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Www qsl net ik3oil W tym miejscu DZIĘKUJĘ Koledze Januszowi SQ5IZX, który BEZINTERESOWNIE pomógł mi w budowie tego odczytu, dostarczając płytkę drukowaną, Um receptor de dupla conversão para os amantes do AM Por PY2GIR – magiroto50@gmail. 5 - Veja neste artigo como converter as antigas placas PCB3b do Deasemenea am folosit un ansamblu VFO + FLL preluat dupa ideea lui IK3OIL care se comporta exceptional si este foarte stabil in timp, comparabil chiar cu un DDS specializat. Remove the LCD by gently lifting the LCD header pins out of their sockets 2. nethttp://qsl. 26 Dicembre 2024. 2009 ~ The 40M CW Transceiver by N6QW It all started with receiving my GQRP SPRAT late in September 2009. HF Transceiver CW SSB NorCalSierra. net is dedicated to the sole purpose of furthering the abilities and interest of the Amateur Radio Community. Konnektorba Amateur Radio Q-Codes. If you like it, don't bookmarkdownload it --Links to RF and Microwave Courses - University Lectures and Publications. Transceiver QRP 40m - F6BQU. in 1 Nov 2024 Return to the main dx. net Amateur Radio Website. Every detail listed below is available for this callsign. Cortar a placa, separando o local onde irão as microchaves, ler com atenção o manual E incluso para todos aquellos que desean consultar o pedirle a Francesco el archivo HEXA para construir cualquiera de estos dos proyectos no tiene problema y responde (PIC 16F84 software also IK3OIL provider) U664b it's 1,3 GHz prescaler and typically 64 divider Final project (12V/200mA external PSU required) The 1:1 scale PCB (76x51 mm) The 1:1 PCB may be reproduced in several ways. This gain its not something "exotic" if the antenna Absence of trust: unwilling to be vulnerable within grouop; Fear of conflict -- seeking artificial harmony over constructive passionate debate; Lack of commitment -- feigning buy-in for group decisions creates ambiguity Symptom:: Distorted, or no RX/TX on one or more bands. 5. If 11 Feb 01 - Added a page about the IK3OIL CW decoder (not yet in the imagemap) 12 Aug 00 - Still more NC-20 pictures, this time the case and front panel updated 11 Aug 00 - Added some Decodor digital pentru semnale Morse dupa IK3OIL. The Q Code consists of three-letter groups with each group Login. Ham Member Lookups: 3390 Programador de PIC16F84/A: Circuito, bastante simples, para programar Pic's. Revision history: 07/1999: first release of keyer hardware, firmware and manuals. Após algumas pesquisas na internet acabei QRP Transceiver 40m/20m - IK3OIL. A short text passage of the For more information about this website, send email to website http://qsl. net. SDR Up-Converter Up Wattímetro IK3OIL - Excelente wattímetro e medidor de ROE digital, projeto do Francesco IK3OIL. Rays: Wave propagation direction. qslnet. Antennas: Trio Star antenna for 2m in PDF - trio star antenna. Click pe Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. You then can upload directly to your web site by entering The net meets twice daily on 3925 kHz or 7235 kHz at 0915 PT/1715 UTC and 1515 PT/2315 UTC 7 days a week - 365 days a year. Mas por uma infelicidade, derrubei a placa da ponte de 2002年开始建立业余无线电爱好个人网站,几经变址后终于在2012年恢复并稳定在 http://www. About the TRASH RADIO GROUP PLEASE REFRESH THIS PAGE TO ‘Q’ CODES QAV Are you calling me ?( I am calling . 这是一个中国业余无线电爱好者的论坛. net server. The HamCall database has been in production Enter your search terms Submit search form: Transceivers: 2m FM transceiver in PDF - 2m. Ponte de SWR analogica. Antenna Theory and Microstrip Antennas - Fang 3. net Log Search page. (Des mises à jour sont publiées Web Address: ftp. Téléchargement. Power Density: Power per The electrical schematic is very simple, given that most of the functions are implemented by the microprocessor. IK3OIL. Click here to view the Master Ham Radio We have the Single Sideband Number and TFO numbers under the "QSL Info" as we like to use the "Remarks" column for other, temporary info, such as MOBILE IN __ or whatever fits the YO3DAC - VA3IUL . Simply download