Best feats for twilight cleric.
Twilight Cleric is so strong, you can't really go wrong.
Best feats for twilight cleric I would focus more on selection of feats if you want to tank, taking tough or Our guide to the Twilight Domain Cleric subclass in DnD 5e, including abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and how to build your own step by step. As a Cleric of the Twilight Domain, you worship a deity that governs the night, darkness, and sleep. Eyes of the Night gives you super-Darkvision and the ability to share it with two other creatures for an hour per day. If you’re happy with your ability scores and want to add a little flavor, utility, or survivability to your cleric, check out our guide to the best feats for clerics below. Lastly, you have Strength. War Caster (Lv 4) : I suppose you could make the argument that this is a cleric that can get by without relying on concentration spells, but I think that would be playing suboptimally. I rolled for another cleric and got pretty good rolls except for 2 7s, which I decided to put into my STR and CHA. Since you’re always granting other people advantage on init checks it makes sense you’d be better at it than most. . At level 4 and 8 clerics usually have ot decide whether to use ASIs to max out wisdom or get a feat to improve their concentration checks. What I am struggling with is the distribution of ability scores and feats (we use point buy). Your passive perception at 9th level and a 20 wisdom will be 24 which is just nuts. for a Twilight Cleric? I know non-darkvision races are the most synergistic, but of those which would be I think twilight cleric pairs nicely with variant human or custom linage. The cleric moves into a flanking position, and uses a cast down harm/heal, Introduction The Tempest Domain Cleric is both offensive and durable, falling somewhere between Life's durability and Light's damage output. The Swamp calls the mad into its embrace, and shows them how to survive. If it is on your plan, you should really consider Fighter 1 for the free CON Saves. You should take feats that supplement your melee ability to bridge the gap between clerics and fighter attacks. This is a good boost to AC and weapon damage and allows the character to take to the While any race can become a Twilight Cleric, some synergize particularly well: Variant Human/Custom Lineage: The bonus feat allows for early access to crucial feats like War Caster or Resilient (Constitution), enhancing your spellcasting and survivability. First of all what is your cleric doing with Elvin accuracy??? Dodge is the action of choice for Clerics particularly past level five. War Domain : War Domain Clerics care more about melee fighting than spellcasting, but Best Feats for Clerics. So I'd say Arcana Cleric, maybe with a tailored list of spells if you Wisdom ends up being on the average end. All of the features are fantastic. Im planning on playing a high elf Twilight domain cleric 17/ Swashbuckler Rogue 3. Medium Breastplate over Half or Full Plate, which is fine. War Caster (ASAP): I believe most clerics can afford to wait until level 4 to take their first feat, but not this one. Best cleric feats are going to be Telekinetic, Res:Con, and Warcaster. You delay spellcasting (but not slot progression) by a level, but starting at level 10 it shouldn’t As a full caster the Cleric wants Wisdom, Con and appropriate feats. Be the best at fighting in the dark. Now I’m stuck on what feats to take I’m tempted to take maybe defensive duelist or warcaster, maybe alert or medium armour master so I can wear the half plate I got last session. Covering your allies with a mantle of twilight protection that doesn’t take your concentration, while you cast spells or wade into the melee is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll be capable of. Depending on your stats and concept, you can make a strong build in any direction. All tasha rules allowed. In my experience, it’s the skill that for better or for worse sees the most use with most DMs. I've considered Lucky (for Tymora), Tough (for my low HP), Spell Sniper Ok so i built this for a PvP one shot and so far it's destroying, one session left. Help please MONSTERS OF DRAKKENHEIM is 300+ pages of eldritch horror inspired monsters for 5e by the Dungeon Dudes! Coming to Kickstarter March 26th, 2024: https://www. Luckily beyond Resilient Con and Warcaster, Twilight Clerics don't really need many other feats, so Have your Familiar (Owl is by far the best in this scenario) to give you advantage on your turn and then turn that Advantage into Super Advantage. Metamagic Adept Lets Clerics Get Feats Spells Magic Items Monsters Equipment Sources View All Sourcebooks Unearthed Arcana Free Rules (2024) Player's Handbook (2024) Returning 8 results for 'twilight cleric'. Just have fun and do your best. Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher; You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight. Check out Twilight Domain clerics have a strong set of protective and buff spells and some of the best class features out of all clerics. Inspiring Leader. First, now all feats grant a +1 Because that'd be the best way to get a martial Cleric without going War Cleric. Dex. Expertise in Stealth through a dip--Skill Expert would be asking too much since we're passing up three potential feats for this trick. This is especially good for parties that have barbarians or another build that wants to tank for their The best feat for a Cleric in Baldur’s Gate 3 is undeniably War Caster. I am debating against 3 options for when we level up again and any advice would be greatly appreciated! - ASI to get 20 wis - War Caster Other Tempest Domain clerics should consider the War Caster feat a top priority due to its advantage on Concentration saves, freedom to use somatic components with a weapon and shield, and magical Light cleric8: wall of fire, feat, potent cantrip Evoker2: allies can sit in wall of fire, you get conjure elemental, minor elemental, misty step, find familiar, haste I think that going for 8 light cleric, 4 evocation wizard is your best bet, and stacking up on the heat and fire related items as well. The twilit transition from light into darkness often brings calm and even joy, as the day's labors end and the hours of rest begin. You do not need elemental adept fire really, you have a ton of sources of varied element blasting, channel divinity is radiant, destructive wave is radiant/thunder or necrotic/thunder, spiritual If you are using Tasha's rules for customizing your ability scores, any race is good. For the uninitiated. Tempest's abilities and spells provide several fun crowd control, area control, Variant Human, Twilight Cleric, just hit lvl 4 (ASI/Feat not included in below) Starting Feat - Fey Touched (Misty Step, Gift of Alacrity) Str - 16 Dex - 10 Con - 14 Int - 9 Wis - 18 Cha - 13 In combat I am one of 2 close range combatants in a party of Emboldening Bond is the DnD 5e Peace Domain Cleric's star feature, giving a number of creatures an extra d4 to a d20 roll per turn. Last edited by Jegpeg: Sep 7, 2023 #7 Sep 11, 2023. Peace CD isn't the best out of all of them but it is definitely on the stronger side and far from "not great". com/packtacticsPlease check them out and if you like what they do and want more stuff from them, use the cou If you want to go twilight Cleric and make use of that free feat, you could pick up meta magic adept for quicken so you can cast the spell as a bonus action in the same turn you turn on your channel divinity. You’ll want a strong defense, so grab plate armor since you can use heavy armor. If I join a game at take inspiring leader as a level 1 feat I would be pretty updet if a in session 1 I find there is a twilight cleric in the group. AC is 14 with a wooden shield. Compendium Since Cleric almost exclusively uses saving throw spells, and the thematic elements of a Drow Twilight Cleric are really cool, I think it’s a good race/class combo anyways, but you’d want to avoid making attack rolls when possible. War Caster (Lv 4): Invoke Duplicity is actually a pretty cool idea for an ability and does have some real applications in gameplay, it’s just tough to nail down exactly what those If we’re going full optimisation, starting in Sorcerer for Con saves, Absorb Elements & Shield, then going Cleric. I was originally going to do Stars Druid but the conflict between blaster/support and frontline dissuaded me Feats, as one of the most important elements in the game, have changed plenty with time. As a battle cleric, you can largely ignore the meta magic feats. At level 4, you Twilight Cleric’s CD could superimpose an illusion of a nighttime desert within and looking through the sphere, or Astral Self monk could be flavored as the Echo being a separated Astral Self (but I won’t be able to use a shield). If you would like to become a Patron of this A last piece of advice is to try and max your main stat ASAP before getting feats unless a feat is needed for your build to work. For a full overview of the Cleric class, check out our cleric 5e Guide. The only one you need is extend spell. Or you could take heavy armor master, combine the damage reduction with your temporary hit point generation. The subclass gives you darkvision, which you can also share to someone who hasn't. To build, I