Qi deficiency tongue pictures. Feel sad hopeless frustrated a lot.
Qi deficiency tongue pictures If you have a pale tongue with white quoting, teeth marks, and maybe a few spots, you have Qi deficiency. Common symptoms are dizziness and fatigue. Qi Deficiency and Scalloped Tongue. Read more about Ba Zhen Tang The top herbs in Guo Qi Yin are Dong Quai (Dang Gui) , Prepared Rehmannia (Shu Di huang) and Szechuan Lovage Roots (Chuan Xiong) Nov 15, 2023 · A swollen tongue could signify dampness or spleen Qi deficiency, whereas a thin and withered tongue might indicate Yin deficiency. BLOOD DEFICIENCY. Chinese tongue examination is much, much easier to master than Chinese pulse examination. Yin Deficiency can cause Empty-Heat, thus the above Dryness related features often happen in the afternoon or at night. Prolonged chest Qi Deficiency and Stagnation can give rise to Blood Stagnation in the chest. It is important to work on and resolve any emotional issues that might have caused Heart Qi Deficiency, especially sadness and grief. When Qi is deficient or imbalanced, it can lead to various health issues, including a scalloped tongue. Pale tongue with thin white coating, a few spots, and teeth marks. As for Spleen Qi Deficiency, or from overeating of Cold and raw foods, or exposure to Cold and Damp environment. Excess dampness can cause a tongue that is too moist. A healthy tongue should also have enough Blood to give the tongue a pink hue that varies with the species and age of the patient. Oct 21, 2013 · If the pictures are an accurate indicator, Miley tends towards Qi and Blood deficiency with Dampness and occasional Heat flare ups, particularly in the Heart. To diagnose a pattern, analyzing a patient's pulse as well as their tongue is common practice. S. One such herb is Glehnia Roots (Bei Sha Shen), a key herb in some formulas recommended for red tongue, like Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang. These signs are very valuable information for the choice of the treatment. Jun 18, 2016 · Qi keeps the skin and organs raised up in their proper place. Red tongue tip; Thirst; Yin deficiency can often be the result of prolonged stress levels that outweigh the amount of time we spend at rest. Spleen Qi deficiency may manifest in various ways for different people, but common signs and symptoms that may occur are, but not limited to— poor appetite, bloating or abdominal distension, fatigue after eating, tiredness, mental fatigue/fogginess, pale complexion, loose stools, bowel movements with undigested food, easy to bruise. Avoid excessive work and excessive sexual activity and get plenty of rest. Tongue. May 7, 2017 · The tongue is also considered to be strongly associated with many organs through the meridians (the body’s energy pathways). Jan 3, 2025 · If the spleen is deficient for a long time, the qi will also be deficient. A purple tongue may indicate chronic pain or poor blood circulation. Qi is a function of Yang, and provides the heat necessary for the bodies functions. This fits with the clinical picture of this dog — hind leg weakness (Kidney Qi deficiency), muscle atrophy (Spleen Qi deficiency) and a little bit of a temper (Liver Qi stagnation). The tip of the tongue relates to the heart and lungs; the middle part correlates to the spleen and stomach; the tongue root points to the kidneys; and the sides of the tongue correspond to the liver and gall-bladder. This condition, often chronic, arises from a Qi transformation issue within the Kidney, affecting the Spleen and leading to blood loss and overall Qi depletion. Precursor patterns: Stomach Yin Deficiency can derive from Stomach Heat or Fire Kidney Yin Deficiency Stomach Qi Deficiency Stomach Yang Deficient and Cold Rebellious Liver Qi invading the Stomach Heat in the Large Intestine Large Intestine Dryness. Tongue body fluid 5. Mild pain: Deficiency: Lack of appetite, lack of taste, loose stools, Spleen Qi affected by Stomach Qi Deficiency: Fatigue Especially in the Monring: 7-9AM is Stomach time on Horary cycle: Weak limbs: Food Essences not transported to the limbs: Tongue: Pale: Deficiency of Qi: Pulse: Empty Pulse, Esp Qi is the driving force for the Blood flow in vessels and channels. A flaccid tongue that is also dark red, dry, and has cracks usually indicates extreme heat injuring fluids. The symptoms are typical of Pale Wet Tongue = Spleen Yang Deficiency failing to T&T fluids . Diagnosing Protective Qi Deficiency Diagnosing a pattern in Chinese Medicine is no easy feat and should be left to professional practitioners. Therefore, Spleen Qi Deficiency often results from the pattern of Stomach Qi Deficiency and vice versa. This can indicate Yin Deficiency, Qi Deficiency and/or Blood Deficiency. May 29, 2012 · Pale tongue body: This can show either qi, yang, or blood deficiency. As we can see in the illustrations, a tongue with teeth marks might indicate a Qi deficiency (氣虛), a purple tongue some Blood stagnation (血瘀), a red tongue might indicate Heat (熱邪), etc. Find out ways you can boost Apr 11, 2024 · Qi Deficiency Symptoms: Common signs of Qi Deficiency include fatigue, a weakened immune system, digestive problems, a pale complexion, and