Clatsop county web. Commissioner, Position 1 (Term: 2021-2025) James Campbell.

Clatsop county web. Mondays through Fridays, except holidays.

Clatsop county web It takes approximately three minutes to complete. - Website: simplifile. "We’re talking from going from the 60s to 100 plus degrees in 24-48 hours,” said Justin Gibbs, Clatsop County Emergency Management Director. All other surveyor records are available at our office. Phone Number (503) 325-4600. Oct 16, 2024 · The County EOA also focuses on action steps, and partnerships that can help in the response to changing local and world economies. For more information on the Economic Opportunities Analysis, please visit the Clatsop County Jul 2, 2024 · Most of Clatsop County will be under an excessive heat warning Thursday, July 4 through Sunday, July 7 according to the National Weather Service Portland. , Suite 210 Astoria, OR 97103. Government Websites by CivicPlus® The Clatsop County Circuit Court website maintains a page (see link below) with complete information about your rights and obligations pertaining to jury service – how to report, who to call, how to request a deferral – as well as a juror handbook, the jury schedule, even a 19-minute "Justice for All" orientation video filmed in Washington County and introduced by former Oregon Chief Beach and harbor areas may flood; A large tsunami can flood low-lying coastal areas more than a mile inland; Sudden change in sea level is a sign that a tsunami is coming. Warrenton, OR 97146 Phone: (503) 325-8635. This webmap provides the opportunity to see current development that will add to our local housing supply, and how far along each project is in its development process. Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm ***When you contact us, please include your name, address, phone number and account number, if possible, plus any other information to assist us with answering your questions. Community Corrections is a division within the Clatsop County Sheriff's Office. Mondays through Fridays, except holidays. , Suite 410 in Astoria. The deadline to apply is 5 p. Subdivision plats are now available on our online index. If you have questions about remote appearance, please call 503-325-8555 or email us (see our contact page for email addresses). Government Websites by CivicPlus® For the May 20, 2025 Special District Election, Clatsop County Clerk and Elections Office will provide live, online video streaming of its processing of local ballots, from the verifying of signatures through the actual count. Clatsop County Department of Public Health provides information and services to residents that are relevant and timely to assure the community's health. AirNow. Government Websites by CivicPlus® Oct 21, 2024 · See the Oregon Secretary of State’s voter website for more information. 24-01) 612. The Board of Clatsop County Commissioners may use the The citizens of Clatsop County adopted a Charter to provide for the exercise of authority over matters of county concern to the fullest extent permissible under the constitution and laws of the United States of America and the State of Oregon. Please visit its website for more information about court matters. You can find information about these services offered through these links. Webmaps has been developed to support Clatsop County business and is not guaranteed to be accurate. *** ***Cullaby Lake Reservation Request Line (503) 338-3740. Please visit the court website for more information. Daily Ballot Return - May 20, 2025 Regular District The Housing In Development Webmap shows all known housing development projects (market rate, workforce, and affordable) within the cities and unincorporated areas of Clatsop County. Government Websites by CivicPlus® View the Clatsop County Fair Board Calendar. Tips for improving your website search. 12 KB; Project Status Report - February 2022 310. Committee Application forms are available at the Clatsop County website or the County Manager’s office at 800 Exchange St. Dec 26, 2024 · Clatsop County Court; Code of Regulations; County Manager; Business. Nehalem Bank Fault Earthquake Scenario. Call the Public Information Call Center (503) 325-8500 for more information. April 29, 2023. Also refer to the “help” button within the Webmaps application for directions. to 1:00 p. Clatsop County Voters' Pamphlet. will be recorded the next business day. Clatsop County Oregon. (Clatsop County Standards Document Ordinance 80-14, Section S2. S. Departments. Address. 