Owen sound hub. - by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor.
Owen sound hub The Family YMCA in Owen Sound has special March Break activities for kids, including: Recreational Swim: 2:30-4 pm and 7-8 pm, Monday-Friday Family fun Swim (leisure pool only): 10:30 am to noon, Monday – Friday CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of After successfully concluding their 22-23 season, Owen Sound Little Theatre (OSLT) and The Roxy Theatre are thrilled to announce their highly anticipated 63rd season. Cotton, with foreword by Scott L. Email your letters, articles, photos, drawings, cartoons, However, this is an opportunity for Owen Sound to be a leader among County municipalities. “Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, in particular the City of Owen Sound (formerly, the Village of Sydenham), is home to a wealth of history from the emancipation movement,” said Alex Ruff, The plan is built on three pillars: staffing and care; accountability, enforcement, and transparency; and building modern, safe, comfortable homes for seniors. It was addressed to both the Owen Sound Agricultural Society who own the structure, and the City of Owen Sound who lease them the property on which it stands, and it gave them until Maintaining and expanding greenspace along this natural corridor, rather than developing it, would contribute to a healthier regional natural heritage system, providing benefits not only to wildlife, but to the mental, physical and spiritual health of current and future generations of the residents of Owen Sound and environs, as well as for the SON communities. In contrast to Collingwood, Owen Sound’s dependency on revenue from taxation is increasing each year. I bet there have been a few hate-filled pieces that got filed. 2 days ago Local Lisa Leona Maas was 22 years old and 5 months pregnant when she was last seen alive on July 17th 1988, leaving a male friend's residence alone in her car after a farm house party in the area of Annan, Woodford and Owen Sound. at Galaxy Cinemas in Owen Sound. The next jam afternoon is scheduled for April 14th in the Legion’s club room, 2:00 p. Owen Sound’s River District has added its voice to other business improvement association voices in Ontario by promoting a Shop Main Street Canada campaign. Acording to a report to be presented at Owen Sound City Council on November 1, the Owen Sound Billy Bishop Airport will continue to operate but will no longer be owned by the City as of December 10 this year. Owen Sound Hubbub. First – and best – we have contributing photographers and artists, columnists, opinion, fiction and letter writers who make us truly a local, community publication. owensoundhub. The applications use ArcGIS software hosted by Esri, CopyRight ©2015, The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Owen Sound Police Service (OSPS) have teamed up in conducting a joint force investigation which has led to the arrest of seven area individuals and a total of 69 criminal charges laid. Free admission donations welcome at the door. Murder alley. on Sunday, Jan. Anyone can find this group. Travis Dodd was elected in 2014 as a young voice on council, on a platform of ensuring that Owen Sound's future offered the opportunities and services he had himself enjoyed growing up in this city. CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Hub Content The new Grey Bruce Food Share food distribution hub opened at 263 10 th St. On August 17, 2023, at approximately 9:00 p. Houston, CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Hub Content is held by content creators The Grey Bruce Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is assisting Owen Sound Police Service (OSPS) with a homicide investigation in the City of Owen Sound. CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Hub Content is held by content creators It boasts a custom, hand-painted mural featuring an authentic 1920 model of the Owen Sound Fire Department fire truck alongside the contemporary Owen Sound Harbour where a Canada Steamship Lines ship sails away in the near distance. People have asked me what people do to make the Owen Sound Hub what it is. The Owen Sound U15A Fire Fighters North Stars are the provincial silver medalists in the ‘A’ division after losing 14-8 to the undefeated Oshawa Lady Blue Knights at the Ontario Women's Field Lacrosse Championships in Oakville on Sunday. 17, with each team naming a Most Valuable Player, a Most Improved Player, CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Hub Content is held by content creators - Hub staff. ©2017 of Hub Content Owen Sound Harbour - A Photographic History by Robert A. Dodd's re-election literature in 2022 says “It's time” to take “a close look at why we do what we do and find a new, efficient way to deliver services”. The new Jubilee bridge was officially opened by the mayor of the City of Owen Sound, Ovid Jackson, on December 23, 1988. "We thank Mr. The victim, a local business owner, was assaulted by three Caucasian males who had attended his business and subsequently became involved in a dispute connected to the Through Official Plan amendments and Zoning By-law amendments, the Owen Sound council moved three housing developments to the next stage. In February 2014, I published the first of two editions of The Owen Sound Option, a two-page print piece on pink paper in which I invited the reader to “consider the community The facility is located in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada, part of the Grey-Bruce Hydrogen Hub. Owen Sound District Secondary School had theirs yesterday and the Hub was invited in to share a look at their end-of-year celebrations. 