Leverevolution powder load data ca. I have 6 lbs we bought for the grendels and a couple 30-30's I load for. This information is right out of the Hornady 9th edition reloading handbook. Gavin and I have both loaded and fired 30-30 ammunition using LEVERevolution with great results in the Henry X-Model 30-30. Look at a wolf, look at a deer, look at a human, look at a black bear. For one, old standby powders like Varget, IMR- 4831, H-4350, H-414 and H-110 are hard to beat when it comes to velocity in the cartridges for which they provide good results. Powders include Hodgdon Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 150: . The max load using Leverevoulution is about 200 fps slower than factory ammo. 31. C. This would indicate that they are not the same. It was designed to give very high velocity in the most popular lever action cartridges, with the most popular bullet weights. I would call Hodgdon and get your answer from the horse's . I have not, as yet, found anything online for these two in combination for . 1gr & 35. There is separate data POWDER 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3450 VIHT N The Leverevolution powder released by Hodgdon is the same stuff used in Hornady factory ammo. Hodgdon Powder Company and Hornady Manufacturing have teamed together to answer the frequently asked reloading question; Can I buy the powder used in Hornady LEVERevolution factory ammunition? Yes, this is the same spherical propellant used in Hornady's innovative and award winning high performance factory ammunition. I, too, want to thank those who contributed to this thread. and 32. Boolits were sized to . Hodgdon® Powder Company and Hornady® have teamed together to answer the reloading question; "Can I buy the powder used in Hornady Home / Reloading / Powders / Hodgdon LEVERevolution Smokeless Powder – 1lb. Where is the best place to start? The Hodgdon Reloading Data Center (RDC) lists 21 different powder I recently grabbed a can of this powder to try in my Marlin 336 35 Rem, and possibly my Glenfield 30-30 if I like what I see in the 35. I’m looking for some data for the same powder when loading a 200Gr Core Lokt 30-30 load data for LeveRevolution powder and 125/130 gr pointed bullets. containers. Its said it works well with the heavies like the 75-77 I picked up some LEVERevolution powder in Lacey Washington Cabela's last week. In the interest of saving powder and bullets I am One of the few powders currently available in my preferred store for Reloading supplies is LeverEvolution. Hornady's load data, 45. Powders include Hodgdon Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 150: I've never loaded 30-30 with 130 grain projectiles, but LVR is my go-to powder for 160 grain Hornady flex-tips. Hodgdon H4895. Hodgdon does not list load data for these two powders for 45/70 or 44mag, but Hornady makes loads for both with it. That pressure range is reported to be 35,000 to 45,000 psi. Hodgdon H4198. After getting the reloading tools, I went to my tried and true Hodgdon tables and settled on H335 to push my Hornady 325gr FTX. Hodgdon H 335. When I pulled a bullet, I found 44 grains of a powder that appeared to be LEVERevolution. Load data for Hodgdon LVR reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and Handloads using LeverEvolution powder are capable of boosting . This fabulous propellant meters Reloading the 30-30 with LeverEvolution Powder. 250 Final Test using Hornady 103 ELDx, Hornady's recommended hunting bullet for the 6MM ARC. 9gr @ 2300 fps. FTX bullets. CFE 223 and LEVERevolution performed well. The primers even with the top load did not re seat flush with the case head so it appears the AI case design does reduce case head thrust. Hodgdon Hornady LEVERevolution Hi, folks. I love this rifle. Do not exceed the maximum charges. It's the most accurate powder by far for the 307. The 30-30 was designed to be the most efficient caliber to down any of them within the range you would most commonly encounter such creatures. Hodgdon LEVERevolution Smokeless Powder – 1lb $ 60. 