Umich vs nyu tandon. Offer][CS@New York University] [MS.
Umich vs nyu tandon Request Information The headphones around your neck, the turn signal in your car, the webcam above your screen — each of these was made possible by an electrical engineer. In fact, any time anyone brings up Tandon CS, the first thing you invariably hear is that Courant CS is better. " It's a short subway or bus ride away from Washington Square, and it has it's own neighborhood to call home. NYU is a good school, but doesn't stack up against the good old Midwestern powerhouses (Michigan, Illinois, Purdue, Wisconsin). check 1point3acres for more. Just keep a decent gpa (like 3. 带奖,学费全算下来5w左右 2. tandon 微信 NYU has two excellent computer science departments, one in the the College of Arts and Science and one in the Tandon School of Engineering. 可以读两年 Cons: 1. You get an NYU MS CS. Besides, tandon has better career fairs. I have a vague idea that UCI might be better in terms of research and also has a lower tuition, but I don't know for sure. 6 < GPA < 3. NYU being my top choice I'm slightly towards it but I would love to hear from you guys. AD无奖][CS@CS@NYU. degree in Biomedical Engineering is I just got accepted into NYU for their MS Biotech program (yay!), and I'm really excited, but I've also applied to UC Irvine for MS in Biotechnology and Management. Cons. World rankings are a bit lower than Chicago (I think world rankings are pretty vanilla) I'm not too sure about NYU. Zahra Patterson Hey guys, I am facing a dilemma. 虽然是ECE,但track是ds&ml,基本可以全软? 2. Living in NYC gives you a multitude of opportunities ranging from Research, Internships, Co-ops, etc. I am planning to start on my CPA while in the program. D. Just wanted few more opinions to make a well informed decision Yeah! This is tough. i just got admitted to nyu's math/cs program in the college of arts & sciences for the class of 27 (!!) i applied to cas i think cas has more of a name than tandon rn, but tandon is definitely climbing up w the recent $1 billion investment. “Future computing systems will look very different from current ones,” he explains. 96 GPA dental after recalculations: 2. Bot are 1 year program in the business school. Not sure how you determined it was better for internships. 9选手,高于或低于 NYU tandon ISE is a pretty solid resource. ISBN 978-3-030-24236-7 Journal Articles Ngoc Luu, Apratim Bajpai, Rui Li, Seojin Park, Mahad Noor, Xiao Ma, and Weiqiang Chen, Aging-associated Decline in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Mechanosensation is Mediated by Piezo1 r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. UMich: -a lot better undergrad engineering program(#6) -Ann arbor, student life, community, pride, sports, one of the top colleges for student life -If I NYU吧,两年CS项目保险一点,dsml这专业除非想做ds,要不然读了纯浪费时间,浪费找工刷题时间。 title回国也没很大区别,更不存在楼上提到所谓的倒读 本人情况: 本科华五CS科 is UMich or NYU Better? Whether the University of Michigan (UMich) or New York University (NYU) is better depends on individual preferences, academic interests, and career NYU vs. 这次是转学申请,现在在NYU Tandon和UMich中纠结: Tandon: pros: 地处nyc,找实习会比较方便;tandon的数学和cas的数学一样也是在courant下的,courant的数学尤其是应用数学很好;nyu转学分比umich多;私立学校人均资源应该会多一些. I’m talking about MS in Mechatronics and Robotics btw, and I submitted before the priority deadline I’ve also seen a I'm stuck deciding between NYU, UMich, and Johns Hopkins. Is it worthy to spend 22k extra just for the NYU tag and location? And at UMCP, I've seen that getting a TAship/ GAship waives about 7. Offer][CS@New York University] [MS. Tandon is more hardcore math and engineering, Courant is more humanities focused. 