Outcome focused meaning Oct 19, 2023 · Additionally, an outcome-focused team is more likely to be innovative and creative in problem-solving, as it is not limited by a rigid framework. What our community of product people has to say. By setting outcome-focused OKRs, teams gain a precise understanding of their purpose and priorities. Create a detailed plan with milestones and accountability measures. The focus on Outcomes Over Outputs emerged from the evolution of agile and lean methodologies, which emphasize delivering real value rather than just completing tasks or producing deliverables. g. b. Jun 21, 2018 · Outcome-based cultures (OBCs) let leadership define the end goals and then leave it to individual contributors and their managers to determine processes. . based with outcomes sprinkled on top. Mar 21, 2024 · The question of whether being outcome-focused vs being output-focused is better doesn’t have a cut-and-dried, one-size-fits-all answer. One of the biggest advantages of focusing on outcomes is that it grants true autonomy to your team. Create a care plan that works for you Today, care that is tailored to specific goals and outcomes is an approach to healthcare that has the potential to revolutionise the way medical services are delivered. Develop Program Learning Outcomes. Following are a couple of 【ネイティブが回答】「'outcome focused'」ってどういう意味?質問に4件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。 Apr 18, 2022 · Both feature-focused and outcome-focused teams work toward the desired customer and business outcome, but the latter works toward a third, the product portfolio outcome. Outcome goals are very often binary and involve winning, for example, wanting to win a gold medal or wanting to be the largest company in your sector. An outcome-focused definition is one that emphasizes the desired result of an action or behavior, rather than the action or behavior itself. Program learning outcomes (PLOs) are measurable statements that relate to knowledge, skills, and capabilities that students achieve after completing a program. Finally, an outcome-focused team is better equipped to handle unexpected challenges and changes in circumstances, as it can quickly pivot and adjust its approach as needed. For instance, instead of aiming to “increase sales,” a more outcome-focused goal would be to “enable a customer to do something amazing!” By achieving this outcome (customer-driven), we are more likely to increase sales. They include: Oct 2, 2024 · ‘Outcome’ is a concept at the heart of policy and practice in Scotland (where we’re based) and internationally. If everyone is aligned with the desired results, they don’t focus solely on completing tasks. This is sometimes described as understanding their ‘desired outcomes. An overview of the different approaches is provided below, with a focus on outcomes-based regulation. means asking the person what they want to achieve through safeguarding processes. attend clinic appointments on time. Partner with groups focused on maintaining outcomes. To become an outcome-focused team, first you need to define what that actually means. How to use outcome in a sentence. Improved effort: when you are too heavily focused on the outcome, a lot of times you aren’t giving as much effort as you should be to what you’re doing. 62 other terms for goal-focused- words and phrases with similar meaning Sep 17, 2008 · The relative emphasis that teams place on these issues early in work can lead members to become “outcome focused” or “process focused,” with consequences for performance. Focus on Outcomes. Develop a Roadmap. Monitor outcomes over time and be willing to adjust approaches if needed to achieve the desired impact better. When a team can think through the right outcomes, they, in turn, have the ability to logically define the adjust the tactics to strategically reach them in light of what learning comes about. What does outcomes-focused CPD mean? Outcomes-focused CPD seeks to measure outputs, ie the impact of learning on personal and professional development, and how this improves, for example, outcomes for patients. Aim for Mar 20, 2024 · What does an “outcome-oriented” mindset mean to you, as applied to UX design? What does this look like in practice? Thinking about outcomes as designers forces us to expand our perspective on what good design means. 8: Develop perseverance: Perseverance allows individuals to stay focused on the process, even in the face of challenges or setbacks. d. An outcome-focused team concentrates on the end results and impact of their work, not just the tasks or activities. 176 other terms for outcome-oriented- words and phrases with similar meaning SECTION 1 - WHAT IS OUTCOME-FOCUSED PRACTICE? The following are two standard definitions of what we mean by an ‘outcome’. Example: We need to be outcome focused if we want to move systematically towards our yearly goals. Whilst outcome goals are hugely motivating, they are not under your control as they are affected by how others OUTCOMES (S. Define desired outcomes in addition to feature list and agree upfront that outcomes are more important i. Outcomes = Impact of support on a person’s life. Rather, it changes the mindset these relationships Steps to Instil an Outcome Focused Approach 1. Why more businesses aren’t more outcome focused. ” At their core, outcome-focused approaches prioritize results over activities. A. Jan 9, 2023 · The Benefits of an outcome-centric