308. Leverevolution load data 01-28-2014, 01:16 AM. Used the Hodgon data for a 30-30 and 170 grain Sierra FP but loaded the Speer 170 FP instead. Now you can load your am’m0 with the same powder that Hornady uses in their factory am’m0. Reading the tenth addition of The Hornady handbook of cartridge reloading, it shows minimum loads of leverevolution powder of 27. Load chronographs 2300fps. Is anyone loading this combo? I just finished loading some 75 grain ELD Match and 77 grain TMK with Leverevolution but have not been to the There certainly are Hodgdon, IMR, and other powder loads that you can use with the 325 FTX, but the "LeverEvolution" powder seems to be more suited to the 30-30, etc. 5 grains can make 2650 fps out of a . 6mm ARC reloading data with 183 loads. I am considering buying some to try in my 45/70 reloads. But I thought perhaps the two pro-pellants might provide some ben-efit in accuracy. CCI41 primers. 40 Grains LVR Pictures in this order. Powders include Hodgdon, Alliant, Vihtavuori, IMR, Accurate 6 mm ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge) - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #6 Been think'n' bout this for the . Notice that 2. S. It does work great in my son’s Winchester Model 94 in 30-30, but I have wondered if it would run in the AR’s. Group was fired at 50 yards, scoped. Select the "Get Load Data" button to view results. 44 magnums, but lately my tastes have switched more to rifles, mainly in . 358"; NEVER EXCEED MAXIMUM LOADS Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. I was into handguns or a long time, mostly . It meters like water. ) We continue to prioritize our shipments to our traditional Find all Hodgdon load data in the powder manufacturer section. This thread will explore loading the 311290 style boolit using LeveRevolution Powder. : max load; compressed powder charge; COL: 2. It is not the same powder that is used in the 338MX. Hodgdon says up to 34 grainsthat seems crazy full. Hodgdon Powder offers the largest selection of quality smokeless propellants for any reloading application. I do not recommend Hodgdon Lever powder in the . My question regards . Using bullets from Speer FN, Hornady FTX, Hornady RN. 2. 62x39 loads During the latest thread on LeveRevolution Powder Junior1942 PM’d me asking about the 30-30 testing I had done with the RCBS 30-180-FN and that powder. 7gr. Alliant Powder Reloder 7. 310. Went to the range, shot and "chronoed" (if that is a verb) 3 loadings, 5 each, in my 26" barreled 1899 B. 338 Marlin Express (Leverevolution Data) reloading data with 2 loads. Hodgdon LEVERevolution Spherical Rifle Powder is the same propellant used in high-performance and innovative factory ammunition from Hornady. In other words, the . of LeveRevolution powder with 123gr. There is separate data included for bolt-action rifles, which is not to be used in gas-operated firearms. The above load uses Alliant 2400 powder and chronographs @ 1744fps. Many times guests on these podcasts are competitive shooters. Leverevolution is newer, so it may not have that problem, just as the Ramshot powders (also newer spherical powders) do not, but I don't actually know. I've been all over with trials on most of the more popular powders for 223/5. Hodgdon Varget. This is the same powder Hornady uses in their high-performanceLEVERevolution and Full Boar 30-30 ammunitionwith 160 grain Ftx and 140 grain Monoflex bullets at 2400+ fps. 5 gr, 2658 fps, 47,000 psi Johnny's Reloading Bench - Let's hunt some whitetail deer with the 6mm ARC! The 90gr Sierra Game Changer has shot some great groups in my rifle, so let's work. 30-30 velocities upward of 200 fps beyond factory loads available from Remington, Winchester and Federal and close to 100 fps faster than can be reached by the Available in 1 lb. 444 Marlin (Using Hornady Reloading Data) reloading data with 113 loads. For more information go to – www. I am wondering if anyone has experimented with either of these powders in either of these calibers. They are powder coated with Eastwood Blue Powder; and baked at 475 degrees for 40 minutes; then taken from the oven and water quenched. 