虽然是ECE,但track是ds&ml,基本可以全软? The biggest "difference" between Tandon and the rest of NYU is location. Please make sure to read our rules and wiki before posting I have admits from NYU Tandon MS in CS and Virginia Tech Meng CS. fre@nyu. My short term goal is to get into Big 4 I've received admits from SUNY Buffalo and NYU Tandon for Masters in Robotics, but I am confused about which one is better course-structure wise This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've Textbook Raymond H. TANDON] 个人其他信息: 你对学校的要求: 找工向 你对求比较学校了解的情况(请贴出具体信息): 目前就是觉得这两所各有利弊,一个综排高些,一个可能更好就业 Tandon offers CS-UY 2413 Design & Analysis of Algorithms while CAS offers CSCI-UA 310 Basic Algorithms. Hi, I have admits from NYU Tandon and USC Viterbi for the MS in Computer Science programs at both schools for Fall 2021. Go to nyu r/nyu r/nyu The unofficial subreddit for New York University. TANDON] 个人其他信息: 你对学校的要求: 想读完回国,但是不清楚哪一个回国发展好一点 你对求比较学校了解的情况(请贴出具体信息): 感觉CE比较难一些,Tandon的选课可以学很多偏软件的 ,Washu的MIS不清楚,中介说是美国第15,但是今年排名掉了 25Fall NYU Tandon MSIE 1st AD小奖 1st AD NYU Tandon CE Robotics offer比较: NUS VS UCL 1st AD NYU Tandon CE Cornell Tech的Meng ECE如何呀 Offer PhD CS PhD求比较:港三大牛老板和美国top10新ap 方式 缺点:NYU和UMich相比,学校整体实力不那么牛,世界排名top20才勉强算牛校吧,NYU平均下来26。另外,担心NYU Tandon 会不会受之前poly评价影响,口碑不容易上得去。Tandon MFE从QuantNet 16上升到13,有没有虚高成分? MSCS@NYU Tandon 录取偏好 倾向 CS 科班出身,高绩点选手。 代表性 dp 网申备注 项目特点 申请季实时信息 tandon 在 20fall 以前的 bar 应该是没有 courant 高的,在 20-21fall 左右持平甚至比 courant 还高。 24Fall几乎只接收3. UMD itself ranks UMich专排很高,适合做学术,虽然国内知名度比不上NYU(如果以后要回国的话,国内知名度还是一个考量方向),但在美国的名声应该不错的。 靠近底特律,离芝加哥3个多小时车程。 NYU Tandon vs Penn State vs NCSU vs Stony Brook upvotes · comments r/UIUC r/UIUC This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. CS ranking is similar to Chicago. in Bioinformatics Also, your first point is a straw man argument. When I joined NYU in 2016, Tandon had only been part of NYU for two years and was pretty clearly not up to the same standard as 21 votes, 11 comments. NYU Cons - Tandon is not on the main campus. In general, NCSU is a much better school for this kind of 1st 小奖 EEMS@NYU Tandon 【CS PhD学校选择】UVA vs UIUC 1st rej MSCS@NYU Tandon 25fall offer求帮选,BU MET: CS, NEU: SES & IS-B; Stevens: SE 25fall offer求帮选,BU MET: CS, NEU: SES & IS-B; Stevens: SE 25 fall HKU HKUST 计算机类选 I have been leaning towards NYU more than Columbia, as the course offered by Columbia is only a year long. AD from nyu tandon ce 求比较!jhu的msba和uci的msba UIUC vs NYU Tandon 求比较 NEU MSCS Seattle vs VT Meng NCR NYU Tandon vs UIUC 南洋理工和港大的通信工程研究型硕士读哪个? 有点穷的女大学生,要不要接加拿大的cs master全奖offer 1sr AD About the Program BS/MS program Prospective students with superior admission qualifications may be selected to participate in our B. I have heard that internship services are great NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering is also highly regarded, offering programs in computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering, among others. I applied to 6 schools and have heard back from 3. Additional info: Taking engineering I personally like Tandon a lot, and I'm not just saying that as an NYU Alum - I used to recruit a lot of kids from Dr. For context, that is literally the same difference of Michigan in 2018 (rank 28) to 2022 (rank 23). Members Online • wiredupboi Tandon Experience I’ve been going through the subreddit for a while, and I had a question for students at the Tandon College of Engineering Can someone explain the difference between Tandon and courant. I’d think about tandon. NYU Stern will give you better access to Wall Street internships during the year, but USC Marshall is tandon才是亲儿子,这三年的bar每年肉眼可见的升高,以后还会越来越高,教学质量也会越来越好。tandon感觉是个处于上升期的学院,nyu本身对其还是挺重视的,每年投入资源都很多,毕竟nyu之前没有工院(tandon前身poly最开始是nyu的,后来被卖给了nypoly,13年又买回来了然后改名tandon)。 我是科班cs,计划是回国或者有机会的话可以读博 Nyu pros:回国排名不错 纽约位置还不错 可玩的比较多 有7k小奖 学费便宜不少 ce比ece好像听着更好一点? 根据我的观察有很多是cs劝转的 可能到时候志同道合的人多一些 cons:tandon人比较多 质量一般? bar好像 25Fall NYU Tandon MSIE 1st AD小奖 1st AD NYU Tandon CE Robotics offer比较: NUS VS UCL 1st AD NYU Tandon CE Cornell Tech的Meng ECE如何呀 Offer PhD CS PhD求比较:港三大牛老板和美国top10新ap 方式是是是 nyu ce 无奖 纽约大学IM整合营销求 1st 小奖 EEMS@NYU Tandon 【CS PhD学校选择】UVA vs UIUC 1st rej MSCS@NYU Tandon 25fall offer求帮选,BU MET: CS, NEU: SES & IS-B; Stevens: SE 25fall offer求帮选,BU MET: CS, NEU: SES & IS-B; Stevens: SE 25 fall HKU HKUST 计算机类选 Hi everyone, I'm a Junior in High School looking to study computer science in college, and NYU is one of my top choices at the moment. UMich: -a lot better undergrad engineering program(#6) -Ann arbor, student life, community, pride, sports, one of the top colleges for student life -If I decide to leave engineering, Michigan has strong programs across [2023Fall] [MS. I have read some posts on r/NYU and I understand the basics, but I'm still not sure what is right for me from a career point of view. So, here I am asking for your opinions or insights that you could provide in terms of expenses, job prospects, brand value, university culture, degree recognition, etc. true It is definitely better than CAS CS. umich适合做学术转博,论找工氛围地理位置啥的是真比不上tandon 3. On the diploma, there is no difference. AD无奖][CS @CS@NEU] 个人其他信息: 你对学校的要求: 尽量在美国找工,如果找不到考虑回国 你对求比较学校了解的情况(请贴出具体信息): 问过在NEU和NYU读研的同学,感觉下来两个学校差别不大,学费加生活费可能NEU能省下来十几二十万。 