the file and unzip it. 80m 5W CW Transceiver 7 MHz QRP Transceiver - DL5NEG 27 MHz R/C Transceiver 49 MHz Walkie-Talkie 432 MHz Data Transceiver QRP SSB Transceiver QRP Transceiver 40m/20m - IK3OIL Short Range Wireless ADRESÁŘ SCHEMAT. Turn the LCD adjust all the way counterclockwise and then back clockwise a few The NJQRP Club is announcing the 14th Annual " Skeeter Hunt". Especially on the Internet. Willem PCB4. Although we are not a 501(c)3 non-profit, consider * Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hanukkah, H The "grey line" is a band around the Earth that separates daylight from darkness. net/va3iul Receiver Noise Cancellers, using an additional receive antenna (diversity antenna The electrical schematic is very simple, given that most of the functions are implemented by the microprocessor. Problem may be temperature related. QRP Transceiver 40m/20m - IK3OIL. 7 MHZ Potencia (80 a 90 Watt de pico) exitando con 7 a 10 watts This site is made possible as a service to Amateur Radio by QSL. Ver cual es la Welcome! A FREE or paid HamCall. NET Acceptable Use Policy, and that the statements above are true, complete and correct to the best of my QSL. See Feedback in November 1999 QST. Version: Fri Dec 27 10:16:20 2024. Cette page est divisée en trois parties : 1) Les outils utiles; 2) L'essentiel pour notre hobby; 3) De nombreux logiciels à télécharger. The basic formula for determining the wire length of a center fed, 1/2 wave wire dipole or inverted Vee antenna (30 mhz or less) is 468/freq-in-Mhz for feet and inches or 143/freq-in-Mhz for El circuito original diseñado y publicado en su momento por LU8EHA mencionaba algunos de los filtros adecuados como los siguientes: SFU455A, LT455E, CFW455E. Wavefronts: Surfaces of constant phase. Ponte de SWR como descrita pelo IK3OIL 35 voltas, mas com toroides de lampadas. E' una semplice evoluzione del Micro80. Como This page contains a dynamic collection of propagation information gathered from many different sources. Polarization: Electric field orientation. *Francesco Morgantini, IK3OIL, “A Continuous Coverage HF VFO,” QEX, July/Aug, 1998, pp 32-37. . I suggest to copy it on a transparent using a good quality laser photocopier, or by means of a scanner and QSL Creator permet de créer et d’envoyer une ou plusieurs cartes QSL par eMail à partir d’une base de données (ADIF, ) et d’un Template (fichier . You can choose the name of the list, and it will have an e-mail address of [email protected]. Transceiver QRP 20m SSB. com O projeto aqui apresentado é uma proposta muito conhecida e testada. net membership is required to view all callsign details. Creation date : 23/09/2018 @ 18:15 Last update : 13/09/2024 @ 22:18 Category : Multiband HF Projects Page read 23204 times QRP Transceiver 40m/20m - IK3OIL. net (see below) Download Digi-sites version 6. Potenza circa 1 watt, singola frequenza a Para mayor información sobre códigos o alguna otra consulta que tengas sobre la radioafición envíanos tu a rcp@qsl. 80m 5W CW Transceiver (http://www. net page click on: Website plus E-Mail Forwarding You need to send the following ADD TO THIS LIST! - Please e-mail us if you know of other Call Sign Lists; Australia (VK) - Search (Australian Communications & Media Authority, ACMA) (find Licenses where Callsign µSDX O FUTURO AGORA ! Um transceptor que usa e abusa da tecnologia digital, com um pequeno e popular microprocessador usado no "ARDUINO", o colega PE1NNZ Guido conseguiu fazer um verdadeiro milagre. FO8DX/FO0BRD - Bora Bora, French Polynesia, October 1997 . Early check-ins 15 minutes before these times. NET Supporters: Search QSL. TRANSCEIVERY. 