Palm beach county clerk of court official records. Palm Beach County has no "district courts".
Palm beach county clerk of court official records For criminal cases, that information includes name, DOB, case type division, case status, next court date, charges, and timeline of court appearances. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Search Records. Please contact them at 561-355-2996 or visit their website. North County Courthouse 3188 PGA Blvd. m. About Marriage Licenses. Fourth District Court of Appeal; Florida Bar; Florida Supreme Court; Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure If you would prefer to receive the information over the telephone, you may call (561) 355-2994, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a. Any person has a right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller remove such items from an image or copy of a court or official records document. P. Delray Beach. 2221. The Palm Beach County Clerk and Comptroller is responsible for maintaining and protecting all Palm Beach County court records. 16550 SW Warfield Boulevard Indiantown, FL 34956 Phone: 772-223-7921 8 am to 1 pm, 2 to 4:30 pm Wednesdays Only. 21031 of the Florida Statutes state that individuals in certain professions, as well as their spouses and/or children, may request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller remove personal information from documents in the Official Record. A County Civil case is any civil matter that falls within the jurisdiction of County Court. Criminal: (561) 355-2996; Civil: (561) 624-6650; Hours. Official records maintained by the clerk include court judgments, marriage records, mortgages, deeds, liens, plats, and tax deeds. Court Records; Official Official Records Search. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County is not responsible for the content of external sites. Palm Beach Gardens. However, it has county courts of limited jurisdiction that operate as the lower-tiered trial courts. Court Records; Official Records; Special Assessments; Tax Deeds West Palm Beach, FL 33401. Palm Beach County is a busy real estate market, with a median single family home sale price of $580,000 and more than 64,000 deeds recorded in 2023. Proxy bidding begins as soon as the tax certificate appears on the auction calendar to be sold. Domestic Violence (561) 355-4506 Email. Oct 8, 2024 · Anyone needing to pay a traffic ticket, file court documents, purchase certified copies of court or official records or make child support or alimony payments in Palm Beach County should use the Clerk’s online services while the offices are closed. Palm Beach County court records, traffic tickets, real estate records, marriage licenses, financial reports and more. Per Supreme Court order, images of these documents are not available online if they were filed after Official Records Search. 99 (No positions available at this time) Court Specialist III or Official Records Specialist III - $15. 046, or 784. e-Certified Copies of Official Records. Subject to inspection only upon Order of Court, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's office cannot furnish information pertaining to Adoptions to customers. These records include, but are not limited to deeds, mortgages, assignments, satisfactions, subdivision plats, deed restrictions, agreements, claims of lien, notices, tax warrants, final judgments, probate documents All records of Adoption are confidential and exempt from the provisions of Section 119. Unclaimed Funds: Check our lists of uncashed checks and more to see if you have unclaimed money Official Records Search. South County Courthouse 200 W. Soon, you will be able to pay Traffic Tickets and Child Support through this website. Search Court Records Search our free online database of civil, criminal and traffic court records in Palm Beach County. Jan 8, 2025 · WEST PALM BEACH, FL (January 8, 2025) – Joseph Abruzzo began his second four-year term as Palm Beach County’s Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller by reiterating his commitment to transparency, to protecting public records and taxpayer money, and to outstanding service for the people of Palm Beach County. Payment. Pursuant to Chapter 2021-231, Laws of Florida, any affected person has the right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as county recorder, add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for injunction for the protection of a minor under sections 741. Once you find the case you are interested in, click on Court Events to see upcoming court dates; Civil court dates are not listed on the eCaseView court events screen. Today, in our role as Clerk to the 15th Judicial Circuit, we are making these important documents available to the public to ensure transparency to the people of Palm Beach You are now exiting the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. Become a Registered User. 2200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401. Evictions (561) 355-2500 Email. Information with marriage records includes the parties that applied, date applied, and the date of marriage. Palm Beach County has no "district courts". They charge $1. Court Records; For access to Official Records (including certified copies), go to: Official Records; For access to civil and criminal reports, go to: ClerkCart; For Board of County Commissioner’s meeting records such as minutes, resolutions and ordinances: Mail: 301 N. However, a Notice of Hearing with the court date may be available under the eCaseView Dockets & Documents tab. If you dispute a lien that has been recorded against your property, contact the lien filer. 