would actually consider going higher dex than normal for cleric, pick up longbow, sharpshooter feat, and the skulker feat. This gives you quite a beefy Cleric that can go on the frontline. Resilient con doesn't do a great deal, just the extra 4 hp and proficiency on saves. The channel divinity provided here Twilight domain Clerics are one of the best instances of power creep you can find in 5th Edition. The Twilight Cleric does not need a high WIS to be effective. Stats: STR6, DEX14, INT10, WIS18, CHA13. Unless you go dwarf, you're gonna need a 15 for Full Plate or 13 for other Heavy Armor options. Once flight is online, we're Visa. Thankfully, BA Disengaging is very nice on any Cleric for repositioning. Spirit Currently I'm playing a twilight cleric. The additional spells we are given include some absolute standout picks like pass without trace and phantom steed. Since you’re Dex based too also means you get the ability bonuses. I’m so confused right now. The dead don't rest easily here. Making it 2nd priority to raise is fine. Especially if other Clerics are in the party you do not necessarily need to focus on pumping up WIS. Other than that, it’s your standard fare. I took Resilient CON. My party consists of a paladin, 2 fighters, sorcerer, and a rogue. Feats, as Twilight Cleric 15 + Gloomstalker ranger 5. In this guide, we’ll delve into the feats available in D&D 5e and assess how they can complement different Cleric builds. His best tactic in combat is to use both. Protective Bond: This is the real reason you pick this subclass. Alert means you always go first for a Twilight Cleric, which can be really nice, buffing or The feat order I'd recommend is war caster then res:con then telekinetic. My VH bonuses went to Con and Wis for 16 and 18, then War Caster as the feat. Review by Sam West, Twitter: @CrierKobold. These races allow you to V-Human Twilight Cleric 3, where taking Magic Initiate Wizard feat for GFB and Fire Bolt cantrips and also snatch Find Familiar from the Wizard list could be good: (14+1=) The best to thing about the feat is access to Thorn Whip, which combos amazingly with Spirit Guardians. I’m so lost I have no idea what’s good on clerics. At first level, you gain proficiency in martial weapons and heavy armor, making Twilight Domain Clerics capable of front-line combat But Twilight Clerics are also incredibly durable! Gaining proficiency with both heavy armor and martial weapons means that the Twilight Cleric is able to stand on the frontlines as a beacon against whatever horrors the party might encounter. Check them out! If you don't take a 1/2 asi feat, and you just pump con and wis with your human ASIs, the war caster feat can be a good option. Save my spell slots for key moments. (taking Booming Blade as my high elf cantrip) We are starting at level 3 with the intention of going all the way to level 20. A few examples include Boldrei of the Eberron setting, Helm of Forgotten Realms, and Mishakala of the Dragonlance setting. Have an earth genasi twilight cleric. Art by Steve Stark. Customizing Your 5e Cleric With Feats. Just pure cleric is great. Spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, choosing up to six friendly creatures (including yourself) within 30 feet of you who can hear, see, and understand Best Optimized ideas on a character that is being trained by a Kensei Monk Share Specializing in Fathomless Patron 3/ 1 Peace Cleric with Slasher Feat to knock enemy's speed down by 30' or more. you get the idea. Silvery barbs wasn't available, so I had dissonant whispers as the 1st level spell. View User Profile easily the best of any subclass hands down. Not bad! This goes up to +7 at level 5 when your proficiency bonus increases. These divinely devoted disciples are one of the most versatile classes in D&D, with archetypes and subclass options Generally when Tasha's dropped everyone was focused on the Twilight cleric because the twilight cleric got a lot of fairly obviously good abilities. And don't forget about moonbeam. Should I Even Take a Feat? This helps make War Caster the best feat in D&D 5e for front-line clerics and still highly valuable for any Cleric armed with a melee weapon, shield, or both. This domain has a somewhat notorious reputation as an absolutely busted, ban-worthy domain. Best Races for Twilight Clerics. Here is a pretty decent straight classed guide for Cleric. Between Twilight Sanctuary, Bless, Spirit Guardians and upcast restcast Aid, with the correct piloting you are one of the best at keeping the entire party alive. Alert means you always go first for a Bonus Proficiencies: The Twilight Cleric gains proficiency in Heavy Armor and Martial Weapons. Since we are getting a free feat at level 1, i ask you guys what are the best feats for this domain, as well as some multiclass ideas and strategy In terms of the best race for Twilight Cleric, it’s hard to beat Tortle—the high base AC makes you very sturdy, whereas Variant Human can provide some nice flexibility in your build by using the free feat to round out your skillset. This week in Treantmonk's Guide to Clerics we are discussing what feats are poor, good or great for your Cleric. Healer (for large parties): An excellent feat on its own, it makes sense for a Cleric to possess a healing tool that doesn’t require spell slots. 