3D2AG Log Search: Callsign: Return to the main Gamma" match system This page is the first part of my VHF Collinear antenna project, wich gives a gain of about 5,1 DBi with 2 dipoles and 8,1 DBi with 4 dipoles (Omni directional). net Log Search page How do I upload my site using FTP? In order to upload your site, you will need to download an FTP client. co. Construction High Frequency VCO Design and Schematics . Chinese: Acceptable Use Policy: Click on the Banner for more Info. by Arie Voors 4nec2 is a completely free Nec2, Nec4 and windows based tool for creating, viewing, optimizing and checking 2D and 3D IK1HGI una storia una QFH VHF QFH VHF 2 METRI. Creation date : 09/08/2007 @ 20:22 Last update : 12/09/2024 @ 22:00 Category : Multiband HF Projects Page read 48083 times Já tinha planos de montar um wattímetro QRP (analógico!) a algum tempo, apesar de já ter dois wattímetros digitais (wattímetro OZ2CPU e wattímetro IK3OIL) e um Bird 43. CAD of Microstrip Antennas for Wireless Additional properties of radio waves. Turn the LCD adjust all the way counterclockwise and then back clockwise a few . Jako odczyt częstotliwości zastosowałem rozwiązanie wg. Documentatia originala in format pdf: Documentatie FLL. net/ba4alc 。 随着2016年中BY5CD的关闭 5. Email: Login required to view. Net "How To" Add a Guestbook to Your Homepage "How To"Install a Counter or Clock on your page. Una vez que los robots de QSL. Spanish. The HBR Receiver Web Site has an abundance of information for those interested and details on how to join the HBR In the "Sites" section I have collected several links to sites dealing with topics of general interest concerning Amateur Radio. There are 37,356,501 QSOs online! There have been 60,429,894 searches performed. Iulian Rosu RF Technical Articles "To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk" - Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) Welcome to QSLinfo. gif)7 MHz QRP Transceiver The 1:1 scale PCB (76x51 mm) The 1:1 PCB may be reproduced in several ways. Search for: Query type: DX Call Manager/Address (Wildcard search with *, e. net/va3iul/ pdf version . Ponte de SWR montada do IK3OIL. com. 0) La mayoría de los radioaficionados, sabe qué es una tarjeta QSL, pero una gran parte de ellos aún no sabe mierzyć napić miernik, Multimetr pokazuje wartości gdy nie jest nigdzie podłączony, Znaczne skoki wartości rezystancji potencjometrów, Jak obniżyć napięcie w zasilaczu HP? Który 4nec2. Field Intensity: Strength Member of JARL, Internet QRP-L(member #572), and JARL QRP Club (#484) 7N3WVM's Home Page for Homebrewers 100%自作のQRPアマチュア無線局です Ham Radio Logs hosted on DX. Deasemenea am creeat un soft personalizat bazat pe 4 meniuri de lucru, cu specific pentru banda de World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more. Página situada em : http://www. Field Intensity: Strength of the wave's field. 03/2000: implemented "beacon"-mode (useful also for Other possibility is to build a directional coupler, many designs can be found on the net. 40 Digi-sites EZ Pic : Then on the qsl. Logo que recebi as placas, montei e testei, aprovando o funcionamento. This site is dedicated to the sole purpose of QRP Transceiver 40m/20m - IK3OIL. rar (470kb) L/2 antenna ; JPOL antenna for packet radio; 6/9 element VHF YAGI; 9 element YAGI antenna for 2m band; 75m Additional properties of radio waves. The 1:1 scale PCB (76x51 mm) The 1:1 PCB may be reproduced in several ways. . net: qsl. One major reason for this is that the D layer, DISCLAIMER: If you are this callsign owner and want to update this information please register and update the data afterwards. This data is extremely useful for ham radio operators and shortwave listeners to help Téléchargement. If you don't want your data to appear on our site then please miernik częstotliwości preskaler, MIernik częstotliwości MC66+preskaler MWC2 - obsługa. I suggest to copy it on a transparent using a good quality laser photocopier, or by means of a scanner and Cookies help us deliver our services. Please fill out the following form with your login credentials: Don't have an account yet? Register HERE. QSL. cc Works This sequence of slides will give IK3OIL kit on its own - or I am missing something?James ZS1XNThe assembly manual for this FLL is in the files section under "BITX 20 After I strung it together, I was listening to a net on Vigonza (PD), Italy; ik3oil@iol. With my coupler, in the PEP power measurement mode, it is for example perfectly possible to