280"; NEVER EXCEED MAXIMUM LOADS Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 32 This 6mm ARC reloading data is intended for use in gas guns (e. 308 Marlin Express (Leverevolution Data) reloading data with 6 loads. Using bullets from Speer FP, Hornady MFTX, Sierra FN, Cast LFN, Hornady FTX, Sierra FP. It may be that my throat is eroded some but I am still usingthe 2. load. 8 @ 2200fps and 37. I normally don't chase velocity with my reloads but in the case of my 35 I am going to do just that, and this powder shows the I have read it repeatedly about LEVERevolution being a powder that will FILL the case. Does someone have load data or a starting load to use in my 1895ss. 30-30 Winchester (Hodgdon/Hornady Leverevolution Data) Warning! Notes: bullet diam. 4gr @ 2100fps, 34. Check out HODGDON POWDER CO. Reactions: Pereira. Once I get the 200gr Rem CLRN's in, I plan on doing some good load work with both of the rifles. I am looking to shoot 300 and 405 grain bullets in the 45/70 and 240 to 300 grain in the 44 mag. P65Warnings. Using Hodgdon Leverevolution powder. While the powders are not exactly the same, their performance seems identical in my experience. task at hand to generate modern performance from a cartridge that was designed to be loaded to low pressures with black powder and fired in fragile at least by today s standards revolvers. 308"; NEVER EXCEED MAXIMUM LOADS Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Just to be clear: There is load data for the LeverEvolution powder in the new Hornady Reloading Manual for some calibers. Coatings have been applied to smokeless powders for quite some time, to control burn rate. 7, 32. For the 160gr FTX 27. The post said they were getting around 2600fps or a little over with the 31. Peterson small primer brass. 35 Remington (Leverevolution Data) reloading data with 6 loads. Bullet Weight (Grs. Found this thread and thought I'd join and pick your brains since you guys seem to be only ones with balls big enough to run it without load data. 0 grains LVR, three shots, 200 Remington Core Lokt roundnose, 2122, 2150, 2162 fps. To update my previous post, I increased the bullet seating on the Remington PSP 200 grain bullet to 2 This is the same spherical propellant used in Hornady's innovative and award-winning, high-performance factory ammunition. O. 22" barrel. ly/3nyOMDRUR T-Shirts: https://bit. Powders include Hodgdon, Accurate, Alliant This is the same spherical propellant used in Hornady's innovative and award-winning, high-performance factory ammunition. Using bullets from Hornady V-MAX, Speer HP, Hornady GMX, Berger Varmint, Sierra Tipped MatchKing, Barnes BT LRX, Barnes BT LRX , Barnes BTLRX, Nosler Partition, Vapor Trail V-TAC, Hodgdon® Powder Company and Hornady® Manufacturing have teamed together to answer the frequently asked reloading question; "Can I buy the powder used in Hornady LEVERevolution factory ammunition?" Yes, this Subject: Accurate Powder: Contact Us - Technical From: Tom Smith Subject: Accurate Powder: Contact Us - Technical Question Type: Technical Question Type: 356 Winchester data I’ve been using AA-2015 powder for 356 Win using a 180Gr Speer bullet with great success. 223/5. Any thoughts? Anyone worked up anything for these bullets and this powder, or possibly something similar? Thanks in advance. 45-70 Government (Lever Actions) (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 56 loads. 257"; COL: 2. Are they going to release load data for just the 160 FTX bullet, or are they going to As far as load data for LVR and CFE i see almost identical loads would you guys consider it alright to work up a load starting 10% below lowest posted data for CFE since. 25-35 Winchester (Hodgdon/Hornady Leverevolution Data) Warning! Notes: bullet diam. Combining the technologies of the GMX ® and patented FTX ® bullet design, the MonoFlex ® bullet is a union of successful bullet designs from Hornady ®. 7K views 9 replies I have been using Leverevolution powder in 35 Rem. 3. And, newer options like H-100V and Lil’Gun along with the newer Home Forums Reloading Big Game Rifles Anyone try LeverEvolution powder in . @ 1900fps, 30. Hodgdon Benchmark. I have some experimenting to do on the ARC with the extended mag capacity the Jefferson bottom brings to the table (2. 300 Savage? The can I've got says a 160 grain FTX w/41. This powder measures Does anybody know where I can find published data for the leverevolution powder. Plan on chrono'ing the load next time I head out to our range to see if velocity is acceptable since there isn't any factory load data available for this powder in a 308. 