Smith county court at law 2. Smith County, TX Home Menu.
Smith county court at law 2. All criminal and civil matters will be held .
Smith county court at law 2 Location. Littlefield . Judge Maynard took over from Judge Taylor Heaton who was appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to preside over the 475 th Judicial District Court. TAYLOR HEATON, Respondent ORIGINAL PROCEEDING ON THIS DAY came to be heard the petition for writ of mandamus filed by Aja Holman; who is the relator in Smith County, TX Home Menu. SMITH COUNTY COURT AT LAW PROVISIONS. 2 by the Smith County Commissioners Court on December 27, 2022. 1; 2018 - Re-elected; 2022 - Re-elected: 2014 - Smith County Court at Law No. State of Texas--Appeal from County Court at Law No 2 of Smith County Annotate this Case. Fax: 940-349-2121. The 321st District Court is designated to hear only family law cases, while the other three district courts hear only civil and criminal matters. Heaton was on the ballot in the general election on November 8, 2022. m. Deitra Hill, Court Coordinator HillD @pottercscd. Courthouse Planning; Jury Duty Services; Make a Payment County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Andy Dunklin was sworn in as the Smith County Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace on January 1, 2019, after serving as Constable for 10 years. Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Smith County Court is a constitutional county court which is defined as "a court named or described and expressly protected in a constitution, or recognized by name or definite description in a constitution. Staff. Russell, Kerry L. Basement of the Smith County Courthouse 100 N. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Judge Clay White. Telephone: Candice Smith, Administrative Assistant. 2 301 Jackson Street Richmond, TX 77469. 2 § SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS MEMORANDUM OPINION Cheryl Jackson and John Harmon appeal the trial court’s judgment entered in favor of Appellee Smith County, TX Home Menu. Brown, who has served as Tyler ISD Police Chief for 12 years, is · The phone number for Smith County Court at Law No. Holiday Date county court at law #2 docket october 1-31, 2020 this information is subject to change always verify court date/time with the court or clerk rebecca gail attorney: gilley, smith e 10/01/2020 9:00am charge: driving w/lic inv w/prev conv/susp/w/o fin res cr1900399 holbrook, rebecca gail attorney: gilley, smith e 10/01/2020 9:00am charge: poss County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. In the judge's absence, any commissioner may preside over the court. Smith County currently has four (4) District Courts. org Court Reporter: Robin Washington - (214) 653-7497 or Email: Robin. The office of Criminal District Attorney “has all the powers, duties, and privileges in Smith County that are conferred by law on county and district attorneys in the various counties and Public access to court records in County Court at Law 1 - Smith County Courthouse, Texas County Court, Texas. 475th District Judge Taylor Heaton said he and Ellis served as misdemeanor prosecutors at the Smith County District Attorney’s Office together. Print 2024 Smith County Holiday Schedule. 12-14-00057-CV IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT TYLER, TEXAS ELIZABETH VALENTINE BELFORD, APPELLANT § APPEAL FROM THE V. The writ enables the Constable or Sheriff to levy on County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; REDISTRICTING FOR SMITH COUNTY. 2. County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Andy Dunklin was sworn in as the Smith County Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace on January 1, 2019, after serving as Constable for 10 years. ALLEN APPEAL FROM THE . APPELLANT . The County Court-at-Law was created in 1963, as a Statutory County Court by the legislature under the Texas Constitution. The Civil County Courts at Law also hear appeals from Justice of the Peace Courts, Municipal Courts, and State Agency administrative hearings. Fax: 903-807-0465. Scott was born and raised in Tyler and he and his wife of 34 years, Jeri Lynn, have two children and one grandson. Several options are available for Mission Statement. November 12, 2024: People summoned to appear for Smith County jury duty can park in the new Smith County Parking Garage, located at 210 East Ferguson Street. Phone: (956) 318-2380. 13 her intention to run for the seat. Our office is open during the County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Smith County Annex Building 200 E. County Court at Law #2 Honorable Tom W. Staff Title Departments Phone Email; Baxter, Tandrea: Official Court Reporter: 475th Smith County, TX Home Menu. Harris County Civil Courthouse 201 Caroline, 5th Floor Houston TX 77002-1900 Contact Court Staff. Please direct all questions regarding civil matters to Civil Central Filing at 210-335-2231. County Court at Law No Jacqueline Lucci Smith. 100 N. Effective January 1, 2025, ALL misdemeanor cases and some felony cases will be heard in County · County Courts at Law hear civil cases where the amount in controversy is $500-$25,000, eminent domain cases, protective orders under Texas Family Code chapter 71, class A or B misdemeanor criminal offenses, and appeals of: Smith County, TX Home Menu. Smith County personnel carry out responsibilities in the justice system of the various courts, law enforcement, probation and housing of inmates awaiting trial or punishment, public safety, health, welfare, veteran and agricultural services as well as various administrative functions. Physical Address: Hunt County Courthouse County Court at Law 2 2507 Lee Street, Greenville, Texas 75401. 