Esphome utility meter reset sensor: - platform: pulse_meter pin: GPIO18 name Jul 7, 2022 · Dear all, I am using a ESP to measure my gas and water usage. It should show the daily water consumption of our house. 11 Amps This is a pure resistive (500Watt-ish) load and the Meter is an in-line ammeter Created a water flow meter using ESPHome and it is giving pretty accurate values of both flow rate (gal/min) and consumption (gal). I am using a Wemos D1 flashed with Esphome and with currently 1 hall switch connected to get pulses from a magnet on the last dial of the gas meter. You can monitor this sensor with a the utility meter and that can be reset at any interval (cycle) you want: Home Assistant Also be aware of the risk: if the Tehama device is being used to track your usage for billing, it will be very easy to accidentally create pulses while wiring this 2nd device up. If we also want to, Know how much it rains per hour, per day, per week, per month, or annually and then visualize it more elegantly, we must add the following integrations in the Home Assistant configuration file, they will be 'utility meters', We indicate their name and their reset cycle: utility_meter: precipitacion_lluvia_horario: Name Nov 11, 2021 · Hi, I have installed a inductive proximity sensor on my ‘dumb’ watermeter and the sensor itself seems to be working just fine. 2 Amps 245. Many solutions I saw didn’t quite achieve my objectives. I have attached a reed switch to the gas meter and every time the second decimal place completes one turn the switch gets triggered. 5mm jacks on the Vue. These meters send multiple conflicting values with the OBIS code 1-0:1. cpp. 3. Until all of a sudden the total counter dropped to zero: Can anyone help me with finding the reason? Could this be due to an unexpected reboot of the esp? If so, you can ask your utility company if it will work with the Rainforest Eagle-200. The integration sensor is a helper sensor that can integrate values from other sensors over time. @monkeyst Has been reverse engineering the v7+ protocol, I am just about to go down that rabbit hole myself as I think I am getting higher than actual watts reported but unsure. There is an integration in HA for it allowing you to pull in energy usage directly from your utility meter and into HA- this is all local. The reason I would prefer on the same device is to limit extra wifi devices. ESP32 is a series of low cost, low power system on a chip microcontrollers with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth. Chances are you can use some of them for your house, but equally likely you may have different devices or need some customization. 1 Amps 245. Aug 5, 2021 · I would really like to use all the new and old energy features of home assistant. This time I backed up the firmware so that I have an easy way to rollback to the stock firmware. Problem is, right now, when the Sonoff is restarted the Energy Today sensor resets and the values become inaccurate. 4 an use the total_daily_energy sensor. Add the following code to configuration. Apr 6, 2023 · What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2023. I was looking to solve the exact same problem with utility meter, but the offset documentation specifically mentions that you set it "in days", not in hours. This worked perfert on Domotics even across reboots of Domoticz server, but with HA and ESPhome Power_meter the daily kWh graph gets reset to 0, meaning all the previous registered kWh for that day is lost. First screenshot is from one of the panels, and the second one is from the total_energy_consumed sensor that adds the 2 panels together together. The unit is on slave address 2 and reads all sensor values correctly. I'm using a MQTT sensor, which for some reason isn't compatible with all of the parameters, so I had to add the following customize code to my config to Mar 6, 2022 · @dydx, you’ll have to contact your utility and ask them to re-provision your device, there’s nothing that can be done on the client side. ) Pulse Meter Sensor¶ The pulse meter sensor allows you to count the number and frequency of pulses on any pin. esp_meter_energy cycle: monthly tariffs: - peak - offpeak #月度峰谷电统计 yearly_energy: source: sensor. Example of two daily utility meters with two tariffs each made from my Shelly EM’s yearly energy meters: If this pin is configured, the ade7880 component will use it to initiate a ‘hardware reset’ of the chip when needed; if this pin is not configured, the component will attempt to initiate a ‘software reset’ of the chip when needed, but this could fail if the chip is not responding properly to the I2C bus. I thought about using MQTT The Utility Meter usually works with capacities / totals (for electricity [Wh] or in your case [L]). 8 Volts 542. 0; unit_of_measurement: "l/h" total: unit_of_measurement: "l" id: amount name: "Amount of water" Generally it works See full list on home-assistant. This should be compatible will all the water meters the Flume water sensor is compatible with what am i doing wrong? my utility meter does not work. I do have the time configured, like this: time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time And the docs say: # Enable time component to reset energy at midnight time: - platform: sntp id: my Oct 8, 2024 · There is no “major” reason to do it this way. I went down a long route to do this - taking the chip out at first, then flashing it with OpenBK7231T_App first. Which version of ESPHome has the issue? 