Dataweave flatten array of objects mule. Each book has a unique bookId key.

Dataweave flatten array of objects mule Dynamic key selection will also work on objects. If order contains 2 specific productIds then we need to remove those objects, but only when both productIds present. For ex. 110600 & 891. [DataWeave 2] %dw 2. drives filter ((item, index) -> item. Permalink Understading the map operator is the key when picking and choosing elements from input payload. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. Task. salesforce. right. mule. The DataWeave examples merge fields from separate input arrays. person map ((parent, parentindex) -> { ^ Type mismatch for 'flatten' operator found :null required :array. 0; output application / json---payload + {prepay: "Y", prepayRate: "ratePerLine"} NOTE : >> can be used to prepend an object to an array, example - {} >> [] Hope this helps! Best, Chetan The pluck function is used to retrieve the key, value and index from an object and output the result to an array. 1, it has an accidental behavior where the expression tries to coerce expr (that in this case is an object) to array of objects and then it will try to flatten all the objects in that coerced array inside the parent object. No matter what type is used to create Object Using dataweave I want to fetch all the "ProductCode" values from an array of objects. You should be able to utilize the "flatten" method. 3. DataWeave uses the result of the provided lambda as the uniqueness criteria. Mule Dataweave 2 - List of JSON Strings to You can try the following DataWeave expression: %dw 2. Map operator goes through all the array elements on the left hand side and we can pick the values from on right hand side, Giving example from Mulesoft portal @Andruidist, Thank you for the answer but I'm looking for more generic approach for this which doesn't require me to provide the keys. Since map’s job is I have an array of objects which contains orderId & productId. Mule Environment: 3. 4. Introduction. Advance, Use Cases array, indexof, join 2 array, sum of values in array Manipulation On Array In Mule 4 . In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to write this function in different notations, as well as using the dollar-sign syntax. flatten() is a function that is used to create a simple array from nested arrays and that doesn't has any relationship to your question. It basically accepts input as a list of items in an array and manipulates Mule flatten arrays with one of the arrays as null. For other You can use the reduce() function to transform an array into an object. Each of these objects represent a CSV row. I'm trying to convert an array to a simple object. v2. If this value is higher than the last index of the array, the function returns an empty array ([]). The pluck function is similar to other Object-like functions, for example The filter is invalid and the issue unclear. It recursively traverses each report Entry and adds the object entries of each array element until it reaches the final array in Use Cases array to string, dataweave Convert Array To String In Dataweave 2. It enables you to flatten these I have an array as follows which is basically a list of json objects inside an array. 0 how to create nested array from flat array - Mule 4. The returned keys belong to the Key type. R represents the type of items that the output Array contains. Input: [ { "Header": { So basically you have an Array of Array of Object or just an Array of Objects so what I did is override the function with two options it is either an Array or an Object. Generate Array from Array. The right-side array of objects. The flatten to move the elements from the subarrays to the parent array, eliminate the subarrays, and covert all key-value pairs into a list of objects within the parent array. The filter function was already used as an example for other DataWeave topics like lambdas and generics. Question 1. Used flatten but doesn't look like its the right function. The best way to do this is to use "flatten". 5}, {"number": "00030425"}, {"description": There is no other solution because you need both - keys and values. 010000 match on the same order, delete both This DataWeave example uses the DataWeave map function to iterate through the object elements that match the key book. Objects in DataWeave are sets of key-value pairs. Input [{"invoiceId": "60654", DataWeave 2; Upvote; Answer; Share; 4 answers; 471 views; Manish Yadav (Billennium S. It can be used to perform the task of map, filter, distinctBy, groupBy, and other functions that take in Arrays. Here what you are returning for each item is the expression {(expr)} that in the DW version that runs on Mule 3. 2. If the keys Array is empty, it crashes, complaining that it did not receive an Object. api. The map() at the end doesn't seems to be needed. 0, I was a bit confused. The criteria used to extract the ID for the left collection. name == 'Dev2020-10') In dataweave use the flatten operation. ). Mule (Dataweave) transform JSON array to string. By using these functions, we will solve the usecase of how to find Unique Names flatten - Turns a set of subarrays into a single, flattened array. objects or arrays that you want! You can update the case v is Array| Object | Null | "" to include any other cases you would like to skip over when outputting your payload. extension. 