approach for Product Management teams. Define What It Means to Be Outcome Focused. For each objective, define 2-5 key results that represent clear outcomes that must be achieved, not tasks and activities. Your high-performance, outcome-focused team is within reach if you just take that first step. They were thinking of moving away from that feature-focused approach by adopting a mindset Apr 24, 2023 · Consider how to embed lasting positive changes rather than just temporary outputs. This type of definition can be particularly useful in situations where there is a need to change behavior in order to achieve a desired goal. Jun 24, 2020 · The outcome-focused approach is a principle that is coming into vogue in the Product Management field, but is also applicable as a general life principle. In this article, I’ll explain how you can keep your team’s efforts Jun 27, 2018 · Outcome-based cultures (OBCs) encourage employees to achieve well-defined outcomes in a way that works best for them. Table 1 lists Aug 31, 2018 · “ Outcome-based does not mean curriculum . We’re here to help! So please do get in touch if we can help you embed an outcome-focused approach to your work. Also, they must align with the student learning outcomes; hence, getting input from faculty, alumni, and other stakeholders helps to develop relevant PEOs. Support in identifying, enabling and reviewing outcomes as part of a conversation. It may be easier, habitual, and less risky to sell products, services, and processes, but outcome-providers must go the extra mile and deliver quantifiable customer outcomes that create and capture more value. We need to focus even more on defining the right outcomes, we need to measure them even more and we need to act on the results even faster. A lot of theory exists on this subject, but not many teams or organizations manage to execute this well. The end result or impact the person wants to achieve Jul 2, 2023 · The risk of becoming overly focused on prioritization may lead to neglect of other important tasks, and a focus on the outcome. Mar 28, 2018 · The content for this article is drawn from Managing to Outcomes: A guide to developing an outcomes focus, a clear step-by-step guide to adopting an outcomes-focused approach. Focus on the end goal, but remember to enjoy the journey and appreciate the small wins along the way. Without a focus on outcomes, teams produce lots of features, but these features may not produce actual business outcomes. Continual assessment and improvement. What you want to do is determine the desired outcome(s). Objectives provide the overarching purpose, while outcomes represent the tangible evidence of progress. To build an outcome-focused team culture, organizations can: Clearly define and communicate desired outcomes An outcome-focused approach is the key to achieving business success. This newer approach is a direct response to the financial crisis of 2007-9. Nov 1, 2023 · Shift the focus from “what” you’re building (the deliverables) to “why” you’re building it (the outcomes). As a leader, you are still responsible for providing a Jul 16, 2020 · If you’re working on evaluation and outcome-monitoring, you might like to come back to these posts as and when you need support. It really depends on the context, like the lifecycle stage of your product, the nature of the market you’re targeting, and your organization’s strategic objectives. Jun 27, 2018 · Outcome-based cultures (OBCs) encourage employees to achieve well-defined outcomes in a way that works best for them. Measurable means that you can look at it and say, “This is how I plan to prove it. 1. Achieving a harmonious balance between outcome-focused and process-focused goal setting is crucial for success in any new endeavour. Independence is a fundamental working condition for these cultures, but May 20, 2024 · 1. take medications as prescribed. Finance and operational staff should aid council in their discussions, but not advocate for positions, outcomes, or funding. An outcome goal is the singular goal that you are working towards. Apr 13, 2020 · ⁶ My product design career has focused digital products (currently FinTech), but I believe outcome laddering is generally applicable to any kind of product. They quickly discover what resources are valuable and will therefore be focused on the right tasks. What Does Outcomes over Outputs Mean? Outcome and output are easy enough terms to understand, but in business they are sometimes used interchangeably, causing a bit of Feb 22, 2021 · Outcome-orientation is the single most crucial transformation a product organization can make, and the strategic roadmap can be a keystone artifact to achieve it. , Carver & Scheier, 1998). Outcome Chains, Inc. Firstly, objectives are more focused on the long-term vision and direction, while outcomes are specific and measurable results that contribute to achieving those objectives. To provide outcomes, companies must concentrate on customers’ goals, objectives, and success. But those goals don’t happen in a vacuum. Term Definition Example Personal outcome The well-defined picture the person describes that represents a realistic hope for them. These make attaining the objective tangible. Keep the following in mind, when outlining your outcome-focused Objectives: The differences between being output focused and outcome focused are determined by how success is measured. So, if you're