200 E Ferguson St. Broadway, Room 303 Tyler, Texas 75702. The bond is filed with the Justice Court in which your case was filed, and must be filed · County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District County Court at Law 2; County Court at Law 3; District Clerk + Jury Duty; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Court; 114th District Court; Smith County Courthouse Annex 200 E. Judge Maynard was sworn into office on January 2, 2023. It must also be noted that any eviction suit is subject to appeal to the County Courts at Law. With over two decades of experience in the courtroom and County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Local Rules of Civil Trial; Brenda Gail Terry--Appeal from County Court at Law No 2 of Smith County Annotate this Case. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, custody Civil jurisdiction of the Smith County Courts at Law is “concurrent” with that of the District; Courts, meaning that the dollar-amount limitation that exists in some other counties does not apply here. Contact County Court at Law 2 Judge Clay White. Search. - 12: Judge, County Court at Law #2 Smith County 1984-1988 Former Shareholder with Kent, Good, Anderson & Bush, P. Hon. Allen, Sr. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Local Rules of Civil Trial; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse Annex. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Maynard said she looks forward to continuing her service to the citizens of Smith County from the bench and in the courtroom. . The following local rules of civil trial are adopted for use in non-family law civil trials in the Smith County District Courts, Courts at Law, and County Court of Smith County, Texas. McCullough: She said it requires task management and organizational skills to handle a court dock with so County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. Rachel McCord Executive Assistant. County Court-at-Law 2 Judge Sarah Maynard administered her oath of office, while Flint Baptist Church Pastor Sam Deville gave an invocation as part of a ceremony in Tyler at 11 a. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License; A Business Name Courts. Smith County Courthouse Annex, County Court at Law 2; County Court at Law 3; District Clerk + Jury Duty; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Court; 114th District Court; The $179 million Smith County Courthouse Bond passed with 53. 3 CARL OWENS, JR. statutory county courts, and constitutional county courts in Texas counties with a population between 200 County Courts at Law Judges-County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3-County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District In larger counties like Smith County, County Courts-at-Law have been created with separate judges to handle the large amount of work these cases generate. Smith County has three county courts at law. Departments: CCL; Title: Bailiff; Phone: (903) 590-1651; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury When filing for a case or paying a fine please send a Cashier's Check or Money Order made out to Smith County. Online County Services. Broadway, Room 220 Tyler, Texas 75702. Smith County Courthouse Annex 200 E Ferguson, #300, Tyler, TX 75702. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; SMITH COUNTY SURPLUS AUCTION. Staff Title Departments Phone Email; Smith County Jail and Court Records Search Site: October 21, The Civil Department records information on all civil cases filed in the County Courts-at-Law. Courtroom is located on the 2nd Floor of the Hunt County Courthouse County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk-Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Pay fees online using a certified service provided to the public by the Smith County District Clerk's office. You have the County Court at Law 2; County Court at Law 3; District Clerk + Jury Duty; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Court; 114th District Court; Note: All non-emergency offices are closed during Smith County holiday. Ashley Chavez. Phone: 903-234-3110. This court handles misdemeanor, civil and family law cases. The five-story garage is beside the Smith County Annex Building and is a short walk to the Courthouse. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; County Court at Law 2; County Court at Law 3; District Clerk + Jury Duty; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Court; 114th District Court; Local Rules of Practice for Family Law Cases of Smith County, Texas. Floyd Thomas Getz; Former judges. 0003 and other law, and except as limited by Subsection (a-1), a county court at law in Smith County has the jurisdiction provided by the constitution and by general law for district courts. 2 Online Services. Davis, Krystal. They have become good friends over the years. judgemaynard. Exactly this phrase or word. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; REPUBLICAN PRIMARY RUNOFF ELECTION RESULTS. Scott Herod on May 28. Hours 8:00 am The Court Coordinator assists the Court and serves the public by assisting the Judge and Court Administrator to manage, coordinate, plan and implement the operations of the County Court of Law 2. Civil Court Settings Information. Please note that the Bexar County Courts at Law operate on a rotating civil presiding system. Phone: (903)590-1690 Fax: (903)590-1696. You have the (a) In addition to the jurisdiction provided by Section 25. is responsible for this Page. Smith County Court at Law Number 2 County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District CC2 PRE TRIAL 3. You will find various topics such as information about Court fees, Jury Services, the Law Library, the Jail, and more. Smith County Court at Law No 2 in Tyler, Texas. Smith County Court-at-Law Judge Jason Ellis was honored during Commissioners Court for 10 years of service to the county. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, custody Judge Clay White. County Courts-at-Law; County Court #2; County Court #2 Contact Us. (a) In addition to the jurisdiction provided by Section 25. Located on the first floor of the Smith County Annex Building 200 E. Bender: County Court at Law 6: Judge Jennifer Edgeworth: 219th District Court: Judge Jill Renfro Willis: 429th District Court: Judge John Roach, Jr. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Local Rules of Civil Trial; Smith County, TX Home Menu. 17. 12-23-00142-CR IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT TYLER, TEXAS EVA KAYE REYNOLDS, APPELLANT § APPEAL FROM THE V. County Courts at Law SMITH COUNTY SURPLUS AUCTION. Be sure to include all your information on the payment. 002-80161-21) THIS CAUSE She maintains the Court’s dockets and answers general inquiries concerning cases filed in County Court at Law No. Courts' Live Stream and Zoom. Greg Abbott to become the 475th District Judge for a term that will start Jan. Ferguson, STE. · Judge Sara Maynard, currently presiding over Smith County Court at Law No. has the general jurisdiction of a Texas District Court AND a Texas County Court-at-Law. It is ORDERED that these rules shall be published, in a manner reasonably calculated to bring the rules to the attention of attorneys practicing before the Smith Judge Jason Ellis. In that court, Mrs. 12-03-00169-CV IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT TYLER, TEXAS . McCullough has served as Presiding Judge for the City of Tyler Municipal Court since 2017. 73 percent of the vote Tuesday, November 8, 2022, according to complete but unofficial voting totals. 2 THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPELLEE § SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS MEMORANDUM OPINION Eva Kaye Reynolds appeals her conviction for failure to comply with the duty, after being involved in an accident · SMITH COUNTY, Texas (KETK) — Judge Sara Maynard has announced her intention to defend the Smith County Court-at-Law 2 seat with her campaign release today. County Court at Law No. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Courts + County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Local Rules of Civil Trial; Each District Judge, County Court-at-Law Judge and Justice of the Peace in Smith County are in charge of their own dockets and attorneys and litigants should contact their specific court with any questions regarding non-jury court activities. (a-1) A county court at law does not have jurisdiction of: Hibbs-Hallmark & Company is the Real Party in Interest. Notice The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. After two executive sessions of discussing applicants, the Commissioners Court decided on her in a The County Court-at-Law was created in 1963, as a Statutory County Court by the legislature under the Texas Constitution. County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Danny Brown was sworn into office as Smith County Precinct 5 Justice of the Peace on October 1, 2024. In larger counties, county courts-at-law are established by statute to · Sara Maynard was selected as County Court-at-Law 2 judge and will serve the rest of the unexpired term until Dec. Patrick Tinsley, Bailiff TinsleyP@pottercscd. They are involved in the overall effort to reduce the effects of crime in their communities, including in some cases the operation of truancy programs. Our mission is to provide individuals who have been arrested on Class A, B and C Misdemeanors and certain felonies with an alternative to Smith County Jail while awaiting disposition of their case. Moore alleged that Gomez failed to properly repair her vehicle and that such failure violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act ("DTPA"). The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. NO. § COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee Appeal from the County Court at Law No 2 of Smith County, Texas (Tr. Ferguson, Ste 300 in the Smith County Courthouse Annex Building (corner of Spring & Ferguson). Find Us. Broadway, Room 212 Tyler, Texas 75702. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT (PROHIBICION DE QUEMAR EN VIGOR) Smith County, TX Home Menu. It is incumbent upon the county judge to carefully Chandelin began serving as Smith County Law Librarian in September 2024, after being recommended by the Smith County Bar Association’s Law Library Committee and approved by the Smith County Commissioners Court. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; ELECTION RESULTS SMITH COUNTY ELECTIONS BALLOT LIVE STREAM. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Smith County info. Smith County Law Librarians can direct pro se litigants to the materials that may be helpful in finding answers to legal questions. 2 days - the Constable is required by law to post a 24 hour vacate notice on the Writ of Possession; 23 - 28 days is the minimum amount of time to evict someone in any county in Texas. We may also be able to refer you to other sources or agencies which might be able to help. The Texas constitution provides that the Justice of the Peace Courts have original jurisdiction in criminal matters of Class 'C' Misdemeanor cases punishable by fine only, and civil matters involving not more than $20,000. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; Texas ; Tyler; Smith County Court at Law No 2. 4 million. Departments: 7th District Court ; Attorney Ad Litems for County Court at Law 2 (PDF) Court Heading (PDF) Fiat Setting Hearing on Plaintiffs Motion for Summary Judgment (PDF) Form SR-37 (PDF) Instructions - Occupational Drivers License (PDF) Manpower Data Center Internet Site to Verify SSCRA Status (PDF) Precinct Full Name Address City Zip Phone; 1: Judge Derrick Choice: 200 E. · The phone number for Smith County Court at Law No. com , pursuant to the procedures listed in the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas · The Smith County court system consists of three courts at law and five district courts, the 7th, 114th, 241st, 321st, and 475th –the county's first new court in about 40 years. Phone: (903) 590-4602 Email: johnmoore @smith-county. · Now that Smith County voters have decided it's time for a new courthouse, plans will move forward to replace the current structure built in the 1950s. County Courts at Law in Smith County. 974 E. , Hoyle, J. Fax: · Honorable Judge Arturo A. Staff Title Departments Phone Email; NO. Court Reference shows where and how to find court cases in Smith County. Some of her endorsements include State Rep. All criminal and civil matters will be held Office Full Name Address City Zip Code Phone Voting Precincts; Local Officials; County Judge. This is the first appearance of a criminal defendant (unless continued from earlier time) in which all the preliminaries are taken care of] proceedings will begin at 8:00 a. Listing of all trial courts in Smith County. The Smith County Commissioners Court normally meets in the courtroom on the first floor of Smith County Courthouse Annex on Tuesdays at 9:30 a. All of these words. PO Box 1062, Tyler, TX, United States, Texas. All criminal and civil matters will be held · There will be a runoff in at least one Smith County Republican race — Commissioner Precinct 3. sara@judgemaynard. She further alleged that Gomez had breached an express or an implied warranty and engaged in an NO. District Courts - Smith County, TX Home Menu. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; · Experience: Smith County Court at Law 2 · Education: Dallas Baptist University · Location: Tyler-Jacksonville Area · 330 connections on LinkedIn. 1; 2018 - Re-elected; 2022 - Re-elected: Education Bachelor's degree, Wabash College - 2004 J. 2 · Education: Tyler Junior College · Location: United States · 109 County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District County Court at Law No. Telephone: 832-471-2820 Email: · Taylor Heaton (Republican Party) ran for re-election for judge of the Smith County Court at Law No. org. Smith County Court at Law No. Many of you may remember me as the former Judge of Harris County Civil Court at Law 2. - 4:30 p. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; · Appointed by the Smith County Commissioners Court to fill the bench vacancy, Sara Maynard has been serving as Smith County Court at Law 2 Judge since January of 2023. The Smith County Criminal District Attorney’s Office is created by Texas Government Code § 44. smith: county tax assessor-collector: gary b barber: county commissioner precinct 1: christina drewry: county commissioner precinct 3: j. Phone: (903)590-1601 Fax: (903)590-1606. Honored to serve as Judge of Smith County Court at Law #2. Constitutional County Court Judge; County Clerk; County Courts at Law Judges; District Clerk; District Court Judges; District Attorney; Justices of the Peace; Sheriff; Tax Assessor; Treasurer County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse When filing for a case or paying a fine please send a Cashier's Check or Money Order made out to Smith County. 2 1085 Pearl St Beaumont, TX 77701 Court Coordinator (Family/Civil) for the Smith County Court at Law No. Constitutional County Court Judge; County Clerk; County Courts at Law Judges; District Clerk; District Court Judges; District Attorney; Justices of the Peace; Sheriff; Tax Assessor; Treasurer SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT (PROHIBICION DE QUEMAR EN VIGOR) Smith County, TX Home Menu. Smith County, TX Home Menu. Court Staff: Court Coordinator: Montessa Bussey - (214) 653-7365 or Email: Montessa. Each meeting notice will be approved by the County Judge and posted at the Smith County Courthouse and on www. County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. Methvin, Suite 303 Longview, TX 75601. KNIKKI MARCH, 54,040-A in Texas State, Smith County, County Court at Law 2, Randall Rogers presiding, last filing 04/09/2009, filed 05/11/2007. 100 N Broadway, Rm 104, Tyler, TX 75702-7236 Smith County. 12-17-00109-CV IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT TYLER, TEXAS CASEY BROWNLOW, APPELLANT § APPEAL FROM THE V. Sara Maynard was selected as County Court-at-Law 2 judge and will serve the rest of the unexpired term until Dec. , closed 12-1 for lunch and Friday 8:00 a. 12-22-00297-CV IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT TYLER, TEXAS CHERYL JACKSON AND JOHN HARMON, APPELLANTS V. Effective January 1, 2025, ALL family law cases, including juvenile law cases will be heard in County Court-at-Law Number One. Washington@dallascounty. Court Staff: Scott again retired from Smith County in 2016. 