5th Level. Alert as a feat I feel works really well for Twilight Clerics, both thematically and mechanically. We all rolled for stats and mine are, as of level 3, the following: Twilight Cleric is so strong, you can't really go wrong. My dm let me swap my casting stat to cha. On top of a cleric's strong supportive spellcasting, it Updated on August 20, 2024, by Kristy Ambrose: The D&D Cleric is now a combination class on the same level as a Druid or a Paladin, with an equal amount of range when it comes to gear, spells, and Viewed mechanically, the Twilight domain Cleric stands out from other Clerics by being good in melee (heavy armor and martial weapons, flying for mobility to get into melee, Divine Strike, half-cover at high levels for +2 AC), and good at tanking or being tied to the tank (THP for self and nearby, half-cover for self and nearby, lots of aura The Two most overpowered cleric subclasses are the Peace Domain and the Twilight Domain, both introduced in Tasha’s Caudron Of Everything. The darkness can also bring terrors, but the gods of twilight guard against the horrors of the night. The best feats, as usual, are stuff like Alert, Res: Con, and Lucky, probably in that order. Divine Domains. For those planning to start up a Cleric in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, here's what to consider to get the best builds out of the class. Class: Twilight Cleric (planning to straight class, MAYBE a dip down the line after I get 4th level spells Spells Prepared: - Cantrips: Guidance, Mending, Toll the Dead Best 5e Feats for Tempest Domain Clerics Just a Few Feats Make These Clerics Amazing A DnD 5e Twilight Domain cleric is kneeling with a sword in a holy building in Dungeons and Dragons Read along here: https://www. Otherwise, the fey touched, shadow touched and telekinetic feats from Tasha's are all excellent and provide a +1 wisdom bonus. Best Feats for Clerics; Cleric Subclasses Overview; Cleric Races; Death Domain; Twilight Domain; Peace Domain; Forge Domain; Or follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. The strategy goes like this: ideally the cleric goes before the martial, and the target's turn is not between them. While your Emboldening Bond is active, you can essentially misty step your allies around the map for free if someone gets attacked. by Prince Phantom. My dm is allowing us to pick any feats, meaning we get to have feats that are locked behind prerequisites (Ex: Second Chance, you In this article, we focus on our picks for the best feats for the Cleric class from the 2024 Player’s Handbook. (for the back-to-back Feats) Twilight Cleric 4 / Bard 2 -> Cleric 6 Seeing as I'm leaving Bard as a dip for quite a while, which College is best with a dip? Looking at Creation/Glamour The only reason I'd consider a 2nd level in Cleric is if said Cleric in question had an outstanding Channel Divinity, but the strength of Twilight Cleric comes from the advantage in initiative and the juicy 300-feet Darkvision, both of which you get at 1st Level. I’m going for an immovable beacon of magic kinda thing. The two options I'm considering are gift of the gem dragon as I'm often in the front lines due to my high AC and fey touched. To be honest, in combat I feel quite Hey guys, so I’m running a Twilight Cleric 6/Circle of Stars Druid 2 Tortle for an upcoming thing. Peace cleric is possibly the best 1 level dip in the game since it scales with proficiency bonus in several ways and bless is Feats, as one of the most important elements in the game, have changed plenty with time. The power of twilight cleric is pretty much built into the class itself so you can be pretty much any race and still be stronger than all other clerics except maybe Peace. Player's Handbook pg. Twilight clerics are a lot of fun to play (I played a satyr twilight cleric from 1 to 10 in Curse of Strahd) so I hope this helps. Snag a shield for extra AC too. 6th Level. I'd also only dip 1 level into sorcerer, as a way to help protect my concentration by getting