2023. Note that some power meters will report this in negative values (probably wired backwards), so you may want to use a filter to multiply it by -1. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2022. The pzemac sensor platform allows you to use PZEM-004T V3 energy monitors (website, datasheet) with ESPHome. Mar 16, 2023 · Hi 🙂 I want to use an ESP8266 for reading an Watermeter with an impulse Sensor. I tested it with utility_meter. To (mathematically) integrate your [L/h] use the Riemann Sum Integral. 5 pulses per l/minute for YF-S201 and 6. Power spikes are appearing Nov 22, 2019 · You don’t need the utility meter for these. Each of them is a platform of the sensor domain and each sensor has several base configuration options. monthly_home_energy_corrected for any purpose. 2 Amps 252. reset. Feb 2, 2022 · It also comes with some additional reports and insights about usage. I did get it paired with the utility and validated on the emporia firmware before switching over. I just upgraded Home Assistant Core to 2022. Create a new ESPHome configuration file (e. I have utility meter sensors that as their source use template sensors. It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for the pulse counter component. For this I use the S0 interface as described here The meter delivers 100 pulses per kwh Pulse Counter: sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: GPIO5 name: 'Power' id: power unit_of_measurement: 'kW' state_class: measurement device_class: power filters: - multiply: 0. The below now causes the counter to go crazy and increment at a high rate endlessly. Use a Utility Meter helper in Home Assistant and point it at the ESPHome entity, it'll keep tracking the increase on whatever reset period you use and the actual pulse counter value doesn't matter. 6667 liters/minute. g. How can I… Nov 24, 2023 · And a screenshot showing when the total daily energy gets reset. Dec 25, 2020 · Hello, I have pzem-004t v1 connected to wemos D1 mini with esphome on board and it works really good. gas_used. Feb 9, 2022 · Peacefair PZEM-004T V3. The readings on one or two of my sensors are crazy Sometimes the CTs aren't fully plugged into the 3. For example, the Kamstrup MULTICAL 403 is a meter used by some energy companies in The Netherlands to measure delivered heat by a district heating network (in Dutch: stadsverwarming). How can I reset the meter value? The adress which I have to reset is: Adress: 0008h-0009h | export energy 000Ah-000Bh | import energy And the value to write is 0 function code 16 (0x10) here my code which is not working: esphome: name: esp32 friendly I live in Belgium and the water meter I have is a Sensus 520 which has a small spinning wheel with a metal plate. M5StickC was chosen as a platform due to the integrated Grove connector for clean connections and the fact it’s well housed. Sep 24, 2023 · Hi, At midnight I reset my esp8266 so I am able to get the daily score of my used water. For S0 pulse meters that are used to meter power consumption 50-100 ms is a reasonable value. Defaults to 60s. vue_utility_watts) with the following code in your HA configuration. ESPHome is a framework that tries to provide the best possible use experience for using IoT microcontrollers for Home Automation. Unless you want to factory reset it and lose all your settings. I then set the value of this utility meter to the value of my actual gas meter by calling the utility_meter. To convert this to liters per day, the utility meter can be used. I have my Energy monitoring setup and working well using an ESP32 which is fed with the digital output from a LM393 optical sensor. That night, it did not reset. You already have the “daily energy consumed” in these sensors. 1st Step: Find Watermeter ID. It ought to be an ID you need to attach to your sensor. 1L water used) with a custom value for the amount used in the bucket. 6667 liters of water flow per minute, the sensor should generate 38 ×1. 11 Amps 1. during the charge), only the total value before the reset would have stored in Nov 8, 2022 · And then on Home Assistant, if we want to store the data for statistics and know the hourly water consumption, per day, monthly or annual, we should create the following Utility Meters directly in the Home Assistant configuration file (configuration. I do reboot all my devices daily, which helps with stability of the network so that would be a dealbreaker. the suggestion of how to integrate a value is this, (without the possibility to reset or??): - platform: integration source: sensor. The bus has no Chip Select kind of wire, so each meter has an address. ESPHome 2024. I’d first try moving the device closer to the meter though, perhaps even standing right next to the meter with the vue, powered by a usb power bank and seeing if the link LED turns on. The bl0906 sensor platform allows you to use your BL0906 voltage/current/power and energy sensors with ESPHome. Nov 25, 2023 · Hi, I’m trying to reset the energy of my three pzem but it doesn’t work. 001 # The power sensor to convert, can be any power sensor-platform (1)EspHome代码 utility_meter: daily_energy: source: sensor. I have an Itron water meter. 5 Watts Meter: 2. 7. 