64 mb; article 1 - introductory provisions (amended ord. The quarterly financial report is part of Clatsop County’s commitment to transparency in government. Pacific Power provides electricity to the majority of Clatsop County. Clatsop County Courts are Closed Friday, February 14. The administrative staff plans and administers the budget and contracts for the department and represents Clatsop County on federal, state and local transportation issues. 4. Contact Information. 31… Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm ***Closed from 12:00pm - 1:00pm. The Site Evaluation process will include the excavation of test holes in the area identified by the installer and onsite inspector as meeting minimum setbacks and other necessary features. Clatsop County reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. 400 Water Improvement Standards) Certified well drillers and constructors provide proof of water quantity and potability that is acceptable to both the Oregon Water Resources Department and Clatsop County, using the “Water Well District 4. Targeted economic growth sectors include Blue Economy, Healthcare, Construction and Resources, and Food Processing. With Webmaps, you can find information about your tax parcel, surveys, hazard areas, flood plains, school districts, fire districts, voting precincts, zoning, elevation, etc. Government Websites by CivicPlus® Whether it is Mother Nature or a human-caused disaster, Clatsop County Emergency Management is focused on preparing our communities for an emergency and securing resources to help them during critical times. com -----Recording hours are 8:30 a. In 1988 the electorate voted to establish a Home Rule form of government for the county. Clatsop County makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including any warranty or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other matter. Ballots must be delivered to an official drop site or the County Clerk’s Office, 820 Exchange St. gov reports that at this Very Unhealthy air quality level, everyone in that area needs to be concerned and recommends the following actions: The Code of Regulations is the official catalogue of Clatsop County ordinances and their provisions. The Fair Board meets on the first Tuesday of each month and is responsible for the management of the Clatsop County Fair & Expo and organizes the annual fair. Daily Ballot Return - May 20, 2025 Regular District Apr 29, 2023 · Countywide Amateur Radio Exercise. Storm Watchers Scoop Up Cats and Dogs During Purrfect Storm at Clatsop Animal Shelter . County Government. The first meeting of Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) will be held on Sunday, March 23, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at Peace Lutheran Church, 725 33rd… 800 Exchange Street, Suite. *** Cullaby Lake County Park is located off U. . Feb 8, 2025 · ELECTION DAY: The Clatsop County Elections Office will be open from 7 AM to 8 PM. Daily Ballot Return - May 20, 2025 Regular District 800 Exchange Street, Suite. Open Monday - Wednesday, Friday, 8:45am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:00pm Closed Thursdays in September-October. Home rule allows local citizens to craft their own laws rather than relying on state statutes. *** Up to 2,00 square feet: $550: 2,001 - 3,600 square feet: $650: 3,601 - 7,200 square feet: $800: Greater than 7,201 square feet: $950 Current Land Use Applications | Under Review 34649 Hwy 101 Business . Toggle Navigation. Commissioner, Position 2 (Term: 2021-2025) Dirk Rohne. Feb 8, 2025 · May 20, 2025 Regular District Election Candidates Public Notice of District Board Members Election . Each year, the Commissioners choose a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. 220, Astoria, hours are 8:30 a. gov If your ballot does not arrive within 5 days after we’ve mailed them, please call the Clatsop County Elections Office at 503-325-8511. We also post these notices on our Facebook page, the Clatsop County web site (www. The information included on these pages has been compiled by County staff from a variety of sources, and is subject to change without notice. 1 New Year’s Eve Party Exhibit Hall & Kitchen What is the LEPC? The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is an organization established to meet the requirements of the federal Emergency Planning arid Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), also known as the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA Title III), for emergency response planning. After the first discussions of this boating facility project and the land donation of the Westport property in 2004 with Georgia Pacific, the Parks Department is finally moving towards construction of the new Westport County Park Boating facility. It establishes guidance for Clatsop County’s actions during, in response to, and short-term recovery from major emergencies or disasters. 