Loss on ignition calculation coal. The loss-on-ignition (LOI) .
Loss on ignition calculation coal [(w1– w2) / (w3 – w2)] × 100. 2 Loss on ignition 16 4. The example refers to a plant with a production of 1 million tonnes of clinker per year. 55. Note: Always wear a lab coat, safety goggles, and the The unburnt carbon content in fly ash is a significant index to evaluate the combustion efficiency of coal-fired boilers. However, since UC content in ash is strongly Loss on ignition (LOI) Heating of samples to specified temperatures has been used widely to measure organic matter and carbonate content in sediment, soil and coal fly ash samples (Bengtsson and Enell 1986; Heiri et al. , 2002; De Vos The wide range of loss-on-ignition (LOI) values of coal ash dependent on coal rank is evident from values reviewed by Craig [3] where lignite ashes contain typically 0–5% LOI, subbituminous coal ashes 0–3% LOI and the most significant variability (the widest range) is reported for bituminous coal ashes (0–15% LOI). Where, w1 = weight in g of the ignited crucible and residue. In contrast, a The set of standard concentrations for the absolute foam index test was determined by analyzing experimental results of 80 tests on coal fly ashes with loss on ignition (LOI) values ranging from 0 Keywords Loss on ignition Doggerland sediment Thermogravimetric analysis Multistage Introduction Loss on ignition (LOI) Heating of samples to specified temperatures has been used widely to measure organic matter and carbonate content in sediment, soil and coal fly ash samples (Bengtsson and Enell 1986; Heiri et al. 2. from publication: Mineralogy and geochemistry of 733 loss on ignition This procedure is provided for the purpose of determining the percentage of test material that is volatilized and driven off under the conditions specified. Bound Water: Regarding a clay mineral, that water that, when it is driven off by the heat of a kiln firing, irreversibly alters the structure of the mineral. doc / . However, higher temperatures can The Loss on Ignition test determines the amount of carbon dioxide released when limestone is heated. PROPOSAL FOR CHANGESTO THE DRAFT HORIZONTAL STANDARD 16 4. 1 Dry matter and water content 16 4. 1-D modelling was also conducted to predict coal ignition based on the classic coal drying theory and coal devolatilisation rate. from publication: Optimization of the metakaolin geopolymer preparation for Figure 1 shows an example of a CFD calculation for a pulverized coal firing boiler [16-18]. The In the UK, there is currently a 10 per cent cap on Loss on Ignition (LOI) values in waste fines for those wishing to qualify for a lower rate of £4. The 'Bend the Trend 2024′ report compares the increase in material consumption over the last 50 years, rising from 8. Numerical analyses were first applied to evaluate heat absorption by the furnace wa ll [19], since then they have been applied to such environmental performance factors as NOx Similar observations were already made for iron-rich coal ashes, in which case negative loss on ignition was best explained by the oxidation of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ (FeO to Fe 2 O 3 ) and its associated residues after ignition for the calculation of the. Any fines that contain a higher LOI value are with ahigh loss on ignition has been still limited. This is the oven (Muffeloffen) in which we heat the ceramic crucibles. The principle that underlies the method is that the sample will lose weight at specific For 40 μm coal particles, the coal ignition times for three O 2 mole fractions and three gas temperatures vary from 13. LOI 350 (loss on ignition at 3508C) and LOI 550 (loss on ignition at 5508C) proved to be $80% and $200%, respectively, of total extraction of mass loss at 3508C (TG-DTA 350 tot) and at 5678C (TEML) estimated by TG-DTA on Sequential loss on ignition followed the method proposed by Heiri et al. 6, 3167- 3200 Five test runs were performed to assess possible bias when performing the loss on ignition (LOI) method to estimate organic matter and carbonate content of lake sediments. Loss on Ignition Calculation. 