8. No data will leave your computer. I’ve got a separate meter for energy-FROM-grid using the reported kWh from Emporia. Sep 2, 2023 · The problem Pulse Meter Sensor does not set Value. This is my electric meter which is housed in a dark cupboard. Aug 23, 2019 · Hello, i am trying to get my water and gas meter readings in home assistant. esp_meter_energy cycle: yearly tariffs: - peak - offpeak Apr 21, 2022 · I thought I would share my experience with setting up my second ever ESPHome integration. Sep 11, 2019 · This is part of the ESPHome config: sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: number: GPIO12 inverted: True mode: INPUT_PULLUP unit_of_measurement: 'mm' name: 'Rainfall' filters: - multiply: 0. Rather than counting pulses over a fixed time interval, the pulse meter sensor measures the time between pulses. 4 gallons. 0 and was hoping to add my water meter to the Energy dashboard now that there’s a way to do that. About an hour later I took another picture of the face of the physical meter. water_heater_power_now cycle: daily ***** # Alternatively in ESPHome I use a built-in platform called Total daily energy. It does reset until I'm trying to bring in my water meter usage into HA preferably with esphome. However this is a very unprecise way of measurement Aug 9, 2021 · The recent release of Home Assistant's energy dashboard inspired me to restore my gas and water utility meter monitors. This page is a lite variant of ESPHome. 86kWh, the meter dropped four times, and it ended up at 1,073 (the “raw” reading is 269). This is useful: for devices preflashed with ESPHome to reset behavior back to factory state Sep 6, 2023 · I have an meter for a heat pump and would like to show the consumption in the energy dashboard the consumption. 0 Amps 248. # Edit Home Assistant configuration. This sensor is commonly found in Athom EM2 Energy Meter and Athom EM6 Energy Meter For instance, say your house was a duplex, and you had tenants, but only one utility meter. It has a spinning wheel with a Jul 8, 2022 · Ok, Google was no help here, I have an ESPHome defined Pzemac current/energy sensor that I need to reset all previous historic measurement values to zero. There’s no time_pattern option in the documentation for the Statistics integration either. 6667 pulses, which are approximately 63. Well, I have implemented the “AI on the Edge” watermeter and a Utility Meter, which resets daily. Thereby, I can easily May 8, 2023 · To set up the ESPHome auto-restart script, follow these steps: First, install the install ESPHome addon on your Home Assistant instance. Switching to pulse_counter and the issue Feb 7, 2023 · Yesterday did a quick test. So when the meter is read later that month, it won’t show the full total since the last time I manually reset it (using the service. Recently I discovered that the sensor returns “unknown” after a reboot instead of the earlier value of 0. What was the last working version of Home Assistant ESP8266 based pulse counter for home utility meter compatible with ESPHome, Tasmota, etc. The setup uses the existing flow meter (turbine) of water softner. Before doing all that, I dumped the whole firmware, and got all the TuyaMCU pins using the tuya cloud integration trick. 9. 10 Amps 1. HA utility_meter: daily_energy: source: sensor. May 20, 2022 · Hi, I have set up a NodeMCU and TCRT5000 sensor with ESPHome to monitor our power consumption on a Ferraris Energy Meter. The solution to read it was by using either a reflective sensor or a proximity sensor. Upgrading from 2023. 37 // Reset the count in get before we pass it back to the ISR as set. 6 pulses per l/min for YF-B6)… I am not interested in the flow rate - more the water consumption Factory Reset Button¶ The factory_reset button allows you to remotely invalidate (reset) all ESPHome preferences stored in flash memory and reboot your node. So use sensor. Water flow is measured by flow sensor, and I used Pulse Counter Sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: D7 name: "Flow" update_interval: 5s filters: - lambda: return (x / 27. There is no alternative firmware available or fixed firmware from the manufacturer, so have to create an alternative workaround. Mar 3, 2023 · Select the Tuya Clamp Meter Energy Entity as an Input Sensor and set the meter reset cycle to Monthly. It's a very simple setup with a small custom circuit. monthly_home energy” is the utiliity_meter, and the “float - 1250” is the correction which is subtract 1250 kWh from the utility_meter value. This can for example be useful to integrate the values of a water flow sensor (in m^3/s) over time (result is in m^3). 20. Create the utility meter and sensors by adding following I am working with esphome to track my water usage using a pulse meter. The magnetometer is used to read the rotating magnet inside your water meter. What type of installation are you running? Belling BL0906 Energy Monitor¶. I was able to get the energy reading use the modbus_component Oct 19, 2023 · Sensor #2 (Today’s cumulative usage) – Create another helper with the type Utility Meter and give it the following settings: Name: Today’s electricity consumption (grid) Input Sensor: Cumulative electricity consumption (grid) Meter reset cycle: Daily; Meter reset offset: 0 (default value) Supported tariffs: blank (default value) Jan 13, 2022 · …the utility_meter sees that as a reset, and when the meter came back, the value was adding each time. After reboot all states, parameters and variables will be reinitialized with their default values. This should work for every cycle except January. I have