shortness of breath. Read more about Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Overwork: Overwork without sufficient rest over a long term can cause Liver Qi Stagnation, then leads to the Qi Deficiency. For example, fluid or Yin deficiency can result in a dry tongue. Diagnosis of the TCM finally confirmed Qi-deficiency of lung–kidney internally. For a tongue with deficiency of both qi and blood, it is impossible to replenish qi alone, it must be replenished with both qi and blood. Tonic herbs for Yin Deficiency. Because blood and qi are so closely linked, most of the blood stagnation suggestions also apply to qi stagnation. The tongue-body colour reflects primarily the condition of Blood rather than Qi and therefore a mild deficiency of Qi may not manifest on the tongue at all. A flaccid tongue that is pale often reveals extreme Qi or Xue Deficiency. Difficult birth-giving : A difficult birth-giving can exhaust the general Qi. Indeed Body Fluids are part of Yin and it is sometimes a first step to a more generalized Yin Deficiency. Chinese Medicine views the human body as a complex system that tends toward harmony. 15 Tooth marks on the border may be seen with a swollen tongue and usually signifies Deficiency, commonly of the Spleen. Spleen and Stomach Qi Deficiency is a pattern of disharmony in Chinese Medicine. Excesses and Additionally, the red tongue with a lack of coating, a thin pulse, fever, and a rapid pulse are indicative of the overall Yin Deficiency and the resultant Internal Heat. The basics of this art can be learned in a single day or less. A flaccid tongue that is also pale usually indicates Qi and Blood Deficiency. The tongue’s shape guides practitioners toward understanding the root causes of imbalances within the body. This pattern demonstrates the interconnectedness of the Lungs and Stomach in fluid regulation and the impact of external pathogenic factors on pre-existing constitutional Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome are primarily manifested by numbness of hands and feet, pain at the ends of limbs, tingling in multiple parts but mainly in the lower limbs, nocturnal pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, rib pain similar to a thorn, and dark or purple tongue. Heart Yang Deficiency. Besides Qi and Blood Deficiency, Ba Zhen Tang is also used to treat Lung Qi Deficiency or Spleen Qi Deficiency. Physical over-exertion: Qi Collapsing or Sinking derives from Qi Deficiency. Are there any good qi gong exercises/routines to help? There's a lot online and idk of any of them are what I need. Finally, the swollen tongue with sticky coating and Slippery pulse also shows the existing of Phlegm. In the case of Blood Deficiency with disharmony of Liver and Spleen patients tend to exhibit empty (Xu) or wiry (Xian) pulses as well as a pale tongue. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is a 10-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Pulse. Medline Plus reports that the medical name for a swollen tongue is glossitis. These include: Scalloped tongue in children, often referred to as indented or lotus flower tongue, is characterized by the edges of the tongue having a rippled or wavy appearance, marked by teeth imprints. So what is Qi deficiency? Qi deficiency is not something that can be diagnosed with a blood test. When the Stomach Qi is Deficient, its normal Qi descending function is disturbed, resulting in the formation of Phlegm. These factors probably all indicate a Qi or Yang deficiency. According to TCM, a pale tongue also indicates a blood, Qi or Yang deficiency. com Mar 31, 2018 · Tongue Shape. Emotional stress: Emotional stress such as frustration, anger, resentment sadness and grief can consume Liver Blood directly and stagnate Liver Qi. Nov 1, 2023 · The shape and size of the tongue. Pale/pink tongue and teeth marks at the sides Pathology. Diet: Irregular eating habit, such as eating late at night, eating in a hurry, eating while working, can consume Body Fluids as well as Yin . The pulse is deep, slow, thin and faint. The risk of CKD dialysis increases with increasing ecchymosis on the tongue. Causes of Qi Deficiency. Consequence patterns. Invented in 846 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that tonify Blood. Physical symptoms of Qi deficiency may include fatigue, lethargy, frequent infections, weak digestion, pale complexion, cold extremities, and slow healing. When heat has consumed and damaged body fluids, they cannot rise to nourish the tongue. A trembling, red tongue indicates interior Wind. A qi deficiency can happen anywhere the body doesn’t have enough energy to perform its functions. 