1 Comparison of loss on ignition at 450ºC and 550ºC 11 3. It can also be calculated from the chemical analysis of the kiln feed by the following formula: 1. This is . Specifically, it outlines three causes of LOI: increased air velocity, decreased We have determined, through thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) of seventy fly ash samples obtained from diverse coals and boilers, that loss-on-ignition (LOI) consistently overestimates unburned Loss on ignition (LOI) test is a generally accepted method for estimating the unburned carbon content of fly ash. Licensed to Chi-Nam Si on 11 Aug 2015 LOI (Loss on Ignition) Notes-The LOI summarizes the oxides within a raw material that burn away as "products of decomposition" during firing. Calculate the loss on ignition at 105 C (LOI In order to calculate the dust return correction of the kiln feed you have to evaluate a mass balance based on your own calculations beside the Protocol Spreadsheet. This ash generally and in this standard is termed as fly ash Coal or coke: 1: 250: 750/950: 3: Method D7348 – 13 or D3174 – 12 requires pulverizing the sample to 250 µm size (ASTM International, 2013, 2012) but the presence of resin and fiberglass make it harder to pulverize the nonmetal fraction to a fine size whereas the sample mass requirement for D2974 – 14 is comparatively high to be feasible for nonmetal fraction However, the loss on ignition (LOI) test in the Table 4 experiment can be indicative of carbonates. 105)a s. 4 to 5 ms. To combustion engineers, the term LOI normally refers to mass losses in samples Loss on ignition, or LOI, gives valuable, but often underused information about ceramic raw materials. Limestone is largely composed of calcium carbonate, which decomposes to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide when heated. However, it has been observed that LOI results may overestimate the amount of Standard Test Methods for Loss on Ignition (LOI) of Solid Combustion Residues D7348-21 ASTM|D7348-21|en-US Standard Test Methods for Loss on Ignition (LOI) of Solid Combustion Residues Standard D7348 This can be used to calculate the amount of CaCO3 present in the sample by using the ratio between the molecular weights, expressed as a percentage of the total original dry sample weight this is the % carbon. 0%. The soil carbon in so ils of Mali measured b y the . Some material producers separate the different components of weight lost during firing as H 2 O, CO2, SO 3, even pure carbon, etc. Check In Make Sample powders ready by drying over night ! Instruments: Back to Top . LOI and TGA results A minimum of 2. 2 to 10. 2001 ; Santis-teban et al. The loss on ignition of the kiln feed (LOI kiln feed) can be used instead of LOI RM, as long as the dust return is not significantly calcined (degree of calcination: d<5%) and contributes with less than The excessive exploitation of natural resources is the main cause of the global crisis, and the biggest challenge facing the current generation is the reduction of emissions and carbon footprint on the planet [1]. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change Loss On Ignition (L. The Loss on Ignition is the amount of weight lost in the sample once it has gone through the heating process. 3 Total organic carbon 19 ANNEX 1 METHODS AND PRINCIPLES Experiment 3 - Loss on Ignition - Free download as Word Doc (. It is calculated by comparing the weight of a sample before and after it has been subjected to the high Loss on ignition (LOI) Heating of samples to speciÞed temperatures has been used widely to measure organic matter and carbonate content in sediment, soil and coal ßy ash samples (Bengtsson and Enell 1986 ; Heiri et al. pdf), Text File (. We conducted a series of "Thermal Analysis and Loss-On-Ignition Techniques" in: The Plutonium Handbook, 2nd edition, David L. One method involves mixing coal ash with cement to form a mixture, adding water to the mixture, and observing whether a probe settles to judge whether the coal ash meets the standard . 0 ± − 1. 2004 ). ) Before you start Instruments Instructions Before you leave. Spontaneous combustion results in loss of the precious coal resources and the emission of greenhouse-relevant gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, and other toxic gases, which threaten the health of local inhabitants. Ashes after ignition contain more maghemite resulting from oxidation of newly formed 733 loss on ignition This procedure is provided for the purpose of determining the percentage of test material that is volatilized and driven off under the conditions specified. Simple Input Method (A1) - LOI of Raw Meal. 3 ms. 01) + O3 (3 x 16. LOI is a critical parameter in assessing the quality and usability of these residues, referring to the mass loss when the sample is heated in an air or oxygen Relationship between standard deviation (SD) of the loss-on-ignition method (LOI) and the wet-chemical oxidation method (WCO). 01) Removed between 550 - fragments of coal does not function in the same m anner . 1 . As the gas Spec Publ RSC, London Fan M, Brown RC (2001) Comparison of the loss-on-ignition and thermogravimetric analysis techniques in measuring unburned carbon in coal fly ash. 3. Examples of the TGA curves obtained are. How to Calculate Loss on Ignition With Nickzom Calculator. This method determines the quantitative Download Table | Loss on ignition (LOI ) and Chemical composition of MSWI ash and cement materials (% by weight) from publication: Analysis of MSWI Bottom Ash Reused as Alternative Material for ASTM D7348-08e1 - SIGNIFICANCE AND USE LOI refers to the mass loss of a combustion residue whenever it is heated in an air or oxygen atmosphere to high temperatures. 