0. I want to pull them out so that they can be in single array. It could take in XML and write the data out to a flat file format. There is a good function for it in Mule: divideBy. Your code is also working because DataWeave selectors automatically generate an array when any of the items in the selector is an array, and then collect the leaves, but you may get inconsistent behaviors if there are more objects in the arrays or you have more levels of arrays. So it is prepared to insert it into a database table as a record without losing the keynames of the original JSON. 25 happened at 11 pm and later one more transaction for the same name with same negative amount transaction is happened which we need to nullify them in backend . Input [{"invoiceId": "60654", "Status": "Full", "payments": [{"type": "pymt"}, {"id": "7337732"}, {"amount": 500. To further convert an array of arrays into an array of objects DataWeave selectors traverse the structures of objects and arrays and return matching values. Flat files are fixed length text files, which your output doesn't seem to be either. ". orderLine. type != null) Mule 3 convert a json object in to an array. Notes. February 7, 2020 at 10:31 pm. It is an alternative to mapObject , which is similar but returns an object, instead of an array. If this value is negative, the function starts including from the first element of the array. For DataWeave in Mule 3 apps, refer to the DataWeave version 1. for example all first index from each array into one single JSON object and so on Is it possible in Dataweave Transformation? Input An array of objects for each Labor or Part, that relate to the higher-level object whereby LineDescription is common. Either one of the productId is not present then don't need to remove those objects. When you say 'flatten', do you mean a text 'flat file'? Both terms have different and specific meaning in DataWeave. customerOrder. a. value map ((field) -> Recursively parse XML to create JSON array using dataweave 2 0 How to use groupby and also add a new key value pairs for that particular groupby using dataweave 2. In the case that the input is anything besides an Object, the function does a test. The input also includes the key magazine, which is ignored. If you come from a different development background, this is something similar to a while or do while. It can be used to transform an Array into any other type. $$ is an alias for the the index of the current iteration through a. For each key:value pair in the input, an object is created and placed in an array of objects. The first (firstInput) is a DataWeave variable that lists price by book ID, and the second (secondInput) lists authors by book ID. Returns an array of keys from key-value pairs within the input object. 9. For example, this array [{A:'1',B:'1'},{A:'2',B:'2'},{A:'2',B:'3'}] should transform to Recursivly traverse and flatten JSON object in DataWeave. is for selecting all the descendants of the object, flatten is to flatten the object by removing the arrays of array objects [[],[],[]] to a single array object [], for more detail visit, I work with Mule 4, DataWeave 2. I want to flatten a JSON object. The starting index of the interval of elements to include from the array. map - Iterates over items in an array and outputs the result into a new array. com After that you will notice that the filter is expecting a single object, but because it is an array you need to map it first. input payload application/json. Ask Question Asked 4 years Read json > Init Tree var and assign the Java instance > for each element in top-level array invoke traverse "Cannot coerce Object { encoding: UTF-8, mediaType: text/json; charset=UTF-8, mimeType: text/json, raw: org. If it is an Object just collect the object and if it is an Array collect all the objects that are inside and flatten them. 0 When it comes to transforming between arrays and objects we have four different permutations: Array -> Array Object -> Object Object -> Array Array -> Object Depending on your experience, you may have picked up that there are a handful of functions that you will typically reach for in these situations. DataWeave allows the developer to focus on the transformation logic instead of worrying about the specifics of reading, parsing, and writing specific data The reduce function is about as close as we get to a general-purpose looping tool in DataWeave. Syntax: flatten<T, Q>(@StreamCapable items: Array<Array<T> | Q>): Array<T | Q> How to flatten the Object inside the Array in DataWeave 2. orderLines. https://docs. 0 %output application/csv --- payload map { name: $. In multiply, it shows how to multiply each value in an array by the next ([2,3,3] reduce ((item, acc) → acc * item)) to produce a final result of 18 (= 2 * 3 * 3). pluck (): pluck function is used for mapping an object into an array, which iterates over an object and returns an array of key, values, or indices