92937 Walluski Loop Astoria, OR 97103 Jan 16, 2025 · Open Monday - Wednesday, Friday, 8:45am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:00pm Closed Thursdays in September-October. Monday - Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 5:00pm ***We are closed for lunch from 12:00 p. Search queries can be done in a variety of ways. Board of Commissioners; Clatsop County is committed to providing quality and cost-effective public services, including many mandatory and emergency related functions, in all types of weather and conditions. Every report is reviewed vertically by a deputy DA – meaning the same deputy DA will review the case and, as necessary, deal with witnesses and victims, present the case to a Grand Jury and (in less than 8 percent of cases, because most are either dismissed or resolved) take the case to trial. Mar 10, 2025 · (Astoria, OR) — Clatsop County is seeking public input on expanding and improving the boating facilities at Carnahan County Park. Jul 11, 2018 · lawduc cover and table of contents 3. Yay! Eleven Clatsop County animals have been adopted during the first week of the Raining Cats and Dogs Pet Adoption Campaign. Measure 4-236 City of Cannon Beach. co. Information on the November 5 General Election, including voting deadlines, ballot box locations and more, is available on the Clatsop County website. If you are at a beach and see the sea level suddenly rise or fall, quickly get to high ground Clatsop County is issuing an air quality advisory for the Seaside and Gearhart areas due to wildfire smoke. In addition, the department oversees receipt of revenues, accounts payable, payroll, purchasing, grant accounting, investment of county funds and maintenance of the county's capital assets in accordance with Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB The County Clerk is the official record keeper for Clatsop County. After we check your voter registration status, we will send you a replacement ballot or explain your other options. “When the next great Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami occurs, coastal residents and visitors will have 10-30 minutes to reach safety. us) and in the Clatsop County Courthouse. “The community response to this campaign has warmed our hearts,” said Justin Dersham, Clatsop County Animal Control Supervisor. The Clatsop County Circuit Court is a State of Oregon agency. Documents received after 4:30 p. Mar 8, 2022 · Committee application forms are available on the Clatsop County website or at the County Manager’s office at 800 Exchange St. clatsop. Columbia River Substation 92435 Svensen Market Road - Knappa Phone: (503) 458-7054 Clatsop County requires proof of water quantity and potability when a well is used as a water source. Clatsop County Fair Board Clatsop County is seeking applicants for an opening on the Clatsop Country Fair Board. In 201 Review the Guidelines for Video Court Appearances in Clatsop County Circuit Court or visit our Remote Hearings page for more information. Government Websites by CivicPlus® Supporting Documents. Anticipated Schedule of Clatsop County Elections Results; Ballot Measures; Candidates; Clatsop County Voter's Pamphlet; Daily Ballot Return - May 20, 2025 Regular District Election; Replacement Ballot / Ensure Your Ballot Will Be Counted; Voter Registration Infomation. Bids/RFPS; Passports; Pay Taxes; Public Comment; Public Record Requests; Sheriff Record Requests; Councils, Commissions & Committees. The Planning Commission is the county’s committee for citizen involvement on development and land use issues, such as zoning, natural resources, transportation, natural hazards, economic The Clatsop County District Attorney's office receives about 2,000 police reports each year. Close Navigation. *** ***Leave message OR call the Fisheries Mar 10, 2025 · In addition, the Committee advises County staff regarding the County’s update of its Parks Master Plan and provides a public forum for citizen input regarding proposed changes that potentially impact parks, recreational lands, trails, boat ramps and related programs within the county. us (ksullivan[at]co[dot]clatsop[dot]or[dot]us) Kathleen Sullivan was elected to the Clatsop County Board of Commissioners in May 2016 to a four-year term that expires December 2020. 1, 2022. Measure 4-235 City of Cannon Beach. Commissioner, Position 3 (Term: 2023-2027) Clatsop County Fair & Expo Events: January – April 2025 Updated 12/30/2024 JANUARY 2025 EVENT LOCATION Dec. or. 59 kb November 5, 2024 Unofficial Election Results. The project started on July 1, 2021 with completion of boating facility on Feb. 800 Exchange Street, Suite. Drop off payments at the Clatsop County Tax Office at the counter at 820 Exchange St. Our Division is comprised of seven Parole and Probation Deputies, two Records Specialists, two Pretrial Specialists, two Sergeants, and the Division-Head Lieutenant. to 4:30 p. Measure 4-237 Clatsop County Fairground If you own a Short Term Rental in the Unincorporated Area of Clatsop County you need to apply for a Short Term Rental Permit. The appointment will be made by the Board of Commissioners. 