my hands on Shield and Absorb Elements. So the Twilight cleric can still do their thing and renew temp HP throughout a fight Introduction DnD 5e Clerics are among the most diverse and interesting classes in 5e DnD. Playing as a Twilight Domain Cleric Role in a Party Defensive Support & Tank – Twilight Sanctuary constantly provides temporary hit points and debuff removal. +2 Dex plus half-plate plus shield gets you 19 AC and +2 So I rolled up a pretty good stat block and I wanna make a beastly Twilight Cleric: 15 Str, 11 Dex, 15 Con, 13 Int, 17 Wis, 13 Cha I was thinking of taking Varient Human and sending almost all my ASIs on Feats (I find stat improvemnts boring). (You can also go ranger 6 and cleric 14 if you want) Take Fey Touched with silvery barbs and at some point warcaster. Stats: 14 10 14 10 18 8 (I could still dump my Int for a 15 con if I end up taking a half feat that boosts con). Level three. However, unlike other Making the best melee aasimar cleric? Druid is a thing (you can grab Shillelagh), but that's a feat tax. Cleric: Twilight Domain. Choosing a focus for the character is the first step in getting the most out of this class. A Multitude of Additional Options for the Alternate Ranger Class! Includes 5 Fighting Styles, 14 Knacks, 5 Feats, and 9 Conclaves: Bounty Twilight has some really good features in literally any campaign. War Caster Is Unmatched For Frontline Spellcasters. Start with 2 levels twilight cleric, rush 5 levels gloomstalker, go rest cleric. It was at level 8, but here's the progression i used: Custom lineage - (warcaster) quarterstaff, shield, heavy armor, eldritch claw tattoo, amulet of the devout +2 Cleric 1 - Twilight domain Druid 1 - Thorn Whip, absorb elements Druid 2 - circle of the Moon, wild companion Cleric X - Polearm Master, Fog Assuming your DM doesn't nerf it, well, it is super strong, especially if your party members have SS and GWM feats. That means no disadvantage, even in pitch dark, for 300’. Not best cleric subclass, though they win that RELATED: D&D: 10 Best 5e Feats For Druids, Ranked. There’s no point dancing around it, this and Twilight Cleric are heavily in contention for the honor of best subclass in 5e. Twilight Domain Cleric 5e. k Large-Party Cleric Feats. Best Feat for Clerics in Baldur’s Gate 3. For our full class guides, we use Mark of Passage Human (Variant) Mark of Passage Human grants us extra spells for our spell list and a higher movement speed. I'm currently playing a Peace Cleric with the metamagic adept feat to do As for crit-fishing, the best option available to you is Champion Fighter. Significantly nerf the boss fight (probably best to have 2 The Video is Sponsored by dScryb: https://dscryb. I'm playing a Twilight Cleric build in my current campaign with one level in Divine Soul Sorcerer and 2 levels in Stars Druid. They understand that the best The Skulker feat is usually terrible, but can be pretty neat on a Twilight Cleric. Below you’ll find all the key features of the Twilight Domain Cleric, including suggested DnD races and 5e feats for your DnD character It's not the best feat but it isn't bad LMAO. Leaf_Onwind. Tips? D&D 5e My party consists of 4 players. The important stats are currently 20 WIS & 16 CON, dumped strength as playing a Hill Dwarf so don't use melee weapons. Note that twilight cleric twilight sanctuary states the sphere is filled with dim light, it doesn't say anything about blocking any existing light so if the skulker feat applied to the twilight cleric it would apply anyway. No multiclass needed. DM is loose on spell-casting w/VSM during fights. Twilight clerics are a lot of Learn the best build for the Twilight Domain Cleric with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need! Twilight Domain 5e Guide Rating Scheme This guide is meant as a deep dive into the Twilight Domain Cleric subclass. Hey all, some friends and I are playing a descent into Avernus campaign and I have a lvl 3 twilight cleric currently with 18 wis and 14 con. Clerics who want a bit of extra edge but don’t want to fully commit to the ultimate edgelord nonsense Death Domain offers can find exactly what they’re looking for thematically in Twilight Domain. str 15 dex 12 con 14 int 11 wis 20 cha 7 I chose custom lineage and took the Heavy Armor Master feat. That means that in context of the feat specifically, cheap metamagic becomes relatively better. This gives you a reliable way to boost The war domain lets you deal additional damage with a weapon attack, it is the best damage dealing option for the cleric. The best are those who lift up others. Also, you could go kinda heavy on feats, get Heavy Armor Master at the start by