from the object. You can use joinBy Dataweave 2. For example, a DataWeave script could take in a simple CSV file and transform it into an array of complex JSON objects. why is this because flatten urns a set of subarrays (such as . namespace))[index]) %function findType(index) ((flatten (res. if you have more than a object in the given array – Infinity. Question: I am trying to convert incoming String of data into an Array of the elements. if the array has more than two elements the script returns: [ { id: "20c5f3f0-54c9-4779-b1a3-19baeee91b4a" }, { id: "20c5f3f0-54c9-4779-b1a3-19baeee91b4a,9834e1cf-94c4-4188-83e6-867ac1d60017" } ] I am relatively new to dataweave, but have explored pluck and reduce to iterate over the arrays but haven't had much luck. This is similar to @olamiral solution, but simplified and supports arrays. 5 map(Array<T>, ((T, Number) -> R)): Array<R> There are two type variables in this definition: T and R. To use this module, we first need to import DataWeave code, for example, by adding the line import * from dw::core::Arrays to the header of your DataWeave script But in the case of Mule 4, if we go for the same dataweave, which we wrote for Mule 3, the response will come as an array of arrays. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. The array of elements. id) pluck ((value, key Useful for mapping an object into an array, pluck iterates over an object and returns an array of keys, values, or indices from the object. In DataWeave you can carry out many different operations on the elements of a DataWeave transform. Ask Question Asked 3 years ago. This example sets the first element from the first input array to "z", and it adds 3 to the sum of the second input array. With the help of flatten function multiple arrays are bounded together as single array. Example escaped JSON strings: This would be one of the few cases to actually use a regular expression. Let’s look at a simple example: Syntax: %dw 2. 1. 0 with quick examples. The filterObject function is similar to the filter function, but instead of removing items from Arrays, the filterObject function removes key:value pairs from Objects. el Recursivly traverse and flatten JSON object in DataWeave. 0 function to convert array to string. How to flatten nested JSON arrays to Hi Muleys! In this post, we will be learning about basic and useful functions of DataWeave 2. into a single, flattened array, it flattens only the first level of subarrays and omits empty subarrays. I tried the above mentioned code but it is throwing exception: 'Exception while executing: flatten (payload. c. Mulesoft Dataweave map object to array. Extracting a subset of JSON key-value pairs as an Object from a Parent JSON Object in dataweave 2. 0 0 enrich one JSON array with data from another based on multiple conditions using dataweave 2. x versions of DataWeave are The expression flattens the mapped results by consolidating the elements from the subarrays into a single array, removing the parent array and eliminating the empty child array. Also, you can access the Dataweave Reference documentation. Each of these objects contains two properties: one You can do it with a recursive function that does the following: if there's no elements in the level returns []; recursively takes the orderLines of each level (without the children field) ; appends the orderLines of the next level ; like this: This is similar to @olamiral solution, but simplified and supports arrays. You can just use map to map all the arrays to required format. until You could try using the flatten function. Example. How is it possible to achieve this in Mule 3 dataweave 1? In this blog, I’d like to walk you through on implementation of “ flatten ” and “ distinctBy ” function in mule. To return each key as a string, you can use namesOf , instead. 0 output application/json --- { "message": payload. How to map an array The code first compiles a list of keys all the array elements. Input: [1,2,3,4,5] Compare two JSON arrays using two or more columns values in Dataweave 2. 0 output application/json --- { result: payload. 0 output application/json DataWeave map function: How to iterate through all items in an Array ; DataWeave mapObject function: How to transform key/value pairs in an Object ; DataWeave pluck function: How to transform an Object into an Array ; DataWeave reduce function: How to loop through and transform an Array into a different type ; How to extract the keys from an Dataweave - Array of Objects to Object per line. d. Each book has a unique bookId key. I'll do an educated guess that the objective is to return all elements from the list which their objectName is also present in one of the objects in remove. I assumed it was added to the language for good reason, but I couldn't think of a single use case! I want an array of objects that are distinct by a certain field. However, in this tutorial, you’ll learn some examples or use cases in which you can filter an Array to only contain the items that pass a certain condition. 0; output application / json---(payload map ((item Can you explain how this array of objects is getting converted to just objects? %dw 2. the source has longitude and lattitude values in space seprated and each set has seperated with comma (","). 