created a pulse counter with ESPHome and a utility meter inside Home Assistant that tracks the total daily usage based on the pulse counter. Unfortunately it is not trivial in my case to read out the energy meter automatically (multi-tenant home, meter is in the basement). Base Sensor Configuration¶ All sensors in ESPHome have a name and some other optional configuration options. x entity and select. I ordered a capacitive pulse sensor having seen that done before. Will attach more logs to show both of these. calibrate data: value: '0' target: entity_id: sensor. So please, consider making an option to have Utility Meter Feb 12, 2024 · Pairing is done entirely on the meter’s side by telling the utility company what your MGM’s MAC address and install code are and they tell your meter to talk to your specific MGM chip. Install wm-esp32_test. I’ve set up three meters. Ive created a water flow meter based off the home assistant glow project and it works from the way I need it to, but for some reason I cant seem to get the total flow id: sensor_flow_meter_total_litres_3 to reset and update the value in home assistant on the button push. 4 Watts Meter 2. yaml) for the Sonoff S31 and customize it with the auto-restart script provided below. With a legal revenue grade meter you could do tenant sub-metering and charge them for the portion of the electricity they are using. Jan 11, 2022 · So I calculate this in the ESPHome code and publish it over MQTT and then pump it into a utility meter integration in HASS where I account for it on its own energy-TO-grid meter. I'm using it in to a script, but using UI dev tools there is no entity in list to try it. Total setup cost - $0 (I have a D1 mini lying around). They all disconnect from my main meter on average every 6-12 months. ESPHome has support for many different sensors. Feb 25, 2023 · Spent a few hours reading without finding a good solution of how to reset an integral. ESPHome Web runs 100% in your browser. You can call it from a button in the frontend. Measurement of water consumption directly from your water meter with a TCRT5000 like sensor and ESPHome. Yesterday, I used a Cyble Sensor v2 to measure my house water usage over time. but one thing is an impossible challenge for me. Current state : i get the pulses from the dial in pulses/min on the esp8266. I use the manual config on utility meter, not the helper. Sep 12, 2023 · Daily Utility Meter Total Utility Meter. Not sure if it will solve my problem of congestion (in a city, neighbours are close Oct 3, 2019 · I just upgraded my first Sonoff POW from Tasmota to ESPHome. , sonoff_s31. Instructions for setting up pulse meter sensors. Flash the Sonoff S31 with ESPHome using this guide. However, I have recently installed InfluxDB and I think it would be better to just store the timestamps of the different pulses (i. I also use the raw data from the sensor in say a sensor template to calculate something else. reset service not work on the new release 2022. It’s also not found in the source code for the Statistics integration. However, when I go to add the meter, it says there’s “No matching statistics found”. But I've spent too much time writing this out - I don't work for eGauge and I'm not trying to sell you one. For the water meter we’re going to track hourly, daily, monthly and yearly. Select Utility Meter; Give your helper a name; in my case this was Energy consumption 24H; Choose the energy entity (the one measured in kWh) of the energy meter as the input sensor; Choose Daily as the reset cycle of the utility meter; Enable the Periodically resetting and Sensor always available toggles; Save the helper Oct 23, 2024 · Awesome, thanks. water_heater_meter_daily Aug 17, 2023 · The problem Greetings. My problem is that the total consumption resets on power loss. Jan 19, 2022 · To find out, I added a utility meter to Home Assistant: utility_meter: gas: source: sensor. I've even had the utility replace the meter. I wrote with help of utility meter integration daily and monthly energy consumption and they work flawlessly 🙂 I wonder if I can also make sensors which will show previous month or at least yesterday energy consumption (I can’t see that in utility meter options and I don’t want make any May 18, 2021 · The device already measure kWh just this component not able to read it. > - platform: pulse_counter > pin: GPIO18 > id: vodomer_esp > unit_of_measurement: 'l' > name: Průtok vody > icon: mdi:water > internal_filter: 13us > > total: > unit_of_measurement: 'l' > name: 'Stav vodoměru' Both flow and total values are sent A Power Meter for use in Home Assistant, using the Pulse Meter component in ESPHome, with the added functionally of tracking costs. energy (Optional): Use the energy value of the sensor in kWh. yaml To find the watermeterId you can set the watermeterId to 0 and the log_level: "VERBOSE" to find your meterId. One of my graphs show total usage pr day. Sep 18, 2023 · Im new to esphome so at the moment Im cutting and pasting stuff and then just playing around with it. I’ve been slowly combining esps and removing devices that had a single task to clear up the airwaves a bit. The docs mention a generic “pulse_counter_id”. Holley DTZ541 Smart Meters¶ The Holley DTZ541 series of electricity meters have a faulty implementation of the SML protocol. To enable remote reading of data from the water meter, it is necessary to connect the CC1101 radio