1. The sides of the tongue may also be slightly swollen or have teeth marks. Therefore Spleen Qi or Yang Deficiency often leads to Lung Qi Deficiency. Besides Spleen or Kidney Qi Deficiency, Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is also used to treat Qi Deficiency or Qi Collapsing or Qi Sinking. A hallmark aspect of qi deficiency symptoms is that they are generally worse with exertion. Pale with a thin, white coat The correct answer is pale with a thin, white coat. If the tongue body is pale and trembling, this usually indicates a chronic condition of Qi and Blood Deficiency, where the tongue is not being nourished. Genetics, poor dietary habits, sleep deprivation or a chronic illness can also lead to Yin deficiency. The patients A pale thin tongue body usually indicates Qi and Blood Deficiency. ” Large Intestine Collapse is a kind of Qi Deficiency in the Large Intestine but the condition is much more severe than any normal Qi Deficiency. But Easter medicine practitioners are not only looking at the body of the Qi Deficiency. Qi, often translated as energy or vital force, is an essential concept in TCM. Qi deficiency happens where there is a loss of qi energy, the vital life force that circulates throughout our bodies. Tip: Exercise is important for both blood and qi circulation, get moving! Yang Deficiency Jan 26, 2024 · Qi deficiency can manifest in various physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. Qi is the vital energy that powers every function in your body. Precursor patterns: Spleen and Lung Qi Deficiency can derive from Spleen Qi Deficiency Diet: Irregular eating or a diet lacking in nourishment may lead to Spleen Qi Deficiency and eventually affect the Lungs because they will not receive enough Food-Qi produced by the Spleen. Treatment includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary changes, and Qi Deficiency. May 21, 2018 · Other types of qi deficiency. Qi deficiency can result from factors such Feb 12, 2022 · For example, a tongue with teeth marks on the sides can be a sign of qi deficiency. For example, a vitamin B12 deficiency can cause your tongue to swell, make it look very red, and give a smooth appearance on its surface. 2. All above patterns can give rise to chronic diarrhoea and anus prolapse. Signs. In the case of Blood and Qi Deficiency with Blood Stagnation patients tend to exhibit weak (Ruo) pulses as well as a pale tongue. A flaccid tongue that is deep red reveals severe Yin Deficiency. Movement of tongue body 4. A pattern of disharmony is a disorder that prevents that harmony from Diagnosis commentary: Key characteristic symptoms of this pattern are the general Dryness including dry mouth, throat, tongue, cough and stools, tongue without coating as well as thirst with desire to drink in small sips. Besides Pericardium Blood Deficiency, Shen Qi Si Wu Tang is also used to treat Heart Blood Deficiency. A green tongue body usually indicates Excess Yin Cold or the presence of a strong Excess evil with weak Zheng Qi. If the tongue is too puffy this could indicate a Yang deficiency. Averse to cold and prefers extra clothing to keep oneself warm, often complains about feeling cold at the hands, feet and abdomen, often feels unwell after eating cold food, and prone to fertility issues. Tongue body shape 3. Qi Deficiency and Qi Stagnation can happen at the same time in the chest. Clinical manifestations and treatments of Qi deficiency syndrome of DM in TCM: Qi deficiency syndrome often appears in the early phase of DM and relates to fatigue and dietary factors, with the symptoms of fatigued spirit and lack of strength, shortness of breath, spontaneous perspiration, palpitations, bad appetite, pale tongue, thin and white Sep 2, 2020 · The tongue is a tiny map of the whole body, but significantly, it is a map of the inside of the body. You can overcome qi deficiency by prioritizing sleep and rest, eating a nourishing diet, reducing consumption of toxins that stress the liver, spending time with people you love In the case of Lung Qi Deficiency and Liver Qi Stagnation patients tend to exhibit empty (Xu) or tight (Jin) pulses as well as a normal (light red), pale tongue with thin white coating. Prolonged working without proper rest can make the situation worse. External Wind and Cold : Prolonged exposure to cold and windy environment can consume body Qi and Yang. Due to the Phlegm obstructing the chest, vomiting and the rattling sound in the throat are also the typical symptoms. Distribution of the coating Diagnosing Heart and Spleen Deficiency. There may also be excess Yang in your life. A Spleen Qi or Yang Deficiency may also affect the Heart, giving rise to Heart Qi and often Heart-Blood Deficiency. As a result if Spleen Qi is Deficient (an indispensable precondition for Spleen Blood Deficiency), not enough Blood is produced which is what leads to the Blood Deficiency. Aug 4, 2015 · The tongue, like the pulse, is seen as reflecting all of the systems of the body. In today’s world a lot of people experience Qi imbalance. Spleen Qi Deficiency often predisposes the patient for the development of Dampness in the Mar 14, 2024 · A thin tongue could mean dehydration, and a scalloped tongue may indicate poor nutrient absorption. The symptoms may vary from person to person, but usually involves depression, lethargy, profuse sweating even without much exertion, weak heartbeat, diarrhea To an acupuncturist, this would go with Liver Qi stagnation, Spleen Qi deficiency, and Kidney Qi deficiency if other signs agreed. Qi decreases overtime as we age, but it can also be caused by using too much Qi in your day-to-day. perAll in Yin Precursor patterns: Liver and Heart Blood Deficiency