UMich vs NYU vs Johns Hopkins upvotes · comments r/MBA r/MBA Learn about MBA programs, applying to them, and what life is like while in one and afterwards. AD无奖][CE@CE@NYU. The average106k Currently committed to UMich, got off the waitlist to NYU -Price is not a factor (I'm paying roughly the same anyway) -Got admitted to arts and sciences for both and am considering doing data science (but open to many things like econ, stat, cs, neurosci) -I like NYU was ranked 30 in 2018 so in 5 years, they've improved 5 rankings not including that the #25 place is a 4 way tie. That being said, I'm sort of confused about the difference between Tandon and CAS. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome. Courant math. r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application [2023Fall] [MS. What are the main differences between them and which one would be better to Out of state tuition is 0. Depends on what you want to do in industry. Even if the department is combined, there's a huge reputation difference. Tandon has more sense of a community as it’s relatively NYU #25 vs NEU #44 - Probably would have gone if I had gotten in Regular Decision. I’m not sure which school between NYU and UVA. meng有机会转ms,所以即使有意向申phd也还有机会 4. NYU Tandon CE专业一年多就读体验 25spring rej rice mcs 请问该选GU的cs还是umd的ece meng 2nd AD SPRING RICE MCS 加拿大安省 ECE & CS Master Offer求比较! 25spring求对比waterloo ece(noncop)vs 新国立cs special 【25spring选校比较 EE数字 NYU: very good location for finance (though i heard mich still has very good recruiting due to ross and engineering, and no stern clout makes me hesitant abt nyu) tons more opportunities in terms of social scene/fit i feel like umich is better for me but I could A community for people applying to, pursuing, or having completed a Master's degree in Computer Science or related programs (MHCI, MSDS, MSAI, MS ECE, MSBA, MCS, MIS, MEM, MSIM, MSOR etc. One in CAS, one in Tandon, in fact one in Shanghai. 1point 3acres In the best global university rankings of US news, NYU is ranked at #31 overall and #55 for Computer Science. Though there are no funding opportunities for the Meng program at Virginia tech it Well. It also has a wide alumni network and many Silicon Valley companies recruit there. If you look at the recruitment numbers Hello :), I've admits from UIUC and UMich for ECE, and I'm confused to make a decision, so any inputs to clarify which is better in terms of academics, job prospects, courses offered, alumni network would help. /M. 本人NYU Tandon工院在读大二学生,专业ECE,目前计划是留美读研之后回国工作。本人基本上除了GPA 一无所有 首页 知乎知学堂 发现 等你来答 切换模式 登录/注册 要不要从NYU Tandon转学去UMich?关注问题 写回答 登录/注册 留学美国 密歇根大学 I've been admitted to USC, UMich, and Columbia for MSDS, but waitlisted at NYU. GSAS is the graduate school of CAS; undergrads go to CAS, people Recently I got off of NYU Tandon’s waitlist for Spring admission. blecherman@nyu. Our projects range from using motion capture technology to reimagine theatrical performance, to developing to Read NYU Tandon - Class of 2023 Commencement by NYUTandon on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. if you Guys, I am deciding between NYU Tandon MS CS and USC Viterbi MS CS. $29,499) NYU MSCS: Pros. Rice vs Columbia GS 25 fall 加拿大机械工程硕士选校(Ottawa vs Alberta) 求比较!jhu的msba和uci的msba 求比较 NEU MSCS Seattle vs VT Meng NCR NYU Tandon vs UIUC 南洋理工和港大的通信工程研究型硕士读哪个? 有点穷的女大学生,要不要接 AD求比较!!Umich vs NYU vs Vandy,寄托家园留学论坛提供最有用的出国留学资讯和最热心的留学交流论坛 恩恩,对,PhD Michigan肯定是扯淡了。。。 不过我好奇NYU的director说的人,里面中国人有多少个呢? 就跟咱们看一些Biz program的placement一样。 真诚求比较 NYU Tandon math和UMich math 你自己不也是码农?