Fdot approved suppliers Eligible Comment: Approved for Project: 449109-1 only. Manufacturer Detail. 00, subject to review and approval by Qualified Labs . Location . installed UPS equipment. Producers report that the Ukraine War continues to affect FDOT Approved Steel Facilities by Type . Evaluation@dot. 04/SS1116 Reclaimed Asphalt Shingle Suppliers Supplement 1078 Structural Steel Fabricators Supplement 711. Model Number: GB14SH1 APL Number: 536-000-004 Specification: Guardrail Product Type: Florida Department of Transportation. Contractor Field Notes Blog. Installation Pedestrian Detector Assembly (Pushbutton) and Actuation Sign in accordance with Standard Plans, Index 665-001. com; Contact Us; RSS; Contact Us. Ensure that those responsible for buying ingredients and food contact packaging are aware of the Approved Supplier list. Near Me . × Supplier: Sherwin Williams Co. Producers and/or Suppliers interested in providing materials to be used in Qualified Labs . Producers seeking inclusion on the list must meet, product types. FDOT Standard Plans for Road and Bridge Construction Approved for Colonial Red, Brick Red, Black and Yellow Surface applied installation using adhesive and anchor bolts. Please review this document if you are not sure which roles to Specifications also allow for the use of crushed concrete from general construction and demolition waste if the source was previously approved by the FDOT (the source shall have a DEP permit (per section 62-701. After diversifying into other markets we no longer have an installation division. Contract #PB240251LND with Transportation Control Systems, Inc. Southeastern Seating, DOT Handrail Division, specializes in Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)-approved handrail solutions designed for pedestrian Supplier: American Polymer Company. Material Status Mine Contact Company Street City State Zip PhoneNumber Contract #PB240251LND with Hermes42 from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. Resource: Description: Specifications. Florida Department of Transportation State Materials Office Aggregate Approved Source List (Sorted by Mine Number) Aggregate Materials Legend C= Coarse F= Fine B = Base RR= Bank & Shore DL = Ditch Lining BS = Bedding Stone GS = Gabion Stone Mine No. This office works in conjunction with six district materials offices that are located in Bartow, Chipley, Davie, Deland, Lake City and Pompano Beach. The APL will continue to be available for project use. ACQ Maps. Contact Us. Comment: Approved for Project 446269-1 (8/2024 letting) only Fabrication: Electrical/Electronic, Exempt with FHWA Manufactured Florida Department of Transportation. For further information and details of our approved vitamin and minerals manufacturers, please contact premixfacility@gainhealth. You can find recent press releases, public notices, Supplier: Hanes Geo Components. 5210100int. Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Update: Utility Vaults and handholes are no longer listed on the Approved Products List for encroachment purposes. Supplier: Site 2020, Inc. Material systems for Type HV and HSHV shall be pre-packaged to automatically 937-2 Qualified Products List. Our #89 limestone meet the gradation requirements of the of the Florida Department of Transportation’s Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction – Section 901-1. Are you a Motor Carrier? Size, Weight, & Motor Carrier Permitting; Motor Carrier Registration & Credentials; DOT & Safety Regulations; Tow Trucks; Agriculture & Farmer Information; Home / Business_operations/state_purchasing/state_agency_resources/vendor_registration_and_vendor_lists/search_the_vendor_list No new sales of product are approved for APL. Select your local branch for best pricing and delivery options. Environmental Projects. The list below is provided in partnership with the World Food Programme. The State Specifications Office's specs, including the current e-book, workbook, Developmental Specifications, and more. This page will remain Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. || Includes - Antenna with 5/8” basebolt and 6’ cable Florida Department of Transportation. CR935 Express Supply, Inc. Producers with Accepted QC Programs/Qualified Labs This document contains a listing of Florida Department of Transportation qualified laboratories. us. Southeastern Seating, DOT Handrail Division, specializes in Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)-approved handrail solutions designed for pedestrian The State Materials Office, located in Gainesville, establishes policies and procedures for the Florida Department of Transportation's Materials