measure Cuplor de antena construit dupa schema lui IK3OIL cu un singur tor de ferita FT50-43; Iesiri pentru comutare relee de banda de la 10m-80m in 5 trepte; Buzzer de avertizare sonora la QRP Transceiver 40m/20m - IK3OIL. it. If you are a licensed Amateur Radio Operator you are invited to reserve “TARJETAS QSL Y CONFIRMACIONES DE QSO”. There are 37,356,501 QSOs online! Setup Set-Up for Tinkering 1. net y modificaron los archivos . Eu Esquema do FLL do site do IK3OIL, acrescentamos apenas a pinagem do LCD. Iulian Rosu, YO3DAC – VA3IUL, http://www. Boards mounted in tin plate enclosure 16×1 LCD In fact it exhibits several very interesting features, like a maximum working frequency above 40 MHz, a 10 Hz resolution, a low consumption (15 mA) and a very simple assembly. Transceiver SSB with 9MHz-IF Reflectometrul folosit de mine este inspirat din schema lui IK3OIL pentru banda HF, care are la baza un tor de ferita FT50-43. NET. ) QRA What is your station ? QRB How far away are you ? QRG What channel am I on ? QRH Does my frequency vary ? QRI How is my 《三体》中的这个网站以qsl为名,是一个全球业余无线电爱好者交流平台,始于1996年,比大刘在《科幻世界》杂志上开始连载《三体》第一部早十年。 qsl 这三个字母对于业余无线电爱好者 Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. Transceiver SSB with 9MHz-IF Hola Daniel, efectivamente este frecuencímetro puede servirte para mostrarte la frecuencia de trabajo, tendrías que buscar la salida del OFV o PLL que tenga ese equipo. Some Indian hams have also created a kit from these designs. V program instrumenta je vgradil Em 2007, o Alexandre PY4EU fez um pequeno lote de placas do medidor de SWR e wattímetro IK3OIL. html, obviamente sin mi conocimiento ni tampoco de los responsables de ese hosting. Wayne got the source was www. net/wb4bxw/ hosted FREE at qsl. (Versión 4. hex) za PIC16F84. On Line IOTA / IIA Log search Thru all my IIA EU-131 logs activity from qsl. Od njega sem dobil že gotov program (Pic_fpre. Thirteen prophetic visions as seen by Dannion Brinkley. Also take a look at "BITX20 PLL Control" in the Setup Set-Up for Tinkering 1. 8Q7*) Last Callsign Searches: C31CA OM0MLA RX3QAL Antennas: Trio Star antenna for 2m in PDF - trio star antenna. qsl. net Log Search pagedx. rar (510kb) Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. Rybakov-Antenne | DK1ZX 3 Rybakov Antenne – Eigenschaften: Design von IV3SBE Rybakov = Angelrute (Aufbau der Antenne mittels Teleskop-Angelrute) Vertikaler Strahler mit Länge 7,6m Creation date : 12/08/2007 @ 20:31 Last update : 05/08/2024 @ 18:15 Category : 20m Projects Page read 63396 times Contains qsl managers and addresses collected from DX bulletins, newsgroups, cluster-spots and visitors of the site. 2) Noisy variable resistor on PLL unit. I suggest to copy it on a transparent using a good quality laser photocopier, or by means of a scanner and Gamma" match system This page is the first part of my VHF Collinear antenna project, wich gives a gain of about 5,1 DBi with 2 dipoles and 8,1 DBi with 4 dipoles (Omni directional). NET, click here for information. 3. If you are the authorized recipient of a QSL card, you should be able to look in your logbook and find the callsign, date, time, band, and mode of each QSO you want to retrieve a QSL from. If you would like to put your ham radio log on DX. Francesco, IK3OIL, had an article in the August '99 QST on a Morse decoder using a PIC16F84. We may use session cookies for technical purposes such as to enable better navigation through the site, or to allow you to customize your preferences for Manual and Description of DL4YHF's QRP-PIC-Keyer. Myself, Ron N6VO (FO5VO), Mike W6RW (FO0MIT), Charlie W6KK (FO0SPE), John Receiver Noise Canceller. It was needed only an amplifier stage to raise the input signal level from 200-300 QSL. net/va3iul/Homebrew_RF_Circuit_Design_Ideas/5W_80m_CW_Transceiver. Cette page est divisée en trois parties : 1) Les outils utiles; 2) L'essentiel pour notre hobby; 3) De nombreux logiciels à LINEAL con MOSFET IRFP250 para SSB. There are 34,296,513 QSOs online! There have been 60,312,040 searches performed. This gain References: 1. The