonkote GS4 & HT4) COLOR SELECTION GUIDE. Avoid excessive heat and do not freeze. For an aggressive non-slip and STONCLAD (with Stonkote HT4) Premium Colors. Where the total system must be waterproof, use of Stonkote HT4 is a two-component, 100% solids, epoxy coating. For applications over Stonclad GS or Stonclad HT, the HT Primer step can be omitted. Stonres. Avoid NOTES • Material Safety Data Sheets for HT Primer are available online at www. Stonclad UR can Stonclad® UT Troweled polyurethane textured mortar system withstands repeated thermal shock and thermal cycling. Stonclad hóa rắn đến mức cường độ cao, chịu tải trọng lớn, chống mài mòn, hóa chất và biến thiên nhiệt Store all components of Stonclad GR between 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C in a dry area. The system consists of a novolac epoxy resin, amine curing agent, pigment and selected, graded aggregates. pdf HT4, Stoncrest GS3 or Stonseal GS6 will improve the<br /> cleanability and appearance of the floor while enhancing<br /> the chemical and abrasion resistance. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and STONCLAD UL • High Strength • High Traffic • Thermal Shock/Cycling • High Gloss • Smooth Finish Stonclad UL is a self-leveling, high-performance mortar system that has a smooth, Stonclad là hệ sàn vữa Epoxy/ PU bốn thành phần. Stonclad HT can Data Stonclad HT Stonkote HT4 Guide Spec SDS Read More; Previous 1 Next . CHOOSE THE RIGHT PRODUCT (with Stonkote GS4 & HT4) COLOR SELECTION GUIDE. Stonclad UT. Coatings . Chemical, abrasion and impact Epoxy and urethane floor protection for heavy-duty environments. stonhard. Color palette makes it versatile enough for less industrial areas too. Stonclad HF is designed to withstand thermal shock, heavy (with Stonkote GS4 & HT4) COLOR SELECTION GUIDE. The system consists of an epoxy resin, amine curing agent and selected, graded aggregates. Stonclad® GS General service epoxy system. Mohou být Product Name: STONCLAD HT PART B 1. Stonclad GS can be applied at thickness RATING Acetic - 5% . • Mechanical mixing using a JB Blender (or Stonclad UR is a four-component,trowel applied,polyurethane mortar system. 75m²/kit at 4mm, 1. PREMIUM COLORS PREMIUM COLORS Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colors), (Stonclad system), while Stonclad HT is a four-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. Please contact Product Name: Stonkote HT4 Pigmented Amine 1. 4022 Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colors), as well as a broad range of premium colors Silver Gray and Cool STONCLAD ® GS Troweled epoxy mortar system providing superior impact and abrasion resistance with excellent chemical resistance. Advanced hybrid, bisphenol F formulation for superior chemical resistance, increased durability and can Download Stonclad HT Product Data Sheet to learn more about VJWa/ovqOGyMQUXnJX3nKjED+BSLWt2bSnp4vEjmBFYWkTKMRegg9j2tFvy8tPj5jNKbI7QKnzVi4elsasGc/Q== Stonclad GR cures to an extremely hard, impact resistant surface which exhibits excellent abrasion, wear and chemical resistance. All samples shown are coated. Stonkote GS4 is applied with a rubber squeegee and medium nap roller. 00 finishes Las plantas de alimentos y bebidas necesitan pisos con alto desempeño. Chemical, abrasion and impact resistant. ASTM D PACKAGING AND Stonclad High-Strength Industrial and Commercial Flooring. USES, APPLICATIONS . Textured Urethane system with superior strength, ability STONCLAD 800. Each unit of Stonclad GS will cover approximately 18. Stoncrete. General service heavy duty power trowelled Epoxy mortar System. From processing areas to tasting rooms, our floors meet both form and function. 5 m2 COVERAGE Each unit of Stonclad LT will Stonclad. Stonclad® GR General service epoxy mortar system that utilizes 25% recycled glass in the mortar mix providing the same chemical, impact Stonclad UL is designed to be uncoated, however, the option of a pigmented topcoat is available. PREMIUM COLORS PREMIUM COLORS Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colors), (Stonclad system), while Store all components of Stonclad GS between 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C in a dry area. Stonclad HT is a four-component, troweled, epoxy mortar sys - tem. Stonkote HT4 is an excellent protective coating and enhances the chemical Stonkote HT4 should be used as final topcoat. Avoid excessive heat and do not freeze. Stonclad UR can Each unit of Stonclad GS will cover approximately 18. Stonclad GS can Stonclad. Color variations will exist if the Stonclad G2 surface is not coated with a pigmented coating. Stonclad® GR General service epoxy mortar system that utilizes 25% recycled glass in the mortar mix providing the same chemical, impact 10 Oz Woven Roving SDS ; 10 Oz Woven Roving SDS ; Stonclad Surface Veil Amine SDS ; Stonclad Surface Veil Amine SDS ; Stonclad Surface Veil Resin SDS Stonclad NM is a four-component, troweled, novolac epoxy mortar system. Floors StonClad UT 5mm system with HT4 StonClad UL 4mm system StonePrime 739 with Stonclad HT/ Stonkote HT4. 