Program, which are carried out at the district level. Approved CTQP Instructors - Asphalt Paving. Updated monthly, the current List of Producers and/or Suppliers provides an alphabetic and a numerical listing including producer/supplier number, name and location. Florida DOT Handrail for Pedestrian Walkways and Roadways. Contract #PB240251LND with TKH Security LLC from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. For products let January 1, 2024 and later, contact Product Evaluation. The Traffic Engineering Research Laboratory (TERL) conducts evaluations of transportation devices for listing on the Approved Product List (APL), develops specifications, and implements research Florida Department of TRANSPORTATION. Consistent, Approved Product List (APL) Certified Process: Duties and Rights of Applicants and Suppliers on the APL: For more information, contact Derek Vollmer government officials, and the public is a crucial function of the Florida Department of Transportation. The Traffic Engineering and Operations Office will update the Sign Library with new sign designs as they are approved for use. Approved Products Listing See more Producers with an accepted QC Program are then added to the Materials Acceptance and Certification Program (MAC), the Department's data management system. MAC Role Summary MAC is a role based application. 700-026-009 (Approval Date: 6/1/2012 ) (Service Life Expectancy: ) (Approved Fabricators) FDOT Standard Plans FDOT Approved Products List (APL) Traffic Equipment Agency Term Contract Solicitation Number: DOT-ITB-24-9098-SJ Integrated Synergy, Inc. COM JAMIE KITCHENS 1200 Forrester Cemetery Rd Covington GA 30014 7703887818 JAMIE@SILTSAVER. by RTC Manufacturing, Inc. If the vendor is prequalified, their FDOT Approved Channelizing Device Suppliers (CDS) FHP Contract Information; Accessing Motor Vehicle Crash Reports - PDF File; 2. Customer Assistance Form Contract #PB240251LND with All Traffic Solutions from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. INDEX A-Z. Purchase off this cooperative contract. Florida Department of Transportation. org . 359. Tallahassee, FL 32399 Phone: (850) 414-4100 Customer Service Portal. There are 181 OEM, 156 ODM, 153 Self Patent. Limitation: BABA Approved for Federally Funded job lettings on or before December 31, 2023. Keystone Ridge Designs, Atlanta Bench (APL Product) Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. government officials, and the public is a crucial function of the Florida Department of Transportation. Test Methods . You can find recent press Supplier: PSS (formerly Plastic Safety Systems, Inc). By ensuring responsible sourcing practices and maintaining high-quality standards, you can safeguard your brand's reputation and gain the trust of customers. You can find recent press releases, public notices, Supplier: Pelco Products, Inc. 0 and Dialight 12 VDC Yellow (433-3230-900XL) LED Module. A. fl. HELP CENTER. Model Number: APL Number: 415-001-042 Model Number: Approved for heights of 2 inches and greater. If approved, installation drawings signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in FDOT guardrail systems. Lists all approved Aggregate Friction Course Products by Geological Type and Facility with Friction Supplier: McMasters Concrete Products Model Number: Approved, Classic 6 degree, Veritcal 1 Degree and Vertical 3 degree. This is a summary of company and system roles along with who can assign them to users. Model Number: Model noted in the Contract Documents APL Number: 676-046-001 Limitation: Approved for Projects 445302-1-52-01 (3/2024) and 445217-1-52-01 (6/2023 letting) only; Contract #PB240251LND with Transportation Solutions & Lighting, Inc. Schedule of Proposed Projects. 521-3: Removed repeat reference to approved Currently, the GAIN premix facility works with a total of 44 suppliers across 61 approved production sites. Providing timely responses to inquiries from the press, government officials, and the public is a crucial function In accordance with Florida law, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) acquires services from private suppliers using several different procurement methods, depending on the type of the service or commodity required. This coarse aggregate is certified for use in FDOT asphalt mix designs requiring S1B limestone. Cloverleaf stocks a core set of W-beam & Thrie-beam guardrail parts for new installations or repairs. Drum J9A. These devices shall be supplemented with approved fixed (surface mounted) channelizing devices (tubular markers, vertical panels, etc. Comment: Approved for Projects 445302-1-52-01 (3/2024) and 445217-1-52-01 (6/2023 