2K members Join group Join groupMedia Photos Videos Albums More Photos Videos Albums LOCAL SPOTLIGHT Find the best places within Owen Sound. CopyRight ©2015, The Hub would love to hear from you. Locally written. Sounds like the name of a gritty, hardboiled detective novel. I'll even buy. 5%, lower than the provincial average of 9. We, the congregation, need the community’s help to restore the church, particularly the roof. The QYC Hub is home to a variety of clubs for children aged 4 Owen Sound’s River District has added its voice to other business improvement association voices in Ontario by promoting a Shop Main Street Canada campaign. We are a reader-supported, advertisement-free online publication with independent local journalism and sponsored community contributions. 7,078 likes. The company’s RuggedCell™ water electrolysis systems are targeted to major industrial, chemical, utility and energy end users, which represent the largest segment of an overall addressable Green Hydrogen market that Goldman Sachs forecasts could reach over Grey Bruce Health Services is excited to announce the launch of a pilot project to offer virtual urgent care appointments. Jam sessions have started on the third Thursday of each month on a trial basis. The report reads in part: The Owen Sound North Stars Girl’s Field Lacrosse program held their annual awards banquet Wednesday, Aug. ©2017 of Hub Content Beginning, Sunday, Sept. Starting on March 2, GBHS urgent care virtual visits will allow qualifying patients to have access to a virtual visit with a GBHS physician from the comfort of their own home. "This is great news for Owen Sound and area residents," stated Mayor Ian Boddy. Drop in's are welcome if availability allows but book online for guaranteed play time. From A24 comes this brilliant first feature by Scottish filmmaker Charlotte Wells. Local news site Owen Sound Hub asked 24 municipal candidates to answer a series of questions in advance of the Oct 27th election. It was a classic case of 'shoot the messenger' rather than address the essence of a problem. Still does, in fact. Houston, CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Hub Content is held by content creators Grey Gallery garden Saturday, June 24, during ArtWalk 2023 in downtown Owen Sound. , CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Hub Content On December 1, 2021, several branches of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Owen Sound Police Service (OSPS), including: the OPP Community Street Crimes Unit (CSCU), OPP Emergency Response Team (ERT), OPP Regional Support Team (RST), OPP Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau (OCEB), OSPS Drugs and Intelligence Unit, OSPS Criminal Investigation Pride decorated downtown Owen Sound Saturday with rainbows and love as the annual parade gathered together a diverse community, uneasy under pressures from politics and pandemic, reeling with internal tensions about inclusion, for a display of affection and celebration from its stalwart allies lining 2nd Avenue. Visible. ©2017 of Hub Content The Province of Ontario announced today that the City of Owen Sound will receive a grant of $3,000,000 to assist with the replacement of the 10th Street Bridge. The steel truss bridge was to service Owen Sound for more than 60 years. Council has never been hesitant in the past to spend our tax dollars on services that are not at all highly valued by most of the community. Looking at other properties that BG Wealth has acquired in Owen Sound's downtown, their website lists two. 22, 1947 Owen Sound Sun Times An unofficial public survey indicated the majority of Owen Sound citizens sided with the student. , and will help supply 25 food banks and seven meal programs across the two counties. 2022 City Election The Hub would love to hear from you. History. The history of the church is intertwined with the roots of the City of Owen Sound, and is a vital part of Owen Sound’s history. My my two step uncles were born there in 1,913 Followers, 97 Following, 2,825 Posts - Owen Sound Hub (@owensound_hub) on Instagram: "Locally owned. 4% and 6. The Hub would love to hear from you. Grey-Bruce was blossoming and high schools soon began to open in Meaford, Walkerton, Hanover and Kincardine. Last year 9,597 MRI scans were performed. , 4:00 p. This informational resource was designed and compiled by Miranda Miller. The Mosque serves our growing community of Muslims, and Beth Ezekiel Synagogue, a designated building under Ontario’s Heritage Act, and its welcoming local Jewish community, have made Owen Sound attractive for Jews looking to This marks Nolan’s first lead role in an Owen Sound Little Theatre production. This limited series, consisting of four 60-minute episodes, reveals the deep historic impact of Black presence in Canada. The public artwork and murals, the hardware store with the tea-pot tree in the window, the knitted art-work in the wool shop, the fabulous cheese store, the cyclists and tourists coming to town for summer always makes me At last evening's Owen Sound city council meeting, a question was raised at public question period about Ontario's Strong Mayors legislation. From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. But, and this is a BIG but, just because Owen Sound is lower than the provincial average does not indicate all is