08) + C (12. About 80 percent of the total ash is finely divided and get out of boiler along with flue gases and is collected by suitable technologies. e. The Loss On Ignition (LOI) method is used to estimate the soil organic matter (SOM) but has its advantages and limitations compared to other methods that calculate it from organic carbon (OC). 6 Interferences and sources of errors LOI is an empirical parameter, thus in principle there is no interference connected to the To calculate the percentage Residue on ignition as per BP, the formula to use is as follows. Calculation (molecular Samples of a fly and a bottom ash, each before and after ignition at 960°C, have been studied by X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, carbon analysis, and thermogravimetric analysis with the aim to explain an observed negative loss on ignition. I. Davies (1974) illustrated that even a temperature of 430°C could be used in the presence of calcium carbonate without errors. The radiant heat loss was . Defining the Terms. 8: Soil Organic Matter Content: Loss-On-Ignition is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4. w3 = weight in g of the crucible and sample. To get the answer and workings of the loss on ignition using Loss on Ignition (LOI) standard test methods for coal and coke) are acceptable. In a typical analysis, the temperature is ramped from ambient to a speciÞc 3. Clark, David A. Although significant NO x reductions were achieved with coal reburning, unacceptable unburned carbon in fly ash, or loss on ignition (LOI) was obtained. Another method involves thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) of coal The weight loss between 550 and 950 o C is representative of the amount of CO 2 released from the sample. 76%, which exceeds the ASTM C618 [10] The remaining carbon is usually measured by the loss on ignition (LOI), i. Loss on ignition (LOI) is one of the most widely used methods for measuring organic matter content in soils but does not have a universal standard protocol. It states that LOI occurs due to deviations in air injection velocity, not combustion failures. Before You Start: View Work Flow Chart. The loss-on-ignition method, as the simplest and cheap, is still preferred in geological, geomorphological and archaeological studies [19]. Introduction to the methods Loss-on-ignition Loss-on-ignition is a common and widely used method to estimate sediment properties (i. User Name: Password: For more information about the Interlab family of coal proficieny testing programs, please visit our Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) has become essential for determining the loss on ignition (LOI) in solid combustion residues such as coal ash, biomass ash, and cement residues. 4. LOI 350 (loss on ignition at 3508C) and LOI 550 (loss on ignition at 5508C) proved to be 80% and 200%, respectively, of total extraction of mass loss at 3508C (TG-DTA 350 tot) and at 5678C (TEML) estimated by TG-DTA on natural samples, meaning that the LOI 550 value represents a significant overestimate. The loss-on-ignition (LOI) according to the stoichiometric calculation as reaction (1), by, (6) M c = (m 2-m 1) × 12 32 where, M c represents mass of unburnt carbon, mg, m 1 is balance weight loss, mg, m 2 is time integration of flow A coal reburning system was installed in an industrial boiler in Taiwan to demonstrate its viability as a NO x control technology [11]. All three samples after 30 weeks have a loss of mass when heated to 950 ı C, meaning that some Self-ignition in coal stockpiles is a serious economic, environmental and safety problem. 2001; Santisteban et al. A large number of factors may influence its accuracy, such as furnace type, sample mass, duration and temperature of ignition and clay content of samples. These test methods establish a procedure for determining LOI values for combustion Formula for L. 00) = CaCO3 (100. Loss on Ignition of a sample is reported as an elemental or oxide analysis of a mineral. (2001), with the modifi-cation by Bengtsson and Enell (1986) which takes into account the loss of mass at 105 C and the residues after ignition for the calculation of the LOI. The procedure, as generally applied, is nondestructive to the substance under test; however, the substance may be converted to another form such as an anhydride. Abstract. Hanrahan editors, Volume 6, Chapter 44. It was readily suggested that the increased iron content in the new coal played a crucial role in these unexpected LOI results. 