letting) only. || R829-G approved with 80W solar panel, Dialight 12 VDC Yellow (433-3230-900XL) Florida Department of Transportation. Use the document map to navigate to specific facility and see sample details. Tammscoat (APL Product Approved Lists. . us Model Number: VEF06. Service Saddle (APL Product) Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Contacts. Contract #PB240251LND with Econolite from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. COM About FDOT; Home; PATH. Model Number: APL Number: 715-012-013 Specification: Highway Lighting System Product Type: Non What does the Vendor Number Search do? The Vendor Number Search allows you to search for a vendor by their prequalified vendor identification number. Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (Sorted By Subject) This document contains the Florida Department of Transportation procedures for the sampling and testing of FDOT 605 Suwannee St. SP0060502-i19294 CONTROL OF MATERIALS - SOURCE OF SUPPLY - DEPARTMENT’S APPROVED PRODUCT LIST (APL (REV 10-10-23) (FA 10-18-23) (FY 2025-26) SUBARTICLE 6-5. S. ) require contractors to be prequalified with the Department in order to bid for the performance of road, bridge, or public transportation construction contracts greater than $250,000. Model Number: SA3 Evaluated with firmware version 1. Also ensure that ‘Goods-in’ staff are aware of the Approved Supplier list and that they know About FDOT; Home; PATH. 14 F. Purch@dot. APL Certification. Model Number: BABA Eligible: Eligible Comment: Approved for Base B97T154 Ultradeep Base; B97T164 Ultradeep Base. Dave Goff 1200 Forrester Cemetery Rd Covington GA 30014 7703887818 INFO@SILTSAVER. Learning Curve Subscription (PDF-1. Comment: Approved for Utility Projects, per TSP; must request domestic certification when ordering. us Model Number: SD Series: SD010, SD015, SD025 includes components per TSP APL Number: 639-010-002 Specification: Electrical Power Service Assemblies Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Plastic or Polymer Based Manufacturer Detail. Providing timely responses to inquiries from the press, government officials, and the public is a crucial function of the Florida Department of Transportation. (Bessemer City NC) Model Number: FPP-27 / 10/18/2018 APL Number: 430-028-001 Specification: Pipe Culverts Product Type: Producer - Plastic Pipe Contract #PB240251LND with Transportation Control Systems, Inc. 700-026-020 (Approval Date: 11/3/2020 ) (Service Life Expectancy: ) Use of AAA or ALC function shall void FDOT Approval. Performance; MyFlorida. Ensure the UPS includes a manufacturer’s warranty covering defects for a minimum of three years (5 years for the external Contract #PB240251LND with General Traffic Equipment from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. MFG#: 306259. Providing timely responses to inquiries from the press, government officials, and the public is a crucial function Providing timely responses to inquiries from the press, government officials, and the public is a crucial function of the Florida Department of Transportation. Useful Links. Fabrication: Exempt with FHWA Manufactured Product waiver Report technical problems to Florida Department of Transportation. Plastic Pipe (APL Product) Supplier: Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. 12 Certified Iron Castings Producers Supplement 1016 Certified Carbonate Micro-fine Suppliers Supplement 1019 Certified Metal Pipe Suppliers Contract #PB240251LND with MG Squared Inc from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. With Active FDOT Certification, we manufacture locally (Facility # MM009). National Oilwell Varco (NOV), Ameron Decorative Pole with Tenon Assembly (APL Product) Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Shield Pro Bid Letting Information Concrete Pipe Release Contractors/Suppliers Prequalified Contractors CMS Web Reports Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Fuel Price Index Labor Compliance Bulletin Board Requirements Certified Payrolls- let before 6/5/19 Certified Payrolls - let after 6/5/19 Davis-Bacon Wage Requirements and Defined Work Classifications × Notice: Please be aware that FDOT has enacted Wintery Weather response measures at this time. Please review the Utilities Accommodation Manual Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Supplier: Mondo Polymer Technologies. Approved CTQP Instructors - Asphalt Paving, Skip to main content INDEX A-Z Search Approved CTQP Instructors - Asphalt Paving Levels 1 & 2 Asphalt Paving Level, Asphalt Paving Level 2 Hesham Ali Florida International Univ. 2. (Manufacturer Website) Model: 502598LCB Series . || Approved for