五十步笑百步就算了 至少我在umich读过书还有发言权 你没发我都懒得回 现在也没喷nyu 那么你是在nyu读过书的还是来了umich发现不如意才变成这样的? Purdue vs NYU Tandon MS EE upvote r/worldnews r/worldnews A place for major news from around the world, excluding US-internal news. I was also accepted into the Stevens pinnacle scholars program so that gives me $5k a summer to do internships and stuff. 6/4 wes认证后变成3. The unofficial subreddit for New York University. Yuzhang Lin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Members Online Ukraine to start building 4 new nuclear reactors this year upvotes · comments r/vegan r/vegan [2018Fall] [MS. 3279 Fax: 646. in Biomolecular Science and a M. I am an international student who is confused between the two. 8 Shadow hours: 200 Research: 400ish +- Volunteering (including highschool)[mainly high-school]: 350 Work after undergraduate gradation in my gap year: 9 months full time 74K subscribers in the nyu community. I know that Tandon School of Engineering is away from NYU's main campus and would therefore not have the same student life that USC Viterbi could provide but Tandon is slightly more affordable considering the $8k/year scholarship I've been offered. From academics to campus culture, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between these For NYU, it would be 48,200$ a year. Eng Cybersecurity from the University of Maryland and MS Security informatics from Johns Hopkins. My dream university is NYU Tandon. I have heard Nyu Courant's MS is more NYU is about $9,700 after the Tandon scholarship and pell grant and Stevens is about $7,700 so NYU is slightly more expensive. Dat:23 GPA undergraduate: 2. NJIT has more than enough resources for you to land a very healthy job right after, and NYU definitely has better resources and connections, but it doesnt justify taking out hella loans that I would have to pay if you got into tandon you'll def get into sjsu. Kindly help me Tandon Ph. considering tuition and living expenses, NYU would be 12k higher than Virginia Tech, But in a longer From what I understand, NYU Courant is a thesis-based program so more focus on research and theoretical CS while Tandon is more geared towards industry. Tandon is all the way in Brooklyn, and much of the other undergraduate schools are pretty 纽约大学(nyu)和密歇根大学(umich)哪个好呢,纽约大学PK密歇根大学怎么样,纽约大学和密歇根大学比较怎么样,纽约大学VS 密歇根大学哪个学校实力更强,哪个学校更牛,要选哪个学校呢。登录 登录后你可以: 管理学业进展 多端同步使用记录 问达 Tandon gives bs and cas gives ba, anyways the difference is tiny - all that matters is that they will graduate with a nyu cs degree. Anyways, attempting to further distinct the two is a little unnecessary 1. NYU Tandon School of Engineering 1 MetroTech Center North, 10th floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 engineering. However, in the same list I can also see NYU Tandon School of Engineering standing at #879 overall Imo, a ~4K difference in cost isn’t enough to rule out Michigan. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers NYU Tandon CE Pros: 1. ) Hey guys, I have received admissions As a research-active program within NYU Tandon School of Engineering, IDM faculty collaborate in research that integrates digital media and society. 5+ or sth) and you need a good reason for transferring especially between similar majors. TANDON] [MS. Both If you’re considering NYU vs University of Michigan this article will provide a comprehensive comparison of the two institutions. Two of them have accepted me - UMich and ASU. Start here! Search Show submenu for "Read" section Read Articles MS in CS - NYU Tandon vs Northeastern Khoury College of CS upvotes · comment r/gradadmissions r/gradadmissions This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and UNC (full ride) vs Vanderbilt/UMich upvotes · comments r/UIUC r/UIUC This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. Xiao Ma is an Industry Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. It really doesn’t matter that mich engineering is ranked higher because the oppurtunities at both are about equal. Program, which lets you earn 2 degrees at once — a B. Also, I got into GSAS (graduate school of arts and sciences) and I just want to confirm that it comes under nyu courant or CAS. Go NYU because it’s cheaper. For Nyu Courant, I see some rankings rank it in 40s while others rank it in 20s, while Columbia is ranked consistently within 20s. Compare universities in USA for ranks, costs, campus life, placements. r. 3 冲ucla和康奈尔,哥大还有希望吗 Upenn mcit, GT omscs, UIUC OMCS AD Upenn MSE-AI online nyu mscs想进组,求学长学姐 umich: pro:回国名气大,小镇适合做科研(不考虑),ece专排高,全美第六,课程质量还行 con:地方偏,转码找工不太友好? 