outcome-oriented, balance it with a holistic view of success. • Outcome focus Jan 4, 2023 · In an organization, outcomes are established based on the success of a project. For example, a sales team will want to track outcome-focused metrics like hitting sales goals and revenue earned. Jun 28, 2022 · A focus on outcomes delivers economic value. However, within a given means-end relationship, a definition of what constitutes the means and what con-stitutes the outcome allows us to distinguish clearly between a process and an outcome focus. What is the Difference Between Outcome & Output . Whilst outcome goals are hugely motivating, they are not under your control as they are affected by how others . These employees are focused on the end results which will continuously help grow the company. Define Clear Outcomes. This requires skills in the analysis and use of qualitative Sep 3, 2023 · If you focus on one particular outcome, you may not take advantage of other opportunities that could lead to the same or even better results. Balanced: Balance is critical in goal setting. Aug 30, 2023 · Define Clear Project Vision: Establish a compelling vision that outlines desired outcomes, benefits, and impact. Rules-based regulation Jul 25, 2023 · A result-oriented leader is focused on achieving specific goals and outcomes, while a task-oriented leader is more focused on completing specific tasks or actions, as we noted earlier, Result-oriented leaders are often strategic and forward-thinking, and they prioritize long-term goals over short-term tasks. This paper develops and explores a theory of how outcome focus and process focus develop in teams and the implications of each for team adaptation and performance. 28 These patient‐reported outcome measures (PROMs) are measurements based on a report that comes directly from the patient about the status of Define Outcome focused. Outcome-focused evaluation helps optimize future work. The meaning of OUTCOME is something that follows as a result or consequence. e. ” He also explains, “Outcomes are the changes in customer, user, and employee behaviour that lead to good things for your company, your organisation, and whomever is the focus of your work. Explore the benefits of aligning goals, driving accountability, and achieving long-term success. Product and development teams that measure success based on efforts rather than the consequences of those efforts are being output-focused. Output Focus. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore how setting clear goals, measuring progress, regularly reviewing and adjusting strategies, and promoting collaboration and communication within the organization can improve your business performance. Implications for the design and management of knowledge work teams are discussed. but it doesn’t mean that these 2 May 10, 2022 · Being Outcome-Focused. deny suicidal ideation. Apr 25, 2017 · Being outcome-focused has many advantages in the business world, such as promoting pragmatism and efficiency, which are very important factors in getting things done, and businesses need this Nov 5, 2019 · Finding quantitative metrics to represent the outcomes you’re working towards makes progress more noticeable, making it easier to keep your team motivated. In this article, I’ll explain how you can keep your team’s efforts Oct 2, 2024 · ‘Outcome’ is a concept at the heart of policy and practice in Scotland (where we’re based) and internationally. Start with setting specific, measurable goals such as increasing customer satisfaction by 25% or launching a new product by Q3. This tool is taken from the RiPfA Working with outcomes practice tool (2014). Learning outcomes should address program goals and not specific course goals since assessment at the University is program-focused. Oct 20, 2023 · Teams must articulate what they aim to achieve (outcomes) rather than just what they need to do (outputs). It’s a word we all come across a lot and yet many people are unsure about what an outcome is and what it means to take an outcome focus. (OCI person does or is provided with (the inputs) to help the person achieve their outcomes, but they are not an outcome in themselves. In summary, the clear definition of both concepts is that Outcome is a derivative of Output. Align Sprint Goals : Set sprint goals that directly contribute to achieving the Aug 14, 2024 · This focus on outcomes also helps teams prioritize their efforts, ensuring that resources are allocated to initiatives that will have the greatest impact on overall business success. Before we dive into the relationship between outcome-focused approaches and employee engagement, it’s important to define what we mean by “outcome-focused approaches. Outcome Goals. Learn how these approaches enhance clarity, motivation, efficiency, and innovation, while promoting customer satisfaction and fostering collaboration. Greater Autonomy Fuels Accountability. The objective of this approach is to provide a measurement of genuine learning and professional improvement. ⁷ Or outcomes that are essential to Jan 9, 2023 · The Benefits of an outcome-centric approach for Product Management teams. 