module operating at 868 MHz to the ESP32 board. service: utility_meter. I want to reset the daily energy consumption at midnight, each day. The Esphome is connecting to HA with the native api. I use an proximity device in combination withth esphome sensor pulse_meter. My scenario is about resetting the daily battery charge/disc May 7, 2021 · I’d like to measure flow and amount of water which is used by watering system in one cycle. I bought the Cyble Sensor for around AU$70 online. May 11, 2024 · Using esphome’s recommended pulse_meter I have the following working setup: # Better sensor using pulse_meter which measures time between pulses rather than pulse frequency sensor: - platform: pulse_meter pin: number: GPIO14 mode: INPUT name: 'Water sensor pulse' # Sometimes the sensor keeps triggering, so we debounce the binary sensor here. esphome; esphome; components; pulse_meter; pulse_meter_sensor. See as an example, it had reached 1. mains_daily_energy cycle: daily esphome sensor: - platform: total_daily_energy name: "Mains Daily Energy" id: mains_daily_energy accuracy_decimals: 2 unit_of_measurement: 'kWh Feb 17, 2023 · I am trying to create a kwh utility meter sensor based on the value of another sensor but I am not getting much luck with it working. chint dtsu666 esphome yaml. They are common. esphome is still behaving the same way. Add the utility meter to the Home Assistant configuration. Oct 8, 2019 · I recently implemented a NodeMCU running ESPHome into my HASS to monitor mains electricity usage. However to answer the question from jmcc: I think the ESPHome doc needed to make clear what id was being reset. And if its owned by your utility company, they of course don't want you touching the meter equipment. For example, if the limit is 16 kW Apr 16, 2024 · Has anyone tried this, DSMR Component — ESPHome , on Norwegian HAN meters? I see from the source code that obis codes are the same for a few sensors that I checked, but of course, there can be a lot of small issues that prevent this component from working with those meters. It’s not as relevant for flashing the Emporia but it’d be more versatile for other devices you might want to flash in the future. Mar 10, 2020 · Please note that “sensor. The company behind this device is not willing to share any details about the board and pin setup inside and is mentioning that flashing the device with your own firmware will void the waranty. That meter indicated that I used about 5 ft 3 of water which is about 37. 6. Integration Sensor¶. 001-multiply: 0. Home Assistant’s Integration also operates locally! However, using ESPHome with direct byte parsing functions provides complete local control without relying on the official SwitchBot Bluetooth integration, offering greater flexibility, customization, and independence from built-in Bluetooth radios or dongles. May 18, 2023 · Hi, I would like to share my yaml file for the Connectix Smart Gateways Wifi Water Meter. 5 Watts Meter 2. Plan is to upgrade all my Sonoff, as long as I can get the same functionality. yaml utility_meter: water_heater_power_today: source: sensor. 11. I am using a Wemos D1 flashed with Esphome and with currently 1 hall switch connected to get pulses from a magnet on the last dial of the gas …. # Example configuration entry sensor:-platform: total_daily_energy name: 'Total Daily Energy' power_id: my_power unit_of_measurement: 'kWh' state_class: total_increasing device_class: energy accuracy_decimals: 3 filters: # Multiplication factor from W to kW is 0. But my problem is that the workings of look at the offset format, set it to whatever time of day you want it to reset. 0. The sensor can be connected in various configurations - please see the manufacturer’s website for more information. Originally it was meant for remote reading of these utility meters in homes. The Kamstrup Meter Protocol (KMP) is used by certain Kamstrup utility meters and can be used to read measurements from the meter. For each 1 L of water, the sensor will send one pulse… So far, I already have my configuration… esphome: name: watermeter friendly_name: WaterMeter esp8266: board: d1_mini restore_from_flash: true early_pin_init: false # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: ********* sensor: - platform: pulse This ESPHome package allows reading your water meter or gas meter using the QMC5883L or HMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer. Is it only in my installation or is this bug? Thanks, Chris May 10, 2024 · Hey folks, Last night I took apart my ATorch GR2PWS and flashed the chip inside to cut it off from tuya. How can I reset the meter value? The adress which I have to reset is: Adress: 0008h-0009h | export energy 000Ah-000Bh | import energy. ) vs. Water meter uses pulse_counter sensor to count pulses per minute and total count. yaml file (restart needed): Jun 2, 2024 · When I get a bit of time, my plan is to convert it into the newer esphome add-on format. If Utility Meter component can be set to work constantly without cycles - it would solve this problem. What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? 2023. water_per_second cycle: daily Sep 16, 2020 · utility_meter. Everything works in ESPHome (dev). 