虽然校招规模大,但据说排队都要很久,前辈上岸靠内推的较多 NYU CE: pro:纽约城市不必多说,机会肯定比安娜堡多,私立学校体验比公立的好 con:回国 NYU is my dream school and I'm really happy that I got in, but I've been seeing posts on the internet from Reddit that the undergrad program at NYU Tandon CS sucks and that people don't know what they're doing at all. AD无奖][MIS@Information@WUSTL] [MS. AD无奖][EE@UMich] 个人其他信息: 你对学校的要求: 目标opt找工,没有太强的读博意向 你对求比较学校了解的情况(请贴出具体信息): NYU Courant MSCS 地理位置好,找工相对友好,但是成本会很高 Umich MSECE 学校综排和项目专排都很不错,但是地理位置气候一般 NYU will probably have more out of pocket living expenses as well, I saw something that said the real cost of living and attending is somewhere around 90k - 100k. Have an annual scholarship of 8k 缺点:NYU和UMich相比,学校整体实力不那么牛,世界排名top20才勉强算牛校吧,NYU平均下来26。另外,担心NYU Tandon 会不会受之前poly评价影响,口碑不容易上得去。Tandon MFE从QuantNet 16上升到13,有没有虚高成分? 本人情况: 本科华五CS科班,准备美国找工,但应该用完opt回国。 UMich Pros:综排和专排都高,转ms比较容易,dsml track的课偏软,看到有人说有coop(存疑) Cons:workload感觉比较大,地理位置太村,不知道对找工会不会有影响?一年项目找工压力大(但好像挺多人延期半年 I have received an admit for Fall 22 to UIUC's MCS (Professional Master Of Computer Science) program and already have admit from NYU Tandon (for MS in Computer Science). AD小奖][CE@CE@NYU. 找工這種事主要還是看個人,不用指望學校太多。今年經濟不好,滿多人都沒找到。 一亩三分地»论坛 › 留学申请 › 录取汇报:研究生 › 择校比较 › UMich ECE MENG-dsml,NYU Tandon MSCS 求比较 12 / 2 页 返回列表 楼主: JerryZZZ 直达 UMich ECE MENG-dsml,NYU Tandon MSCS求比较 择校比较 nyu 定位选校 umich nyu. The 100% online NYU Tandon Bridge course prepares students without a Computer Science degree or other substantial programming experience to apply for select NYU Tandon master’s degree programs. Tandon is more applied applications work, while Courant stays more theoretical. Lam and Weiqiang Chen, Biomedical Devices: Materials, Design, and Manufacturing, Springer Nature, 2019. His research focuses on mechanobiology, cellular morphogenesis, computational biology, cellular mechanics, molecular biophysics, cancer biology, smart biointerface design/characterization, and application of micro/nanofabrication technology to manipulate I'm trying to choose between Cornell's Meng in CS program and NYU Tandon's MSCS program. Enter course, college, country or exam Search Countries Best country The difference between CLS, NYU, Mich, and Duke is inches, not miles, not even feet. “We need to create tools which simplify design, and then UIUC vs NYU Tandon NYU Tandon vs UIUC columbia mscs评价贴 UPenn SP2 托福送分问题 顶部双非gpa 3. They also share some faculty so you’ll have access to many GSAS researchers NYU Courant without a doubt. those locations are very different but i will say NYU is much more prestigious and would hands down be my recommendation IF money is not a factor (lol). gradinfo@nyu. 7% higher at NYU than University of Michigan ($55,384. My focus areas are Computer Architecture and VLSI Guys, I am deciding between NYU Tandon MS CS and USC Viterbi MS CS. S. tandon就是nyu,nyu名气可比umich要大 2. NYU Tandon CE Pros: 1. I thought this ranking included all of NYU’s schools. Michigan seems to have much better industry connection and career 我这边是二转学生。 2025Spr 收到了UIUC和NYU Tandon的两封offer。都是数学专业,在后续应该都会加上计算机minor。目标是想要留美工作的。希望大家能给点选校的建议 NYU Tandon Pros: - NYU name recognition (Top 30 for engineering) - Likely to find better internship opportunties in the city - Possibility to double major at CAS - Minors in aerospace or robotics (areas of interests) Cons: - Around 1. I got into NYU Tandon for Sustainable Urban Environments, surprisingly NYU was really generous in financial aid and I was given a full-ride (MLK scholars + Tandon scholarship). If I choose to go for masters directly after my BTech degree, what are the chances of getting into the university with my I personally feel that the tuition for UMCP is less about 40k USD whereas for Tandon, it is about 62k USD after the scholarship. He was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering I've been accepted into NYU Tandon for MS in CS. I can’t speak for NYU, but UMich has an amazing engineering program. I'm currently choosing between schools, and it's been really hard I have two offers, MS Cybersecurity from NYU Tandon and, Professional Masters in Information Security from Purdue. Depends if you want to do Tandon CE vs Umich Meng ECE wish0417 发表于 2023-04-07 14:09:48. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Compare New York University Vs New York University Tandon School of Engineering based on cost, courses, acceptance rate, rankings, placements etc, and choose the better one for you. I'm confused selecting between these 2. Additionally, if you look at rankings and speak to other students you can tell that the general consensus is . anyways congrats! Online MSc Cybersecurity - NYU Tandon vs GATech upvotes · comments r/gradadmissions r/gradadmissions This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and have advice UC Davis vs NYU Tandon r/MSCS r/MSCS A community for people applying to, pursuing, or having completed a Master's degree in Computer Science or related programs (MHCI, MSDS, MSAI, MS ECE, MSBA, MCS, MIS, MEM, MSIM, MSOR etc My cgpa is 8. 5 and I have a good resume with 3 research papers, LORs and 2 research internships. Some of these programs have some overlap but they're not exactly the same in terms of curriculum and placement outcomes. NYU is one of the few schools that is a household name in the US but that doesn’t mean it’s extremely prestigious. Imo, a ~4K difference in cost isn’t enough NYU vs University of Michigan. [2023Fall] [MS. Seeking advice on the best fit—any insights on faculty, research, and campus culture appreciated. The university’s Silver School of Social Work is also well-respected, offering a range of programs in social work and public service. I'm considering their internship opportunities, reputation in the industry, and how well they prepare students for software development careers, as well as their job placement rates. t career fairs. 3355 Advising Professor Barry Blecherman General Advising barry. 00) The typical actual cost that students pay to attend (average net price) is less at University of Michigan than NYU ($19,318 vs. in Computer Science at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, a student must: satisfy a breadth course requirement, intended to ensure broad knowledge of computer science, satisfy a depth requirement, Nyu Elecrtical and Computer Engineering at Tandon (I’ll probably switch to CS) or UW ECE where I can’t switch around too much ? What’d do you’ll think is a better pick as I think nyu has higher salaries and jobs opportunities but UW is better ranked for engineering. Being in Brooklyn, Tandon certainly has a more independent feel, but it's hardly "isolated. Curriculum CUSP students take required core courses and a non-credit lab to form the foundation of their MS in Applied Urban Science and Informatics. AD小奖][CS@CS@NYU. 00 vs. Now, I have the decision to make. ce的排名和bar全方面不如 2. I'd like to know your opinions. edu Ms. For me it was deciding between a full ride from njit (including room and board) vs paying 35k for NYU (including room and board). 997. 综排和专排都很高 3. No one should ever pick any such for prestige in NYU vs Vanderbilt because they both are basically equal in prestige. I know that Tandon School of Engineering is away from NYU's main campus and would therefore not have the same student life that USC 我天哪评论里面推umich的是认真的吗?我只见过umich转去nyu或者后悔没去nyu的。umich作为一所破公立学校学费贼贵就会骗骗留学生了,教师资源差,地里位置贼差,本地学生质量更是烂。上面有说离芝加哥近的,火车单程4小时,飞机单程45分钟开车到底特律飞机场再做1 I agree the NYU reputation will open a lot of doors for you, but the main thing is location. If you’re even remotely interested in AI/ML research, go with NYU. edu Tel: 646. However, more of the issue comes down to the level of students NYU admits for Tandon CS. University of Michigan: Urban energy or collegiate tradition? Compare these top schools for your academic journey. I attended NYU Tandon (albeit several years ago), and the overwhelming sense I got is that those in charge of the program care far more about the program itself than the students they are supposed to help. I chose NJIT and I dont regret it at all. AD无奖][CS@CS@NYU] 个人其他信息: 你对学校的要求: 对找工和读博现在有点纠结,尤其现在找工不景气。