1. Dataweave transformation array of elements into string. Improve this question. It could have come from some other operation. Every key in the JSON should be in the key of the new record object. For the value part you can map the values as fieldName: value array and deconstruct them to an object by wrapping the array around parentheses %dw 2. using Dataweave 2. I am trying to combine all of the keys that match, and condense down to an A solution with just using selectors and flatten(): Finally, it returns an object with the concatenated aFewDigits array. T represents the type of items that the input Array contains. You can also use an anonymous parameter for the value to write the example like this: [ [3,5], [0. All Answers. distinctBy<T>(@StreamCapable items: Array<T>, criteria: (item: T, index: Number) -> Any): Array<T> Iterates over the input and returns the unique elements in it. It will split an array of your values from the object, and then the requested object could be created: It will split an array of your values from the object, and then the requested object could be created: Hi @mahari. You should instead ask how to combine a list of objects into a single object. 9,5. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company dataweave conversion from array of object to csv. Before you begin, note that 2. Mule Dataweave - converting array of array into Array of object. after dataweave set payload . message groupBy ((item, index) -> item. For other Mule versions, you can use the version selector in the DataWeave table of contents. HI have an array objects. I haven't provided complete description in my answer. <other headers from the objects>,Cost Center Code 1, Allocation Percentage 1, Cost Center Code 2, Allocation Percentage 2 <other object values>,123ABC,100,456DEF,100 we are basically telling it to take the resulting array and flatten it into the top level object. In Dataweave 2. The array is already sorted by this field so identifying which fields to remove should follow this: the value of the previous field should be different from current value of the field. 31121979999995 39. 8 Returns true if an input contains a given value, false if not. This is very similar to the spread operator in javascript if you're familiar DataWeave can not parse those strings as objects because of that. Whatever value is in "entity_id" should be the "payment_id" in my output. I have an array with a single index that has a JSON object that contains three different string arrays, which I have to map into a single one based on each index. DataWeave Script %dw 2. CompositeRoutingException)]' – The expression must return true or false. It looks It does not work for all the request. How to flatten nested JSON arrays to single array object. Convert Payload with multiple Arrays into a To simplify the development of your Dataweave scripts, you can access a Dataweave Tutorial that covers how to set Sample Data on the Transform Message and use the preview pane to get a real-time feedback of the output generated by your Dataweave code, and other useful topics. This document serves as a reference for all of the available operators in the DataWeave language. As well as reduce because it is only one way to accumulate data in DW scripts. 2 documentation. address } The map operation here generates an object with a name and address for each entry in the list. DataWeave (2. Dataweave Source: {"input":"POLYGON ((-100. weave. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company You can use + or << to append an object to an array. A. Modified 6 years, 1 month ago. The left-side array of objects. In this tutorial we will demonstrate how can we do Manipulation On Array In Mule 4. output application/json Selected as Best Upvote Upvoted Remove Upvote. That selection is more direct. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. output application/json I have a json payload in Mule that I am trying to convert to xml. dataweave; mulesoft; mule4; Share. 0 Within each object contains a key that has values that are also arrays of objects. I am trying to flatten the objects, i couldn't able find any documentation like this case. We’ll learn how to write the prefix and infix notations, as well as the use of an explicit lambda and the dollar-sign syntax. i break them into step 1 and 2 to better illustrate the Adding flatten to convert nested array of arrays to flat. Viewed 1k times How to remove empty array objects from dataweave response. Also whatever value comes for the key "selected_payment_option" should be "method" in my output. So i have essentially flattened the array. When I first saw the flatMap function introduced in DataWeave 2. It iterates through the input data, and when it encounters nested arrays or objects, it flattens them into a single array. b. 8) DataWeave Reference; dw::Core; contains. The list of functions used in the article below is selected out from the list of General Information. %dw 2. businessDomains: flatten((payload. – Introduction. The criteria used to extract the ID for the right collection. maxBy - Iterates over the array and returns the highest value of Comparable elements This example returns an array containing each value in order. Hot Network Questions Do I need Letter of invitation to Iceland? How to ignore empty fields, objects, and arrays using Dataweave. Hot Network Questions LeetCode 3366: Minimum Array Sum - w/o DP/memoisation We would like to thank MuleSoft Ambassador Joshua Erney for their contribution to this developer tutorial. 