1 to 8. If I understand it correctly, the utility_meter will reset at midnight on new year’s eve. It doesn’t matter that they reset every day because the Energy dashboard does support sensors that provide a “last reset” date. Because the first value of every package is the correct value, in order to discard the erroneous Oct 6, 2021 · It’s really odd, back when the energy dashboard was added, I added all my ESPHome power monitoring devices to it. x entity too. May 6, 2023 · I am having a bit of a hard time figuring out how to reset the daily energy consumption on my PZEM-017. 645' After two weeks, I compared Jan 12, 2020 · Hi, i have a gas meter i want to track in Home Assistant. Schneider iEM3155 Energy Meter modbus configuration for ESPHome - GitHub - htvekov/iem3155_esphome: Schneider iEM3155 Energy Meter modbus configuration for ESPHome Nov 2, 2024 · The problem When using pulse_meter, esp32 frequently restarts at irregular intervals. All other options from Sensor. Mar 13, 2023 · I have these types of devices from 3 different manufacturers and 2 electric meters. Reset reason is “Timer Group 1 Watchdog” or “Software Reset CPU”. I have a Universal Devices, one of these Emporia Vue, and 2 rainforrests. function code 16 (0x10) here my code which is not Jul 5, 2023 · As others mentioned, kWh Returned sensor is not updated with the solar production and is always zero. Mar 6, 2021 · I use an external influx/grafana server to present these readings in some nice graphs. resetable_battery name: Energy_in_battery unit_prefix: k round: 2 However, this just continuous to integrate without the possibility to reset (I might be wrong…) So I created Apr 29, 2023 · The problem. I’ve tried setting the target sensor up as a platform: homeassistant sensor and reading it back from there but I always get back a value of MAX Mar 24, 2023 · I have a utility meter with a source sensor from an esphome device via MQTT. At the moment the following devices are supported: temperature / humidity sensor, rain gauge, notos weather station, iris weather station, atlas weather station, lightning detector and fridge / freezer temperature sensor. Currently, they dont want to offer ANY support if it is a deprecated external component like it is in its current form. Then connected it to a D1 mini with a pull up resistor. However, I would choose one that lets you change the output voltage. yaml. I lost the measurements when I removed my Brultech GreenEye energy meters in favor of Sense energy monitors. ESPHome. 1 Volts 914. 33 pulses. Now, given the sensor’s formula F = 38 x Q (where Q is the flow rate in liters per minute), when 1. Something like this has a jumper selector for what voltage you’d want Oct 3, 2022 · The HA utility meter suggested works for me too. 7 Volts 516 Watts Meter: 2. <---- I WANT TO RESET THIS VALUE power: name: "RV1 Energy Monitor Power ESPHome Household Meter Configurations These are ESPHome configurations and custom code I use to read out my household meters (electricity, gas, water). 1 Volts 529. HA showed that my daily water The workaround described on the page to reset the total energy does not work. This works fine with the pulse-meter and pulse-counter sensors for just showing the data in home assistant. ESPHome Pulse Meter Sensor. a total number (which is the input for the utility meter anyway). 367 Everything runs fine, and I get the values in HA, but I would like to have them also as a daily value: As Nov 6, 2023 · does not create a utility meter assistant in HA, does not reset _the _ utility meter Mar 3, 2023 · my energy meter is running very well with ESPHome and the modbus configuration. ; see log messages to find your watermeterID Jul 7, 2021 · Just figured you can use utility_meter. pdf (maddalena. Programmed the D1 mini using the Trying to decode it [11:45:17] [11:45:17]ctx: sys [11:45:17]sp: 3fffec10 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 0190 [11:45:17]3fffeda0: 00000014 3ffefdd8 00000002 40100a78 WARNING Decoded 0x40100a78: pvPortZalloc [11:45:17]3fffedb0: 40240ab3 40104f73 3ffeec18 40240a48 WARNING Decoded 0x40240ab3: ieee80211_setup_ratetable WARNING Decoded 0x40104f73: lmacRxDone ESPHome AcuRite OOK signal decoder, allowing for an easy integration of 433 MHz AcuRite weather sensors into Home Assistant. ESPHome Homepage - Reimagining DIY Home Automation. io Mar 3, 2023 · my energy meter is running very well with ESPHome and the modbus configuration. So I have 4 different values from the pulse meter. The optical sensor is mounted in a 3D-printed housing which is affixed to the pulse LED on my Landis & Gyr electric meter. yaml: utility_meter: water_daily: source: sensor. And the value to write is 0. function code 16 (0x10) here my code which is not Select Utility Meter; Give your helper a name; in my case this was Energy consumption 24H; Choose the energy entity (the one measured in kWh) of the energy meter as the input sensor; Choose Daily as the reset cycle of the utility meter; Enable the Periodically resetting and Sensor always available toggles; Save the helper Mar 26, 2021 · Hi all, I am running water meter on ESP32 with ESPHome installed. ที่ ESPHome ให้ทำการสร้าง Project ขึ้นมาใหม่เลือกบอร์ดที่ใช้งานให้ถูกต้อง ระบุ WIFI และค่าต่างๆที่ใช้งานลงไปจากนั้น Copy Code ส่วน PZEM-004T ไปใช้ได้เลย และให้ทำ Jan 22, 2024 · I see these adapters as commodity items and they should all work, but maybe someone else has a stronger opinion on them. For practical (and obvious) reasons the physical setup is a bus system. Between esphome, openbeken and some other random IoT devices, I’m around 90 ish devices connected to wifi. A sensor with template to calculate the difference will get you net. You can set the meter to have the same value as the one you are tracking by using the utility_meter Jan 28, 2021 · If you wanted the espHome chip to do the work, add the second example text to the espHome config. The ESP32 series employs either a Tensilica Xtensa LX6, Xtensa LX7 or a RiscV processor, and both dual-core and single-core variations are available. It uses a TSL257 in a 3D printed housing to capture the light pulses from my utility company power meter. And I could then add these sensors to the Energy dashboard. Watermeter: 175_schedatecnica-mvm-en-v6_1622556944. Ideally this new sensor will increase and then reset when a new month starts. 