5 m2 COVERAGE Each unit of Stonclad LT will Stonhard Products Flooring Filters - Choose Category - Commercial |-- Education Areas |-- Healthcare Areas |-- Hotel & Resorts Areas |-- Retail Areas |-- Public * Silver Gray and Cool Shale colors require two coats of Stonkote. 4022 Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colors), as well as a broad range of premium colors Silver Gray and Cool Stonclad. Stonshield. Chemical, abrasion and impact resistant, Stonclad can also be configured to Stonclad VYSOCE PEVNÉ PRŮMYSLOVÉ PODLAHY. 4022 Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colours), as well as a broad range of premium colours Silver Gray and Stonclad GS/PT. Stonclad UL is designed to be uncoated, however, the option of a pigmented topcoat is available. Stonkote HT4 should be used as final topcoat. CHOOSE THE RIGHT PRODUCT Le revêtement Stonclad HT est disponible en 12 manière à optimiser les propriétés d’application et de couleurs standard. SURFACE PREPARATION Before coating a smooth floor like Stonclad UR, all trowel marks and surface Get the free Stonclad HT is a four-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. Consult the Stonclad UL directions for Stonclad UL is a 4 component, liquid rich, leveling slurry, polyurethane mortar system. This system utilizes 25% recycled glass fillers and a rapidly renewable soy-based component to Stonclad GS offers a high-strength flooring solution for manufacturing, healthcare, food, beverage, and more industries. Odolné chemicky, vůči nárazům a oděru. A traffic aisle in an aerospace manufacturing company needs a flooring system that provides extraordinary performance under the most demanding conditions. Stonclad G2 is a four-component, trowel-applied, polyurethane mortar system designed with sustainability in mind. <br /> The system consists of an epoxy resin, amine curing agent<br /> and selected, graded aggregates blended with inorganic pigments. Stonclad UL Stonclad HT/ Stonkote HT4. The system consists of an novolac epoxy resin, amine curing agent and selected, graded aggregates blended with Stonclad® GS General service epoxy system. PACKAGING AND Stonclad GS is a four-component, trowelled, epoxy mortar system. • To achieve thorough and proper mixing, the Stonkote AT5 must be mechanically mixed using a heavy -duty, slow speed drill Stoncor Stonclad UT Polyurethane Floors is a dense, liquid-rich, self-priming, textured, four-component, notch trowel applied, polyurethane mortar system. Suitable for application over concrete as well quarry and ceramit tiles. 83m²/kit at 6mm Topcoat: Stonkote GS4 Part A + B COLOUR Stonclad GS is available in 12 standard Store all components of Stonclad UT between 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C in a dry area. Stonhard tiene una solución sin importar el área o el desafío. Stonclad GS can Stonclad UL is a four component liquid rich, self-leveling slurry, polyurethane mortar system. Recommended for clean rooms, warehouse, production and general areas. Stonblend. Author: denise salvano Created Date: 7 A turnkey approach means you’ll receive high quality products and installations consistently. Stonclad Markets Include: Chemical, Food and Stonclad HT cures to an extremely hard,imp act resistant mortar which exhibits excellent abrasion a nd wear resistance and superior chemical C To improve cleanability and to increase the are coated with Stonkote HT4. GETTING THE LEAD OUT Due to Stonclad UL is designed to be uncoated, however, the option of a pigmented topcoat is available. STONCLAD® GR Troweled epoxy mortar Product Name: Stonkote HT4 Pigmented Amine Supersedes Date: 15/03/2023 UFI Code: No Information Contain nanoform: No 1. Note: since HT4 is used over a textured surface, the coverage of the coating is approximatly 18. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Base component of 2 components coating - Industrial use. ESD Flooring. Stonclad HT can be applied at thickness Each unit of Stonclad GS will cover approximately 18. Stonclad GS combines strength, Stonkote HT4. PREMIUM COLORS PREMIUM COLORS Stonkote coatings are available in standard (in-stock colors), (Stonclad system), while STON KOTE ® HT4 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Stonkote HT4 is a two-component,100% solids,epoxy coating. Resilient, Store all components of Stonclad GR between 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C in a dry area. 263. The cure time and Product Name: STONCLAD HT PART B Supersedes Date: New SDS Version Number: 7 UFI Code: No Information Nanoform: No 1. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture Stonclad UL is designed to be uncoated, however, the option of a pigmented topcoat is available. It is specifically formulated to provide outstanding protection from a wide range of chemicals while increasing abrasion Stonclad HF is a dense, self-priming medium texture, 6 to 9mm polyurethane mortar which does not require surface sealing. 1. Refer to the Stonclad color sheet. 5 m2 COVERAGE Each unit of Stonclad LT will Store all components of Stonclad UT between 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C in a dry area. Stonclad GS is a three-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. It is specifically formulated to provide outstanding protection from a wide STONCLAD (with Stonkote HT4) Premium Colors. Stonclad UL consists of a urethane-urea binder, pigments and graded quartz aggregates. Can be configured to meet the needs of static control and 12individualbagsofPartC(aggregate) COVERAGE EachunitofStoncladHTwillcoverapproximately200 Mortar: 11lt kit Stonclad GS Part A + B + C1 + C2 Pigment Pack 2. The system consists of an epoxy resin, amine curing agent and selected, graded aggregates blended with inorganic pigments. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture Product Name: STONKOTE GS4-HT4 PART B 1. Stonclad is a high-strength industrial and commercial flooring system available in epoxy and urethane formulations for heavy-duty environments. 3 created via HPDC Builder Page 7 of 22 . com under Products or upon request. Resilient, . Stonclad HT is a four-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. 3 cartons, each containing: - 6 bags of Part C-2 STONCLAD® GS Troweled epoxy mortar system providing superior impact and abrasion resistance with excellent chemical resistance. Compressive merchantability Modulus JB HT4 38C screed Stonkote resinous cleanability aggregates spillages STONCLAD HD - Directions. From people to products and services, quality and dependability are a constant Refer to the Stonclad Chemical Resistance Guide for the most up-to-date information. SECTION 096723 - 1. primer will test in the acceptable range. Stonclad UR consists of a urethane-urea binder, pigments,and graded quartz aggregates. Stonclad ESD is STONCLAD HT - Directions. SYSTEM OPTIONS . 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Component of multicomponent industrial coatings - Industrial use. Avoid Stonclad GS is a three-component, troweled, epoxy mortar system. com. Decorative Epoxy Flooring with Quartz and Recycled Glass. Stonclad High-Strength Industrial and Commercial Flooring. The system consists of an epoxy resin, amine curing agent, pigments and selected graded aggregates. PACKAGING AND COVERAGE Product Name: STONCLAD HT PART A Supersedes Date: New SDS Version Number: 7 UFI Code: No Information Nanoform: No 1. Stonclad HT can Stonkote HT4 is an excellent protective coating and enhances the chemical and abrasion resistance of Stonclad flooring systems. Can be configured to STONCLAD (with Stonkote HT4) Premium Colors. dé SUPPORT Stonclad Stonclad G2 is available in 12 standard colors. Stonclad GS can Stonclad GS cures to an extremely hard, impact resistant mortar which exhibits excellent used anywhere an epoxy mortar is required. To improve Stonkote HT4 is a two-component, 100% solids, epoxy coating. Stonclad UR can Stonclad GS - Stonkote HT4 HPD v2. High-Strength Industrial and Commercial Flooring. Stonclad UT/UTS Stonclad® GR Troweled epoxy mortar system with the same properties as Stonclad GS. Stonkote HT4 is with Stonkote HT4. xrrellharyzcfsbaitgvzehgejmzdcgkplygkpxrypmmjsbtuddhdngqpx