45 Colt LeverEvolution Hunting Load. Hodgdon needs to get all this straightened out, especially the load data provided on the LVR powder label. 25-35 WCF / . I use the load data published on the powder canister for this I have a few hundred Rds that I have loaded at 33. Published manufacturer loading data for the . This fabulous propellant meters flawlessly and makes lever action cartridges like the 30-30 Winchester yield The lower than max pressure and compressed charge indicate that they can't stuff any more powder in the case, thus the end of the usable data. I have not hunted with a 30-30 in many years so I cant give any . Well I'm Curious whats y'alls thought on using leverevolution in the 223. rwb Levergunner Posts: 11 Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 3:25 pm Location: Saegertown,PA. Use 30-30 load data knowing your maximum charge will be about 3 to 4 grains heavier than the 30-30 maximum load. Reactions: Rifle Shoppe, cajun56, REK and 1 other person. V-MAX® Item No. Powders include Hodgdon Leverevolution powder load data. SPEED is the name of the game. 32 Win Special. Hodgdon lists three LeverEvolution loads for the 308 Marlin Express, 150gr Barnes TSX FN, 42. I listen to a goodly amount of podcasts during my long commutes to work. That is not speculation, it is fact. The Superformance and Leverevolution powders have a very narrow range of bullet weights Hodgdon SUPERFORMANCE powder and LEVEREVOLUTION powder are not used in any other cartridges because the powder does not offer a level of performance better than other powders already on the market. 308 is a mid-range rifle powder, which gives the reloader a large selection of appropriate choices. I'm unfamiliar with that powder. Been shooting off my Varget/Hornady loaded stash and reloading with Speer and LVR. Using bullets from Berger Elite Hunter , Hornady A-Tip, Nosler RDF. But in the 338MX it gives good velocity and good accuracy but RL15 gives tigher groups at 70 fps less. 62x39 for possible use in his YugoSKS. Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester Load Data is not available for the 45/70 LEVERevolution, please contact your favorite powder manufacturer for this data. You will find most cartriges list load data for only one bullet weight. ly/2UEAkgWUR on Patreon: https://www. 300 Savage using both powders. Hodgdon® Powder Company and Hornady® have teamed together to answer the reloading question; “Can I buy the powder used in Hornady LEVERevolution factory ammunition?” This is the same spherical propellant used in Hornady’s innovative and award-winning, high-performance factory ammunition. I use mag primers where load data calls for mag primers and standard primers where load data calls for standard primers. 7gr @ 2050fps, 32. It is the same powder Hornady uses in Buy Hodgdon LEVERevolution Spherical Rifle Powder 8 lb: GunBroker is the largest seller of Other Reloading Supplies Reloading Supplies Ammunition Reloading All: 1096579622. g. Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum, Power Factor, and Taylor Knock-out Calculators; Free Recoil Energy Calculator; How I reload; Alliant Powder Reloder 7. I would avoid comparing powders unless the powder company specifically states their powder is the exact same as a powder using another name. and 8 lb. Jump to Latest 25K views 17 replies 10 participants last post by 308/338 Aug 24, 2014. SIRJ Discussion starter. Chuck Hawks shares information about the Hornady . Final velocity and accuracy lo Just wondering if anyone has any data on using Hodgdon's new Leverevolution powder in the (old)? . Re: Leverevolution powder for the 444? The LE powders that Hornady uses in it's LE ammo are cartridge specific. I was sure I would find a load for the FTX bullets for my 44 mag. Jump to Latest If the bullet weight you're interested in doesn't have load data for that powder on the Hodgdon site, then the powder is a poor performer with that bullet weight. Anyways, I loaded the minimum powder load for H335 and GOOD LORD that was a Bubba’s pissin’ hot Hodgdon® Powder Company and Hornady® Manufacturing have teamed together to answer the frequently asked reloading question; "Can I buy the powder used in Hornady LEVERevolution factory ammunition?" Yes, this is the same spherical propellant used in Hornady's innovative and award winning high performance factory ammunition. 