being Vooman, then get the Fighting Initiate feat to get some suitable fighting style at Level 4, then either Resilient Constitution or Warcaster at Level 8, then Tough at Level 12. The only thing is, I’m stuck on what feats to choose. There was a time when Clerics would only serve as healers in a My stats are currently 16,19,18,15,13,20. Class/Race: rogue 2/twilight cleric 5 variant human dhampir. Check out our Twilight Domain 5e guide for a more in-depth breakdown of the Twilight Domain subclass, including Playing a Githzerai Twilight Cleric was AWESOME!! I also took the feats Telekinetic and Fey Touched, choosing Silvery Barbs. The ability to reposition with misty step to help make sure twilight sanctuary Oh yeah. Took ritual caster (wizard) as a free starting feat. You can delay strategically to make this true. You’ll need it. As a Folk Hero, I got all the Best Feats for Peace Cleric 5e. Variant Human – Gain a free feat, such as War Caster or Lucky, at level 1. Twilight clerics like their allies to be close to them to get the full benefits of their powerful aura. Twilight is just that good. If you are dead set on using melee with your current build, your only realistic options are either: What are the best races, feats, spells, etc. Necromancers have a small area, couple of Evil Clerics worship The Swamp, but enough Good Neutral and True Neutral Clerics, Shaman, and Druids balance it out. As a Cleric you’re likely to have among the highest Wisdom, which means you’re likely to be the best at Perception. I'm aiming for 6/6 but I'm a bit confused about the split. Discover the best Cleric spells in D&D 5e with tips on must-have spells, choosing based on your divine path, and adapting to your playstyle. So just go Rogue 1/Cleric 1/Rogue X So I want to make a twilight cleric. I know that they have a ton of awesome abilities and that I will have to watch 'player interpretation' of these abilities. The thing about temp HP is it goes away when you get hit. I have a lot of feat options, and I'm feeling extremely indecisive. Because your choice of Divine Domain so greatly affects your capabilities, Clerics can fit a variety of roles and play styles. but after that the only stat worth increasing further is Constitution and one of the best feats for Twilight Cleric is good, don't get me wrong, one of the best, but it's easy to die with any character. Equipment. Mix this with Gif of the Gem Dragonborn and Armor of Ag and some other Reactionary Damage abilities from other sources to make a moving explosion Feats Spells Magic Items This being said, I have never DM'd a Twilight cleric before. I asked because I thought you might be a DM and I wanted to join because this Campaign is designed to kill your character, and I wanted to test it, as I've played forever and wanted to test that theory Hi, some I’m playing a Protector Aasimar Twilight Domain Cleric, that sticking in the back to support and heal the party. 300ft darkvision is crazy. The most recent update to the Player's Handbook modified how these work. If there's bright light already there the ability says nothing about blocking it. They’re just better at everything Clerics do than most other clerics. Description. You will have Alternatively you can take 20 STR and 19 CON with Resilient CON and set WIS at 16. Firbolg gives +1 STR, so i want to utilize this by going for 13 STR to use heavy armor. Destroy Undead: Refer to our Cleric 5e Guide. Pass without trace is a game-breaking spell that grants your entire party +10 to Stealth checks, making the likelihood that Many feats appeal to Clerics due to their versatile options for their role in the party, but some stand out as the most relevant and best feats for Clerics in any campaign. Both feats increase your WIS by 1, giving you a 20. Best Feats for War Cleric 5e. Observant is another great feat but mostly for the ability to now perceive almost anything your DM can throw at you. Source: Player's Handbook. V. I did variant human for my twilight cleric. Twilight cleric feature is, as you noted, an in-combat feature to continuously restore temp HP -at the end of a creatures turn if they are in range-. The Swamp is the size of several counties, and a maze at the best of times. Even though you aren't going melee, it is still great. Feats are an optional rule for Dungeons & Dragons 5e that let you forgo an ability score increase in favor of giving your character new abilities. Best Feats for Twilight Cleric 5e by Prince Phantom Why are you here? Of all the subclasses in this game, the Twilight domain is easily the one that needs feats to empower it the least. Twilight is the best if your DM doesn't ban it (I do) and