纽约实在太贵,所以MS期间大概率会找TA/RA 你对求比较学校了解的情况(请贴出具体信息): Courant据我了解workload较大,career fair tech company少,找工可能还不如Tandon I've received an admit for Fall 22 from NYU and USC for MS CS. research scientist), then I'd lean towards Courant. Required Courses (18 credits) Throughout the core, students develop a balanced understanding of data science 20 votes, 22 comments. 99% of people don’t conflate NYU Tandon and NYU Courant, or their respective CS departments. 4. Tandon and GSAS both individually have some stellar faculty members who are doing great research in this area. New York is a great place to live, big city, and safer than Chicago. How would you rank the CS scene at NYU? Additionally, has the location/prestige of nyu ce 无奖 纽约大学IM整合营销求问 UIUC MSIM 就读体验(2023 fall) 1st AD NYU Tandon CE以及生活成本咨询 25 fall 加拿大机械工程硕士选校(Ottawa vs Alberta) NYU MOT小奖录取 AD from nyu tandon ce 求比较!jhu的msba和uci的msba UIUC vs NYU 真心求选校啊!Umich MFE VS. nyc超高房租---Umich Meng ECE Pros: 1. I didn't realize Tandon was in Brooklyn so I didn't Excuse you but I think it is pretty fair for me to address that tandon is isolated as a general nyu student as that is something any student here can address. 5 hour commute one-way Nyu Tandon vs usc vs neu upvotes · comments r/ApplyingToCollege r/ApplyingToCollege r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and To receive a Ph. Courant is a very well respected name in industry and academia; Tandon (even before it got changed to Tandon) was less so. In addition, NYU does not encourage Tandon students to interact with main campus students (the main NYU Tandon Comp Engg vs Rutgers Data Science for Master's upvotes · comment r/gradadmissions r/gradadmissions This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and I've been reading reviews on NYU's CS Programs (at CAS and Tandon) and I was wondering if there have been any changes, specifically improvements, recently at the CS scene. I've heard that UIUC >> NYU (as a school for comp sci), but am not so sure about MCS vs MS CS. You can try to transfer into stern too, and even if you don’t tandon will set you up for some finance careers. I am an international student applying for NYU Masters program in CS. W. g. 全额奖学金][Other@NYU GSAS MS-CEI] 个人其他信息: 你对学校的要求: 职业方向规划为PM/Tech Consultant/Business Analytics,求比较哪个学校更适合 你对求比较学校了解的情况(请贴出具体信息): 不知道同学校两个项目的具体区别 Hi, I have admits from NYU Tandon and USC Viterbi for the MS in Computer Science programs at both schools for Fall 2021. Have an annual scholarship of 8k At NYU Tandon, Rovinski plans to work on the tools and chips for future computing systems. A lot of people won't be familiar with the changes [2023Fall] [MS. For now, what NYU Stern is great, but you'll mostly be confined within the undergraduate business school and not have that much of an opportunity to engage with the other colleges. Please can anyone tell me which one I should select in regards to job opportunities? I also have awaiting decisions in M. . 5k USD per semester in addition to the hourly pay. I plan on majoring in Math (pure or applied; I've only taken through Calc III so I don't I don't think your experience with studying math and cs at CAS is reflective of NYU as a whole. Both offer degree programs at the undergraduate, masters and PhD level and have vibrant research programs. UMich vs NYU vs Johns Hopkins upvotes · comments r/ApplyingToCollege r/ApplyingToCollege r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test 目标是在美国找到sde的实习和全职,如果实在找不到回国也考虑。 想请问一下大家这两个项目该怎么选。 Courant CS: pros:学院名头更prestigious大牛教授多,教授授课质量高(?)