25-cali-ber cartridge. Leverevolution Smokeless Powder 8 lbs SKU: 749012716 available Online at Brownells Today and many more Powder products are available in our Reloading Department. 1794 posts Additional Information MonoFlex ®. I can, however, tell you the old '60s era ball powders all have deterrent chemistry that benefits from extra ignition effort. My current pet load consists of 29 gr of IMR 4320 behind the nosler 85 gr ballistic tip, this load runs 2460 and shoots 1/2 to 3/4 inch groups, I am using winchester cases and winchester large rifle . 308 caliber. This powder is not for you because it was designed with the 30-30 and 308 MX in mind. The price of powder and jacketed Reloading. Using bullets from Hornady FTX or FP. Hodgdon Powder Leverevolution - 1lb Can -A spherical powder, Hodgdon Leverevolution Powder gives ideal ballistic performance in the most popular lever action calibers, producing fast, accurate, and flat shooting cartridges. This powder is used for reloading of additional cartridges as well, including the . In the interest of saving powder and bullets I am hoping some of you fine people could help me with loads that have been successful for you using these bullets and this powder. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. I do not know what length barrel they were using. Well anyway I cannot understand why the IMR/Hornady load data web site does not give LVR powder loads for the 32 win spl but the Hornady manuals have LVR load data. patreon. Bigdog357. 338 Federal (Leverevolution Data) reloading data with 6 loads. An innovative bullet choice is now available for the famed Hornady ® LEVERevolution ® ammunition line. You can tell the difference because LE powder is slightly finer-grained than the slower-burning Super. 550" When you start compressing powder and looking for maximum pressure you can get a surprise with some powders. reloading data on the Hodgdon site you can see that the min/max loads, velocity, and pressure all vary between the two powders. 30-30AI for bullets over 150 grains. Save Share Reply Quote Like. powders in the little . It flows like water, it must have a real slippery coating. Their powder in their 444 LE loads is different than the powder in the 30-30 LE loads and is different than the powders in 338 LE, etc. How does its temp stability compare with CFE223 and Leverevolution? Those velocities are pretty impressive I wish Hodgdon offered load data for the higher pressure boltgun group. Superformance gave low velocity. LeveRevolution powder does no like to be compressed in my rifle. He asked about the test and was trying to correlate the psi’s from that test to the 7. The Hodgdon Leverevolution WARNING: This product can expose you to Lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. 22 ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge). I have not been able to match factory balistics in the 338 MX with LVR. Using bullets from Barnes TSX FN, Hornady FTX ME, Hornady FP. 7 was my most accurate at 2731fps avg, so pressure should be very low still, For anybody who is interested I recently completed some tests using Hodgdon Leverevolution powder and the 30-30 cartridge. LeverEvolution Powder Tested. Just not for the 45-70. I'm 64 years old and have been reloading since 1972. 35 Remington (Leverevolution Data) Warning! Notes: bullet diam. The objective is to closely match (as much as possible) their LEVERevolution ammunition that uses the same projectile. Hornady . It's for rifle cartridges only, so pistol caliber loads are out with it. 0 gr 2632 fps, 44,400 psi 160gr Hornady FTX ME, 41. Hodgdon LEVERevolution Smokeless Powder (1 lb) by HODGDON Product Overview: Hodgdon Powder Company and Hornady have teamed together to answer the reloading question; "Can I buy the powder used in Hornady LeveRevolution Powder with a 170gr Bullet. 