you are well situated to use heavy armor. Twilight sanctuary does not require concentration, nor does Spiritual weapon. My thinking with fey touched was to take bless. The trouble with metamagic adept is that you only get two sorcery points per long rest, and, unlike with a sorcerer, you get no way to add any more. Get your party to short rest often so you can use twilight sanctuary as much as possible. The Cleric is a vintage class from the early days of Dungeons & Dragons, first appearing in the original Player's Handbook from 1974. These abilities make Twilight Clerics one of the best defensive support classes in the game, ensuring Want to optimise my Twilight Domain Cleric. This feat pairs well with Inspiring Leader to get free Best Feats for Trickery Cleric 5e. Spirit guardians deal damage when a creature starts their turn inside of it. Now with your insane stats you could have a strength or dex weapon and it would probably be more effective than your cantrips until level 5. Good luck! Hi people I am building a twilight cleric, after my Paladin sacrificed himself to save the party, now I am building a Twilight Cleric, and do have a few specific questions: Telekinetic hands down - best possible feat for a Cleric. Twilight Clerics care mostly about Wisdom, with a particular love of Strength and Constitution. For that you may as well plan on 4 full levels because you do need to eventually get some ASI's. If the frontline is already covered, the Twilight Cleric is an exceptional guard for the party’s flank. As a relatively new player, I’m currently playing a level 3 Eladrin Twilight Domain Cleric on a Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign and I was wondering what would be the best feat for me to pick once I reach level 4. Best Feats for Light Cleric 5e. We rolled stats, with racial bonus included; 15 strength 11 dexterity 17 constitution 7 intelligence 18 wisdom 13 charisma. Pure twilight cleric can be really tanky, multiclassing isn't necessary, and twilight cleric just isn't that great for multiclassing because you really want the CD scaling. Took fey touched for +1 wisdom and misty step. Twilight is nutty at 6 and taking Blessed Strikes at 8 is really good. Peace Domain is one of the best options IMHO. a Soulknife Rogue, and an Inquisitive Rogue (my character's best friend). Maybe also consider taking Alert to help with that, as well as War Caster if you plan on holding a weapon and shield. If i were making a drow intent on twilight, I would be picking this for sure. It enhances survivability, spellcasting consistency, and overall battlefield control, making it essential for any Cleric So my Peace Cleric died, and i decided to come back as his brother. Throw Heroism (or better yet, have a second Cleric of the Twilight Domain for Twilight Sanctuary) on top of that, and they’re a nearly-bottomless mountain of hit points and can use their Reaction every turn The Twilight domain gives our cleric one of the best support abilities in 5th edition as well as a boost to their martial capabilities. Pick whichever one you like best. If a player has spent enough points on Str or Dex to make weapons reasonably accurate past tier 1, they rather desperately need to re-evaluate their build. And flying around without Twilight Domain: Use the mystical power of twilight to empower and defend both yourself and your allies to Front-line clerics are likely the best candidate for this feat. Unbreakable spirit guardians with Dragon starry form, temp hp from Twilight, etc. As for feats that are solid picks: Fey Touched (Bless, Silvery Barbs, Dissonant Whispers, and probably some others) for Misty Step and to even an odd Wisdom score, War Caster or Resilient (Con). Looks goofy on paper, but extremely effective. So as a cleric with a 15 DEX and a 15 WIS, I would recommend using an ASI instead of a feat to get those important stats both up to 16 first (assigning one to DEX and 1 to WIS). Emboldening Bond stacks with the guidance cantrip (for ability checks) and with bless (for attack rolls). The biggest reason that is useful is for concentration checks, but it is well known that the best defense in 5e is a good offense. For race, I chose Firbolg because it fits into the Storm King's Thunder setting and the +2 WIS is very neat. 48 votes, 35 comments. Dim light doesn’t impose disadvantage on perception checks with the feat, and you have 300’ where darkness becomes dim light. First, now all feats grant a +1 As a twilight or grave cleric you are mostly a caster focus. A Ranged Twilight Cleric can work just fine; just The feat order I'd recommend is war caster then res:con then telekinetic. The Peace Cleric generally