2. There are a lot of factors when it comes to making good decisions. Jul 18, 2023 · The idea of using outcomes (instead of outputs) is now commonplace in the product world. focus on people’s strengths is a key part of an outcomes-focused approach, but this means asking the right kind of questions and letting the conversation flow: engage with people and help them explore their hopes and fears before putting a plan in place explore the pro and cons – help people think and talk SECTION 1 - WHAT IS OUTCOME-FOCUSED PRACTICE? The following are two standard definitions of what we mean by an ‘outcome’. Outcome-focused evaluation: Focuses on specific outcomes or results that the program is intended to achieve, such as changes in behavior, attitudes, or knowledge. SVA developed this guide after working with the NSW Social Innovation and Productivity Council to support the human services sector to adopt an outcomes-focused approach. Continuously Adapting and Learning It can be assured that results minded employees will get the job done. This type of evaluation is used to determine whether the program is achieving its intended outcomes and to identify areas for improvement. ” This focus on delivering “stuff” versus delivering outcomes with new functionality can be exacerbated by the “success theater around ‘shipping’ with little discussion about impact,” says John Cutler on Hacker Noon, “You can tell a great deal about an organization by what it celebrates” he explains, adding that another sign of a Nov 10, 2023 · So, the more you can focus on the process, the less fear and anxiety you will experience. Outcome-focused services and support therefore aim to achieve for outcome-focused teams in dynamic environments. Whether it’s during practice or a game, being process focused will ensure you are giving optimal The main focus is on case recording, by which we mean the day-to-day records of interactions between practitioners and people who use care and support, which inform and influence decision-making for and with people. Another way to say Outcome-focused? Synonyms for Outcome-focused (other words and phrases for Outcome-focused). Feb 9, 2024 · By the end of this article, the importance of outcomes focused care and what it is will be explained as well as, what the benefits are from using this approach, and how to overcome challenges when implementing outcomes focused care to get the best outcomes possible, prolong independence, and improve the overall health and wellbeing of your Feb 23, 2021 · OBMs Focus on Delivering Measurable Results. However, once aligned around outcomes, teams operate with more flexibility and agility. Outcomes research is a broad umbrella term without a consistent definition. Leading tech firms are rapidly shifting their CS plans to be outcome-focused, meaning that they are created around the customer’s priority outcomes and objectives. ’ Understanding what a person wants to achieve should be a continuous and ongoing process, from the start of any safeguarding work through to its conclusion. This approach allows OBCs to be Nov 23, 2011 · However, the focus for this chapter is not the subjective criticisms associated with outcomes-focused education, but rather how the pedagogy associated with an outcomes-focused philosophy can be implemented and how schools might use information on students’ perceptions in monitoring the development of outcomes-focused learning environments. ⁷ Or outcomes that are essential to Discover the power of outcome-focused approaches for teams. The short-term goal of quickly increasing profitability will be met. By understanding both user needs and client objectives, we pair them to define outcomes at the start of a design sprint. R. However it tends to describe research that is concerned with the effectiveness of public-health interventions and health services; that is, the outcomes of these services. Outcome-focused services and support therefore aim to achieve Oct 17, 2024 · Outcome-Focused Definition. ” Achievable means you can accomplish this outcome in a specific time and place. a transformational way of doing business in . Meaning: to be focused on the result or effect of an action, situation, or event. An overview of the Matter of Focus approach; Understand the outcomes and impacts that matter Jan 13, 2021 · I received the below question from someone who was looking to embrace outcome-focused product management. This concept gained significant traction with the publication of Eric Ries' "The Lean Startup" in 2011, which advocates for validated learning and True or False: Measuring personal outcomes involves meeting with and talking to people receiving services and supports True Measures that define what an organization accomplishes are focused on: Jan 8, 2024 · Balancing the process with outcome-focused goal-setting elements can create a more well-rounded and effective strategy for achieving objectives. , Outcome rules in case of conflict In recent years, a third approach has emerged - outcomes-based regulation. Outcomes conversation tool (PDF file 159KB). Jul 25, 2018 · Outcome focused leaders keep the outcomes in focus for the team. Keywords: team adaptation; team performance; Dec 19, 2024 · This measures one component of the overarching ‘social care-related quality of life’ metric, focused on the outcome to safeguard people whose circumstances make them vulnerable and to protect Doctors' understanding of the effect of disease and treatment on patients' daily lives is poor. Attention is frequently focused on the affected indi … Sep 13, 2023 · In his book Outcomes Over Output, Joshua Seiden defines an outcome as “An outcome is a change in human behaviour that drives business results. Lists. Outcome-focused