well. Proceeds from the 50/50 lottery will go towards the purchase of a 2nd MRI machine. I am sure there are pieces that Anne sent back with requests for additional information or more careful proofing. Anyone can see who's in the group and what they post. The Low Income indicator for Owen Sound is 7. ""Construction for Southbridge Owen Sound began in December 2020 and the finished home now provides 91 new and 69 upgraded beds for a total of 160 safe, modern long-term care beds in Owen Sound. The hub is a partnership between The Owen Sound . CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Mayor JT Joyce conducted the official opening on August 28, 1906. “Advised there would likely be opposition to her entry to the training school in Owen Sound, Marisse decided to apply elsewhere at hospitals throughout Ontario rather than create Owen Sound is home to M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre and the Métis Nation of Ontario - Grey Owen Sound. The Owen Sound Community Artist Studio Tour (OSCAST) launched their website on March 20, 2023 along with a Facebook and Instagram presence. Nearly 600 students, staff and teachers piled in to the school's gymnasium for the last gathering of the 2022 - 2023 school year. ON Election 2022; City. Home Home; News; Police; Ottawa/Queen's Park. 2 days The story of how I came to own the Owen Sound Hub is one I'm happy to tell over a beer. Third, Anne Finlay-Stewart is a serious editor. - by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor. Cameron, is now available exclusively at Foto Art Camera Shop. 17, with each team naming a Most Valuable Player, a Most Improved Player, CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Hub Content is held by content creators Tom Thomson Art Gallery /Owen Sound North Grey Union Library. Harmony Centre Owen Sound marks its 10th year this month, and plans to celebrate by hosting “Ten for Ten” events, free or by donation, throughout the year. " After successfully concluding their 22-23 season, Owen Sound Little Theatre (OSLT) and The Roxy Theatre are thrilled to announce their highly anticipated 63rd season - exceptional Public group · 7. A lazy holiday at a Turkish resort becomes a window into the relationship between a troubled young man and his daughter. "At the time of acquisition, one-bedroom residential units were renting anywhere from $550-$800 per month, and the two-bedroom unit was being rented for $700/month. Email your letters, articles, photos, drawings, cartoons, At last Monday’s Owen Sound City Council meeting a letter was read from the Chair of the Grey Bruce Board of Health, Sue Patterson. Locally owned. The City of Owen Sound is launching several new interactive mapping applications that will provide another way to share our story with residents, tourists and investors. 261-281 9th Street East has 9 residential units above the storefronts. At last evening's Owen Sound city council meeting, a question was raised at public question period about Ontario's Strong Mayors legislation. ©2017 of Hub Content Owen Sound's John "Daddy" Hall is the subject of the next episode of BLK: An Origin Story. The OSLT/The Roxy is committed to delivering exceptional entertainment, educational opportunities, and unforgettable experiences to the Owen Sound and Grey/Bruce community, while The church was designated in 1985 as an Ontario Heritage Building in Owen Sound, by Lieutenant Governor Lincoln Alexander. Within Grey-Bruce, Owen Sound has the highest Low Income indicator, with two other communities close at 7. 31 minutes ago Local Sports. We, the Oxenden Indigenous Art Project Planning Group, believe that readers of the Owen Sound Hub will be interested in a summary of the treaties concerning these lands as we work to build right relations with the Chippewas of Nawash and Owen Sound on the other hand is headed in the opposite direction. When you see the portapotty arrive, you know the project is starting. , a 44 year old Owen Sound man sustained serious injuries during an assault which occurred in the 900 block of 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound. About this group. With the sudden closing of his store due to an act of arson and his passing shortly thereafter, CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Tom Thomson Gallery Night at the Movies presents Aftersun, Monday, Feb. The questioner, Ms. Above Walmart, council approved a mix of townhouses and apartments in two phases with a total of 477 residential units. Locally read. See more. The Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library will continue to be open with limited capacity. Public. m. Rev. The Owen Sound Collegiate gained a reputation for academic excellence, and expanded in 1907 and again in 1924 when a vocational wing was The City of Owen Sound today announced that Ken Becking, Director of Public Works and Engineering is no longer with the municipality, effective January 2, 2018. 8 Rogers tv, cable 53 launches its fall schedule with a new adventure show, Wandering Grey Bruce with host Krista McKee as she visits interesting places and adventures in Grey and Bruce Counties; returning weekly talk show Grey County Life with hosts Mary Jane Murray and Rhonda Brown as they features guests from organizations The Grey Bruce Health Services hospital foundations in Bruce Peninsula, Markdale, Meaford, Owen Sound and Southampton are collectively launching an online 50/50 today in support of local healthcare. 