makes the tank more effective, allowing it to tank more damage. The best piece for a light cleric is (act 2 spoilers) the pink rarity dark justiciar armor, which has the added bonus of looking sick as fuck. You can pull enemies into the AOE, where they take damage on your D&D 5e's Forge Domain blends unique supportive abilities with combat benefits, most notably significant durability. Hi everyone, I'll be hitting level 12 soon as a Twilight cleric and looking at my options for the ASI/feat. Mechanically: learn some flavorful cantrips like Thaumaturgy, take some feats for variety, train tool and skill proficiencies during downtime if possible, search for equipment that you think is cool. I picked twilight based on the flavor and I created my own God to worship. Hill Dwarf: The bonus hit points and Constitution increase your durability, making you a Im planning on playing a firbolg twilight domain cleric, with heavy armor and a mace. A Cleric’s potential isn’t limited to their divine domain; feats offer a way to tailor your abilities to better serve your party and your deity. Shoot things from the edge of darkvision so they can't see me. Prior to Tasha’s, you had Clerics that were better than baseline at healing or preventing damage, Clerics that could wear heavy armor, and a few that were bo Not an expert, I'd go: 4 Warcaster - advantage beats prof at earlier levels, reaction BB will be applied for more of the campaign, and you are ahead of the curve on stats 8 Fey In order to build the perfect Twilight Domain Cleric, players will want to make sure they take advantage of certain D&D stats, feats, and magic items. Feat races are generally optimal. The other feat is a choice between Telekinetic and Fey Touched. Mike Bernier Mike Bernier . I like that choice. You can probably see where this is going. Twilight Cleric - age old conundrum - Feats vs ASI upvotes If you multiclass, I wouldn't recommend doing so until you are Twilight Cleric 6, as then you'd have access to both Spirit Guardians and the Twilight Cleric flight feature. Tabletop builds has a great write up on this. Clerics don’t have many things that use their Reaction and increasing your Wisdom makes sense even if you’re on the front lines because cantrips are consistently Hi All! So, I just reached lvl 8 for my Tabaxi Twilight Cleric in our Spelljammer campaign, who worships Lady Luck (Tymora). Spirit guardians and the telekinetic feet is the powerhouse of DPR for Clerics. Rolled very well for The best feats, as usual, are stuff like Alert, Res: Con, and Lucky, probably in that order. By level 6, an extended bull strength can last you an entire dungeon. Human to pick up Resilient Wis, then getting Telekinetic at Cleric 4 is, I believe, slightly more optimal than pure Cleric. Fey Touched give you Level 1: Twilight Domain Cleric Proficiency in Heavy Armor and shields gives a base AC of 20 once you can find Full Plate. More generally, Clerics are the best healers in the game, and have among the best support, utility, and divination options in the Hi everyone, I'll soon be hitting level 8 as a twilight cleric and the only odd ability score I have is my wisdom so taking a half feat seems to make sense to me. Fey-touched, Warcaster, etc. A Paladin as offence, a Bard as crowd control, a Druid who main ranged spell attacks and healing, and me as the tank. Edit: Be selfish with your ability to grant advantage on Initiative rolls. Role-playing: give them a few quirks that you'd enjoy role-playing. com/cleric-feat-selection/?utm_source=youtubeHere are my top recommendations for Cleric feats that you should prayerf Best Cleric Feats in 5e 15. Someone in the party should at least have proficiency in it, but with expertise you should be solid. The Twilight Cleric makes use of their Twilight sanctuary to heal all of their allies, and even provide half cover. If you do use a shield, you’ll need a one-handed But now, it’s time to turn out the lights. flutesloot. Pick a race that gives you a feat at level 1 and start with this feat as we will be in the thick of Subtle spell, twinned spell, and quickened spell are generally the best metamagic options in the game. My ability scores at level 5 are: STR 7 DEX 16 CON 16 INT 12 WIS 20 CHA 7 We get free feats at level 1. I already have a theme in mind and the PC is a Twilight Cleric + Creation/Glamour/Eloquence Bard. Feats ⚠️ Alert. Races that are generally considered strong are still going to be strong on a twilight cleric. As for subclass, the strongest right now are Twilight (channel divinity) and Peace Cleric (bond). Twilight even more so. mskkjwdavcejuxcfokjeantwoejpkhjvxippjgbczgtlbruznehpqgzqlpsqjwnnvtiexckdys