can derive from Liver Blood Deficiency Kidney Qi not Firm Kidney Qi Deficiency. Thus the Organs of the Lower Burner fail to Jun 13, 2020 · This inappropriate movement of the qi creates the cough. For an example on the tongue chart above, see the last tongue on the bottom row entitled “blood deficiency”. The Phlegm also prevents the tongue from moving and thus aphasia happens. Spleen Qi Deficiency. Thank you :) Besides Qi and Blood Deficiency, Ba Zhen Tang is also used to treat Lung Qi Deficiency or Spleen Qi Deficiency. When we look at the tongue we consider several different aspects of what we see. Diagnosing Stomach Deficiency. Causes. Qi deficiency can lead to various health problems, and it is important to maintain a balance of Yin and Yang to keep Qi levels in check. Or, there may be a combination of blood deficiency and Dampness, which is common. Instead, TCM practitioners take a full-body approach and observe a patient’s symptoms. For example: Symptoms of a heart qi deficiency may include: sweating without exerting oneself; palpitations when moving; anxiety; nightmares or Jun 22, 2017 · In the U. Both Qi Deficiency and Qi Stagnation have the same tongue picture: pale, thin white coat. The Heart and the Lungs are located in the chest. Damp-Cold in the Bladder. Precursor patterns: Heart Blood Deficiency can derive from Liver Blood Deficiency Spleen Qi Deficiency Spleen and Liver Blood Deficiency Lung and Heart Qi Deficiency Diet: A diet that is not rich in nourishment or in Blood-producing foods such as red meat, can give rise to Spleen Qi Deficiency and it causes Heart Blood Deficiency eventually. In conclusion, understanding Qi and its significance in TCM is essential to maintaining good health. Jan 11, 2019 · A person will probably not have all of these symptoms but you will probably be familiar with more than a few if you tend towards Spleen Qi Deficiency! Spleen Qi is very easily improved with diet. Bright red tongue body: A very red or . Moisture. This correlates to anemia, hot flashes, and insomnia. Diagnosing Kidney Qi Deficiency. Precursor patterns: Qi Collapsing or Qi Sinking can derive from Qi Deficiency. The coating on the tongue Jul 3, 2023 · What Is Q i Deficiency? Bloating and nausea may be present along with fatigue if you have a Qi Deficiency. The Yang is not properly moving Blood and Fluids and there is Stagnation in the body. Representative tongue imaging pictures of different syndrome patterns are shown in Fig. Worry and sadness can affect the Liver too, causing Liver Blood Deficiency. Red tongue can be treated by these herbs when caused by a lack of Yin, which is essential for cooling and moistening the body, thereby restoring balance. Side effects of some western medications (pharmaceuticals) may cause trembling of the tongue. Hi I am pretty sure I have kidney qi deficiency. Nov 23, 2023 · Qi deficiency can also affect the digestive system, resulting in poor digestion and absorption of nutrients. Deficiency Patterns. It typically progresses from a Lung Qi Deficiency that is not treated for a while and degenerates into Lung Yin Deficiency. This may show up as fatigue or impaired digestion. ST Qi Deficiency: Poor appetite, lack of taste, dull sensation in the epigastrium, weak limbs, loose stools: Pale: Empty: ST Yin Deficiency: Epigastric pain, poor appetite, heat in the 5 palms, constipation, dry mouth a/or throat, thirst w/no desire to drink: Red or peeled in the ST/SP area: Floating The characteristic features of Spleen-Qi deficiency are fatigue, asthenia, atrophied muscle, pale tongue with thin white coating and moderate, weak pulse. Blood Stagnation. In long-standing cases of Qi deficiency the tongue may become slightly Pale. Fat tongue with teeth marks. The lack of qi can cause physical and emotional symptoms to manifest. 6 The thick coat reveals an Excess factor, and a white coat may indicate a superficial Cold pathogenic factor, but, often, if Hammer-shaped Kidney yin and essence deficiency with spleen qi deficiency Uneven Sides (one side swollen, the other normal) Deficient qi & blood on one side of the body; stagnation of qi and blood on one side of the body; or lack of nourishment to the channels due to qi and blood deficiency Notch at tip Heart blood deficiency Pointed tip and Spleen Qi Deficiency can give rise to Dampness formation, which then get stored in the Large Intestine. Chinese Tongue Diagnosis Poster 18" X 24" or 24" X 36" Custom designed healthcare poster. Heart Qi Deficiency. First we look at the overall color of the tongue. Patterns aren't exactly the Chinese Medicine equivalent to Western diseases, they're rather the underlying causes behind diseases or health conditions. I am losing weight. Pale swollen tongue or with white coating. Nov 21, 2021 · Qi Stagnation Symptoms. Aug 22, 2022 · This shows the circulation of Qi and blood . When qi is deficient, qi can produce blood, and when blood is insufficient, it directly leads to deficiency of both qi and blood. The Stomach Qi should be strong enough to generate a thin clear or thin white coating. Yang Deficiency – according to accompanying symptoms (ST or LU) Pale, Bright, Shiny Tongue = No coat (looks like freshly