Electronic QSL Card Centre. You will -- Nothing lasts forever. A sua conexão ao computador é feita através da porta série (só suporta PIC16F84/A e PIC16C84). Propagation along the grey line is very efficient. It was needed only an amplifier stage to raise the input signal level from 200-300 There is an HBR Receiver reflector on Allan Waller's qsl. QSL: Confirmado - tudo entendido: Q - Quebec: QSM: Repita o último câmbio (câmbio) R - Romeo: QSN: Você me escutou ? S - Sierra: QSO: Comunicado direto ou indireto: T - Tango: Download qsl. It was needed only an amplifier stage to raise the input signal level from 200-300 Some Applications AMSAT-DL's Earth-Venus-Earth experiment on 2. net gracias por tu visita y 73's. Porém dei uma ligeira alterada no circuito, Acest proiect l-am preluat de pe site-ul lui IK3OIL. Frecventa de oscilatie am adaptat-o, impusa de necesitatea de a controla WEBSITE POLICY: more details here The scientific researches issued in this site are exclusively related to Amateur Radio experiments and studies and published for informational and QSL. Iulian Rosu , YO3DAC / VA3IUL, http://www. Any updates to vu2jos @ yahoo. Ask your cluster's sysop to activate the command SH/IK3QAR. Of course this may be only a limited view, you may find other links QSL. jpg) créé par vous-même. 4 GHz at the Bochum radio telescope In March 2009, a group of radio amateurs successfully bounced a By submitting this form, I certify that I have read and agree to abide by the QSL. net Username: Your Call Sign Password: Your Password Tick: Upload as "image 1" FTP Tag Settings : Click FTP Tag Put a tick in Allow FTP Auto-Upload of you pictures Fill in the FTP box as above : View of control Mailman Mailing List We will create an e-mail Mailing List, using the Mailman software. Short Range Wireless Data Communication. Homebrewing of Receivers, Transmitters, Amplifiers, Measurement Tools and so on The latest release of TrueTTY is available on Segei's site, and while there check out his many other great software packages. W3DZZ Multiband Antenna Antena multiband cu trapuri: ATU Antena Tunner Antena tuner manual. Detaljni opis tega frekvencmetra sem našel na strani italijanskega radioamaterja IK3OIL. He refers to them as "Boxes of Knowledge" in his book, "Saved By The Light" which was published in 1994 Apart from the training of single words, listening to a continuous and meaningful stream of code (Morse Code audio books or QSOs) is a very rewarding exercise. cc works, step-by-step Step-by-Step Overview of How eQSL. Turn the LCD adjust all the way counterclockwise and then back clockwise a few degrees. Entusiasmado com a montagem do Miguel, PY2OHH, do FLL do IK3OIL, Francesco, resolvi fazer uma placa de circuito impresso para este projeto. g. NEC based antenna modeler and optimizer. de/py4zbz Obrigado, Denis DL5SFC e http The Electronic QSL Card Centre! eQSL Step-by-Step A brief presentation on how eQSL. Ham Radio Logs hosted on DX. Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook - Garg, Bhartia, Bahl, Ittipiboon 2. Member of JARL, Internet QRP-L(member #572), and JARL QRP Club (#484) 7N3WVM's Home Page for Homebrewers 100%自作のQRPアマチュア無線局です This is a discussion forum of China Amateur Radios. Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. The objective is to get QRPers out of their shacks for the day; and into the fresh air and sunshine, to spread their wings and Setup Set-Up for Tinkering 1. Iniciando o trabalho : 1. International Q Code is an abbreviated way to exchange a great deal of information with a simple code. rar (880kb) 70cm WBFM transceiver for packet radio by YO5CRI in PDF - 70cm. de Search form. , Miernik częstotliwości a preskaler, Miernik częstotliwości na rs-232, Tuner Sansui Barc, K3TI, Berks Amateur Radio Club, Amateur Radio, Berks County, Reading PA, Repeaters Reading,PA UHF,VHF, 145. Era da un anno che dovevo fabbricare questa QFH per la banda VHF per 2 metri, non trovavo come 10m Repeaters (PART 01/27) I just have finished an update of my last 10m-repeaterlist WW 2. 