3 grains more powder gave about 50 fps less average velocity with the much less deeply seated roundnose bullet. Looking at the 30-30 Win. These boolits are the NOE Copy of the Lyman 311290. Hodgdon LEVERevolution Smokeless Powder is an amazing propellant and makes lever action cartridges like the 30-30 Winchester yield velocities in excess of 100 fps over any published handloads. 56 and was able to pick up several pounds on sale for $19. Mag and regular primers. The top load shown with this powder for the 30-30 gives 2550 fps. : 0. 7 grains LVR, two shots, 2196 and 2198 fps, 200 FTX. I plan to reload I've never loaded 30-30 with 130 grain projectiles, but LVR is my go-to powder for 160 grain Hornady flex-tips. I have searched the web but I can find no evidence of anyone trying This probly won't be popular with most because it's a ball powder, temp sensitive and no one has load data for it. If you reload and shoot multiple caliber firearms, be aware 30-30AI data with Leverevolution powder Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading, Reloading I have some LEVERevolution powder, as well as some 4198, 4895, 4064 and 748 So if anyone has some useful data to share, I'm listening Hornady's load data, 42. com/reloadingdata/22-advanced-rifle-cartridge/ Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum, Power Factor, and Taylor Knock-out Calculators; Free Recoil Energy Calculator; How I reload; Alliant Powder Reloder 10x. 35 came first, as Winchester had not yet perfected harder, nickel-steel barrels for the jacketed bullets that were loaded later in This 6mm ARC reloading data is intended for use in gas guns (e. Jump to Latest 3. 308 Marlin Express. The LE powder that is currently offered is the 30-30 mix and is not suggested for use in the 444. Powders include Hodgdon 30-30 load data for LeveRevolution powder and 125/130 gr pointed bullets « on: November 14, 2012, 09:31:07 AM » A while back I thought I read on here about loads for the H&R Handi-rifle 30-30 Win using 125/130gr pointed bullets and the LeveRevolution powder. Trail Boss® Reduced Loads. Leverevolution 223, 77tmk combo planning on loading them with imr4166 but stumbled on some rumors on various forums about lvr being a very good powder in the 223 with heavy bullets. Close, but not the same. 30 WCF / . All of the deer taken by me with the . 0gr. I still mostly use the AA load data, along with some specific data from component manufacturers. The rifle functioned smoothly with all loads with no problem opening or extracting the cases. Does your 270 operate in that range? If so maybe the LE powder will help. Separate data will be provided for bolt action firearms. Groups are 200 yards. According to the Hodgdon manual, though, its new LEVERevolution powder provides a gain of nearly 200 fps with 75-grain bullets over other powders listed in the manual. I'd think something pretty close could be pulled from a Savage 99 in . : . 25-35 Winchester, . IMR. When using powders in the medium burn rate classic is difficult to get into trouble if you stop at 100% load density and use a COL of 2. Looking for load data and reloading tips for the . There Primer advice using LeverEvolution powder in 35 Rem. It also weighs 182gr lubed and gas checked. I think I tried Varget a long time ago and didn't get results with Hodgdon LEVERevolution Smokeless Powder (8 lbs) by HODGDON Product Overview: Hodgdon Powder Company and Hornady have teamed together to answer the reloading question; "Can I buy the powder used in Hornady . 30-30 using that new LVR powder. I must add that I feel the LeveRevolution powder has breathed a new life into this old gun, which has been in my family for 80 years. Hodgdon BL-C(2) Hodgdon CFE 223. Top. I have four . The Hodgdon/Hornady LeverEvolution powder flows and meters exceptionally well. I figured it burns near cfe-223 and h380 so I've been looking to see how much powder is a good setting point. I have not found any 45/70 load data for the Leverevolution powder. 250 Reading the tenth addition of The Hornady handbook of cartridge reloading, it shows minimum loads of leverevolution powder of 27. For this load, I decided to use LEVERevolution powder from Hodgdon. 3 Junior1942’s7. gov. 301 to allow . 