01 Ignition Loss. Weight losses associated with water and carbon dioxide evolutions are easily quantified by recording sample weights before and after controlled heating (ignition at 550 and 1000oC) The document discusses Loss on Ignition (LOI) in coal-fired boilers. The principle that underlies the method is that the sample will lose weight at speciÞc Carbon loss is influenced by the following: (1) coal type and grinding, such as changes in ash and maceral content; mean, standard deviation and higher moments of the particle size distribution; moisture remaining in the pulverised coal, (2) properties of the pulverised coal and its char like heating value, char yield on pyrolysis, char structure, char reactivity, ash Download Table | Elemental composition, loss on ignition (LOI), and calculated molar ratios of Na and K-based MK-GPs. 05 per tonne of waste tax bracket. 3 Total organic carbon 14 4. Ignition loss is usually determined by tests in a laboratory furnace. k. However, the To combustion engineers, the term LOI normally refers to mass losses in samples heated to temperatures normally less than 950 °C. As for 70 μm coal particles, the ignition times decrease from 21. Care must be taken to avoid moisture pick-up from the atmosphere. This document provides instructions for conducting a loss on ignition (LOI) analysis to determine the organic matter content of soil samples. This method We have determined, through thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) of seventy fly ash samples obtained from diverse coals and boilers, that loss-on-ignition (LOI) consistently overestimates unburned carbon in fly ash. 2 Ruggedness and precision experiments 12 3. 105 Sulfur content, loss on ignition value and ash fusion temperature are all aspects that can be analyzed. 2004 We have determined, through thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) of seventy fly ash samples obtained from diverse coals and boilers, that loss-on-ignition (LOI) consistently overestimates unburned carbon in fly ash. 1. By measuring LOI- and FeO-decrease with time for several igneous rocks, it is demonstrated that the simple Enviro-analytical chemistry impacts lives of the people in non-developed countries more than developed countries. w2 = weight in g of the crucible. 00) = CO2 (44. The LOI method involves weighing soil samples before and after ignition in a furnace to burn off organic matter. The simple input method (A1) is in principle based on the determination of the loss on ignition of raw meal (LOI Loss on Ignition RM, uncalcined). •However, for coal and coke, it is believed that the mass loss from the ash can be an estimate of the amount of carbon remaining in the residue. Here are some tips about why LOI matters and how ceramic artists can use it to their advantage. It is difficult to name just one parameter that best describes the quality of coal, given the variety of parameters that influence coal quality. In Calculate the percent organic matter by weight using the following formula: % Organic Matter = [(C2 – C3) / (C2 – C1)] x 100 : Sample 1: Sample 2: Sample 3: C1 (Crucible Weight) C2 (Crucible + sample weight) C3 (Crucible + no OM sample weight) % Organic Matter . Standard Mark The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards The Loss on Ignition method for the determination of organic content is most applicable to those materials identified as peats, organic mucks, and soils containing relatively undecayed or undecomposed vegetative matter or fresh plant materials such as wood, roots, or grass, or carbonaceous materials such as lignite, coal, etc. Calculation (molecular •The loss-on-ignition (LOI) test is a method of determining the mass loss from solid combustion residues by heating (ASTM 2013). The furnace can be a stand alone muffle furnace or a computer-controlled macrothermogravimetric analyzer (macro TGA) system. The ignition times of 100 μm coal are a little higher due to high particle heat capacity, which are from 31. Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI), however, remains a widely used method for assessing SOC in agricultural and forest soils, with LOI being converted to SOC either by a fixed conversion factor or by regression analyses (Konen et al. Loss on ignition (LOI) methods has long been used by soil testing laboratories to measure soil organic matter and soil organic carbon. Conti The loss on ignition (LOI) method measures the weight loss of a soil sample after it is heated, which includes the loss of both organic and inorganic components. Methods. The The Loss on Ignition method for the determination of organic content is most applicable to those materials identified as peats, organic mucks, and soils containing relatively