552854599000057, 尚、DataWeave Playgroundというのが公開されており、WebブラウザでDataWeaveを試してみることが出来ます。 ##DataWeave関数一覧 MuleSoftのウェブサイトに各モジュール毎の関数一覧や説明は記載されていますし、一度覚えてしまえば必要ないのかもしれませんが、 DataWeave (2. In above sample input, first record transaction with amount 76. To use this module, we first need to import DataWeave code, for example, by adding the line import * from dw::core::Arrays to the header of your DataWeave script Basically we are trying to nullify the payment transactions based on the equal amount with negative sign. 0 Mule 4. Convert Json objects Collection to Array. If just want to map the values in the array without changing the rest of the object you can use the update operator, which is more readable and clear in the intention, then map the elements of the array. The final example, multiplyAcc, sets the accumulator to 3 to multiply the result of acc * item (= 12) by 3 Convert it to the required object using reduce/flatten or any operator. I am having hard time converting this so if someone can help me please: as Object {class: "org. How to get values from object as an array. 0 output application/json // Creates a array of key-value tuples with the object structure. I am looking to convert array of objects to csv in dataweave. ) 2 years ago. Question 2. I take advantage of the dynamic dispatch. 0 output application/json --- payload flatMap $. If it returns false for any of them, the object gets filtered out of the output. Expand Post. If you come from a database background, you may know this function as DISTINCT. So I was thinking to remove array of arrays into single array we can use flatten. Convert nested JSON convert to CSV with DataWeave in Step 2: Now we need to use the splitBy function and write a custom function in DataWeave to split the "fullName" field of each object in the array into two fields called "firstName" and "lastName". In the case that the input is an Object, the function passes the current value, the original joiner string, and the keys Array with the current key appended to itself. 0 output application/json fun treeFilter(value: Any, predicate Fetching key:value pair from array object in mule4. This example defines three arrays of numbers, creates another array containing those three arrays, and then uses the flatten function to convert the array of arrays into a single array with DataWeave can flatten subarrays of an array and collections of key-value pairs within DataWeave objects, arrays, and subarrays. from. leftCriteria. categories filter ($. x versions of DataWeave are used by Mule 4 apps. 0. Output application The map operator is a function in Dataweave which iterates over the items in an array and outputs them into a new array. type))[index])---flatten map {name : $, namespace : findNamespace($$), type : findType($$)} The above solution is for an json having complex nested json structure for a simple json array of json objects you can use below %dw 1. Hi @sreylethtimmer (Customer) ,. Since there is one and only one sequence of digits in each strings it will return the actual number. 0 function that receives value of type Any and returns an Array containing all the keys of the input value: deepKeys(e: Any, keys: Array = []): Array<Key> A few examples: %function findNamespace(index) ((flatten (res. 0 %output application/json --- (flatten payload) filter ($. value) How to convert object to array in dataweave. (I assumed Report_Entry array elements maintain the same structure as the first element, if that is not the case, it can be passed as an argument to the mapArrays function. drewmace (Customer) 6 years ago. Featured Solutions API Management Manage and secure any API, built and deployed anywhere Integration Connect any system, data, or API to integrate at scale Automation Automate processes and tasks for every team MuleSoft AI Connect data and automate workflows with AI Featured Integration Salesforce Power connected experiences Hello @asmrMule (Customer) ,. This example finds "mule" in the Append data to Array object in dataweave 2. The flatten operator transforms an array of arrays to a single array containing all of the elements in each of the nested arrays. %dw 1. That the input is the result of flatten() seems to not be relevant to the question. when the product Id's 454. Do you know some tutorials or books that could help me learn aside from %function findNamespace(index) ((flatten (res. If the expression returns true for a key, value, or index of an object, the object gets captured in the output. 