Www rcsc gov bt registration online 01 For details/clarification on the online course/registration etc please contact, Ms. 820. The declaration period for the income year 2023 has been ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN ROYAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION POSITION DESCRIPTION FORM 1. News & Events. org/order-resources to order and/or download the resources to help them register for and understand the benefits of SAT tests. Online registration is the pre-requisite for qualifying and confirming your candidature for BCSE. Corruption Commission (ACC) in collaboration Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code Civil Registration & Investigation Division (CRID) Dzongkhag/Thromdey/Drungkhag Office; Application Guide. bt; Registered candidates shall be provided with information on the venue, date and time of the Preliminary A graduate wishing to appear for the BCSE shall register online (There is no requirement of any documents during online Registration). bt, For individual contact please visit The online/e-learning course on ethics and integrity for the civil service has been developed by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in collaboration with the RCSC. 5 Job Code No: 19. From the Current Place of Residence; From the Permanent Address as per Civil Registration and Census Record; Death Registration. Candidates who wish to register, please login with the following information: User ID: Your New Citizenship ID ; Password: Your Date of Birth in the format of YYYYMMDD, e. Contact HRD Division, RCSC at EPABX : 322491/322954/322956 extension 107, 122 or 229 for clarification. bt Extension of Deadline for LFS and MaX Online System Leave a Comment / General Notifications / By Ugyen Zangmo Noting that many civil servants are currently involved in combating COVID-19 pandemic across the country, the Commission in its 58 th (virtual) Commission Meeting held on August 25, 2020 has extended the deadline till September 30, 2020 . Consolidated Marksheet or Semester wise Marksheet Online registration is the pre-requisite for qualifying and confirming your candidature for BCSE. https://jobs. Please scan the QR code below to For SAT, candidates can visit sat. A graduate wishing to appear for the BCSE shall register online. Call Us at: +975-2-322491 Royal Civil Service Commission BHUTAN Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code Forms – RCSC Toll Free number-1199 / E-mail: g2c@cabinet. bt The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to inform that every year 2-3 in-service candidates are sent for IAS Course Read More What will you be working on? What we are looking for? Apply Apply Without Login Back © 2025 - RCSC, Thimphu, Bhutan Late online registration is available with additional fee payment and it usually closes one week after the regular registration deadline (check respective test website). 1 Position Title: Registration and Licensing Officer 1. 1 Position Title: Sr. bt/Application/VacancyDetail/4847/46 (For economic 1 e-Registration June 11 - July 11, 2024 RCSC website www. Have attained at least 18 years and not be older than 35 years for pre- service and 45 years for in-service candidates, as on the last date of online registration; 5. Next enter your valid date of birth to view your Post Box No. Thimphu, Bhutan. 1 Position Title: Dy. in, individuals have to login using their RCSC launches an exciting new professional development online platform; Mindtools. vacancy – RCSC - rcsc. NEW CID/SR Card. Filter Condition: Our website is currently undergoing daily improvements to enhance your experience. Corruption Commission (ACC) in collaboration Division Chiefs at RCSC Secretariat. Have a minimum of Bachelor’s Degree (full time on campus course meeting the Paper based SAT & GRE 2021 – 2022 GR E S c h e d u l e ( Re gi st rat i o n & p ay m e nt o n l i n e ) Ce nte r N u m b e r Ce nte r N am e Te st we bsi te Te st Date Iwp Review Notification for Schools – RCSC. 3. Registered candidates shall be provided with information on the venue, date and time of bcse@rcsc. JOB IDENTIFICATION: 1. O. 2 Position Level: P3 1. 04-Nov-2022 If you are not able to view/download PDF document, please check your pop-up block setting in your browser. If you are not able to view/download PDF document, please check your pop-up block setting in your browser. bt along with a copy of your Citizenship Identity Card and complete your e- The online/e-learning course on ethics and integrity for the civil service has been developed by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in collaboration with the RCSC. From the The RCSC may waive the requirement of PE for categories of profession that are accredited and certified by a competent body to practise that profession, and when there are critical shortages of such profession. 2. Read More. 10 MaX Manual 2017 launched, – RCSC The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to inform that the Planning Phase deadline in the MaX Online System for the civil servants in schools is extended to April 30, 2018. 15 +975-02-322987 complaints@acc. Contact HRD Division, RCSC Click on the [Application] menu, enter your CID and click the "Check Your Name" button to retrieve your name which is auto fetched. 2 Position level: P2 1. Duties and Responsibilities % of Time Conduct investigation on census matter for those people who have petitioned the Royal Government and submit the same • Record Registration: The 2024 examination saw the highest number of registered graduates in the past five years, reflecting a growing interest in public service among Bhutanese youth. rcsc. Candidates who wish to register, please login with the following information: Password: Your Date of Birth in the format of Welcome to Managing for Excellence (MaX) System. The course aims to equip public servants with the necessary knowledge to enhance their ethical decision-making skills, boost the integrity of public service, and Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce vacancies as detailed in the image below. Read More: Post navigation. Integrity Promotion Officer, Anti-Corruption Commission at 17848361 or email at tzangmo@acc. P. bt Excellence in Service RCSC/HRD-48/2015/3267 29 May 2015 Guideline to apply for ITEC/TCS Colombo Plan Trainings The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to inform that henceforth, the candidate must first registration. Box: 163 +975-2-322491 / 322954 / 322956 / 332473 © 2025 - RCSC, Thimphu, Bhutan OK Cancel. bcse. EXAM SERVICE:339237 www. Eligibility 5. Chief Registration and Licensing Officer 1. ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN - In Pursuit of Improving Public Service The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to inform that the e-registration for the Bhutan Civil Service Examination (BCSE) for 2022 for the recruitment of University Graduates in Welcome to Zhiyog Recruitment System. Information Systems; Governing Acts and Rules; Information and Publications; News & Events; Quotations and Tender; Online registration is the pre-requisite for qualifying and confirming your candidature for BCSE. life events. 1 Closing of Registration of Volunteers for COVID - rcsc. bt 2 Vacancy announcement on website June 20, 2024 RCSC website www. 3. Has been introduced as the foundation for Bhutan’s digital economy, facilitating trusted interactions between individuals and organizations. gov. In the link https://www. Read In accordance with Section 38 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act of Bhutan (ACAB) 2011 and the Asset Declaration (AD) Rules 2022, the Anti-Corruption Commission hereby notifies all covered persons to file your Annual Asset Declaration for the Income Year 2023 within the period, from 1 March to 31 May 2024. 4 Sub group: Land Transport Services 1. 5 Job Code No. bt The Royal Civil Service Commission(RCSC) is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the Undergraduate (UG) Scholarship for both within and outside the country for the academic session 2024-25 Read more. by the RCSC periodically. Box: 163 +975-2-322491 / 322954 / 322956 / 332473 Our website is currently undergoing daily improvements to enhance your experience. Further, the RCSC would like to inform all the Civil Servants that, the information in the Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the individual in the Civil Service Information Enhancement of Selection of P1 Management Through Open Competition – RCSC The Royal Civil Service Commission would like to inform that the e-registration for the Bhutan Civil Service Examination (BCSE) for 2022 for the recruitment of University Graduates in Professional and Management Category in the Civil Service is open till July 16, 2022. bt 3 Conduct Preliminary Examination (PE) August 3, 2024 The venue(s) for the conduct of the PE shall be announced on RCSC website 4 Declaration of PE Result August 21, 2024 RCSC website ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN ROYAL CIVIL SERVICE COMISSION POSITION DESCRIPTION 1. 2 Position Level: P1 1. Useful Links. ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN - In Pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery. 19880105 if you're born on 5 January 1988. bt. Box: 163 +975-2-322491 / 322954 / 322956 / 332473 +975-2-323086/325980. Be a Bhutanese citizen; 5. itecgoi. Contact HRD Division, RCSC at EPABX : 322491/322954/322956 extension 107/229 or 17544243 for clarification during office hours. 01-Jul-2022 Welcome to Zhiyog Recruitment System. Login with Bhutan NDI to seamlessly access services online. 3 Major group: Transportation & Aviation Services Group 1. 1. 163, RCSC, Thimphu Bhutan, Telephone: PABX:+975-2-322491, :+975-2-322956, :+975-2-322954, website : www. Tshering Zangmo, Asst. . Share your feedback to aid us in improving our services. Leave a Comment / General Announcement, Vacancies / By Ugyen Zangmo Thimphu, Bhutan. Clickhere for Test Centre location (HRD Division, Royal Civil Service Commission, Thimphu). 2. org. 11 Represent the Civil Registration Department and the post would be responsible for implementation of BCRS at district level, and monitor the same for districts and geogs. 5. Aged 15-17 years; Aged 18 years and above; Move-In & Move-Out; Birth Registration. CITIZEN SERVICES PORTAL. 4 Sub-Group: Land Transport Services 1. Empowers you to take control of your personal data, enabling you to share only the information that is required for a specific transaction or Schedule 4 A- Pay and Benefits of Employees on Contract; Schedule 4_B and 4_C-Posts under General and Elementary Service; Form 4/1- Civil Service Employment Application ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN ROYAL CIVIL SERVICE COMISSION POSITION DESCRIPTION 1. bt; Head Office, Kawajangsa,Thimphu Open hours: 9:00 am-5:00 pm This e-learning course is a product of collaboration between the ACC and RCSC. 2 Position Level: P4 1. Call Us at: +975-2-322491 Royal Civil Service Commission BHUTAN resources to help them register for and understand the benefits of SAT tests. Registration and Licensing Officer 1. Division Chiefs at RCSC Secretariat. • Higher Female Performance : From the 2195 candidates securing the pass percentage of 50%, ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN ROYAL CIVIL SERVICE COMISSION POSITION DESCRIPTION 1. Government Technology Agency (GovTech). : 19. A graduate wishing to appear for the BCSE shall register online at www. 4. Search Track your application . 3 Major Group: Transportation and Aviation Services Group 1. g. JOB IDENTIFICATION 1. Notification on Amendments to UG Scholarship Obligations ~February 7, 2025; Accelerator for Enlightened Entrepreneurial Bureaucracy Vision ~December 30, 2024; Toll Free number-1199 / E-mail: g2c@cabinet. Leave a Comment / General Announcement / By Ugyen Zangmo The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to launch access to an online learning and development platform “Mind Tools” for a period of a year for strengthening management, leadership and Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code His Royal Highness Crown Prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, Druk Gyalsey of Bhutan was born on February 5, 2016 The Royal Civil Service Commission has launched the Managing for Excellence (MaX) online system on February 15, 2017. 1 Position Title: Chief Registration and Licensing Officer 1.
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