0003 (Jurisdiction) and other law, and except as limited by Subsection (a-1), a county court at law in Smith County has the jurisdiction provided by the constitution and by general law for district courts. , and Neeley, J. Ferguson St. Sara Maynard is a judge for the Smith County Court at Law No. Phone: 903-590-4670 Fax: 903-590-4689. to 7 p. Phone: 940-349-2120. The seat will be open, as Judge Randall Rodgers has said he · Case docket: JOHNATHAN ATHERTON & CHAD HOLLAND vs. The Records Service Director is County Court at Law 2: Judge Benjamin N. 2 Smith County Courthouse Annex 200 E Ferguson, #300 , Tyler , TX 75702 Phone: 903-590-4670 Fax: 903-590-4689 · Learn the virtual court procedures, who you need to contact, and more about the Smith County Courts at Law. Courts Building Smith County Court at Law No. BRENT A. Smith County has three civil courts that primarily hear civil cases in which the amount in controversy is between $500. I’ve raised all three children through the public school system, and thoroughly enjoy helping young folks succeed. Learn about the judge, staff, location and rules of the County Court-at-Law 2 in Smith County, Texas. Broadway, Room 203 Tyler, TX 75702 Phone: (903) 590-1640 Fax: (903) 590-1641. Please see Judge White's web page for more information, forms, and Local Rules. About Smith County ADA Directory Employment. County Clerk Docket Procedures. An appeal from a judgment of a Smith County Justice Court is heard by a Smith County Criminal Court at Law. Constitutional County Court Judge; County Clerk; County Courts at Law Judges; District Clerk; District Court Judges; District Attorney; Justices of the Peace; Sheriff; Tax Assessor; Treasurer SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT FOR CURRENT ELECTION INFORMATION. Ct. Departments: 475th District Court; The Honorable Jason Ellis is the current presiding judge of the County Court-at-Law. This court handles family law matters, including protective orders, divorces, and child custody, as well The county judge also serves as head of the county commissioners court, the governing body of the county. 2 (Smith County) Back to search results New search. § COUNTY COURT AT LAW #2 ADAM LEONHART, APPELLEE § SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS MEMORANDUM OPINION Elizabeth Valentine Belford appeals the trial court s judgment against her and for Adam Leonhart. C. scott herod* county constable precinct 2: wayne allen: county constable precinct 3: jim blackmon: county constable precinct 4: josh joplin: county County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Email: jp3courtstaff@smith-county. 12-21-00145-CV AJA HOLMAN, Relator V. 25. County Court at Law 2; County Court at Law 3; District Clerk + Jury Duty; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Court; 114th District Court; Esmeralda Corona is the Chief Human Resources Officer for Smith County. 2 · Experience: Smith County Court at Law No. Notice. The county judge is the presiding officer of the Commissioners Court. 2 is 903-590-4670 and the fax number is 903-590-4689. HON. En Espanol. · Maynard hopes to continue serving the people of Smith County to ensure an efficient and effective justice system as Court Law 2 Judge. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Smith County, TX Home Menu. About Smith County ADA Directory Employment Smith County, TX Home Menu. Physical Address 100 N. You have the Directions Physical Address: View Map 1450 E McKinney Street Suite 2510, 2nd Floor Denton, TX 76209. Courts Cheat Sheet Recently Selected Courts. The Smith County Law Library’s mission is to provide access to legal information and services to the general public * All participants must be a Smith County resident, have no criminal cases pending and willing to commit to 8 sessions taking place every Thursday from 5:30 p. She was appointed to the bench by the Smith County Commissioners Court on December 27, 2022, filling the vacancy created by the appointment of the Hon. County-Courthouse. Directions Physical Address: 1111 East Yellowjacket Lane Suite 404 Rockwall, TX 75087. Smith County Courthouse/Parking Garage Construction Updates: November 12, 2024: The Smith County Parking Garage opened three county courts-at-law, the District Clerk’s Office, the District Attorney’s Office, the Smith County Law Library and court staff. Suite 501: Tyler: 75702 (903) 590-2601 County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; The fee for a writ of execution of $180. Broadway, Room 209 Tyler, Texas 75702 . In Tyler Civil Courts, the Court settles disputes between citizens that they are unable to As residents of Smith County or just visitors, you may want to find additional information concerning the Laws or Courts within Smith County. The Honorable Judge Joel D. Randall Lee Rogers; County Court at Law No. 12-01-00079-CR IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT TYLER, TEXAS . The District Clerk is the office of record for all proceedings heard in District Courts, and in Smith County, some civil and family matters heard in County Courts at Law. Welcome to the Home Page of the 241st District Court. 1. Standing Orders of the Court. It was a great privilege serving the citizens of Harris County for five years as a judge and now I am fortunate to continue serving in private practice. Her passion has always been helping others, and she believed she could do this through pursing a Gomez appealed to the County Court at Law, No. I have now formed my own firm, Lucci Smith Law, PLLC. To aid the constitutional county court with its judicial functions, the Legislature has established statutory county courts, designated as county courts at law. today. Smith County Probate Court is a Constitutional Court that operates under the jurisdiction of the Honorable Judge Clay White in the County Court at Law No. Incumbent Terry Phillips will face challenger J. J. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Judge Jason Ellis. (DO NOT PUBLISH) 3 COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT OF TEXAS JUDGMENT MAY 10, 2023 NO. (956) 544-0855 Fax (956) 548-9542 . Honorable Judge Matt Hand. 100 Tyler, Texas 75702. COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO. She pleaded not guilty at the beginning of the trial. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Courts. Specific questions about judicial proceedings should be directed to each Court where a case is pending. 2 in Texas. Judge Sara Maynard. McDonald, Jr. Phone County Court at Law #2. Contact. (a-1) A county court at law does not have jurisdiction of: (1) capital felony cases or felonies of the first or second degree; Arraignment [the hearing in which a person charged with a crime is arraigned in his or her first appearance before a judge. Matt Schaefer SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT (PROHIBICION DE QUEMAR EN VIGOR) Smith County, TX Home Menu. Broadway, Room 114 Tyler, Texas 75702. No fax County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury When filing for a case or paying a fine please send a Cashier's Check or Money Order made out to Smith County. Harrison St. View Sara Maynard’s profile on LinkedIn, a Judge Clay White. This Court handles Class A/B adult misdemeanors, civil cases and family law cases. 00 and $250,000. throughout the duration of the program. It is imperative that you come dressed appropriately - shorts, halter-tops, skorts, clothing · Sara Maynard (Republican Party) ran in a special election for the Seat 2 judge of the Smith County Court at Law Texas. Harris County Civil Courts at Law Harris County Courts Homepage Harris County Homepage County Judge Neal Franklin. Because the Texas constitution limits each county to only one county court, county courts at law are created by statute in larger counties, primarily to aid the single county court in its judicial functions. Register in Person Smith County Court at Law in Tyler, Texas. Lubbock County Courthouse 904 Broadway, Suite 401 Lubbock, TX 79401. The Smith County Veterans Court’s mission is to successfully rehabilitate the Justice Involved Veteran by diverting them from the traditional criminal justice system (jail) and providing them with treatment and the tools they need to lead a productive and law-abiding lifestyle while improving mental health recovery and successful re-entry into the community. About Smith County ADA Directory Employment Vision: The Smith County Precinct 2 Constable's Office envisions a community where public safety, justice and trust are fostered through dedicated service and strong partnerships with community and other law enforcement agencies. In addition, they may perform patrol functions and make criminal investigations. Tyler, Texas 75702. Tyler, TX 75702. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Sara Maynard was appointed to serve as the Judge of County Court at Law No. Telephone (281) 341-4446 (Criminal, Civil, Juvenile) (281) 341-4443 (Probate, Civil Commitments) County Court at Law 6 | Important Notices. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, custody Sara Maynard was appointed to serve as the Judge of County Court at Law No. Contact Us. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. Third Floor Edinburg, TX 78539. Closner Blvd. -Judicial Building Brownsville Texas, 78520 Ph. , Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law: The goal is to be fair and only administer the law, not make law from the bench. Keep in Touch. Civil Trial Settings; 2025 Civil Trail Settings; Discovery and Compliance Form; · Smith County Parking Garage Open for Jurors. com. County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. law firm in Tyler, Texas (01/01/2009 - 06/30/2012) Former Assistant Criminal District Attorney for Smith County, Texas (07/01/2012 - 07/01/2013) County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Our office is located at 200 E. Cockrum, Terry. County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District · County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Smith County is estimated to receive $45 million, to be encumbered by the end of 2024 and to be completely spent by the end of 2026. 3. Before joining the bench, he spent over twelve years as an assistant district attorney with the Smith County District Attorney’s Office, where he handled felony and misdemeanor cases in the Juvenile Division. Should you wish to appeal the decision in your case, you must file an Appeal Bond in the amount of two (2) times the amount of the fine and costs. Smith: 380th District Court: Judge Brook Fulks: 470th District Court: Judge Bryan Gantt: 471st District Court: Precinct 2: Judge Jay A. Bussey@dallascounty. County Courts at Law hear civil cases where the amount in controversy is $500-$25,000, eminent domain cases, · Republican candidates Judges Sara Maynard and Amy McCullough are running to preside over Smith County Court at Law 2. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, custody County Courts at Law Judges-County Court at Law-County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Judge Jason Ellis. 2: sara maynard: sheriff: larry r. The $179 million project will improve safety Smith County court record and case directory. 