71 kb article 2 - procedures for land use applications (amended ord. Astoria, OR 97103. 06 KB; Project Status Report - March 2022 333. The survey asks how the public uses the boating facility, their thoughts on its current condition, and what improvements they would like to see. Original records may differ from the information on these pages. The report presents the Board of Commissioners and the public with high-level information regarding the financial situation of the county. The position is for a term ending Dec. County Webmaps Within unincorporated areas of Clatsop County, we regulate development in locations where there are identified geologic hazards. 24-14, ord. Contact Group. Welcome amateur radio volunteers & enthusiasts! On April 29, Clatsop County Emergency Management will activate the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in order for local communications leaders to conduct a countywide simulated emergency t The Road Division of the Public Works Department includes the offices of the Roads, County Engineer, County Surveyor, Parks and Westport Sewer Service District programs. Oct 23, 2024 · See the Oregon Secretary of State’s voter website for more information. The tool search allows the user create a very powerful search by adding a few key words or symbols. to 4 p. Highway 101 between Astoria and Seaside. Clatsop County Clerk's office, located at 820 Exchange St. Ballots that are mailed must be postmarked by election day Our index of surveys, partitions and bearing tree reports is located at the Clatsop County website, within our Webmaps application. daily. The park has 165 acres, offering public access to Cullaby Lake boat launch and docks, four-stall flush restrooms, picnic shelters, barbecue pits, horseshoe pits, play areas, fishing, swimming, nature… 800 Exchange Street, Suite. A drop box is available if you wish to avoid a line. Clatsop County Oregon The Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office periodically runs legal notices in The Astorian listing property that is unclaimed and names of persons who have unclaimed property in our possession. Candidates. A user guide for Webmaps can be found by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. The Clatsop County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is an all-hazard plan describing how Clatsop County will organize and respond to events. Check/money orders should be made payable to Clatsop County Clerk. People using the new Positive COVID Test website and COVID-19 Case Support Hotline, 866-917-8881, can complete an online survey linked from the web portal to report their positive case, or get help completing the survey through the hotline. Voter Registration Totals; Make Sure Your Ballot is Counted; Voter Education Our index of surveys, partitions and bearing tree reports is located at the Clatsop County website, within our Webmaps application. (second floor), Astoria. Measures. Users can also access related tax statements and appraisal See full list on clatsopcounty. Clatsop County Tax Collector 820 Exchange St. Government Websites by CivicPlus® Open Monday - Wednesday, Friday, 8:45am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:00pm Closed Thursdays in September-October. Webmaps contains 60+ interactive map layers that allow users to easily explore Clatsop County, Oregon. Mail Address: Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: (503) Email: ksullivan [at] co. , Friday, February 10. ### The Clatsop County Circuit Court is a State of Oregon agency. 24-18, and ord. The park is now open. gov Clatsop County was founded in 1844, and 10 years later voters chose Astoria as the county seat. Commissioner, Position 1 (Term: 2021-2025) James Campbell. About Clatsop County About Clatsop County. Astoria, Oregon 97103 Filing deadline for May 2025 is March 20. Government Websites by CivicPlus® The Clatsop County Public Health Department will begin administering Pfizer booster shots, by appointment, at its Astoria office beginning Oct. We do this to reduce threats to life and property from landslides, ocean flooding and coastal erosion, weak foundation soils, and other geologic hazards that may be present. Clatsop County is seeking applicants for an opening on the Clatsop Country Fair Board. Nehalem Valley Substation 79532 Oregon Highway 202 - Jewell Phone: (503) 755-2359. Government Websites by CivicPlus® ©2025 Clatsop County, Oregon Data accurate as of March 12, 2025 01:08PM version: 2023_11_5 Every effort has been made to offer the most current and correct information possible on these pages. The department sends billing statements and collects all property taxes and penalties in the county and distributes the tax money to the appropriate taxing districts. The Records Division administers public records, legal recordings, marriage licenses, passports, OLCC licenses, county archives and abandoned personal property in accordance with federal, state and local laws. Clatsop County residents are invited to take part in an important new effort to strengthen community resilience and preparedness. , Suite 220, Astoria, OR 97103. The Clerk, Records and Elections Division encompasses three functions: The County Clerk is the official record keeper for Clatsop County. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. m. In case of an emergency, dial 9-1-1. COVID; Masks are welcome but not required. 24-20) 650. Protect individuals and communities against the spread of disease, injuries, and environmental hazards; Promote and encourage healthy behaviors; Respond to disasters and assist communities in Jan 18, 2023 · Application forms are available at the Clatsop County website and at the County Manager’s Office at 800 Exchange St. ©2025 Clatsop County, Oregon Data accurate as of March 16, 2025 10:17AM version: 2023_11_5 Every effort has been made to offer the most current and correct information possible on these pages. Clatsop County Sheriff's Office Matt Phillips, Sheriff Street & Mailing Address: 1190 SE 19 th St. Clatsop County Emergency Management: Clatsop County at a Glance As data can help tell a story or shed light on an issue, this County data page was created to make it simple for you to find our data dashboards that give insight into our community's well being. , Suite 410, Astoria. , Ste. Our mailing address and physical location are: Clatsop County Clerk, 820 Exchange St. If GIS information is what you are looking for, Clatsop County Webmaps is a helpful resource tool. Anticipated Schedule of Clatsop County Elections Results. 31/Jan. The County is not responsible for possible errors, omissions, or misinterpretation. They can also get information on isolation and other ways to keep themselves and those around them safe County Administration Don Bohn, County Manager 800 Exchange Street, Suite 410 Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: (503) 325-1000 Fax: (503) 325-8325 Email: countyadmins@clatsopcounty. Text at 722797 (text OUT to report an outage, text STAT to check outage status) Call 1-877-508-5088 (24/7) Oct 4, 2023 · Week 5 of Clatsop County’s Get Ready Emergency Preparedness campaign focuses on the tsunami that will follow after a major earthquake. Clatsop County strives to keep its communities safe and to offer a wide range of law enforcement and emergency services. Sheriff's Office Fax: Once you have determined the best plan, you will need to apply for a Site Evaluation from Clatsop County Environmental Health. See "Short Term Rental Application Packet" link for more information. Email. 21 KB Mar 11, 2025 · Clatsop County makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, accuracy or adequacy of such information and data. 18 KB; Project Status Report - January 2022 327. Government Websites by CivicPlus® The Clatsop County Department of Assessment and Taxation determines the value of all property according to state law. 2. ©2025 Clatsop County, Oregon Data accurate as of March 16, 2025 07:13PM version: 2023_11_5 Every effort has been made to offer the most current and correct information possible on these pages. Project Status Report - April 2022 358. If you need an interpreter or accommodations to understand the information on this page or access services, contact us and it will be provided at no cost. 4H and Extension Service Advisory Council; Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee; Property Value Appeals Board; Budget Committee; Clatsop Budget and Finance manages the following operations: Preparation of the county's annual budget, annual audit and long range financial planning. February 8, 2025 - First day for candidate to file declaration of candidacy or nominating petition. , 2 nd Floor, Astoria no later than 8 PM on this date. Print. Cash, credit and debit cards are also accepted; Legal Names: Completed, signed, and notarized forms must be signed and registered by a County Clerk to be valid. Government Websites by CivicPlus® 800 Exchange Street, Suite. hgy btay vvblhuf xwdscn obkurczh vzth zjjr dzeg mbhmia xqzo xmeoj osao zif gryh ehif