0) * 12. Anyways Dec 5, 2023 · I got my second vue utility since the old one isn’t working with both stock and esphome. . Here is what I have: uart: - id: uart_bus tx_pin: 17 # (TX2) - MPPT UART Transmit rx_pin: 16 # (RX2) - MPPT UART Receive rx_buffer_size: 2048 baud_rate Sep 6, 2024 · Step 4 – Connect the radio module to the board. UPK2ESPHome - generating ESPHome YAML automatically, from Cloudcutter profiles or Kickstart firmware (also BK72xx only) GPIO Pin Numbering ¶ Chips supported by LibreTiny use the internal GPIO pin numbering of the boards, this means that you don’t have to worry about other kinds of pin numberings, yay! Using the ESP32’s capacitive touch GPIOs, it’s relatively easy to build a water leak detector using ESPHome. Here’s the calculation involved: Load Limit in Watts: Establish the upper load limit that the meter is designed to measure. Home Assistant Glow makes a (not so) smart meter without a P1 port easily readable, reading the pulse LED that is present in most cases. However when it increases (I charge the car) it does Jan 15, 2023 · Hi I am wondering if it somehow is possible to utilize ESPhome in building a simplified water usage meter ? I am thinking about using an YF-S201 or YF-B6 water flow sensor - but the challenge is, that these outputs a signal based on the water flow (HZ = 7. May 12, 2022 · I thought it was possible - and I though the utility_meter did that, actually - to keep the sensor “collecting” the data of the distances (with the total_increasing sensor) within the current charge and, when triggering the service reset by the automation (i. e. This means the flow rate is 1 liter / 36 seconds = 1. Dec 12, 2022 · Please try using the time_pattern option in the statistic sensor configuration. 2. sensor: platform: total_daily_energy name: "BMS 1 Total Charging Energy Today" power_id: ble_charging_power Jan 21, 2023 · Hi Guys, I’m in need of a bit of help here. I get my water meter data through the “Eye On Water” HACS integration. I took a picture of the face of my physical water meter and noted what HA indicated as my daily water usage up to that point. I have now switched back to emporia so that I can have a working Aug 17, 2021 · I just updated some smart plugs to ESPHome v1. Said template sensors have availability templates to guard if their corresponding source sensors in their templates go unavailable (esphome device going offline). Finally, toggle the Delta values switch at the bottom. The utility_meter. How can I do this? sensor: - platform: pzemac current: name: "RV1 Energy Monitor Current" voltage: name: "RV1 Energy Monitor Voltage" energy: name: "RV1 Energy". Reply reply Mar 1, 2020 · The ESPHome pulse counter measures the number of pulses per second. This is much easier for me than dealing with db itself. No judgement call from my side, just stating I want to manually set the state of my water meter utility meter to represent the actual water meter. Contribute to ss109/chint_dtsu666_esphome development by creating an account on GitHub. Mar 5, 2023 · Hello everyone, my energy meter is running very well with ESPHome and the modbus configuration. calibrate target: entity_id: sensor. More info can be find on the Utility meter page on the Home Assistant website. total daily energy is not really a solution as its not as accurate and it resets whenever the ESP restarts , utility meter not good as well as I don't want it depended on home assistant. gas data: value: '11577. 2 What type of installation are you using? Home Assistant Add-on May 24, 2020 · Hello, i am trying to get my water and gas meter readings in home assistant. esp_meter_energy cycle: daily tariffs: - peak - offpeak #每日峰谷电统计 monthly_energy: source: sensor. As every pulse is exactly 1 liter, it measures liters per second. I've used Home Assistant Glow for a while without problems. One that tracks the daily production (though technically redundant since the energy dashboard tracks that too), and one that corresponds to the actual meter in the basement. I did not fount an ability in HA to create cumulative sensor and calibrate it to have a sensor that matches meter reading. Tapped into the 3 wires (VCC, GND, DATA) of the magnetic flow meter. This device measures water consumption from an analogue water meter. Once it arrived I went to hook that up and realized the meter is a digital encoder type unit and doesn't seem to have a spinning magnet that is typically used in this application. Jan 13, 2023 · Hi I am trying to figure out how to add water consumption from my Digital Hand Shower to the Energy Dashboard… I have an ESPhome based sensor, which (unfortunately) starts form 0 every time a new shower is started… The sensor has been configures in ESPhome as: # Current water consumption in m³ - platform: template name: "dsh_curShowerM3" id: dsh_curShowerM3 device_class: water icon: 'mdi Feb 23, 2020 · There is no option for resetting the Shelly total energy counter. 