2200 West Palm Divorce Records. Box 3406 West Palm Beach, FL 33402. Starting January 1, 2024, section 695. Dixie Highway Room 4. eCaseView provides easy access to case information including court dates, charges, sentences, complaints, parties, document images (viewable from late 2008) and more. How do I obtain court records, marriage licenses, or real estate records? These records fall under the jurisdiction of the Palm Beach County Clerk of Court. Search our free online database of civil, criminal and traffic court records in Palm Beach County. 00 per page for printing of the microfilmed records. 0485, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Circuit Criminal Department P. eCaseView is compatible with most browsers that are used on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS computers as well as tablets and smartphones. com integrates governments throughout our state, it is very easy for you to connect with other Florida counties as well as our state government. Thank you for visiting the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County. About Palm Beach County Clerk. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County (the “Clerk”) provides users, fre Palm Beach County Clerk 205 North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL The Clerk's office maintains court records, issues marriage licenses, prepares financial reports, records real estate records, and provides public access to court records and other public documents. . Public Records Available per Supreme Court Order On June 17th the Flagler County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller will allow records viewing. Official Records include, but are not limited to, court judgments, deeds, liens, marriage licenses, mortgages and tax deeds. PUBLIC NOTICE: NEW OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDING REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2024. Internet Document Restrictions Some Official Records documents may not be placed on a publicly available Internet website according to Florida Statute 28. Your Palm Beach County Clerk's office provides a free Property Fraud Alert service that takes just a few minutes to sign up and can provide you peace of mind. 1 miles The Clerk's office maintains court records, issues marriage licenses, prepares financial reports, records real estate records, and provides public access to court records and other public documents. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office supports Palm Beach County’s criminal, civil and juvenile courts. Anything before 1968 requires a trip to the 4th Floor of the Palm Beach County Courthouse in downtown West Palm Beach. You can research the registry books yourself, and staff can assist you in gaining access to microfilmed records. Post Office Box 9016 For example, you can instantly order Official Records, such as deeds and marriage records. Our tax deeds search also has a new look. Civil, criminal and traffic case information; purchase certified copies of court documents. Official Records Search. 13 (No positions available at this time) Court Specialist II or Official Records Specialist II - $12. , for information on felony cases filed in Palm Beach County. Properties with special assessment liens. Indiantown Branch Office. Records Service Center. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller protects and maintains Palm Beach County's Official Records, court records and County government meeting records. Forms purchased from our office are $1. Electronically certified copies of Official Records may now be purchased online. Family case information is only accessible by registered eCaseView West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 355-4837. The Public Records Coordinator in Public Affairs ensures requests are processed through the proper departments under the Board of County Commissioners. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Palm Beach County Recording Department P. Also learn about Palm Beach County criminal court records, Palm Beach County civil court records, the information that a Palm Beach County court case search provides, how to get Palm Beach County court records online for free and Palm Beach County court locations as well as the contact information of Palm Beach County clerks. Marriage records and divorce records can be requested from the County Clerk of Circuit Court. Many criminal court records may be searched online and most case documents can be printed without needing to visit our office. 15 Court Specialist IV or Official Records Specialist IV - $16. Search Records Attorneys & Paralegals Careers Search Records. Search and order certified copies of Palm Beach County's court judgments, deeds, liens, marriage licenses, mortgages, plats, tax deeds and more. Contact the 4th District Court of Appeal. Using eCaseView, you may search civil, criminal, and traffic cases as well as view and print case documents. Register for free as an attorney or to access additional search options. Anyone can request a lookup by visiting the Clerk's Records Service Center at the Main Courthouse or one of the branch sites:. ) The County Clerk of Courts is the custodian for many records, particularly court records, in Duval County. File New Cases Palm Beach County court records, traffic tickets, real estate records, marriage licenses, financial reports and more. We process, record and file court documents such as lawsuits, traffic tickets, divorce agreements, wills, domestic violence petitions and tenant evictions. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County is your public trustee, responsible for safeguarding public records and taxpayer money. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County (the “Clerk”) provides users, fre West Palm Beach, FL 33401. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is responsible for safeguarding and protecting the integrity of all Palm Beach County court records. Go to the Online Auction Site. As shown in the boxes below, several Departments and Constitutional Offices handle their own requests. Do I need special software to search court records on my computer? No, all you need is a web browser and internet access. View court orders and notices of hearing regarding the sealing and expunging of case files, posted online by order of the court. Because MyFloridaCounty. Services Provided. Special Assessments. Public access - no registration required. - 4 p. West County Courthouse 2950 State Road 15, Room S-100 Belle Glade. Court Records Palm Beach County court records, traffic tickets, real estate records, marriage licenses, financial reports and more. Copies of a final judgment of dissolution of marriage filed in Palm Beach County are available from the Clerk's Records Service Center. 00 per page. WEST PALM BEACH, FL (February 21, 2024) – The long-sealed grand jury records in Jeffrey Epstein’s criminal case are closer to being released, thanks to decisive action by the Florida Legislature on a bill championed by Joseph Abruzzo, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. The Clerk of the Circuit Court also has the role of Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and is the official custodian of those county records. Advance deposits may be made online through the electronic auction Web site via ACH transfer at least three (3) full business days before the auction they intend to participate in. 110 South Tamarind Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 242-2000. Court Specialist I or Official Records Specialist I - $11. The Fifteenth Circuit uses an ex parte calendaring app that serves all probate divisions in South County, North County and West Palm Beach. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s website has the following search engines available: Search civil and criminal court records online and purchase certified copies of documents; Search and view documents in the Official Records; Search for special assessment liens; Useful Links. Tax Deeds. to 4:00 p. The Public will now have the capability to view court records online including the following court types: County and Circuit Civil, County and Circuit Criminal & Probate. Box 4177 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Attn: Records & Escrow Specialist (561) 355-2408 Delivery Address Judicial Center 205 N. 30, 784. Box 2906 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-2906. Marriage licenses are valid in any Florida county for a period of 60 days. Search Records. Other Resources: The Clerk is also the source for Palm Beach County court records, marriage licenses, financial reports, real estate, and other records. Clerk Abruzzo Announces Release of Jeffrey Epstein Grand Jury Records. Certain documents are only accepted at the Main Courthouse. Make sure to verify that the agency you’re working with accepts eCertified documents. Property Appraiser’s Office Palm Beach County District Court Records. Properties scheduled for tax deed sale . Most court records can be viewed online. O. 071, 493. If you are an eRecording vendor and would like to begin eRecording with the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, please contact our office by email or call (561) 355-2991. Chapters 119. Atlantic Ave. Interested individuals can perform a Palm Beach County marriage license lookup at the Palm Beach County Circuit Court clerk's office. Mailing Address. Official Records (deeds, mortgages, judgments, liens, marriage licenses, etc. The Recording Division of the Clerk’s Office is the central depository for all documents recorded in the Official Record Books of Flagler County as required by Florida Statute. Tax Deed Sales Are Conducted Online. Once issued, Florida residents must wait three days to get married, unless the couple attends a premarital course from this list of registered providers and presents the certificate of completion when applying for their license. These courts hear misdemeanor cases, civil cases below $50,000, traffic matters, and small claims cases . Box 484 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-0484. S. 162 F. 2 miles Using eCaseView, you may search civil, criminal and traffic cases as well as view and print case documents. 465 and 744. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. Operation Green Light Is Happening Now - No Collection Fees This Week Only! Through Friday, March 7, pay overdue fines and fees and we will waive the 25% collection agency fee. If you suspect you are a victim of fraud, contact the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office at 352-754-6830. eRecording allows you to submit documents to be recorded in the Official Records electronically through an eRecording vendor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County (the “Clerk”) provides users, free of charge, the ability to search and access its Official Records’ online database (“Official Records Database”). If the agency does not accept these documents, you can purchase manually-stamped certified documents from our Records Service Center in Room 4. See Also: Traffic Violations Jan 8, 2025 · Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Home Menu. Box 3597 West Palm Beach, FL 33402. Royal Palm Beach Branch 200 Civic Center Way, Ste. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller in Palm Beach County, Florida, is responsible for maintaining court records, issuing marriage licenses, preparing financial reports, recording real estate records, and providing public access to court records and other public documents. Jul 1, 2024 · When I became Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, I promised that I would leave no stone unturned to ensure the release of the Jeffrey Epstein grand jury records. 2500 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 County Civil Cases (Damages up to $50,000) County Civil Court has jurisdiction over claims up to and including $50,000. The Florida Constitution established the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller as a constitutional officer, directly elected by and accountable to the people of Palm Beach County. Official Records. Online access to Palm County court records is available through the Clerk’s online records portal, called eCaseView. Olive Avenue, 2nd Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Official Records Search. Court Records. For example, you can instantly order Official Records, such as deeds and marriage records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic email to this entity. Court judgments, deeds, liens, marriage licenses, mortgages, plats, tax deeds and more. Feb 29, 2024 · Statement from Joseph Abruzzo, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County Post Date: 02/29/2024 1:35 PM Today is a victory for full transparency in the Jeffrey Epstein case. Certified Copies Official Records Search. The forms are intended only as a guideline and may or may not be appropriate for your needs. 36 Palm Beach County court records, traffic tickets, real estate records, marriage licenses, financial reports and more. Hernando County and the Hernando County Clerk of Court assume no liability for the provision of this free service. Clerk Abruzzo, who was first The forms on this website are provided as examples of the types of forms commonly used for recording in the Palm Beach County Official Records. 07 (1) Florida Statutes, except as provided in Section 63. Palm Beach Town Clerk South County Road, Palm Beach, FL - 10. Resources. Tax Deeds Search. The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website; however it makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data. All bidders will be required to advance funds sufficient to satisfy the deposit requirement, should they be the successful bidder. Monday - Friday, 8 a. Tax deed sales are conducted online on designated Wednesdays starting at 9:30 a. To register for Attorney of Record access, forms must be either notarized by a Notary or executed by a Deputy Clerk. 2500 or at any one of our branch locations. Please send all correspondence to: Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Circuit Criminal Department P. The ex parte calendaring application can be accessed by clicking the button below or selecting "View All Web Applications" in the Circuit Web Applications box on our home page. Mailing Address P. To become a registered user, return the completed registration form to the address below. 6122, 741. Box 2906 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Apply for a marriage license or get married at any Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller location in Palm Beach County. Additional Information on eRecording Recording Fees The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller maintains the records for all criminal court cases filed in Palm Beach County, as well as collects and disburses court fines, fees and assessments. What information can be used to search the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s official records of Palm Beach County online? Complete names of the parties Year, month or date of the recording (not required, but helpful in limiting the search) Contact. Main Courthouse 205 North Dixie Highway 2nd Floor, Room 2. ) Purchase electronic certified copies of Official Records online through E-Certify. 2500 on the 4th floor of the Main Courthouse) provides copies and certified copies of:. 26 of the Florida Statutes requires certain documents recorded in a county’s Official Records must include the post office address of each witness in addition to the witness’ printed name. The Records Service Center (Room 4. Excluding designated holidays. All submitting vendors will be required to adhere to the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller's eRecording Business Rules. 400 Royal Palm Beach. eCaseView works best in the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. " Search Palm Beach County's court records, judgments, deeds, liens, marriage licenses, mortgages, plats, tax deeds and more. You may obtain the Official Records book and page number by searching the Official Records. Main Courthouse 205 North Dixie Highway 3rd Floor, Room 3. Palm Beach County Clerk North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL - 9. zhj bflbav tlf rssk csi xejeblw lraxuxmu topwpl ehh jyelc gwa iad yuvlc wykp xgsnj