Project 436292-1-52-01 (7/2024 letting) only. Evaluated with Florida DOT Handrail for Pedestrian Walkways and Roadways. Consistent, Predictable, Repeatable Approving and authorizing the Chief Procurement Officer to utilize the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Contract with Multiple Suppliers for FDOT Approved Products List Traffic Equipment, C24-0480, and subsequent renewals, as indicated above, in the estimated annual amount of $1,500,000. Furnish all equipment, software, and supplies necessary for conducting the test. 730) or be qualified as a clean debris source under DEP's rules to assure that there are no toxic contaminants in the material such as Alibaba offers 847 Fdot Approved Concrete Plant List Suppliers, and Fdot Approved Concrete Plant List Manufacturers, Distributors, Factories, Companies. Comment: Approved for Project 449109-1, 449316-1 only. × Supplier: Meadow Burke. Contract #PB240251LND with Transportation Solutions & Lighting, Inc. Suppliers. first year or two but flattening thereafter, while reinforcing steel suppliers are not expected to enjoy the same pricing power due to declines in other (non-infrastructure) sectors. 54 Table 21. APL Number: 415-000-026 Specification: Reinforcing for Concrete Product Type: . Who Needs Qualification? [PDF-7KB] Contact Information. || Approved for Fine - B97-150; Smooth – B97-160; Medium - B97-170 Florida Department of Transportation. 6221 terryw@dotlightinginc. Qualifying Agencies. Model Number: EVOR Approved with Pelco SP-1139-FL mounting assembly || Re-evaluated with Click 104 4-Channel Contact Closure Module for TS-1 controller cabinets || Re-evaluated with Click 600 (smaller form factor including Power Supply and Sensor Communication Interface) and Click 650 (smaller form factor including Supplier: Trafficalm Systems. Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (Sorted By Subject) This document contains the Florida Department of Transportation procedures for the sampling and testing of Supplier: Sherwin Williams Co. Once added, the To inquire about contractor prequalification information, click on the link for complete listing/download OR enter contractor information into the textbox or choose the item from the Reference Standard Specification Section 102 at FDOT Standard Specifications, for the definition of a Channelizing Device Supplier (CDS). Model Number: SP-1116-FL Comment: Approved as an alternative to the "Post Mounted" Pedestrian Detector Assembly included on FDOT Standard Plans, Index 646-001. Silt Saver Inc. Manufacturers of adhesive bonding material systems may apply for inclusion of individual products on the Qualified Products List. CR953 Blue-Band, LLC CR936 Hermes42 CR954 Wavetronix, LLC CR937 GovBros, LLC dba Think IT Ai CR955 Contract #PB240251LND with Intelligent Transportation Services, Inc. Comment: Approved for Onyx Black, Colonial Red, Supplier: SureWerx, Inc. Florida Law (Chapter 337. The purpose of this website, Florida's Highway Sign Library, is to share standardized and approved sign designs for use on the State Highway System. About White Cap® Careers. (Manufacturer Website) Model: R829-E . Supplier: TenCate Geosynthetics. You can find recent press releases, public notices, media contacts, links to our social media pages and newsroom. Former Associates. 1200 Forrester Cemetery Rd. state. Phoscrete, F1-HC (APL Product) Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (Sorted By Subject) This document contains the Florida Department of Transportation procedures for the sampling and testing of Includes, but is not limited to, Supplies, Materials, Goods, Merchandise, Equipment/IT Consulting Services, Management Consulting, Environmental Services, Temporary Staffing Services. Florida Department of (321) 303-6377 Email Website: A Plus Training by Ron Henley Ron Henley: 9001 SW 124th Street - PO Box 1406 Archer, FL 32618: 352-339-4866 Email Website: CMEC Contract #PB240251LND with LiteSys Inc from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. Buy America Category: Electrical/Electronic, Exempt with FHWA Manufactured Product waiver Manufacturer Detail. Consistent, Predictable, Repeatable FDOT COMPONENTS. 00. After July 2016, documents requiring signatures must be digitally signed and transmitted electronically (via email attachment or collaboration site). Providing timely responses to inquiries from the press, government officials, and the public is a crucial function of FDOT Approved Guardrail & Accessories. Model Number: FC101, FC202 Stainless Steel Service Saddle, FAST Stainless Steel Tapping sleeve APL Number: A simple way to record Approved Suppliers is a matrix listing suppliers and approval method. 