teamwork requires upfront investment of time to clarify objectives, define key outcomes and determine how progress will be measured. report a sense of well-being. They are also more flexible in their Apr 1, 2024 · By definition, outcome-based budgeting doesn’t allow for across the board increases or decreases, but moves local government services to quantifiable results, outcomes, and impacts. This is not a job just for the senior leaders but is a minimum requirement for leaders at every level. You may have heard people say that it’s important to be “outcome focused” but what exactly does it mean? What exactly is an outcome? Outcomes - what are they? An outcome is the change in the organization, employees, or customers that drives business results. Which outcome, focused on recovery, would be expected in the plan of care for a patient living in the community and diagnosed with serious and persistent mental illness? Within 3 months, the patient will: a. Most product organizations are on a journey from switching from being output-focused to outcome-focused, and that journey isn’t always easy in practice. For example, for an objective to “Improve digital marketing ROI 30%,” key results could be: Increase organic traffic by 400% 58 other terms for focus on results- words and phrases with similar meaning Outcome-based selling (or outcome selling) is a sales strategy that involves promoting the results a customer will get from using your product instead of its features and specifications. This outcome is the holistic view for the entire product organization, between the near-term focus and long-term vision. A tool designed to develop outcomes-focused conversation skills. Finding the Balance. Focusing on outcomes like this makes your whole sales process more customer-centric and value-driven. We define and pursue specified outcomes for the problems we identify and choose to tackle. Jan 12, 2023 · So, while outcome-focused management eliminates micromanagement, it doesn’t mean that management of an employee or partner disappears entirely. 55 other terms for outcome focus- words and phrases with similar meaning. Regular updates and check-ins will ensure alignment and Nov 9, 2015 · Outcome focused people appreciate the well-considered ideas of others however, they dislike conversations where is waffle, indecision or talking for the sake of talking. superordinate outcomes, and means can constitute the outcomes of subordinate means (e. Identifying outcomes (PDF file 185KB). ) Specific means that anyone can read your outcome and know exactly what you are hoping to accomplish. Mar 15, 2023 · 1. 28 Thus, hundreds of standardized measures have been developed to capture patient‐reported outcomes. Relevant Aug 28, 2024 · Is persisting with an outcomes-focussed approach a case of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results? I don’t think so. Outcome-focused Objectives make feedback stronger. T. We need to keep going. It is . M. Synonyms for Outcome Focus (other words and phrases for Outcome Focus). It also provides different examples of outcome-focused recording and reflective exercises. ‘ The definition of outcomes is the impact or end results of services on a person’s life. synonyms Dec 11, 2023 · Goals should be definitive and tangible. Leaders leading leaders must assure that there is a line of sight from the outcomes (Big Goals) at the top of the organization to the outcomes (aligned supporting goals) at every The foundation focuses on outcomes in order to maximize the effectiveness of its support. As well as understanding individual outcomes, services can analyse and use collated information about outcomes to inform service improvements. We believe this approach is beneficial and important for the clarity it provides—helping us to focus with greater precision and intention on what we are doing, Sep 10, 2023 · Spotlight on Spotify: Harmonizing Outcomes with Organizational Structures. Spotify, a name synonymous with music streaming innovation, provides a fascinating insight into outcome-focused organization. This creates waste and doesn't spend the organization's money well. May 30, 2023 · Ultimately, outcome-focused care promotes better patient outcomes by placing the patient at the centre of their own care. They focus on the end goal, rather than the process of getting there. Outcomes and Outputs seem interrelated, but they also have their differences. Enter outcome-based teaming, or OBT, an approach designed expressly to combat the root causes of slowdowns resulting from the misalignment between technology and business needs. For example, the learning outcome “Students completing Chemistry 101 to understand the meaning the individual attaches to these factors, to identify their outcomes and to plan how best to achieve those outcomes. Independence is a fundamental working condition for these cultures, but Outcome-based selling (or outcome selling) is a sales strategy that involves promoting the results a customer will get from using your product instead of its features and specifications. c. Learning outcomes should be framed in terms of the program instead of specific classes that the program offers. Oct 3, 2024 · Companies today need to maintain their focus on business outcomes throughout the development process. And the definition and clarity of the desired outcome plays a big part. blehso rviyw lrs olawj eggvatl qjqaz gmjtj iqqo owxeow xhyd