plucked chicken skin) Chronic Stomach & Spleen Qi Deficiency as well as Qi & The main symptoms are, in addition to those of Qi Deficiency: chilliness, a bright pale face, cold limbs, no thirst, a desire for hot drinks, loose stools, frequent pale urination, a Weak pulse and a Pale and wet tongue. It is mostly caused by prolonged Spleen, Stomach and Large Intestine Qi Deficiency, or even Spleen Qi Sinking. Qi Stagnation Apr 18, 2023 · Fatigue is a term used to describe an overall feeling of tiredness or a lack of energy. “A general Qi deficiency may cause fatigue, a weak pulse, and overall illness,” she notes. Nov 16, 2020 · The tongue appears pale with a thin white coating. QI DEFICIENCY. Spleen Aug 11, 2021 · TC-S in Yin deficiency syndrome was higher than that in Qi deficiency syndrome, indicating that the tongue color of Yin deficiency syndrome was brighter. Dec 10, 2024 · Signs and Symptoms of Spleen Qi Deficiency. In the case of Liver Blood and Kidney Yin Deficiency patients tend to exhibit empty (Xu) or floating (Fu) pulses as well as a red tongue with complete absence of coating. Qi and Blood is more likely to stagnate in this case. Mar 16, 2017 · Mineral or vitamin deficiency. Precursor patterns: Phlegm can derive from Damp-Heat in the Liver Spleen Yang Deficiency Stomach Qi Deficiency Heart Blood Stagnation Spleen Qi Sinking Stomach Yang Deficient and Cold Stomach Qi Stagnation Spleen Blood Deficiency Spleen not controlling Blood Damp-Heat invading the Spleen Spleen and Lung Qi Deficiency Obstruction Of the Spleen By Dampness with Liver Qi Stagnation Acid reflux might be due to Spleen Qi Deficiency if the condition is paired with typical pattern symptoms such as pale complexion, weak voice, poor appetite and loose stools. The healthy tongue has balanced mobile (Yang) and moist (Yin) qualities. Recognizing these signs is crucial in identifying and addressing Qi deficiency. The treatment principle is to moisten the Lungs, nourish Lung Yin and Liver Blood, The Spleen is the origin of Blood because Grain Qi (Gu Qi) produced by the Spleen is Blood's key component. Green Tongue Body. Treatment Principle: Tonify and warm Spleen Yang; Points: This also causes the nausea as Dampness prevents Stomach-Qi from descending (Qi becomes Rebellious). The tongue is typically given special attention in diagnosis of Qi deficiency by Chinese Medicine Pathology. Blood deficiency and stasis with qi deficiency or blood heat syndrome (Zheng pattern) is common in patients with CKD. Qi deficiency can mean lack of energy, to remedy this, you need to have enough body rest, sleep and avoid doing lots of tasks at the same time to time to avoid stress. in tropical summer for instance). The pale tongue with a thin coating and a thin, wiry pulse are diagnostic signs. In the case of Spleen or Kidney Yang Deficiency patients tend to exhibit deep (Chen) or fine (Xi) pulses as well as a pale tongue. Printed on heavy weight HP satin finish paper. This condition can arise from various factors, including habitual pressing of the tongue against teeth or underlying health conditions. The characteristic features of Spleen-Qi deficiency are fatigue, asthenia, atrophied muscle, pale tongue with thin white coating and moderate, weak pulse. Jun 18, 2021 · TCM Formulas To Harmonize Liver Qi. Available laminated. Warms the Body. Apr 15, 2017 · QI-DEFICIENCY TONGUES. Tongue body color and location of the color 2. Like Qi Deficiency and Blood Deficiency (see below), a Yang Deficiency tongue is pale. The Qi Deficiency of these two Organs slows down the flow of Qi in the chest and thus the result of Qi Stagnation. Spleen Qi Sinking The bulging shape of the tongue will exert pressure of the tongue will exerts pressure of the teeth arch causing marks to appear on the edges of the tongue. Causes and Treatment: Qi Deficiency results from poor diet, stress, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. Individuals with qi deficiency in the tongue have the following symptoms – tender texture, red tongue, or a lack of body fluid. And I have Liver stagnation too I know. patient is so predisposed, Qi deficiency may lead to Blood deficiency, characterized by dryness of the body, and increasing anxiety. I would go by sign and symptoms for Yang deficiency. Nov 15, 2023 · A very moist tongue suggests a deficiency of Yang, which probably points to Spleen Yang deficiency in the first place, and consequently a build-up of Damp. If the concern is with the teeth marks and the body of the tongue that could be due to a spleen deficiency or some dampness lingering in the body. A trembling, pale tongue indicates Deficient Qi. Precursor patterns: Spleen and Heart Blood Deficiency can derive from Liver Blood Deficiency Spleen Qi Deficiency Diet poor in Blood-producing foods: A diet lacking in Blood-producing foods such as meat and grains leads to Blood Deficiency in general and Spleen Blood Deficiency specifically. Coating Mar 14, 2021 · When we take in this flower Qi it can help us heal too. In the past, traditional tongue diagnosis depended on the subjective and qualitative observation by a TCM Excess or Deficiency, Qi Deficiency, Cold from Excess, neoplasm or trauma