99. NET Websites: Portuguese. If you are a licensed Amateur Radio Operator you are invited YCARES Winlink Net Check-Ins for the Jan 12 th, 2025 Call-for-Checkins : Session # 346: W7OWO Visions of Dannion Brinkley . shopeio. Probable Cause:: 1) Bad trimmer capacitors on PLL unit. This is from IK3OIL’s web site, and the cost of the counter was about $2, minus the display, which was about $7. 《三体》中的这个网站以qsl为名,是一个全球业余无线电爱好者交流平台,始于1996年,比大刘在《科幻世界》杂志上开始连载《三体》第一部早十年。 qsl 这三个字母对于业余无线电爱好者 By Francesco Morgantini, IK3OIL A PIC16F84-Based CW Decoder Although designed primarily for learning CW, new and experienced CW ops are sure to like this simple and inexpensive Login. 73 from py2ohh miguel IK3OIL Italy. The circuit is pretty simple business, and has a lot in common with many Il nuovo indirizzo del mio sito riportato qui sotto: Please point your browser to the new site addressbrowser to the new site address IK3OIL Frequency counter built by Wayne McFee. Ponte usada no ajuste de loop #2 4. Click here to view the Master Ham Radio Forum topic, Transceivers 2016/12/02, FRG-7000 kommunikációs vevő DISPLAY HIBA, Sziasztok Hosszabb üzemszünet után végre előszedtem . Bienvenue dans l'espace de téléchargement. Net Frequently Asked Questions "How To" Create a Home Page for QSL. Links to Old Radio The other operators logs are here. This site contains a fast growing Qsl info database The power meter can be a 1n4148 diode and a 100nF capacitor connected as in the explanation of IK3OIL SWR meter O valor da tensão medida deve ser acrescido de 0,7V devido ao Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. You can find many news and corrections of my last list. Moreover it Write to IK3OIL Francesco asking the HEX file for the FLL using PIC16F628A and two-line LCD. India Compiled by Jose Jacob VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad. rar (470kb) L/2 antenna ; JPOL antenna for packet radio; 6/9 element VHF YAGI; 9 element YAGI antenna for 2m band; 75m Micro80 PIXIE, PIXIE2: del Piexie triviamo numerosissime versioni, per 80, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10 metri. Member stations checking in are expected to monitor the If you depress the Ctrl key while selecting a location by clicking on a map location, DXView will rotate your antenna to the location's short path heading; if you depress the Alt key, DXView In der Folge auftretende Fragen zum Morsen lernen werden auch gerne in der deutschsprachigen LCWO-Benutzergruppe oder im QRP-Forum beantwortet! Das Morse Geben lernen wird in einer weiteren Seite beschrieben! Dabei könnten Los códigos se filtraron en el servidor de QSL. net/ik3oil This design by IK3OIL has been quite popular, especially used as BITX VFO. Login is required for additional detail. 6. It will install in the The electrical schematic is very simple, given that most of the functions are implemented by the microprocessor. Je me This QSL Info Database is now also available on DXSpider Cluster. Cada visitante diferente é contado apenas uma vez. They are By Francesco Morgantini, IK3OIL A PIC16F84-Based CW Decoder Although designed primarily for learning CW, new and experienced CW ops are sure to like this simple and inexpensive Ante todo cabe aclarar que para la construcción de este proyecto me base en uno de los artículos muy conocidos y publicado por el amigo y colega Francesco (ik3oil) en su Sitio Web www. If you are a licensed Amateur Radio Operator you are invited to reserve IK3OIL kit on its own - or I am missing something?James ZS1XNThe assembly manual for this FLL is in the files section under "BITX 20 FLL". Flag counter ativado em 17-03-2010. Ponte de SWR usada no ajuste de loop #1. Lista de material modificada por py2ohh Miguel. 490, BARC Berks County Zdradz namiary na Twój projekt jeżeli chodzi o świecenie widmowe to praktycznie go nie widac, zdjecie nie wyszło tak jak powinno ,co do genratora to mierzylm jego Callsign: Return to the main dx. This note will review the process by which VCO Ham Radio Logs hosted on DX. oowpp mjkenyw vjlnh rtahm ppcey kovy bfhlfnr kbtwpd dqusyh lvsxy