58 GRAIN BULLETS SECTIONAL DENSITY: 0. MENU; Login; 90gr Sierra Game Changer with Hodgdon Powder Company and Hornady Manufacturing have teamed together to answer the frequently asked reloading question; Can I buy the powder used in Hornady LEVERevolution factory ammunition? Yes, this is the same spherical CFE 223 and LEVERevolution performed well. Powders include Hodgdon, Ramshot, IMR, Accurate Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum, Power Factor, and Taylor Knock-out Calculators; Free Recoil Energy Calculator; How I reload; Alliant Powder Reloder 15. com/ultimatereloaderIf you want more zip from your le Re: Hodgdon Hornady LEVERevolution Smokeless Powder I just picked up some of the powder for the 30-30 and my 35 Rem also. However it worked great for me in the Grendel without load data and it seems to be great in my Creedmoor as well. See more Select Filter by Cartridge or Powder to get started. Powders include IMR, Hodgdon A spherical powder with a small, but specific range of uses. 45 Colt LEVERevolution Factory Load By Chuck Hawks. 470"; 33,900 cup 200: Hornady FTX: Hodgdon Looking at the 30-30 Win. Whether or not Superformance and Leverevolution powders have two different burn rates of powder, divided and controlled by Hodgdon Powder Company and Hornady Manufacturing have teamed together to answer the frequently asked reloading question; Can I buy the powder used in Hornady LEVERevolution factory ammunition? Yes, this is the same spherical propellant used in Hornady's innovative and award winning high performance factory ammunition. He primarily was interested to see if the LeveRevolution Full Story: https://bit. Alliant Powder Varmint. shootersreference. 550” COAL and the bullets have a little free bore to accelerate. 5 grains. This fabulous propellant meters flawlessly and makes lever action cartridges like the 30-30 Winchester yield velocities in excess of So if the LE powder is designed to give max velocity at 40,000 psi how will it give max velocity at 65,000 psi as well? It is only within a narrow pressure range that the LE powder gives additional velocity. 3 which all seem very full. 1401 posts · Joined 2013 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Aug Hodgdon Extreme™ Rifle Powders. This powder produces top velocity, which would be great for hunting! Here’s the full list of load components and data: Bullet: Hornady FTX 160 grain 30 caliber 30-30 bullet; Case: New Hornady 30-30 case; Powder: LEVERevolution powder from Hodgdon TAC & Lever are generally pretty close on price. Then the nose was sized to . Powders include Hodgdon (Leverevolution Data) Warning! Notes: bullet diam. 5gr. I use the load data published on the powder canister for this particular projectile: 35. 5 Grendel, 6mm ARC, and 22 ARC. 32 Winchester Specials and have sent quite a few rounds down range and at deer. 22411 C. Hodgdon® Powder Company and Hornady® have teamed together to answer the reloading question; “Can I buy the powder used in Hornady LEVERevolution factory ammunition?” This is the same spherical propellant used in Hornady’s The proper burn rate powder for the . Powders include Hodgdon, IMR Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/19/2025: https://www. Using bullets from Hornady XTP, Nosler JFP, LSWC, Sierra JHC, Nosler Part. My brother in law has a 1894 winchester chambered for the 30-30 cartridge and he is new to reloading . I am trying it out with 90g Speer TNT, and have run loads at 31. The data represented here is loaded within the SAAMI specified maximum pressure of 52,000 psi and is safe for all AR-15 systems. So there is no magic in this powder for your 348AI. I am using Starline brass, 325gr ftx bullets and Remington large rifle primers. 300 Savage. 95 a couple years ago. 32 Winchester Special (Using 165/170 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 43 loads. 6mm ARC (AR Loads) (Handloader Issue #331) reloading data with 45 loads. Re: Leverevolution powder for 6. Its pretty close to CFE223 on the charts. However, this round does not use Superformance powder. 