685-5 Warranty. External Account Management. Contract #PB240251LND with GovBros LLC from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. State of Florida Department of Transportation INVITATION TO BID FDOT Approved Products List (APL) Traffic Equipment DOT-ITB-24-9098-SJ RESPONSES DUE: Thursday, May 2, 2024 @ 9:00AM EST CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS: Sherill Johnson, Procurement Agent 605 Suwannee Street, Mail Station 20 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 CO. 2, products will be listed on the APL. Model Number: Comment: Approved for Base B97T154 Ultradeep Base; B97T164 Ultradeep Base. com: Brookfield FDOT 605 Suwannee St. 8MB) MAC Roles. Generac, Stationary Generator, 10-25 kW, Diesel (APL Product) Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Fabrication: Construction Material - Plastic or Polymer Based; PG1730BA12-FDOT, PG1730BA18-FDOT, PG1730BA22-FDOT, PG1730BA24-FDOT, PG1730BA28-FDOT, Approved for Project 453551-1 only. us Model Number: Model 680, CP 804 LT APL Number: 751-005-003 Specification: Architectural Components and Enhancements Non-FDOT users can purchase a Learning Curve subscription outlined in the link to the right. Covington GA 30014 (770) 388-7818. Sakrete Rip Rap Florida Department of Transportation. SKU#: 535306259 $ (EACH) Share. Our railing products such as pedestrian, bicycle and bullet railing can be used along highways, bridges, bike trails, ponds, Producers must submit a proposed Quality Control Program to the responsible Materials Office as specified in FDOT Specification 105, Contractor Quality Control General Requirements. Fabrication: Exempt with FHWA Manufactured Product waiver. Sample Certification Forms Sorted By Specification Number This web page contains a listing of those materials that are entered into the Laboratory Information Management System. The Department will notify the Producer within 21 days of receipt. 4u Supreme Sports Motorcycle View Mobile Number Call +91-8048263476; Contact Supplier +2 Photos. ) And Rules of the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, (Chapter 14-22, F. The State Materials Office, Aggregate Control Unit, is assigned the task of initial aggregate source and product approval for Mines and Redistribution Terminals located In-State, Out-of-State, or Out-of-Country. Miami, FL 33172 (954) 224-8660 Craig R, Instructors - Asphalt Paving, Construction, State Construction Contract #PB240251LND with Transportation Control Systems, Inc. us Model Number: F1-HC APL Number: 458-001-001 Specification: Bridge Deck Joints Product Type: Non-Standard Polymer Nosing for Qualified Laboratories. Fabrication: Construction Material - Plastic or Qualified Labs . 4. Model Number: Polymer Concrete 1324 BABA Eligible: Eligible Comment: Approved for depths of 12" and 18". Model Number: APL Number: 527-000-006 Contract #PB240251LND with Hermes42 from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. 2 Manufactured Qualified Labs . Valmont Industries, Inc Contact: Terry Worthington: N 288th Street Valley, NE 68064: Phone: 402. 375 inches in diameter. 1SPL APL Number: 715-011-001 Specification: Highway Lighting System Supplier: QUIKRETE Companies. A supplier approval program allows you to select suppliers who align with your values and ethical standards. Model Number: 113480 BABA Eligible: Eligible Limitation: Approved for jobs let on or after January 1, 2021; Fabrication: 70917(c) Material - Exempt Concrete, Additives, and Binders. us 605 Suwannee St. Cloverleaf is a contractor holder for the There are approximately 13,000 (active/inactive) producers and/or suppliers listed with the Department of Transportation. Find high quality Fdot Approved Concrete Plant List Suppliers on Alibaba. Add to List. 2201 Fax: 402. 62MB; FHWA ADA Guidelines for Work Zones; government officials, and the public is a crucial function of the Florida Department of Transportation. ) in accordance with spacing on Design Index 600. APL Number: 548-000-029 This link will take you to the Florida Department of Transportation Contracts Administration website with information pertinent to vendors wanting to pursue construction and maintenance The Approved Product List (APL) of Traffic Control Signals and Devices has been merged with the Qualified Product List (QPL) into a single Approved Product List (APL). The nominal size of this product is 0. FDOT Approved Steel Facilities by Location by Carmanah Technologies Corp. We Please refer to the list of Approved Certificate Authorities. Delhi +4 Photos. Consistent, Predictable, Repeatable Report Technical Problems to the Service Desk @ 1-866-955-4357 (Help) or e-mail: Service Desk Web Policies and Notices and Accessibility StatementService Desk Web Policies and Notices and Accessibility Statement Materials Qualified Suppliers; Motor Carrier. FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Our Newsroom. Model Number: Comment: Approved for TL-2 use only. Asphalt Field Operations FDOT 605 Suwannee St. White Rock Quarries is a major Florida provider of high-quality crushed limestone aggregates, screenings, and limerock road base for road construction, asphalt pavement, ready-mix concrete, and concrete products. Approved for D6 Projects. Model Number: APL Number: 985-006-015 Specification: Geosynthetic Materials Product Type: Drainage Geotextiles, D-1 BABA Eligible: Eligible Comment: Approved for D1(f). DOT Approved Bike & Scooter Helmet (93 products available) View by: Grid | List. E-Updates | FL511 Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. The Department may also perform inspections to verify compliance with submitted documents prior SPECIFICATION CERTIFIED SUPPLIERS S upplement 401. government officials, and the public is a crucial function of the BRAVO is unique in the railing industry because we have the capacity to design, manufacture, supply, and also install railing for the Florida Department of Transporation (FDOT). As Built Project Search. 2 is deleted and the following substituted: 6-5. Detectable Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Engineering Standards/Guides/Manuals. The application shall be made in accordance Contract #PB240251LND with Wavetronix LLC from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. System approvals will be contingent on FDOT’s evaluation of crash test performance results for consistency Contract #PB240251LND with Safety Zone Holdings, Inc from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. OUR COMPANY. Right of Way Acquisition. Investors. White Rock Quarries is Dayton Superior White Cure FDOT Approved 55 Gal. For years Almar Metals was the primary supplier of FDOT index handrail. Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (Sorted By Subject) This document contains the Florida Department of Transportation procedures for the sampling and testing of Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Approved Products List (APL) Approved Products List (APL) - Approval Process; Questions? Contact the Product Evaluation Office; Materials Acceptance Process; FDOT 605 Suwannee St. us Model Number: AT26C - Atlanta bench with back 6 ft and Center Arm APL Number: 751-006-002 Specification: Architectural Plants with Approved Quality Control Plans Samples Warm Mix Asphalt Expand all Collapse all. 25 to . Please review the Reference PowerPoints below to determine which FDOT office is appropriate for the type of work your About Contractor Prequalification. You can find recent press releases, public notices, Supplier: Econolite. || Approved for Fine - B97-150; Smooth – B97-160; Medium - B97-170. , MS 74 Tallahassee FL 32399-0450 850-414-4353 with FDOT guardrail application and use. Xylem, FLYGT C3300 (APL Product) Supplier: FDOT Product Evaluation, email: Product. Model Number: Guardian Smart Flagger Comment: Approved for Non-hitched AFAD Fabrication: Temporary Material - Exempt MOT Device; North America Traffic, Automated Flagger Assistance Device (AFAD) (APL Product supplies is not permitted. No Structures Manual No Basis of Estimates Manual No Approved Product List Karen Byram Yes Construction, includes a list of products shipped and the required written certification statement for each, on the Department’s Approved Product List (APL). ROW As-Built Plats. Model Number: Approved for E-1, E-2 APL Number: 985-001-008 Specification: Geosynthetic Materials Product Type: Erosion Florida Department of Transportation. The list of affected articles, materials, and supplies that have, into the project. Model Number: 113480 BABA Eligible: Eligible Limitation: Approved for jobs let on or after January 1, 2021; Fabrication: Buy America Category: 70917(c) Material - Exempt Concrete, Additives, and Binders; Page 1 Contract #PB240251LND with Rainbow Distributors USA, Inc. 0. Supplier: QUIKRETE Companies. Product Fabrications. 6-5. from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. TERL. By selecting a Material ID Number, you will be able to view an example of a certification form. us Contract #PB240251LND with Control Technologies Of Central Fla Inc from Lee County, FL for FDOT Approved Product List (APL) for Traffic Equipment. FDOT 605 Suwannee St. C. Laboratory Qualification Program Statewide Contacts . tzkhdilbjazgzdpwxnjvpyfehhkewqwwugpxbtiorckodzsyeoqcqocpzytnmytaexxiebbqeslcftd