undecayed or undecomposed vegetative matter or fresh plant materials such as wood, roots, or grass, or carbonaceous materials such as lignite, coal, etc. txt) or read online for free. : L. the loss on ignition at 105 C (LOI. Changes in coating formation in the burning zone, burnability Learn how to determine the Loss on Ignition. Cal culate. Experimental results have shown that Pulverized fuel ash is a residue resulting from the combustion of ground or powdered or crushed bituminous coal or sub-bituminous coal (lignite). In the cement industry, use of the term LOI normally refers to a mass loss in a sample heated to 950°C. 2001; Santis-teban et al. 3 Calculation Loss on ignition, percent by mass = ml - ma x 1oo M where ml = mass in g, of the crucible with sample, 1000°C in a muffle ma = mass in g, of the crucible with residue after ignition, and M = mass in g, of the sample taken. The process was: (1) Dry the sample 12–24 h at 105 C. Conclusion . Fly ash used in this research was taken from Nghi Son thermal power plant, Viet Nam, with the loss on ignition of 15. LOI. For LOI (Loss on Ignition) - Free download as PDF File (. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. 32% ignition loss was recorded on a ceramic specimen that contained 25% of β-wollastonite with a particle size of 125 µm and fired at 950°C of firing temperature. shown in Figs. This page titled 1. Loss on ignition of coal is calculated using various methods. , After coal from a new origin was used LOI values for both the fly ash and bottom ash strongly deviated from the usual expected values and even became negative. as organic matter in the soil. using silica or platinum crucible at 800°C. The largest energy balance term is the heat transfer rate to the steam, which is Comparison of the Loss-on-Ignition and Thermogravimetric Analysis Techniques in Measuring Unburned Carbon in Coal Fly Ash Maohong Fan* and Robert C. is made of contributions from: Volatile compounds : H2O+, CO2, F, Cl, S; in parts also K, Na (if heated for too long); Added compounds : O2 (oxidation, e. 2 Loss on ignition 11 3. a. This can be used to calculate the amount of CaCO 3 present in the sample by using the ratio between the molecular weights, expressed as a percentage of the total original dry sample weight this is the % carbon. docx), PDF File (. Large variations of the silica ratio in the clinker can be an indication of poor uniformity in the kiln feed or the fired coal. In macro TGA, a sample size o f 1 g (or larger) is used. Since products of decomposition escape as gases during firing, fired glazes do not have an LOI, it is Welcome to the login page for the Interlab family of coal proficiency testing programs. Statistics showed that more than 2100 coal stockpiles The difference in mass before and after the ignition process is used to calculate the loss on ignition. Download scientific diagram | The percentage of major-element oxides (%) and loss on ignition (LOI, %) in the No. stages of the method, as detailed in the methods. 8 to 6. Thus, the major objective of this study is to investigate the applicability of the raw fly ash with a high loss on ignition in concrete. The calculation protocol uses a modified output–loss approach applied to a control volume that closely conforms to the boiler. 105 = 100(WS DW. The original Coal & Coke; Limestone; Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to provide a method for determining loss on ignition of a sample material, reported as a weight %. 01) + O2 (2 x 16. The calorific value is suitable to give a first impression of the product quality as coal is mostly used Loss on Ignition (LOI) of Solid Combustion Residues1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7348; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. Calculation (molecular weights in brackets) Ca (40. In a typical analysis, the temperature is ramped from ambient to a speciÞc calculate the loss in mass between the isothermal. 4 to 13. 02 Silica Ratio . Brown† Center for Sustainable Environmental The weight loss between 550 and 950 o C is representative of the amount of CO 2 released from the sample. , water content, organic matter, inorganic carbon and minerogenic residue), because is the quickest Figure 1 shows an example of a CFD calculation for a pulverized coal firing boiler wavelength 488 and 515 nm) was used to reveal the effect of radiant heat loss on the ignition characteristics. Nickzom Calculator – The Calculator Encyclopedia is capable of calculating the loss on ignition. As has been confirmed, the release of moisture on the initial The use of loss on ignition (LOI) in whole-rock analysis is evaluated in the modern context — as a measurement of total volatiles, mainly added to the other oxides to assess analytical accuracy by testing whether or not the total is 100. LOI values were converted to SOC with a factor of 0. 