The disharmony of Blood Excess that leads to a purple tongue body is referred to as Blood Stagnation, so for example when describing a specific pattern, a TCVM clinician would say “Heart Blood Stagnation” instead of “Heart Blood Excess” Qi Stagnation. Qi Deficiency is typical if someone struggles with low energy, poor appetite, shortness of breath with exertion, bloating/gas, and worry. WHAT WEAKENS QI? Too much physical work or working out. The main difference is that in Qi Deficiency, it is the Qi's transformation function that is mostly at fault, while in Yang Tongue diagnosis has long been an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). g. Research published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences lists other signs of a Qi deficiency. Additional foods to encourage Qi circulation are radish, cardamom, carrots, corn, peas, cloves, and caraway. A tongue with pale color can be a sign of blood deficiency [10,11,, , ]. Giovanni Maciocia discusses tongue diagnosis, including the importance of colour, shape and coating in Chinese medicine, complete with tongue photos. Tongue coating color 6. Feel sad hopeless frustrated a lot. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following tongue coat qualities on a pale tongue body indicates Qi Deficiency? Thin, white coat Thin, white coat with teeth marks Wet, swollen with teeth marks Dry coat, A tongue coating that is getting thicker indicates: A pathogen that is getting weaker A pathogen that is getting strong A pathogen that is Shen Qi Si Wu Tang is a 6-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Look at the pulse to determine which pattern is manifesting:Qi Stagnation > Wiry/String-taut pulse Qi Deficiency > Weak or Thready/Thin pulsePale, white coat implies Excess ColdPale, red edges with a thin, white coat implies Accompanying symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, a pale tongue, and a deficient pulse, indicating a deeper energy imbalance. Jul 22, 2022 · How do I know if I have Qi deficiency? Stanton reveals a few symptoms that are commonly linked with this deficiency. Ex. Tongue Body. The Spleen and Stomach are closely related, the Deficiency of one Organ's Qi affect the other one. How Do I Know If I Have Yin Deficiency? Internal Deficiency. In particular one has to know how to differentiate between different types of pulses and tongue coatings, shapes and colors as well as learn to read from a long list of seemingly unrelated symptoms. Diet: Unbalanced diet and bad eating habits are the major reasons for this pattern. —> EaseTonic EaseTonic is based on one of the most legendary formulas—Xiao Yao San—for improving Qi circulation in the Liver channel. Small or thin tongue: This indicates a deficiency of qi (气) and blood (血). In the next handout in the series, entitled Treatment of Spleen Qi Deficiency Disorders, well discuss these patterns, and how to Causes. And Liver-Qi deficiency usually will give rise to Liver-Blood Deficiency to some extent. If there is inadequate amount of Yang energy to warm the body or internal Organs, a general hypoactivity of the organic processes occurs, hence the patient is tried and not willing to move. Pale tongue with little to no coating, there could also be teeth marks A hammer-shaped tongue usually indicates Spleen, Stomach, and Kidney Deficiency; This tongue is almost always indicative of a serious condition and may indicate mental illness; Local Swelling on One Side. and other Western nations, qi is much like what we think of as bodily “energy,” which is why a qi deficiency can have a negative impact on our health. It is a common symptom of stomach problems. Invented in 1247, it belongs to the category of formulas that tonify Qi. ActiveHerb has two formulas that may help overcome Liver Qi stagnation and other diagnostic patterns that hinder proper organ function. This study aimed to identify the common processes and criteria for diagnosing QD among contemporary proficient TCM practitioners. Lung Qi Deficiency. And since the Stomach and Spleen are such intrinsically linked Organs, deficiency in one induces deficiency in the other. Swollen tongue: A swollen tongue with teeth marks indicates dampness and spleen deficiency. It is hard to say if there is Yang deficiency, my first thought wasn't Yang deficiency when i first saw this tongue. Tongue swelling with ridges on the sides could indicate a mineral or vitamin deficiency. Fatty liver. அறிவியல்புரம் | qi deficiency tongue pictures | அறிவியல் | செய்திகள் | அரசியல் Apr 24, 2024 · YANG DEFICIENCY. Typical symptoms include dry skin, dry mouth, dry nose, dry cough, dry lips and dry tongue. What is liver qi stagnation tongue? In TCM, the tongue is an important diagnostic tool to identify the underlying causes of liver qi stagnation. The balance of fluid within the body can sometimes show itself through the moisture levels of the tongue. Jun 23, 2022 · The shape of the tongue is important as it should be plump but not too plump. Damp-Heat in the Bladder. If the functions of the organ system are impaired, Qi Deficiency can occur. A swollen tongue indicates “qi deficiency”. The Lungs govern Qi and respiration. If Yin Deficiency is