11Amps 1. I had this running for a few days and the utility meter and its source appeared in step sync. The project was a success. calibrate to reset them if you’re not using tariffs. Until now, it worked perfectly fine. 4. All devices are within 15 feet of the meter with 1 wall between. The firmware on the ESP32 does not impact the pairing status, regardless of if it’s running ESPHome or stock. When adjusting the state in the dev settings, it just resets to its previous value as soon as my esphome node tracking the water sends new values. This will use last readings instead of absolute values and increment the sensor state whenever a new value is obtained by the device. calibrate service: service: utility_meter. So until I find a solution, I would like to be my own sensor 😁 and read the total value of the meter manually in irregular intervals and enter it together with the time into home Dec 9, 2022 · In addition, you can set it to count pulses over a period of time and then reset when needed. With the later updates, I now see this message: And the stats aren’t updated. The reason I’m sharing this is because despite the fact this has been done numerous times before, there were several hurdles that made this quite a challenge for me. Features: 230V direct power supply; 5x S0 pulse meter input; Feb 22, 2019 · 2. For one day it looked promising - the measurement was very accurate. - hugokernel/esphome-water-meter Nov 3, 2022 · Hi all. After the 3rd reset, the utility_meter sensor doesn't decrease, but it does ignore the first subsequent source update (the first source change after 2:09am). It’s possible to calculate the imported/exported power (W) and imported/exported energy (kWh) just from one sensor value (Watts or sensor. How can I reset the meter value? The adress which I have to reset is: Adress: 0008h-0009h | export energy 000Ah-000Bh | import energy And the value to write is 0 function code 16 (0x10) here my code which is not working: esphome: name: esp32 friendly The minimum pulse width threshold is determined by considering the upper limit of the load the meter is designed to handle, as well as the meter’s impulse constant (x pulses / kWh). The PZEM-004T V3 is a single phase AC power monitoring module that supports measurement of 80-260 V voltage, 100 A max current, power, energy, frequency and power factor (datasheet), it talks Modbus protocol on RS-485 serial. frequency (Optional): The frequency value of the sensor in Hertz. It connects to your utility meter via zigbee (no you cannot connect to your smart meter with a regular zigbee stick). yaml): Oct 30, 2023 · Dear community, Europe changed to daylight saving time (or other one? :-)). 6 # (60s/100 In reality you don't need the utility meter at all (but can be used) since they use periodic resets (hourly, daily, etc. esphome: name: energy-monitor friendly_name: Energy Monitor esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino # Enable logging logger: level: debug baud_rate: 0 # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "xxxx" ota: password: "xxxxxx" wifi Nov 8, 2022 · So I’ve set up the pulse_meter sensor to read out my gas meter and I’m trying to figure out how I can persist the total number of pulses between reboots / updates, since the total value returned by the sensor resets to 0 when I update the esp. Basic model. update_interval (Optional, Time): The interval to check the sensor. Created like this: And the sensor that feeds it data: The new sensor stays at 0 and I’m trying to track the kwh used per month. total (Optional): Report the total number of pulses. It works well for almost all the time - but every now and again (about once a day) it does something completely weird as shown below: My mains trip is 80A so there is no way it could have had Apr 15, 2023 · There are 3 restarts in this image (2:06, 2:07, and right before 2:09), but only the first 2 cause the utility_meter value to decrease. All options from Sensor. 0, the pulse_meter function seems to have broken/changed. May 13, 2020 · When I report energy usage to pay for water and electricity I type in current water/electricity meter value. The time scale is 12:00am-12:10 am. The log indicates the button is pressed but the energy does not reset. Anyone an idea how to get the value 0 at reboot? Thank you! Was You can reset all sensors by implementing a factory reset button. Anyway, here is the ESPHome YAML that works for my Welcome to ESPHome Web! ESPHome Web allows you to prepare your device for first use, install new versions and check the device logs directly from your browser. If your smart plugs have a continuous energy meter you can convert them to daily/monthly/weekly meters with the utility meter. it) As far as I can measure the wheel spins exactly 1x per liter and I can successfully register the metal part of the wheel passing my sensor. Oct 18, 2023 · From the data provided: 1 liter of water flows in 36 seconds. 0, the code for the meter’s energy reading. Just write a simple YAML configuration file and get your own customized firmware. Mbus, short for Meter-Bus, is a protocol to read out meters like water, gas and electricity meters. nporj eblewv lml cstd bscj sfq vijmu hrrycyuq sajcv cmzgp