00, if the defendant lives in Smith County. Email: Wendy Ligon. (a-1) A county court at law does not have jurisdiction of: (1) capital felony cases or In large metropolitan counties the constable may also assist the county and district courts. The Clerk's responsibilities include receiving the filings for civil cases, preparing notices and citations, and maintaining records associated with the cases including debt, breach of Smith County, TX Home Menu. Thomas Arthur Dunn Smith County, TX Home Menu. SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT FOR CURRENT ELECTION INFORMATION. About Smith County ADA Directory Employment Judge Jason Ellis. 2, announced on Sept. 1 is 903-590-4670 and the fax number is 903-590-4689. Print 2025 Smith County Holiday Schedule. 2 OF . Court System Type: County Court at Law Division: Contact Information: ELECTION RESULTS SMITH COUNTY ELECTIONS BALLOT LIVE STREAM. Smith County Jury Summons has a new look Panel consisted of Worthen, C. In that time, she has reduced the office budget and the backlog of cases. County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. Search Home; I Want To Apply For. The County Court of Smith County is charged with hearing mental health matters filed in Smith County. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, custody Waller County Court-at-Law Two. Jason Ellis; County Court at Law No. The five-story, 543-vehicle parking garage is on schedule to open in the fall of 2024, with a cost of $15. ". 2142 - Smith County Court At Law Provisions (a) In addition to the jurisdiction provided by Section 25. The Smith County Courts at Law are trial courts in Smith County, Texas, with concurrent jurisdiction over many cases with the district courts and county courts in the county. Staff Title Departments Phone Email; Brantley, Raven: Bailiff: CCL (903) 590-1651: Smith County, TX Home Menu. She is pleased to provide you with assistance in getting your matters timely addressed by the Court. It’s my pleasure and honor to be your JP2-1. Where to vote Polls will be open 7 a. Forms. Ferguson: Tyler: 75702 (903) 590-4625 County Courts at Law Judges-County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3-County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. This includes the most serious personal injury, contract, real estate, and consumer lawsuits; all divorces, child support and custody cases; as well as tax collection cases · The court’s previous judge, Taylor Heaton, was appointed by Gov. · Section 25. Smith County Courthouse 100 N. to 8:30 p. Fees: Copies and Print-Outs: 25 cents · SMITH COUNTY, Texas — The Smith County Commissioners Court has appointed Sara Maynard to serve as the County Court-at-Law 2 judge after Judge Taylor Heaton was selected to become the 475th · Christina Drewry will take the role of Smith County Precinct 1 commissioner, serving southwest Tyler, Bullard, Flint-Gresham, Noonday and part of Lake Palestine. Norma Limon, Probate Auditor. Phone: 972-204-6430. No. The Court Coordinator should be customer service oriented, self-motivated, able to work efficiently with limited supervision and perform multiple · Appointed Court at Law 2 Judge Sara Maynard and Amy McCullough are running for preside over Smith County Court at Law 2. TEXAS COUNTIES DELIVER. Smith County Courthouse. County Court #2. All sessions will be held at the Smith County Courthouse in an auxiliary court room located in the basement. Judge Jason Ellis. 00. Page · Political Candidate. Website Design by Granicus 5 days to appeal the suit following the hearing required by law. Civil Rules. Judge Clay White. Brantley, Raven. You may be shocked by the information found in · The Smith County Commissioners Court appointed Sara Maynard to serve as the County Court-at-Law 2 judge after Judge Taylor Heaton was selected to become the 475th District Judge. Civil Trail Settings 2025-2026; Discovery and Compliance Form; · The jury’s verdict came down Thursday afternoon after about two days of trial in the Smith County Court at Law No. V. · The Smith County Commissioners Court appointed Sara Maynard to serve as the County Court-at-Law 2 Judge after Judge Taylor Heaton was selected to become the 475th District Judge. The Smith County Pre-Trial Release Office was established by the Smith County Commissioners Court in March of 1979. She was appointed by the Smith County Commissioners [] NO. Cadena-Reeves Justice Center 300 Dolorosa, 1st Floor San Antonio, TX 78205. We strive to ensure that all individuals have access to a transparent legal process, promoting the rule of law while safeguarding the rights and dignity of every person. County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse Annex. 12-16-00128-CV IN THE COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT TYLER, TEXAS THE CITY OF TYLER, APPELLANT § APPEAL FROM THE V. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Local Rules of Civil Trial; County Court at Law #2 is dedicated to upholding justice and serving our community with integrity, fairness, and efficiency. · Document(s) for Court at Law No. The Texas constitution provides that the justice of the peace courts have original jurisdiction in criminal matters of Class 'C' Misdemeanor cases punishable by fine only, and civil matters involving not more than $20,000. The Smith County Commissioners Court voted unanimously Tuesday, November 2, to adopt the final redistricting plan that County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk-Jury Duty-Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Smith County courts are conducting jury selection in a safe manner to prevent the spread of COVID-19. County Court at Law 2 District Courts 124th District Court 188th District Court Gregg County Courthouse 101 E. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Local Rules of Civil Trial; County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; She has served as a Smith County Republican Party Precinct Chair, a State Delegate to the Republican State Convention, a Deputy Voter Registrar, a political activist The Justice of the Peace is the legal jurisdiction closest to the average citizen. Maynard was on the ballot in the special general election on November 5, 2024. Case Records Online. org (806) 379-2384 . County Judge Neal Franklin: 200 E. Clear Coverage information Done. Our Mission. The live streamed hearings will not be archived and will be deleted at the County Court 2. The Honorable Jason Ellis is the current presiding judge of the County Court-at-Law. Find Our Courthouse. Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a. 12-22-00173-CR KARL LYNN SHACKELFORD, Appellant V. Phone: 903-590-4607 Email: Casey Murphy County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + To determine whether or not this person has filed an assumed name, you would contact the county clerk at the smith county courthouse. org (806) 379-2383 . Court: Court at Law No. · Maynard mentioned having reduced the backlog in Smith County Court of law 2 by almost 30%. Broadway Ave. Phone: (903) 590-4605. Search Constitutional County Court Judge; County Clerk; County Courts at Law Judges; District Clerk; District Court Judges; District Attorney; Justices of the Peace; Sheriff; Tax Assessor County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Smith County info. Brummett. Jaime Palacios Judge Court of Law. Standing Temporary Orders for Smith County. Cases appealed from justice of the peace and municipal courts. 31, 2024. In 2017, he began working for the Lindale Police Department, but soon left to return to Smith County as a bond investigator for Pre-Trial Services. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies · Judge Amy McCullough announced on Monday her entry into the race for Smith County Court at Law 2. D. Contact information is for County County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; Please contact our Misdemeanor Deputy Clerks to request copies of documents via email at crimcopies@smith-county. Smith, Ron Court Bailiff 972-204-6630 Robertson, Lynda Court Coordinator: 972-204-6630 Bunt, Ann Assistant Court Coordinator: 972-204-6630 382nd County Court at Law 2 . Any of these words. 200 East Ferguson Street, Fifth Floor Tyler, Texas 75702. The hearings conducted through Zoom are streamed live. Judges County Court at Law No. TERRY, APPEAL FROM THE . 2 George L. Phone: 210-335-2573 Fax: 210-335-2649. Notice of Accommodations for At-risk Individuals. Our court prioritizes accountability The Justice of the Peace is the legal jurisdiction closest to the average citizen. County Courts at Law; Constitutional County Court; District Courts; Justice of the Peace Courts; Local Rules of Civil Trial; The Smith County Commissioners Court on Tuesday, May 14, received an update on the Parking Garage and Courthouse construction projects. This court also handles the administration of Texas Probate Laws, hearing all the probate and guardianship matters filed in Smith County. 2, of Smith County. In Tyler Criminal Courts, the government brings a case against a defendant who is accused of breaking the law. 2 County: Smith *All date/times listed below are displayed in Central Time (CT) Local Rules Date Posted* Time Posted* Action; Smith County Local Rules for Civil Cases: County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. DISCLAIMER: The following link provides access to hearings that are conducted via Zoom. smith-county. County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; Smith County Tax-Assessor Collector PO Box 2011 Tyler, Texas 75710. We strive to be a forward-thinking, responsive law enforcement agency that consistently adapts to the evolving needs SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT FOR CURRENT ELECTION INFORMATION. 1 COURT OF APPEALS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT OF TEXAS JUDGMENT DECEMBER 1, 2021 NO. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate County Court at Law #2: Judge Sara Maynard; County Court at Law #3: Judge Clay White (Probate and Guardianship) County Court (Mental Health cases) County Court Judge: Neal Smith County, TX Home Menu. 1, Department Room 209: Election/Appointment 2014 - Smith County Court at Law No. RICKY T. Guidelines For Courtroom Conduct . MEGAN JOHNSON, APPELLEE § APPEAL FROM THE § COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO. 2 TOM GREGORY, APPELLEE § SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS MEMORANDUM OPINION PER CURIAM Appellant, Casey Brownlow, has filed an unopposed motion to dismiss this appeal. Domestic (family law) cases. org (806) 379-2380 Angie Kysar, Court Reporter KysarA@pottercscd. , ET AL, APPELLEES § SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS MEMORANDUM OPINION ON REMAND The Texas Supreme Court remanded this case to us to determine whether the City of Tyler acted in its The Smith County Court at Law, located in Tyler, Texas is a government institution where legal disputes are resolved in accordance with the law. Taylor Heaton to the 475th District Court. Mailing Address: County Court at Law No. Phone: 903-590-4607 Email: Casey Murphy · Judge Clay White. The legal jurisdiction of these special county-level trial courts can county court at law no. Accessibility. 312. About Smith County ADA Directory Employment Prior to his appointment, Heaton presided as a judge for the Smith County Court at Law No. · Smith County Assistant District Attorney Taylor Heaton has announced his plans to run for Judge of Smith County Court at Law No. Fax: (956) 318-2384. Ferguson, Suite 100 Tyler, Texas 75702.