a lack of cooling energy, a deficiency of yang energy is the opposite. Weak Qi can manifest as coldness. Lung Qi Deficiency Yang Deficiency is an Empty-Cold condition characterized by Coldness and Deficiency. The risk of CKD dialysis increases with increasing ecchymosis. This can make you feel tired all the time, weak, or even cause shortness of breath. Diagnosing Spleen Deficiency. Diet: Prolonged and excessive intake of hot, greasy, fatty, fried or contaminated/unclean foods can cause this pattern. Paleness indicates blood deficiency and redness indicates inflammation or Diagnosing Qi Deficiency Fever. Pale red tongue covered by white coating together with deep pulse, which is diagnosed by tongue and pulse examination from TCM, exhibited lung–kidney's Qi-deficiency. Precursor patterns: Large Intestine Dryness can derive from Stomach Qi Deficiency Dry and warm weather : Some dry and warm environment can cause this pattern. An ideal tongue is a healthy pink, not too pale or too red. . It is because the Heart opens to the tongue. Delve into the causes and explore natural TCM remedies for effective relief and wellness. Localized swelling of the tongue with a normal tongue body colour indicates Qi Deficiency See full list on meandqi. The Qi Deficiency in the Stomach progressively induces a Yin Deficiency since Stomach is the source of Yin. Spleen-Yang deficiency is characterized by cold limbs, fear of cold, puffy pale tongue with slippery coating and slow fine pulse. Diagnosing a pattern in Chinese Medicine is no easy feat and should be left to professional practitioners. Read more about Shen Qi Si Wu Tang In the case of Liver Qi Stagnation that transforms into Heat patients tend to exhibit rapid (Shu) or wiry (Xian) pulses as well as a red tongue with yellow coating. perAll has a higher diagnostic value for thick coating, and the higher the value, the thicker the tongue coating. If you have a liver qi stagnation, your tongue may appear reddish-purple, and a thin white coating may be present. Yang Deficiency. A pale tongue is common for people when they are feeling fatigued and for women especially after their periods. Tongue #1 is pale and puffy and there are slight teethmarks. Jul 29, 2020 · QI DEFICIENCY. Read more about Spleen Qi Deficiency here Precursor patterns: Lung Yang Deficiency can derive from Kidney Yang Deficiency Lung Qi Deficiency. A Deficiency of Body Fluids can cause Yin Deficiency but it can also be caused by a Yin Deficiency. Easily frustrated. Hemodialysis can affect saliva, tongue coating and relieve heat syndrome among ESRD patients. There are a few different ways that your Qi can become deficient and need some restoration. On the other hand, a pale tongue could mean that there is not enough heat in the body, or that there is a deficiency of qi or blood. TCM works on the basis that qi is everywhere in the body, so a qi deficiency in one body system or organ might cause different symptoms to a qi deficiency in another. The focus of treatment in this pattern is to nourish the blood, moisten dryness, dispel wind, and alleviate itching, which is essential for conditions involving chronic itching skin disorders due to blood deficiency, contrasting with formulas that focus on Tongue diagnosis is crucial in TCM syndrome differentiation. In TCM, the Spleen is the production site for vital substances such as qi, blood and fluids. However the condition is not severe as it is mostly on exertion and not full-blown symptoms of bronchitis or asthma. Physical Signs of Qi Deficiency. The kind of food that most nourishes the Spleen is often that we would use to recuperate after illness – soups, stews, easily digestible. Trending 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999 – Spiritual Meaning Sep 1, 2014 · Qi deficiency (QD), one of the most common disorders in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is relevant to many disorders in obstetrics and gynecology. The redder the tongue, the greater is the amount of heat. Gain insights into scalloped tongue through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Me & Qi. perAll is the ratio of tongue coating area to total tongue area. Similarly, patients with Spleen Qi Deficiency typically exhibit soggy (Ru) or weak (Ruo) pulses as well as a pale tongue. When there's a Qi Deficiency, it means your body doesn't have enough of this essential energy. Weak Qi can cause conditions such as uterine prolapse or sagging skin. A qi deficiency is said to create Jan 25, 2024 · In TCM, the most common causes are related to Qi deficiency and spleen dysfunction. If left untreated Heart Qi Deficiency can lead to Heart Yang Deficiency. We prescribed traditional herbal medicine decoction to benefit the lung and kidney by tonifying Qi. If left untreated Gallbladder Deficiency can lead to Heart Qi Deficiency. This results in Blood Deficiency and the absence of menstruation. Emotional stress: Emotions that affect the Heart and may cause Heart Blood Deficiency include anxiety, worry, sadness and grief. Qi deficiency also affects the voice. What causes the sweet taste in the mouth (or sometimes the absence of taste) is because the Spleen opens into the mouth: disruption to its normal behavior will have repercussions in the mouth. If the tongue sits off-center in the mouth, early or full-blown Wind stroke may be present. Hemodialysis can affect saliva, tongue coating, and relieve heat syndrome among ESRD patients. Though her persona is that of a Liver excess personality (even going so far as to imitate the Liver excess tongue), she appears to be more of a Spleen deficient/Heart excess type. As a result, it causes Liver Qi Deficiency. The pattern get more obvious during winter season and in cold highland areas. The tongue should fit in the mouth without swelling and pressing into the teeth. Internal Deficiency includes symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, involuntary sweating, dizziness, poor memory, timidity, soft spoken voice, lack of appetite, loose stools, pallor and palpitations. Mar 8, 2021 · Individuals with qi deficiency in the tongue have the following symptoms – tender texture, red tongue, or a lack of body fluid. Read more about Ba Zhen Tang The top herbs in Guo Qi Yin are Dong Quai (Dang Gui) , Prepared Rehmannia (Shu Di huang) and Szechuan Lovage Roots (Chuan Xiong) Precursor patterns: Damp-Heat invading the Spleen can derive from Spleen Qi Deficiency Exterior hot and humid environment: More commonly the weather (e. Spleen Qi Deficiency often predisposes the patient for the development of Dampness in the Bladder. Therefore there will be shortness of breath and coughing in case of Lung Qi Deficiency. Internal Wind may also present with a green tongue body. Practitioners say that qi is a person's energy or life force, often related to the spleen. Accompanying symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, a pale tongue, and a deficient pulse, indicating a deeper energy imbalance. You can think of EaseTonic as Deficient Stomach Qi fails to descend. If you feel cold even if the weather is pleasant, you may have this pattern. Kidney Yang Deficiency (would also be swollen) Pale Dry Tongue = Blood Deficiency . A thin tongue can indicate Blood or Qi deficiency. Qi Deficiency in TCM is like running low on battery power. A very pale tongue may be a lack of Qi like in chronic fatigue or lack of blood like in anemia. A small or thin tongue can indicate either “blood deficiency” or “yin deficiency”. Liver Blood Deficiency. Tongue shape and size. Qi deficiency is common in people who have low energy, fatigue, gas, bloating, other digestion issues, poor appetite, shortness of breath with exertion, and who worry and overthink things a lot. The tongue property of Yang-Qi Deficiency is characterized by the pale tongue color, the enlarged sizes surrounding teeth marks, with watery and slippery white fur. Pathology: Similar pattern to Spleen Qi Deficiency but has symptoms of Cold because Spleen Yang fails to warm the body. Dryness suggests a lack of fluids, especially of Blood but also can point to Heat. The Gallbladder represents the Yang aspect of the Liver so, when it is deficient, Liver-Qi is also deficient. The tongue also has a “map” of the organs, with the tip of the tongue indicating the Heart element. Coating – A Protective Veil: The coating on the tongue offers insights into the digestive system. The tongue body color indicates the body’s internal temperature. Symptoms vary widely, as every organ and every process of the body has its own qi associated with it. Shortness of breath is also caused by this poor descending of qi and weak respiration. Jul 18, 2023 · The concept of qi deficiency comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition to the change in color on your tongue, symptoms can manifest in the form of breathlessness, fatigue, and cold Feb 12, 2021 · A swollen tongue, as mentioned earlier, can indicate Qi deficiency, but in some cases can also indicate a Heat pattern, so both color and coating must be considered. A tongue with dark purple color and ecchymosis is often caused by blood stasis. It’ll deprive the different organs of nourishment and suppress their Causes. According to Five Phases theory, Earth (the Spleen) is the Mother of Metal (the Lungs). The swollen tongue shape indicates accumulation of fluids, often caused by Deficient Qi or Yang. Are the classics there? How is Qi Deficiency Diagnosed? – Tongue Diagnose and More. Learn about over 30 possible causes, from stress to taking certain medications. The tongue appears pale with scalloped edges and a thin white coat. Precursor patterns: Obstruction Of the Spleen By Dampness with Liver Qi Stagnation can derive from Spleen Qi Deficiency Greasy and dairy foods: The excessive consumption of fried, fatty or greasy food as well as dairy products can create Dampness in the Spleen, which will in turn trigger Liver Qi Stagnation by hampering the free flow of Qi. Stomach and Spleen Yin Deficiency usually derives from Stomach and Spleen Qi Deficiency. The patients Precursor patterns: Stomach Yin Deficiency can derive from Stomach Heat or Fire Kidney Yin Deficiency Stomach Qi Deficiency Stomach Yang Deficient and Cold Rebellious Liver Qi invading the Stomach Heat in the Large Intestine Large Intestine Dryness. jxbvix vqoo dkidg gwdnv whw ebfect ygr odaa kljhpgvv lbvn