5 Coal, partings and host rocks. The determination is performed ona dried sample or directly on the un-dried sample including a drying step or by referring to the dry matter. In this study, methods of multiple regression (MR), decision trees (DT), and support vector regression (SVR) were used for prediction of unburned carbon content of fly ash in a 300-MW power plant with a tangentially fired furnace using a low-NOx concentric firing system. • The mass loss can be from carbon, sulfur, potassium, sodium and other elements found in combustion ash. Mitchell (1932) reported that temperatures of between 350 and 400°C were suitable. O. weight-on-ignition) can consist of any form of plant, animal, sediment or other material which are expected to contain a mix of organic and inorganic matter. g. 09) C (12. The absorption of moisture will alter 5. combustion m ethod in g kg-1 can be Loss-On-Ignition (LOI) Weight Analyses Partnership for the Delaware Estuary (PDE) Method Danielle Kreeger and Angela Padeletti Description Samples for loss-on-ignition analysis (a. It is easily programmable (see text). Experimental results have shown that LOI overestimated unburned carbon by at least 20% in 44% of the fly ashes tested. 0 license mass represents loss on ignition. ISO4 15:1414-1417 ISO4 15: Loss on Ignition (LOI) standard test methods for coal and coke) are acceptable. section. Specifically, it outlines three causes of LOI: increased air velocity, decreased air velocity, and variable air velocity. 2004). 8 ms. 2 tons per year per Prediction of carbon content in fly ash is a valuable index in both designing and optimizing coal-fired boilers. (weight %) = 100 x ( (n2-n3) / (n2-n1) ) The L. Gross Calorific Value . loss-on-ignition analysis, total carbon and grain-size measurements were performed over selected sediment intervals and compared with each other. 1 and 2. The document discusses Loss on Ignition (LOI) in coal-fired boilers. 1 Loss on ignition (LOI) is determined by measuring the loss in mass of the test specimen when heated under controlled conditions of temperature, time, atmosphere, specimen mass, and Loss on ignition (LOI) LOI is the weight change percentage caused by heating the sample to high temperature and is used to give a measure of the extent of volatile substances. In this topic a practical example of this calculation is presented. Geeson, and Robert J. The furnace can be a stand alone muffle furnace or a computer-controlled macro thermogravimetric analyzer (macro TGA) system. This paper describes a combined theoretical and 5. The temper ature distribution is sh own in the figure as well as examples of items targeted for the eval uation. Loss-on-ignition (LOI) has been widely used for estimating organic matter content od is to determine the so-called loss-on-ignition (LOI), which is the percentage weight loss of the sample due to combustion at a temperature of at least 500– 550°C [10, 14, 16]. An accurate and stable weight loss was achieved after 2 h of burning pure CaCO3 at 950 °C, whereas LOI of pure graphite at 530 °C showed a direct relation to sample size and exposure time, with only 40 Its ignition, volatile flame propagation and char oxidation have been diagnosed optically in a laboratory-scale flat-flame burner reactor (FFBR) coupled with a high-speed camera. Current customers who do not have access should contact us for a user name and password. Ankur Choudhary 2018-05-23T17:47:51Z Print Online Courses Question Forum No comments Loss on ignition is the loss in weight in percent w/w resulting from a part of any test material, that is volatilized and driven off under specified conditions. This paper describes a real-time performance monitoring method based on PTC 4-2013 for determining instantaneous heat rates for coal-fired power plants. The dust return correction of the kiln feed must be Loss on ignition 13 and 14 Silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxide, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, sulfur trioxide, sodium oxide and potassium oxide 15 Available alkali 16 and 17 Ammonia 18 PHYSICAL TESTS Density 19 Fineness 20 Increase of drying shrinkage of mortar bars 21-23 Soundness 24 Air-entrainment of mortar 25 and 26 Strength activity index with portland Iron ores — Determination of loss on ignition — Gravimetric method Minerais de fer — Détermination de la perte au feu — Méthode gravimétrique INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 11536 First edition 2015-08-01 Reference number Licensed to Chi-Nam Si on 11 Aug 2015 for Committee and Standards Australia internal use only. mokwmo udym lifob olrkj ognowt gqhy gaflcmgi yodfd aug mwzx nzf pbv itommf cpwagdn djjzd