8%. Kicking off the series will be a pay-what-you-can concert with world-class harmonica player Carlos del Junco and the Blues Mongrels on November 5. 6, at 1:00 p. Published: 14 May 2020 To the editor: I spoke yesterday with Amy Cann of the Owen Sound Planning Department Re short term rentals in Owen Sound. As well, the Owen Sound Little Theatre is proud to receive the support of Autism Ontario in mounting this production. What a great name. What is the Owen Sound Hub and what does it bring to the community? Join your host Viveca Gravel, Community Development Coordinator for the City of Owen Sound & the Owen Sound River QYC Fun Factory is an indoor play centre in Owen Sound, Ontario, full of dinosaur activities and fun play for ages 1-6 years old. Nolan is supported by an ensemble cast of 11 actors and large screen video elements designed and produced by local videographer Richard Thomas. org Locally owned. The present concrete beam bridge was completed in 1989. But yes. The Kitchener Rangers edge Owen Sound 3-2, a wild finish in store for the Attack. Billy Bishop Museum and the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 6, will be hosting a free public event at the Owen Sound Legion for the 23rd Annual Honouring Our Local Veterans Ceremony Group by Owensoundhub. Group created on January 7, 2019. 15, the Owen Sound Leaf and Yard Waste Composting Site, located at 2800 28th Ave. Artists – and their sun-shading strategies – were out in the open this weekend as Owen Sound's ArtWalk 2023 spread out over the downtown core Saturday, ©2017 of Hub Content is held by content creators Live entertainment is back at the Royal Canadian Legion, Owen Sound, Branch 6. E. Your source for what’s really happening in Owen Sound. Owen Sound River District advocates joining shop-local campaign. The art gallery will be closed to the public through January 27, 2022. After watching the final episode of HBO's Succession, I began to think it was time to be clearer about the potential future of the Owen Sound Hub. Join group. CopyRight ©2015, ©2016, ©2017 of Hub Content is held by content creators I was devastated to learn about the death of Lorne Rich, the proprietor of a men's clothing store in Owen Sound called Kornblum's. Please click on each graphic to enlarge for easier reading! More clearly knowing the difference between Owen Sound the Corporation and Owen Sound the community will help us to ask the right questions of the folks running for office. The Owen Sound North Stars Girl’s Field Lacrosse program held their annual awards banquet Wednesday, Aug. org. -by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor. The facility will operate Monday to Friday with three timeslots each day: In 1858, the first Owen Sound high school was built on the site of the former Strathcona School. to 5:00 p. The Owen Sound Attack have earned the right to play in the Ontario Hockey League’s postseason for the 14th straight year. Using over 100 restored historical photographs, each accompanied by Owen Sound will celebrate Canada Day on July 1 as part of The Sound Waterfront Festival. Her green 1976 Plymout When I sit at my favorite café on the main street of downtown Owen Sound, I love the streetscape of old buildings and clusters of benches. It has been more than 10 months since the unsafe order went up on the grandstand at Victoria Park. Short version – it was an election year – the federal election of 2015 – and I believed that the Owen Sound Hub offered some possibilities for engagement that Beginning at 8:00 p. Local musicians and vocalists are invited to join in. , will be closed for the season. It will also empower the community to engage more actively in the years following the election rather than feeling like the City vending machine took their money or that they need to kick it to - Hub staff. It did exist in Owen Sound. Email your letters, articles, photos, drawings, cartoons, YouTube or Vimeo links to [email protected]. The two-day, FREE, multi-cultural festival takes place Friday, June 30 and Saturday, July 1 featuring entertainers, live music, vendors, food trucks, family activities, fireworks, and a focus on the area’s rich history as well as actions of truth and reconciliation. Becking for his contributions to our City and wish him well in his next endeavor," said City Manager, Wayne Ritchie. The Owen Sound Hub has been accessible to people who need to speak out, and to the community that is ready to listen. . Allan Ferry, Knox United Church, Owen Sound - Sept. The Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre walking track will reopen to the public on a reduced schedule beginning Tuesday, December 1, 2020. On Thursday, August 17th, 2023 shortly after 9:15 p. What’s the Hubbub? Group by Owensoundhub. The Griffith, which after various name changes is today known as The Roxy, remained a movie theatre until the late 1980’s, and continues to operate as a venue for local theatre productions, a hub and living monument to Owen Sound’s cultural history. , and 7:00 p. Grey Bruce Pride has a round-up of Pride events, including the City of Owen Sound's annual raising of the Pride flag on the community pole beside city hall on 8th Avenue East Friday morning at 9:00 a. It will also be the second Emancipation Day celebration since Bill M-36 was unanimously passed in the House of Commons to officially recognize this significant day across Canada. The site will remain closed until about April 3 or until further notice, when spring weather permits easy access.
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