学院位置在曼哈顿 cons:学费比tandon贵1w,而且tandon还带奖学金听朋友说课worklo 大一上半学期结束了,申请也交完了,更新一下状态吧(゚o゚; 描述基本没变,讨了数学和计算机教授的推荐信(cs教授现在还没上传,感觉要鸽),寒假多了段国内公司数据分析实习 NYU is close so although the program in online I can still go to career events if necessary which is cool. students can specialize their studies in biomedical engineering with a focus on urban science through the new doctoral track offered by the Center for Urban Science + Progress. I was accepted into University of Michigan’s College of Engineering, I would have to pay $52,600 a year. The engineering school itself is a little isolated from the Washington Square Campus, but it'll still be an impeccable experience and education. Hopefully by this week. In fact, all electronics devices receive the attention, the I just received all my decisions for my graduate applications, now I just can’t decide Notre Dame MSA-TAX or NYU MSA. Find out why NYU or University of Michigan should be choice of international student In this article, we will compare the University of Michigan vs New York University (NYU) in various areas to help prospective students make informed decisions. ny生活成本高,但生活质量也高,而且umich学费贵的夸张,完全不像个公立学校 I got in to NYU. The attitude from those in I know many ppl transferred internally so shouldn’t be that difficult (into CAS, at least). I'm still waiting to hear back from 3 more universities. Also I have either read that you get insane job opportunities after graduating from NYU as it is in NYC or that it is not worth it to spend that much Through a partnership between NYU Shanghai and NYU New York, newly admitted students in the following master’s programs have the opportunity to spend their first semester living full-time in Shanghai and taking in-person AD from nyu tandon ce 求比较!jhu的msba和uci的msba UIUC vs NYU Tandon 求比较 NEU MSCS Seattle vs VT Meng NCR NYU Tandon vs UIUC 南洋理工和港大的通信工程研究型硕士读哪个? 有点穷的女大学生,要不要接加拿大的cs master全奖offer 1sr AD CAS has inertia—it was NYU's only CS program for decades and Courant had built up a solid reputation for its faculty and research. But tbh USC would be the winner here and maybe UMich too I haven’t heard from NYU Tandon yet, but I keep checking gradcafe and see that one person having received an acceptance around January 25. For example, if you want to still be doing research-based work in industry (e. For NYU, it would be 48,200$ a year. Tandon also has its NYU Tandon School of Engineering Graduate Admissions Processing Center 458 Pike Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 engineering. While I'd love to stay in NY, I've heard that Tandon is no match for USC and also that there have been some issues with NYU w. Michigan is cheapest COL esp considering location, guarantees you a BL job, and is one of the most portable t14 degrees (lock down for Chi or NY BL, incredibly strong in DC, too). UIUC results should be coming out soon and hopefully I'll have to make this decision. Things to consider : I have no inclination towards research and intend to enter the job industry right after graduation. From the syllabi that I checked, they seem to teach similar concepts. I go to NYU tandon and there are multiple cs programs at NYU. Degree Requirements The Ph. AD无奖][CS@CS@UCD] [MS. I am leaning more towards NCSU as it is amongst the best for computer architecture. Vanderbilt is definitely ranked higher and NYU has higher name recognition. AD无奖][CS@CS@NYU] [MS. Not sure which is better. Late post, but if you get into Courant at NYU, which is literally the best applied math program in the world, it would definitely be a good option and I believe CS in Courant is separate from CS in Tandon (Engineering) or the College (Arts & Sciences). So, 1 is 我这边是二转学生。 2025Spr 收到了UIUC和NYU Tandon的两封offer。 都是数学专业,在后续应该都会加上计算机minor。 目标是想要留美工作的。 希望大家能给点选校的建议。 [2024Fall] [MS. Also, seeing how many people say that the OMSCS Program is VERY VERY HARD and not for beginners is a little intimidating. In the course, students will learn computer science fundamentals and programming with C++. cs title对找工非常重要 4. Columbia Stat,寄托家园留学论坛提供最有用的出国留学资讯和最热心的留学交流论坛 cth 75% 奖,nyu tandon 无奖,留学几年后回国。对汽车很感兴趣,欣赏 cth 和汽车工业的关系,但是又担心回国后 title 远不如 nyu,对找工作时认可度有较大 Dr. When I visited I only looked at the main campus and really loved it. AD小奖][Other@NYU Tandon MOT] [MS. $55,002. edu Phone: (646) 997-3182 Visit Tandon Connect with a Current Student Gain first-person insights on the grad Have admits from NCSU and NYU.