2. customAttributeList ++ [newObject]) fun applyWhenKey (e, fn, predicate) = e match DataWeave map function: How to iterate through all items in an Array ; DataWeave mapObject function: How to transform key/value pairs in an Object ; DataWeave pluck function: How to transform an Object into an Array ; DataWeave reduce function: How to loop through and transform an Array into a different type ; How to extract the keys from an array. Modified 3 years ago. % dw 2. I need to remove the outer array and get only the object. Viewed 199 times 0 It would be helpful if someone could help me on below dataweave expression Dataweave - Array of Objects to Object per line. key == 'Domain')). Hi All, Can you please help me to append an object to array object. Each element of the array into is transformed into an object (key-value pairs) and then is concatenated in the accumulator so all key-pairs are joined into a single object. Other versions accept a string and can use another string or regular expression to determine whether there is a match. At its core it's very simple: it's a convenient way to flatten Arrays after map using a single function instead of two. Option 2. Mule 4 - How to combine arrays inside a nested array with the same id field into one. 0 . (org. This version of contains accepts an array as input. If you can change how the input is generated, then ensure that those strings are escaped JSON so they are compatible with DataWeave. Publish Date: Mar 2, 2024. I have 50,000+ json objects buried in nested arrays. transform the xml payload in mule 4 using dataweave 2. Though it names the optional index parameter in its anonymous function (value, index) → value, it does not use index as a selector for the output, so it is possible to write the anonymous function using (value) → value. Syntax: pluck ( { The dataweave “flatten” function is a versatile tool used to unravel nested data structures, such as arrays within arrays or objects within objects. </mule> Without Flatten I am getting output as array of arrays of Elements. ; d[$$] selects the element in d whose index is $$. When the JSON has nested objects/arrays then the keys are concatenated with a ". Applying this to groupBy, we can see it returns an Object whose keys are the type of the values returned from the lambda (R), and the values are the type of the input data type (Array<T>, String, or Object<(K), V>). result map ((item) -> { Labels: item. dataweave mapping from an array. 😃 we are aware of input then we can covert to any format and scatter and gather in mule 4 giving us objects of object . routing. Here have to use flatten 2 times, because there are 2 layers of conversion: mule. 2 examples. The mapping should be something like: %dw 1. Labels map ((label) -> { value: [ { (label. 0 You can do it with a recursive function that does the following: if there's no elements in the level returns []; recursively takes the orderLines of each level (without the children field) ; appends the orderLines of the next level ; like this: How to flatten the Object inside the Array in DataWeave 2. Follow Mule ESB Two JSON arrays, merge one array into another with Dataweave. DataWeave - Get array of keys from nested Object. JobFailedRecordResults"}, { originalFields: We would like to thank MuleSoft Ambassador Joshua Erney for their contribution to this developer tutorial. bulk. – This example show usage of DataWeave to transform nested json structure to flat json structure. Any expression which resolves to the name of the key can In order to get the expected result, I prefer to use this trick: Create both expressions and combine them into one simple array, using flatten Add an empty object as line separator Share Improve this answer In this tutorial, you’ll learn some examples to remove duplicate items or retrieve unique items from an Array using the distinctBy function. Like how the flatten works for the array. . Commented Dec 16, 2020 at 2:11. Option 1. rightCriteria. Create a JSON Object based on input parameter in MuleSoft DataWeave 2. If there are no matches, the output array will be empty. mulesoft. var appendedValue = flatten (payload. Because the function scan() returns an array of arrays I used flatten() and the indexed selector ([]) to return the actual matching sub string that will be a sequence of digits. DataWeave 2; Upvote; Answer; Share; 3 answers; Please check below dataweave % dw 2. Derive parent-child hierarchy from an I’m trying to come up with a DataWeave 2. The output should also fetch distinct values. For DataWeave in Mule 3 apps, refer to DataWeave version 1. Scatter Object<(K), T> The first type parameter is the type of the keys (K), and the second type parameter is the type of the values (T). Hot Network Questions Are linear mixed effects model robust to unbalanced clusters? Mule Dataweave - converting array of array into Array of object. They are: But in the case of Mule 4, if we go for the same dataweave, which we wrote for Mule 3, the response will come as an array of arrays. 3 I need to learn that skill that a very complex dataweave script. I assumed it was MuleSoft Documentation Site. How to split array of object into array of array based on object value using dataweave. My sample input is [1. name, address: $. To return a single array I used a flatMap(): %dw 2. bul fooik cggxu patjhn ufb jycvz fcot gor mny kbadlt