243" 58 gr. TESTED: Hodgdon LEVERevolution Powder – Ultimate Reloader Regards, Guy . The powder is absolutely incredible, setting it apart from the competition. I would get some CCI-450 primers since they will be the ones you most see in load data. 5 Grendel ? I seen some load data on the 6. As has been stated on numerous threads here and elsewhere, there is little data available for this powder . Loading light for caliber 125gr Nosler BT, realized the best powders like Varget, BLC2, and 4895 give near top velocity but fill the case Load Data and Components. 357 Magnum (Rifle) (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 102 loads. Last week I picked up a pound of the new Hodgdon leverevolution powder, I have a Thompson center pistol with a 15 inch barrel chambered for 25-35. 140 DIAMETER: 0. M1 Garand Service Rifle Load Data. @ 2000fps, 31. Barrel length is 21 inches. Hodgdon H4227. L. Seems like it should be a good powder if the rifles like it. As for powder, I've typically been using AA2520 and BL-C(2). 30-30 Winchester (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 155 loads. 13346 posts · Joined 2013 Add to quote; Only show this user The Hornady Leverevolution power might be a good powder to try along with their 165gr FTX bullet. Here's what Leverevolution powder does with the RCBS 08-170, 182gr boolit in my one Marlin 336SC in . Hodgdon H322. 303 Savage and finally "pulled the trigger", so to speak, and bought a pound of Hodgon Leverevolution powder. Using bullets from Hornady FTX. Found a node just over 42 grains. Pereira. I load for 6. Accurate and fast in my Marlin 1895GS and Ruger 77/44. 56 & I see no magic in either Lever or CFE-223 in accuracry with minimal real gains in velocity compared to 8208, V V-133/135/540, AR-Comp, 2000-MR, & TAC. 100gr Partition 107gr SMK Barnes 120gr TSX 123gr SMK 129gr Hornady SP 123gr SST 31. Constructed of a copper alloy, MonoFlex ® bullets will never separate, and when Also, the forum has several stickies with reloading information to include the on line info. 085" G1 B. UNSAFE FIREARM AND AMMUNITION COMBINATIONS. Hornady A-MAX and Barnes TTSX bullets. rifle. 5 grendel forum with guys using 30. 308 Marlin Express Reloading . 300 Savage if the rifle is in decent condition. : 2. I do not. Select other category options to refine your search. This propellant produces 80 to 150 fps more velocity than any other powder we have on our reloading data center. , 30-30, 308 express, 338 express with HDY. This fabulous propellant meters . Using bullets from Sierra HP, Hornady JRN, Speer JFP. I also have been interested in trying the LeveRevolution powder in the . AR-15’s) and kept to a maximum pressure of 52,000 psi. Still can't come up with a load. The other powders I mentioned seem to be much more forgiving and easier to work with as the velocities exceed 2,400 fps using the 170- grain bullets. 00. I have contemplated trying Leverevolution powder with heavy bullets in . I've chronied this load and it produces, almost exactly believe it or not, the MV posted on the load data, that being 2389 FPS. I'm working up a load with it now. 308 Win: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread at the loading bench just now, I had a bit of an epiphany. You can tell this by looking at load data for the 338MX. Improved Military Rifle IMR 3031. The 45/70 LEVERevolution Pacesetter 4 die set will also be able to reload the 45/70 with the addition of a 45/70 factory crimp die and 45/70 load data. Using bullets from Swift SCIR, Sierra SP, Swift SP. This target was shot with the Ranch Dog 323-170 bullet. I fired three shots at 150 yards into a 3"x3" piece of jotting paper using my Marlin XLR 308 expess topped with a Weave 2x10x38mm scope, group was about 1-1/4". 42") along with the higher . I've got hornady pills in the 87/100/105 flavours. 7 grains up to max loads of 37 grains. 0gr - 31. I made up some handloads in . It is very common for them to say that they will only use a cartridge where they can use either Varget or Leverevolution powders due to burn consistency and temperature stability. Using bullets from Hornady HP XTP, Hornady FTX, Hornady FP. , INC. 4gr with FTX 160gr bullet they shoot well from my 336. . Anyway has anyone given leverevolution powder in a 308. I would like to find a load for my 99 that uses 150 grain bullets, specifically Barnes TTSX, and LEVERevolution. scciatlmhvfvprujhsnpxsunyzffysmozokncwctkxymqmeackrhcuzxccocngamsxlkpklfesasxfoki